
Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Tell us again why anyone in the GLBTQIA+ community should just "live their lives" and stop making noise about how in danger they are?

That one of the people who took down this murderer is not only a Vet, but straight, and HE'S getting hate mail is beyond telling. And sad.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Tell us again why anyone in the GLBTQIA+ community should just "live their lives" and stop making noise about how in danger they are?

That one of the people who took down this murderer is not only a Vet, but straight, and HE'S getting hate mail is beyond telling. And sad.
Is GLBTQIA+ a typo or am I just behind?

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Very true. But the issue isn't that at all. Adults are allowed to do what they want behind closed doors & it's none of my concern. I get it as most people likely do but lets clarify my position:

It's becoming quite clear as more and more "trans people" are DE transitioning every day because they were fed the Kool aid and now realize that they made a huge mistake and will have to deal with a change in their bodies that they'll likely never get over. We still do not know what the repercussions of the so-called "medical assistance in transitioning" will do in the long term. This alone makes it a "sick" craze that and we'll hopefully see less of this B.S. in the future.

To be clear, I don't give a damn what consenting adults do in their own time - just leave our kids out of it. It's the KIDS I'm concerned with as they have no ability to consent. This is what makes it so crazy!! I do not believe for one minute that "transgendered kids" have increased by over 300% in the last few years. That is in and of itself not only dangerous but should be stopped immediately. Even adults are de transitioning so if they are, what about our kids?

I especially worry about our kids - you know, the ones that maybe have more difficulty getting to know others, maybe not sure of where their place is in the world (or in their world/family) and that's completely understandable. I went through it and I'm sure most people here have as well. But as we got older, more mature and learnt more or understood our surroundings, things eventually fell into place. That's called maturity and no right minded person should be encouraging 4, 5 or 6 year old's to transition when they likely don't even know what the bloody term means.

What is happening to our kids is unconscionable and needs to be stopped until the child is mature enough to make their own decision. That way, if they end up de transitioning, they can then know they've made the wrong decision & no one else is to blame.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Very true. But the issue isn't that at all. Adults are allowed to do what they want behind closed doors & it's none of my concern. I get it as most people likely do but lets clarify my position:

It is part of the issue, but sure, go on.

It's becoming quite clear as more and more "trans people" are DE transitioning every day because they were fed the Kool aid and now realize that they made a huge mistake and will have to deal with a change in their bodies that they'll likely never get over.

And you have proof of that, that more are 'de transitioning' than transitioning? Cause... that's not it at all.

Also question - what is 'transitioning' and 'de transitioning'? Do you know what they actually mean, understand what it means? Because there are different types of transitioning and de transitioning.

We still do not know what the repercussions of the so-called "medical assistance in transitioning" will do in the long term. This alone makes it a "sick" craze that and we'll hopefully see less of this B.S. in the future.

Actually we do for the most part. What people don't know is how blockers may affect kids, if they're taken to give the kid time to figure out if they're Trans or it is a "phase", or something else. On the flip side of that, blockers have been used for kids for years now and yes, there has been some issues, but overall it's no different than other meds, so... informed consent is still the norm here. This "sick craze" as you call it is called medicine and if you don't like it, don't involve yourself in it.

Also, if there is a kid that is "medically Transitioned" before 18, (Aka GRS) there had better be a DAMN good reason for it especially in today's climate, otherwise, GRS does NOT happen until 18, and NOT without a LOT of pre-op conditions like 2 YEARS of living as the gender they say they are, PLUS 2 to 3 doctors signing off on that yes this person is Trans and is good for the surgery (with TWO being psychologists that have followed the person, plus their family doc) and so on. So it's not like it's happening to kids at all, or willy nilly when they ARE 18.

To be clear, I don't give a damn what consenting adults do in their own time - just leave our kids out of it. It's the KIDS I'm concerned with as they have no ability to consent.

Well, if YOUR kids don't want blockers or aren't even trans, then what's it matter?

OTHER people's kids are not your concern if those parents have decided that letting their kids take blockers or HRT or "soft" transitioning (my term, not sure it's a used one) is right for them.

This is what makes it so crazy!! I do not believe for one minute that "transgendered kids" have increased by over 300% in the last few years.

They haven't. Trans kids are still a thing and have been as long as humans have been humans. It's just NOW it's "more socially acceptable (or should be)" and it's okay, compared to even ten years ago when being trans at all was wrong/evil/do not be. So more kids are comfortable coming out to say "I'm trans". Or whatever else (gay, lesbian, bi, non-binary, etc).

And even if 300% 'coming out' is a real number (not sure it is but you never know), Trans people are STILL such a small number of the population, why does it matter so much to YOU?

That is in and of itself not only dangerous but should be stopped immediately.

WTF? You want it stopped? What stopped, that kids feel safe to come out as Trans?

Even adults are de transitioning so if they are, what about our kids?

Then you should be for blockers! That way, if a kid says "Hey, I think I'm trans", they can figure it out and have time to do so without their bodies becoming 'set in stone', as it were, to a gender they may not even be. And if in the end they realize that oh they are that gender, then the blockers stop and puberty resumes as normal. But if they aren't, then the blockers can help set them up for HRT to have their body more match the gender they are, and people/society won't be so freaky about it because they don't "pass". It's a win-win!

I especially worry about our kids - you know, the ones that maybe have more difficulty getting to know others, maybe not sure of where their place is in the world (or in their world/family) and that's completely understandable.

Then perhaps be more understanding of trans kids and their desire to be the gender THEY know they are.

I went through it and I'm sure most people here have as well.

Yep, which is why I support Trans kids being who they are, and not what other people in society THINKS they are.

But as we got older, more mature and learnt more or understood our surroundings, things eventually fell into place.

LOL - maybe for some, Dix, but not all people are like that; some still have issues. And it's as if you're assuming that a kid as they mature won't be Trans if they say they are when they're younger?

That's called maturity and no right minded person should be encouraging 4, 5 or 6 year old's to transition when they likely don't even know what the bloody term means.

It's great that this ISN'T happening then, isn't it? Oh, wait, you mean "soft" transitioning, where their parents take a kid who says "I wanna wear a dress!" and lets him? Or "I wanna put on make up!" Or "I wanna be more like a boy"? I didn't know clothes scared you so much, Dix. Or make up, or kids wanting to be like "mommy" or "daddy", just that those kids may not be who YOU think they should be.

What is happening to our kids is unconscionable

It is; people pushing kids to suicide is disgusting and it's all because they aren't "normal" in their eyes needs to be called out, every single time it happens.

and needs to be stopped until the child is mature enough to make their own decision.

Funny how in all other ways parenting is all "Allow the child to make decisions, allow the child to do X or be X or think X" but when it comes to them and their gender - oh no, they don't know ANYTHING and should just STFU and do as they're told.

That way, if they end up de transitioning, they can then know they've made the wrong decision & no one else is to blame.

You're assuming that IF they de transition, that there is a blame to be had? Or that they would de transition at all?

Your stance isn't shocking or surprising, Dix; this has been your stance for a while.

Serious here Dix, and I have tried to be not my 'normal asshole self' in this reply in hopes that taking it seriously you might be able to get it: have you even educated yourself about trans kids? Have you watched videos? Read articles? TALKED to trans kids? Do you have any empathy at ALL for the hell they go through just for being trans kids who will later be trans adults and STILL not accepted by society? And realize that posts like this do not help them at all? Because they're NOT idiots. The older trans kids get, the more they realize how much society is bullshit to them, and this "oh let the kids decide when they're older" is just a delay tactic because society doesn't even accept ADULT Trans people. So you tell me, Dix, how is a trans kid NOT going to feel hopeless at that??

Do you UNDERSTAND that stuff like you've posted does not help them at all? That it only makes things WORSE for trans kids and that suicide is the 'only answer' to too many of them?

You say you're for the kids - tell me then if that's the case, which is preferable, a kid who is alive but just not the gender society thinks they are, vs. dead?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
No, it's not a typo. GLBTQIA+ - or variants of it - are just ways to cover "The community". Personally I hate it/am annoyed by it, for reasons, but... meh I get over it :p
You mean. . . you DIDN'T see it as a reason to piss and moan about how horrible everything is forever?

What the heck's the matter with you?
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Guess I have my moments of... something, something.... :p

BTW, good to see you TB.
'Sup? Spent some time in Germany fer fun.

I don't disagree with anything Dix said. Or with anything you said. Kids should learn about gender, expectations, sex, and what their rights are. Only real difference now, as you point out, is that some young folk are unhappy, sometimes to the point of suicide, with decisions they or others made. That gets folk riled up. Too bad they don't get so riled up when kids who aren't happy little Johnny Quarterbacks and Susie Cheerleaders are bullied into suicide, or flat-out murdered.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
'Sup? Spent some time in Germany fer fun.

I'm jealous, though my preferred Euro-destination would be the UK to see friends.

I don't disagree with anything Dix said. Or with anything you said. Kids should learn about gender, expectations, sex, and what their rights are. Only real difference now, as you point out, is that some young folk are unhappy, sometimes to the point of suicide, with decisions they or others made. That gets folk riled up. Too bad they don't get so riled up when kids who aren't happy little Johnny Quarterbacks and Susie Cheerleaders are bullied into suicide, or flat-out murdered.

True enough. And as someone bullied, I hate seeing kids bullied. Even stepped in once between a bully and another kid. Not enough is made of those kids either, and this "oh it's just kids, kids bully" is BS. So is the response of "just walk away". Walking away doesn't always work, but neither does violence. And bullying is a complex issue too.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

So, this is okay to you, Dix? Trans kids see this, and they shouldn't worry?

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
It is part of the issue, but sure, go on.

And you have proof of that, that more are 'de transitioning' than transitioning? Cause... that's not it at all.

Also question - what is 'transitioning' and 'de transitioning'? Do you know what they actually mean, understand what it means? Because there are different types of transitioning and de transitioning.

Actually we do for the most part. What people don't know is how blockers may affect kids, if they're taken to give the kid time to figure out if they're Trans or it is a "phase", or something else. On the flip side of that, blockers have been used for kids for years now and yes, there has been some issues, but overall it's no different than other meds, so... informed consent is still the norm here. This "sick craze" as you call it is called medicine and if you don't like it, don't involve yourself in it.

Also, if there is a kid that is "medically Transitioned" before 18, (Aka GRS) there had better be a DAMN good reason for it especially in today's climate, otherwise, GRS does NOT happen until 18, and NOT without a LOT of pre-op conditions like 2 YEARS of living as the gender they say they are, PLUS 2 to 3 doctors signing off on that yes this person is Trans and is good for the surgery (with TWO being psychologists that have followed the person, plus their family doc) and so on. So it's not like it's happening to kids at all, or willy nilly when they ARE 18.

Well, if YOUR kids don't want blockers or aren't even trans, then what's it matter?

OTHER people's kids are not your concern if those parents have decided that letting their kids take blockers or HRT or "soft" transitioning (my term, not sure it's a used one) is right for them.

They haven't. Trans kids are still a thing and have been as long as humans have been humans. It's just NOW it's "more socially acceptable (or should be)" and it's okay, compared to even ten years ago when being trans at all was wrong/evil/do not be. So more kids are comfortable coming out to say "I'm trans". Or whatever else (gay, lesbian, bi, non-binary, etc).

And even if 300% 'coming out' is a real number (not sure it is but you never know), Trans people are STILL such a small number of the population, why does it matter so much to YOU?

WTF? You want it stopped? What stopped, that kids feel safe to come out as Trans?

Then you should be for blockers! That way, if a kid says "Hey, I think I'm trans", they can figure it out and have time to do so without their bodies becoming 'set in stone', as it were, to a gender they may not even be. And if in the end they realize that oh they are that gender, then the blockers stop and puberty resumes as normal. But if they aren't, then the blockers can help set them up for HRT to have their body more match the gender they are, and people/society won't be so freaky about it because they don't "pass". It's a win-win!

Then perhaps be more understanding of trans kids and their desire to be the gender THEY know they are.

Yep, which is why I support Trans kids being who they are, and not what other people in society THINKS they are.

LOL - maybe for some, Dix, but not all people are like that; some still have issues. And it's as if you're assuming that a kid as they mature won't be Trans if they say they are when they're younger?

It's great that this ISN'T happening then, isn't it? Oh, wait, you mean "soft" transitioning, where their parents take a kid who says "I wanna wear a dress!" and lets him? Or "I wanna put on make up!" Or "I wanna be more like a boy"? I didn't know clothes scared you so much, Dix. Or make up, or kids wanting to be like "mommy" or "daddy", just that those kids may not be who YOU think they should be.

It is; people pushing kids to suicide is disgusting and it's all because they aren't "normal" in their eyes needs to be called out, every single time it happens.

Funny how in all other ways parenting is all "Allow the child to make decisions, allow the child to do X or be X or think X" but when it comes to them and their gender - oh no, they don't know ANYTHING and should just STFU and do as they're told.

You're assuming that IF they de transition, that there is a blame to be had? Or that they would de transition at all?

Your stance isn't shocking or surprising, Dix; this has been your stance for a while.

Serious here Dix, and I have tried to be not my 'normal asshole self' in this reply in hopes that taking it seriously you might be able to get it: have you even educated yourself about trans kids? Have you watched videos? Read articles? TALKED to trans kids? Do you have any empathy at ALL for the hell they go through just for being trans kids who will later be trans adults and STILL not accepted by society? And realize that posts like this do not help them at all? Because they're NOT idiots. The older trans kids get, the more they realize how much society is bullshit to them, and this "oh let the kids decide when they're older" is just a delay tactic because society doesn't even accept ADULT Trans people. So you tell me, Dix, how is a trans kid NOT going to feel hopeless at that??

Do you UNDERSTAND that stuff like you've posted does not help them at all? That it only makes things WORSE for trans kids and that suicide is the 'only answer' to too many of them?

You say you're for the kids - tell me then if that's the case, which is preferable, a kid who is alive but just not the gender society thinks they are, vs. dead?
You can't be serious! OMG we are in trouble if you really believe all that you've written! Where has common sense gone? WOW


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
You can't be serious! OMG we are in trouble if you really believe all that you've written! Where has common sense gone? WOW

So you can't honestly, and seriously, consider the effect that your words have on the very kids you say you care about? I notice you didn't even answer the most important question, Dix: "You say you're for the kids - tell me then if that's the case, which is preferable, a kid who is alive but just not the gender society thinks they are, vs. dead?" So which is it, alive trans kids, or dead ones? Or can you even ANSWER that honestly?
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
So you can't honestly, and seriously, consider the effect that your words have on the very kids you say you care about? I notice you didn't even answer the most important question, Dix: "You say you're for the kids - tell me then if that's the case, which is preferable, a kid who is alive but just not the gender society thinks they are, vs. dead?" So which is it, alive trans kids, or dead ones? Or can you even ANSWER that honestly?
If it only saves one child .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Student busted for vaping enlarges controversy for Halton high school teacher
Author of the article:Joe Warmington
Published Dec 16, 2022 • 2 minute read
Video recently surfaced on social media of a student at an unidentified school apparently vaping while sitting next to trans high school teacher Kayla Lemieux, whose controversial choice to wear Size Z prosthetic breasts and a blonde wig have been supported by the Halton District School Board.
Video recently surfaced on social media of a student at an unidentified school apparently vaping while sitting next to trans high school teacher Kayla Lemieux, whose controversial choice to wear Size Z prosthetic breasts and a blonde wig have been supported by the Halton District School Board. TikTok
A man is permitted to dress up as a busty woman inside Halton District high schools but no one is allowed to vape.

While the Halton District School Board does not have a dress code that can stop a transitioning male teacher from wearing Size Z prosthetic breasts and a blonde wig, it does have strict rules against e-cigarettes and vaping.

A new video showing a student appearing to be vaping inside a classroom, seated next to Kayla Lemieux, has drawn interest with concerned parents and the board alike. Ironically, it’s receiving greater attention from officials than the controversial wardrobe issue.

“We’re getting news that HDSB has opened an investigation into the vaping incident,” a parent told the Toronto Sun Friday.

The undated video in an unnamed school, posted to Tik Tok this week, was featured in my Thursday column on Lemieux who has been teaching over the past week in schools other than Oakville Trafalgar High School where this story started thanks to videos originally surfacing from the shop class she taught.

Even though students say they were told they face reprisal if they photograph Lemieux, some snapped images anyway.

“The fact that students are now being threatened with suspension if they attempt to photograph the teacher just looks like a CYA move from the board to reduce the chance for further embarrassment,” said one parent.

But the board has not indicated if they are investigating the vaping video to determine if Lemieux was even aware a student was partaking in the practice that is not permitted on school property. However, the board has put vaping students on notice.

“In accordance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 vaping is not allowed in schools, on school grounds, and in public areas within 20 metres of school property,” HDSB spokesperson Heather Francey said this week. “Students found vaping on school property could receive a school suspension and be fined by a By-law Officer.”

It would be so ironic if students were the ones suspended for photographing Lemieux or for vaping in front of the teacher. It would just add another layer of absurdity to the whole absurd odyssey being laughed about all over the world.

Every column the Toronto Sun publishes on this situation gets picked up by international media. The latest about the board taking Lemieux out of OTHS while recovering from a foot injury and showcasing the teacher in other schools was chronicled by both the London Daily Mail and the New York Post.

The story, photos and videos of Lemieux’s skydiving adventures were also fodder for the tabloids.

But while Lemieux is the focus of the story, the teacher is not as much the story as is the board’s woke and politically-correct stubbornness to stand by this employee’s right to identify and dress in this manner while enduring numerous bomb threats that put their students, staff and the community at risk.

At the Halton District School Board, there are rules for some people and no rules for others.

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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
So you can't honestly, and seriously, consider the effect that your words have on the very kids you say you care about? I notice you didn't even answer the most important question, Dix: "You say you're for the kids - tell me then if that's the case, which is preferable, a kid who is alive but just not the gender society thinks they are, vs. dead?" So which is it, alive trans kids, or dead ones? Or can you even ANSWER that honestly?
What words are you referring to that "effect" (as opposed to affect) that I have said about kids that would be harmful? Knowing that they have issues and dealing with them is (or at least should be) a priority. But questioning their "gender" because they are having issues is stupidity and should be the LAST thing we encourage because 99.9% of the time gender IS NOT THE ISSUE. But bury your head in the sand. We'll reap the results in the coming years with more child suicides due to their confusion, more de transitioners, more health issues for kids.

And, BTW you are wrong in stating that the medical people know what the drugs will do long term for kids. That is blatantly a lie. No research has been done (just like the current vax) to who what the long term effects are. Already, it's been shown that the females who have de transitioned back to becoming a female are having fertility issues and other health issues that were not anticipated.

The De transitioning I'm referring to is reversing the initial "transition" - i.e. back to their original gender.