ABEXIT - is it time for Alberta to think about leaving Canada?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
What's your beef, again? Saskatchewan is finally a "have" Province after 150 years of "have not"? There's a good reason to commit treason?
Have not except for the billions just in grain that could only go to Ontario so they could sell it on the open market and, . . . wait for it, . . . make billions for doing nothing. Same with beef no doubt.

Sometimes a bad penny is just a bad penny. In this case Ontario and Quebec are aligned with the UK and France rather than they see Western Canada as being as important as they are.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It should go to Dawson Creek and then Grande Prairie rather than Edmonton, The inlet above is straighter and longer, the move away from established centers is the way to go and saying anything else is pacifying the people that already live there. Vancouver already has enough oil and gas for local consumption, adding a line for exports that will never happen is just stupid, that is why it gets so much backing and why the people of BC just want the money that comes with building and operating. Right of ways will cost a lot compared to a more norther route that is mostly crown land, until speculators get a look at the route and then they buy that property up so Canada can buy it back at 1,000x the price they paid for it.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The site looks wonderful but we're talking about replacing Vancouver, which would require at least 3 highway accesses with a total of probably 30 lanes. Could they be built in that country? How about an airport the size of the one in Richmond? Flat land is very scarce in that country! Kitimat would probably be preferable.
Why would you have to replace Vancouver's port. Can it double the goods coming in that are destined for the interior that is north of Edmonton. Why open a 2nd port to serve just lower Canada when the people that need many types of goods that are stupidly expensive because it has to be moved through lower Canada first. It makes a ton of 'free money' for those companies and robs the people in the north as most good become too expensive, . . . by design.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
This is Bloomer's post from earlier in this thread :
The idea is growing!!!!
The movement is growing fast..
Two Paths For Alberta Separation
Should Alberta Join Montana?
Why leaving Canada makes sense for Alberta, and U.S. would likely welcome a new state
Offer statehood to the Province of Alberta
Time to have a referendum, or wait to see if Scheer is elected.. if not.. ABEXIT

So here is a self declared foreigner ( Maybe, he's lying about that part ... why does he have to come North, periodically?) ... who is advocating the break up of Canada. This is not something that I made up.
Get this, Neo-Nazi tough guy: Every word that you post on here stays on the public record, essentially forever. It never goes away and it leaves trails on servers all over the place. If you advocate treason,it stays in the record. Canada is a nice, peaceful social democratic country, right now. If you and your Apt Right pitch succeed, the nice part can easily disappear forever leaving a nasty, divided hellhole. The Americans will certainly beat us there. They are three quarters away from the sort of Alt Right Utopia that set off the previous civil war.
You have no idea what the future will bring you but if the haters of the world like you and your fellow Yahoos succeed, it will be blood soaked and lawless.
Your traitorus posts, that will never go away could conceivably end your life, someday if the deterioration that you morons are trying to bring about finally crumbles the place enough..
Welcome to the Trumpiverse.

WTF you babbling about!! :lol:

The referendum is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it..

Borders change every day around the world.. Time for Alberta's to be redefined as part of the USA.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
WTF you babbling about!! :lol:
The referendum is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it..
Borders change every day around the world.. Time for Alberta's to be redefined as part of the USA.
You're a fecking traitor that wants to destroy Canada. You claim to be an American, living in Lethbridge and soliciting support for the break up of Canada. That makes you literally, an enemy alien.

At the very least, you should have a file open on you for publishing your seditious, anti-Canadian material and trying to elicit the support of others.

You are a traitor .... literally, legally a traitor to Canada.

... and as thick as 3-1/2 boards to not realize what you are ....


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
So many members.... overreacting to forum blather.....
You people are funny....��
That would be what your post is all about, . . . you are a retard that is all alone, . . all alone, . . . all alone.

Make the northern route an industrial zone rather than a city the size of the ones in the south are. A twinned highway and 2 heavy rail lines would cost about 25% of the proposed pipeline that has no customers except the people in the lower mainland.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You're a fecking traitor that wants to destroy Canada. You claim to be an American, living in Lethbridge and soliciting support for the break up of Canada. That makes you literally, an enemy alien.

At the very least, you should have a file open on you for publishing your seditious, anti-Canadian material and trying to elicit the support of others.

You are a traitor .... literally, legally a traitor to Canada.

... and as thick as 3-1/2 boards to not realize what you are ....

This is in the wrong department, I believe there's one dedicated to jokes! :)

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
... and save the millions we send over there yearly.

If it were only millions, maybe we could overlook things

You're a fecking traitor that wants to destroy Canada. You claim to be an American, living in Lethbridge and soliciting support for the break up of Canada. That makes you literally, an enemy alien.

At the very least, you should have a file open on you for publishing your seditious, anti-Canadian material and trying to elicit the support of others.

You are a traitor .... literally, legally a traitor to Canada.

... and as thick as 3-1/2 boards to not realize what you are ....

Ottawa is doing a bang-up job all on their own relative to destroying the country.

This ridiculous game of pitting region against region, let alone the regional and socioeconomic discord they promote through the tax system is yielding the desired results for the honorable end game of - you guessed it - simply getting elected for their own personal ends.

Face facts, there is no interest in Ottawa seeking the overall best interests of all regions, not when the vote is decided in 2 provinces.

That said, direct your angst and drama towards the body where it belongs, the Fed gvt


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yes, I have and while at great expense it is possible to marginally improve the highway, Prince Rupert will NEVER be a port of Vancouver's dimensions or I'll eat my hat. Have you driven Highway 16 from Terrace to Prince Rupert?
Since it had $600M in repairs? No. Have you?

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
So you want to separate from Canada so that you can have more money. The richest part of the country demands more, more, more, or else! Greed over love of your country ...


The worst kind of grasping, snivelling traitors, too.

LOL - guess you can't read! Where did you get out of what I said whereby I said anything about separating.

In fact, I disagree with separation as we wouldn't be any further ahead. However, with the right people in power, it will be to our advantage to remain as part of Canada and all Canadians will benefit once that come about.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
LOL - guess you can't read! Where did you get out of what I said whereby I said anything about separating.
In fact, I disagree with separation as we wouldn't be any further ahead. However, with the right people in power, it will be to our advantage to remain as part of Canada and all Canadians will benefit once that come about.
Your referendum would fall as flat as a pancake anyway, seeing as Alberta and the West in general is at least half non-westerners, these days.

Boomer is stills traitor for desiring the demise of the country that keeps his sorry ass.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Who made the deal?
All the leaders did, that is why they got the job in the first place. Team player even id treason against Canada is part of the package. Stops people from getting uppity I guess.
Are you being an ignorant troll or are are you really that naive?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The Clarity Act (Bill C-20)

Published Online April 22, 2013
Last Edited July 14, 2014

Bill C-20, the bill known as the Clarity Act gives effect to the requirement for clarity set out by the Supreme Court of Canada in the Québec Secession Reference.

Bill C-20
Bill C-20, the bill known as the Clarity Act gives effect to the requirement for clarity set out by the Supreme Court of Canada in the Québec Secession Reference. It is the interpretation of the Court that the federal government give "political actors" the responsibility of returning the right to determine, what, among other things, constitutes a question and a clear majority after a referendum that one province or territory initiates with a view to secession from Canada.

Bill C-20 also defines in article 3, under what prior conditions the federal government is subject to political obligation to negotiate secession resulting from a referendum that has satisfied the requirements for clarity as defined in articles 1 and 2 of the Act.

The bill was introduced in Parliament on 13 December 1999 by the Liberal government of Prime Minister Jean Chrétien. Despite criticism on both sides of the House of Commons, the bill eventually passed through Parliament, receiving royal assent on 29 June the following year.

According to Bill C-20, only the House of Commons has the power to vote on the clarity of the question and the majority; yet the exclusion of the Senate's power to hold a vote on these issues calls into question the principle of the two chamber system entrenched in the Constitution. As to the government's refusal to recognize the right of Aboriginal peoples to participate in negotiations on territorial division - this directly affects ancestral rights and treaty issues that were recognized in the Constitution.

Legal opposition could conclude the bill invalid. Concerned groups, including the Québec Cree, had already expressed their intentions of bringing the debate before the courts.

Although the Québec government had expressed strong and clear opposition to Bill C-20, and had countered with Bill 99 to deny the legal and political impact of the federal bill, public opinion in Québec remained deaf to the rallying calls of the sovereignist forces.

Bill C-20 was rather favourably received across the country. Nevertheless, the federal government preferred to defend the country's integrity by making the conditions of a province's secession especially difficult, rather than affirming the unity and indivisibility of Canada through the constitutional route, like several Western democracies