9/11, an inside job?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Hate to tell you but that dosen't prove anything you have stated.

Hate to tell you but so what?

Are you interpreting what I said into a conspiracy theorist jab? The only inside job was the cover-my-ass-so-I-don't-catch-hell shuffle after the fact. I bet that's familiar ground to you....


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Hate to tell you but so what?

Are you interpreting what I said into a conspiracy theorist jab? The only inside job was the cover-my-ass-so-I-don't-catch-hell shuffle after the fact. I bet that's familiar ground to you....

No, just telling you that what you have stated proves nothing, if it's even true.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009

Why didn't WTC 5 and/or 6 fall down or burn down? WTC 7 was not hit by a plane. The official story is that it burnt down after being hit by debris. The story behind the construction of WTC 7 is that it was impossible to burn down and the debris that got there, if any, was not sufficient to do enough damage to WTC 7 to make it fall down even with the aid of fire.

I'm not going to side with conspiracy nuts here, but the official explanation doesn't cover the bases.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007

Why didn't WTC 5 and/or 6 fall down or burn down? WTC 7 was not hit by a plane. The official story is that it burnt down after being hit by debris. The story behind the construction of WTC 7 is that it was impossible to burn down.

I'm not going to side with conspiracy nuts here, but the official explanation doesn't cover the bases.

So now you want to play?:lol:

To funny and to late.:roll:



Time Out
Jun 10, 2009

Why didn't WTC 5 and/or 6 fall down or burn down? WTC 7 was not hit by a plane. The official story is that it burnt down after being hit by debris. The story behind the construction of WTC 7 is that it was impossible to burn down and the debris that got there, if any, was not sufficient to do enough damage to WTC 7 to make it fall down even with the aid of fire.

I'm not going to side with conspiracy nuts here, but the official explanation doesn't cover the bases.

My link to the debunking 9/11 website covers every aspect of why it fell in great detail,really,everyone who wants answers should read that site first before posting,hundreds of thousands of hours were put into fact finding and showing exactly what happened and why.They are very thorough.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
My link to the debunking 9/11 website covers every aspect of why it fell in great detail,really,everyone who wants answers should read that site first before posting,hundreds of thousands of hours were put into fact finding and showing exactly what happened and why.They are very thorough.

Well gee, that would take someone to go to google and search for that stuff wouldn't it?

Seems to be a lot of kettles accusing pots of things around here.:roll::lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
20 is 9 more than 11.

If I see a guy stoned on blow with a box of Qurans should I autmatically assume he is a terrorist?

Those guys drop more Qurans in strip bars, cars, and hotels than Gideons does bibles.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Well gee, that would take someone to go to google and search for that stuff wouldn't it?

Seems to be a lot of kettles accusing pots of things around here.:roll::lol:

I'm a proud member of the fighting keyboardists on that site and spent many hours reading,researching and fighting foilers for a couple years before I realized it was futile.
Facts are lost on foilers.

Of all the debunking sites,that one is the least partisan and biased of them all.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
To me, it's that I'm-better-than-'the Foilers' closed-mindedness that makes both poles sound like they're full of crap.
The thing about fighting foilers is you HAVE to keep an open mind and go over all the possibilities thrown at you with a fine toothed comb.
Foilers never keep an open mind,they believe what they are told because they dont care about facts when their pushing their agenda which is usually against the "man".


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Is that like shouting folks down who don't think along your lines? "Fighting" seems to indicates crossfire - across the gap where truths might be hidden.

Nope,no shouting,just look at the theorys and slowly pick them apart with facts one at a time,lots of patience required to battle online with a foiler.

That's why they allways jump to a new theory or sub topic when you do pick one apart and dont even try refuting it,one of the reasons that debunking site is so large,it has to be to cover everything the foilers throw at you.

Toro is good at taking on foilers but he gave up also.
I know him from many years ago when 9/11 was in it's ct heyday.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I have resisted posting in this thread because of all the tinfoilers I was sure would show up in it, and they have. But I decided to put my $0.02 worth in tonight, aided by a few drinks at a party... No, 9/11 was not an inside job, the idea that the Bush administration could have orchestrated it is absurd, because it worked. There was a conspiracy, certainly, to cover up the incompetence of the people who could and should have prevented it, which worked about as well as anything else the Bush administration tried, and certainly the Bush administration used it shamelessly to promote its agenda, but to believe that the Bush administration did it, or the Israeli's did it as some seem to believe, is just stupid. The basic facts are clear: 19 educated middle class Islamists hijacked four airplanes and crashed two of them into the main WTC towers and a third one into the Pentagon, and the fourth crashed into a field in Pennsylvania instead of the White House thanks to some heroic work by the passengers, because they believed doing so would get them instant access to paradise in the afterlife and it's perfectly acceptable, even desirable, to murder people who don't agree with you. That's all, the rest is detail and most of it's bull****.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
20 is 9 more than 11.
Gee thanx Petros, can you show me question 20 now, of the unanswered questions. I went to 911truth.org and found that they have posted, 11 unanswered questions now.

Unless you're going by an older list where some of the questions have been answered.


New Member
Dec 16, 2005
London, Ontario
While I do not believe that 9/11 was an inside job, there are enough inconsistencies in the "facts" that lead me to believe that there was prior knowledge that was ignored.
1) On Sept 10th, Gov't Officials all canceled their reservations on commercial flights.
2) While apparantly the Gov't was ignorant of the impending attack, they were naming Bin Laden as the mastermind as the second plane was hitting the tower. I'm thinking, wow, there must be all kinds of intelligence coming to light in just 45 minutes.
3) In August 2001, John O'Neill quits the FBI due to repeated obstruction of his investigation of Al Queda. Obstruction by who?
4) Anyone who refuses to believe the Bush Administration would never sacrifice its own citizens for its own agenda, need only look at Dick Cheney as a case study. This man was on National TV a year after the Iraq connection was fully debunked, still claiming that Iraq has WMD and was connected to Bin Laden! See also his commitment to torture. The man has no morals or ethics, and I truly believe he is capable of anything.
5) Bush's assertion that he watched the first plane hit the tower in a live feed. There was no footage of that event until the following day.
So yes, it was an act of terrorism, but the American Government needs to come clean on the events of that day.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Gee thanx Petros, can you show me question 20 now, of the unanswered questions. I went to 911truth.org and found that they have posted, 11 unanswered questions now.

Unless you're going by an older list where some of the questions have been answered.
I've posted the link to the pdf 3 times.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I have resisted posting in this thread because of all the tinfoilers I was sure would show up in it, and they have. But I decided to put my $0.02 worth in tonight, aided by a few drinks at a party... No, 9/11 was not an inside job, the idea that the Bush administration could have orchestrated it is absurd, because it worked. There was a conspiracy, certainly, to cover up the incompetence of the people who could and should have prevented it, which worked about as well as anything else the Bush administration tried, and certainly the Bush administration used it shamelessly to promote its agenda, but to believe that the Bush administration did it, or the Israeli's did it as some seem to believe, is just stupid. The basic facts are clear: 19 educated middle class Islamists hijacked four airplanes and crashed two of them into the main WTC towers and a third one into the Pentagon, and the fourth crashed into a field in Pennsylvania instead of the White House thanks to some heroic work by the passengers, because they believed doing so would get them instant access to paradise in the afterlife and it's perfectly acceptable, even desirable, to murder people who don't agree with you. That's all, the rest is detail and most of it's bull****.

Bang on.:glasses11: