Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Yeah, got it. Religion of Peace, all others are bad, and all non-believers are infidels. The public must actually see the Israeli woman taken hostage by Hamas terrorists, hauled from a trunk and shoved back into it as men around her cheer, a large red blood stain soaking through her pants between her legs.

They must see the agricultural Thai worker decapitated, while still alive, by a garden hoe. It was not sharp enough to do it in one swing.

Canadians should watch videos of families forced to watch each other’s executions. Stripped-down teen girls, both alive and dead, paraded through streets

They must hear about children and infants whose heads were cut off without mercy. About young women at a music festival gang raped while surrounded by their friends’ bullet-littered and grenade-blasted corpses.
CTV described Hamas and Israel as “exchanging airstrikes.” CBC News insists on calling Hamas a “Palestinian Islamist group” and you, Torch Light, are here selling what? What’s your sales pitch again?
How, in todays world, is Islam the religion of peace? For most Muslims, it likely is but for terrorists like Hezbollah & Hamas, it's used erroneously as propaganda by purposefully misinterpreting what the Quran actually says. It's the same as extremist Christians misinterpreting the bible. Both need to be shut down by any means necessary, especially if these extremists are violent.

Those protesting in Canada & the U.S. - looks like most are immigrants. Have they been vetted? I bet a lot of them have not been vetted at all & are here to create the chaos governments around the world actually want so they can step in & mandate rules that must be followed. Authoritarianism is on its way in both countries; Canada is ahead of the U.S. but we're both going in the same direction. We in Canada are desperate for an election to get this coward & fascist out of government.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
I was referring to Olivia Chow and a few other ALT-left dregs.

It's also funny how Trudeau can condemn the attacks but remain silent about all the Palestinians in Canada holding rallies and demonstrations to cheer terrorism, murder and kidnapping. The fucking goof incessantly whines about right-wing extremists in Canada but I guess in this case since there's no White people for him to pin it on these donkey fuckers get a free pass.
Have to wonder what happened to the Emergency Powers act all of a sudden. Or is that only to be used against Canadian citizens?
Anyone cheering the muzzie terrorists needs to have their Canadian citizenship revoked and deported.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The present situation in Gaza and Palestine:
Muslims in Palestine have their zeal for the Aqsa Mosque in the Quds/Jerusalem and the plots of the Zionists of Tel Aviv about the Aqsa Mosque.
The West (with its atheists, idolaters, disbelievers, homosexuals, adulterers, in fact those violating all God's commandments).. this West came at once to support the Zionists of Tel Aviv without paying attention to God's House of worship: the Aqsa Mosque.
Now the West (America and Europe) came altogether to support the Zionists of Tel Aviv, and they ignored who tried to kill Jesus Christ and who persecuted him, and they came to support the Zionists of Tel Aviv

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The present situation in Gaza and Palestine:

Muslims in Palestine have their zeal for the Aqsa Mosque in the Quds/Jerusalem and against the plots of the Zionists of Tel Aviv about the Aqsa Mosque.

The West (with its atheists, idolaters, disbelievers, homosexuals, adulterers, in fact those violating all God's commandments).. this West came at once to support the Zionists of Tel Aviv without paying attention to God's House of worship: the Aqsa Mosque.

Now the West (America and Europe) came altogether to support the Zionists of Tel Aviv, and they ignored that Jews were they who tried to kill Jesus Christ and persecuted him, and (America and Europe) came to support the Zionists of Tel Aviv unequivocally.

God gave to the (USA and Europe) much blessing but they were ungrateful: they reacted to be atheists, idolaters, rebellious against all God's commandments.
And they did not question why did the Palestinians attack in this way to defend the Aqsa Mosque, and did not blame the Zionists of Tel Aviv.
Now, the USA and Europe support the aggression of Tel Aviv against Gaza with their savage and brutal attack and they say frankly they want to destroy Gaza completely. Even the president of the USA said that Tel Aviv should react violently.
The USA brought their fleet to the Mediterranean Sea and gave ammunition and advanced weapon and say will use their military aircrafts to support Tel Aviv.

USA + EU + Tel Aviv X X X the Palestinians

A prayer:
God, You be glorified, You gave the USA and EU wealth and power and they became tyrants and haughty, and they support the Zionists: the enemy of Jesus Christ and Your enemy, and they support the Zionists of Tel Aviv in their transgression on Your Holy House of worship: the Aqsa Mosque....
So God Almighty show to them Your might and break their backbone and make them a lesson to their peoples; You are the Most Powerful and the Almighty. Amen.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Torch light, you do realize this has almost nothing to do with religion on either side, right? Religion is just being used as a tool for those in power to grab more power, on all sides, using religion to motivate the cannon fodder on the offensive, and to hide behind on the defensive.
Pick your team, pop some popcorn (popcorn is Halal, right?), and know this is going to be ugly no matter what happens.

Being in Iran or wherever you happen to be, you are going to hear and see things that we probably aren’t, and we are going to hear and see things that you probably aren’t going to…. So this is the place to share them.

I’m seeing things like this currently:
Or this:
Or this:

What are you seeing on your side of this conflict/Goat Rodeo/Whatever…?????
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Oh, man! That is fuckin' COLD!

You know who I feel sorry for? I feel sorry for the poor, dumb Palestinian schmuck in Gaza who, after a few years of relative peace, was finally getting to where he had a steady job and his family had heat and light and running water pretty reliably. Kids could go to school most days.

They're Hamas's REAL victims.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Oh, man! That is fuckin' COLD!

You know who I feel sorry for? I feel sorry for the poor, dumb Palestinian schmuck in Gaza who, after a few years of relative peace, was finally getting to where he had a steady job and his family had heat and light and running water pretty reliably. Kids could go to school most days.

They're Hamas's REAL victims.

Which is who a lot of people are really 'supporting' and protesting for.

Not Hamas.

But you can't tell people like Jin or Tax or anyone else, that. Hamas = all Palestine. And before "they were elected" - sure, same as any other dictatorship is elected, right?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Oh, man! That is fuckin' COLD!

You know who I feel sorry for? I feel sorry for the poor, dumb Palestinian schmuck in Gaza who, after a few years of relative peace, was finally getting to where he had a steady job and his family had heat and light and running water pretty reliably. Kids could go to school most days.

They're Hamas's REAL victims.
Public broadcaster Kan said the Israeli death toll had risen to more than 1,300. Most were civilians gunned down in their homes, on the streets or at a dance party. Scores of Israeli and foreign hostages were taken back to Gaza; Israel says it has identified 97 of them.
The full scale of the killings has emerged in recent days after Israeli forces reclaimed control of towns, finding homes strewn with bodies. They say they found women who had been raped and killed, and children who were shot and burned.
Israel has responded so far by putting Gaza, home to 2.3 million people, under total siege and launching by far the most powerful bombing campaign in the 75-year history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, destroying whole neighbourhoods.
1697115638120.jpegIsrael said on Thursday there would be no humanitarian exceptions to its siege of the Gaza Strip until ALL its hostages were freed, after the Red Cross pleaded for fuel to be allowed in to prevent overwhelmed hospitals from "turning into morgues".
Gaza authorities say 1,354 Palestinians have been killed and more than 6,000 have been wounded in the bombing.
Israeli Energy Minister Israel Katz said there would be no exceptions to the siege without freedom for Israeli hostages.
"Humanitarian aid to Gaza? No electrical switch will be lifted, no water hydrant will be opened and no fuel truck will enter until the Israeli hostages are returned home. Humanitarian for humanitarian. And nobody should preach us morals," Katz posted on social media platform X.
Tehran has celebrated the Hamas attacks but denied being behind them. Biden said a deployment of military ships and aircraft closer to Israel should be seen as a signal to Iran to stay out of the conflict.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Y'all are dancing around trying not to look antisemitic. Being disturbed by the actions of the Israel Govt (which isnt all Jews) isnt antisemitic.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Palestine is not Hamas, but Hamas represents Gaza which is Palestine, unless I’m understanding incorrectly

The newly elected PLC met for the first time on 18 February 2006.[2] Incumbent Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei tendered his resignation on 26 January 2006, but remained interim Prime Minister at the request of President Mahmoud Abbas. On 20 February, Hamas leader Ismail Haniya was nominated to form a new government. The new government with Haniya as Prime Minister was sworn in on 29 March. These were the last contested elections to be held before Hamas took over the Gaza Strip in 2007; no new elections have been held since.

Yeah... no. If Gaza hasn't had elections since 2007, you nor anyone can claim Hamas represents Palestinians.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Ok, been a crazy day, and I’m taking a breather…. So this three minutes is part of my mental reset before I go tackle more stuff.

Who is in control of Gaza? Who is making the decisions for Gaza? Who represents the Palestinians in Gaza? Who decides what the garbage men get paid, or when it’s time to replace a sewer in Gaza? Who governs Gaza?

Yes, there hasn’t been an election there since 2007, leaving, who in control? Who decides what portion of the aid money for Palestine/Gaza goes to Gaza & what portion is used to build more tunnels, etc…?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Ok, been a crazy day, and I’m taking a breather…. So this three minutes is part of my mental reset before I go tackle more stuff.

Who is in control of Gaza?


Who is making the decisions for Gaza?


Who represents the Palestinians in Gaza?

No one.

Who decides what the garbage men get paid, or when it’s time to replace a sewer in Gaza? Who governs Gaza?

No one.

Yes, there hasn’t been an election there since 2007, leaving, who in control?

Do you mean who is officially recognized by the International Community to be the leader of Gaza?

Not Hamas.

Hamas just thinks it's in control, because after elections they kicked out the Fatah and took control. A coup d'état might give someone power, but that doesn't mean they're recognized as the legitimate power in control.

But do you blame the people, or the dictator, when the dictator begins to do exactly as Hamas has done? When there are either no elections to give the people their representation, or when there is an election, and after that a group/leader takes control "for the good of the people", or there are 'pretend elections' as if to give people the appearance of a voice but in reality they're actual, true, corrupt elections, do we blame the people, or do we blame the dictator/party in power?

Right now, Gaza under Hamas is no different than North Korea under the Kim dynasty. Or Cuba for that matter. Venezuela, a lot of the African Middle Countries...

In the end, the people who control the power, the water, the food, the aid going into Gaza, is Israel.

Who decides what portion of the aid money for Palestine/Gaza goes to Gaza & what portion is used to build more tunnels, etc…?

Aid money has been up and down since 2007 when Hamas took over, and goes to the PA when it's there, NOT Hamas.

What money does get to Hamas eventually, is not international aid, rather it's more along the lines of direct 'donations'. Like some other country giving them cash, or it's through corruption of the PA.

Hamas is nothing but a terrorist gang - kind'a like the Taliban - focused on the destruction of Israel.

PALESTINIANS are not Hamas. But they can BECOME Hamas through propaganda and Israel's continuing abuses against Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank and even the Heights. For every Palestinian home razed by Israel illegally, for every Palestinian death from Israeli IDF soldiers (soldiers with gear vs. rock throwers, I'm not talking those who use guns or rockets or grenades, etc), for every Palestinian killed for no reason at all, hell, for anyone that Hamas can use as proof to show Israel in a bad light, that is one more Palestinian who begins to believe maybe Hamas is right.

Because when you live in a near virtual prison and the inmates are ruled by insanity, what do you expect to eventually happen?

That's why the median age in Gaza is 18.

Living a long life does NOT happen; you're lucky if you get to have a family.

And the difference between Hamas and Israel is that it DOES hold, we expect, free and fair elections (for now). And they have elected, BY CHOICE, the current right wing/leaning Government. Or rather, they elected people to the Knesset and enough of them are far right enough or right leaning to form the majority ruling Government. But next election cycle, they could actually kick out the right wingers and have a different government all together.

Gaza hasn't had that luxury since 2007.

What Hamas has done is insane, beyond disgusting, beyond... well there are words but it does NOT in any way, shape or form adequately tell of the brutality. And Hamas deserves what it gets in retaliation from Israel. To be blunt - find every Hamas member (provable) and you can either kill them straight off for you do not give the rabid dog a chance to bite you or others and spread it's disease, OR you do to Hamas what was done to the people they attacked, becoming exactly what Hamas is, and what Hamas says the rest of the world is.

But PALESTINIANS, the actual non-Hamas Palestinians who just want to fucking live? They don't deserve any of that.

But then neither do Israeli's who just want to live and not worry about their homes or places being attacked. The sad irony of that is they DO get to choose their leadership and have chosen people who are their version of Hamas with how they want to destroy Palestine/Palestinians/Gaza/The West Bank.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank. In 2007, Hamas led a military victory over Fatah, the secular Palestinian nationalist party, which had dominated the Palestinian National Authority.

As a result, Palestinian PresidentMahmoud Abbas declared state of emergencyand released Hamas Prime Minister Haniye – a move not recognized by the Hamas party, which de facto continued administration and military control of the Gaza Strip, while in the PNA controlled West Bank another government was established with Fatah domination.


Some 24,000 civil servants hired by the Islamist group Hamas, many of whom have not received a full salary in almost a year, finally got some pay on Wednesday from the new Palestinian unity government based in the West Bank.

The funds were supplied by the gas-rich kingdom of Qatar, which is an ally of Hamas. But the fact the cash was delivered by the West Bank administration gave a boost to hopes that the unity pact between Palestinian rivals might bear fruit.

Who decides what the Garbage Men are paid in Gaza? Surprisingly, this turned into a difficult question to answer:
  • Fear and confusion in Gaza after the Israeli army tells more than 1 million trapped Palestinians living in the north of besieged enclave to move south within 24 hours ahead of expected ground offensive.
  • UN says mass relocation “impossible”, could have devastating consequences. Hamas calls Israeli warning “fake propaganda”, tells residents to ignore order.

  • Iran says that this is Israel’s fault if that’s any balance though, but it doesn’t mention any fault on the part of Hamas for the last week. Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said on Thursday that the continuation of crimes against Palestinians will receive a response from "the rest of the axis" and Israel will be responsible for the consequences.
Israel’s army has ordered the evacuation of all civilians living in Gaza City and in the north of the Gaza Strip ahead of a feared ground offensive on the besieged enclave.

The directive came on Friday on the heels of what the United Nations said was a warning they received from Israel to evacuate 1.1 million people living in the north of Gaza within 24 hours.

The order, which comes on the seventh day of a war and “total blockade” declared by Israel following an unprecedented Hamas incursion and deadly attack, directs residents of Gaza City to flee deeper south into the Gaza Strip, a narrow coastal territory that is home to about 2.3 million people.

Israel’s directive charged that Hamas fighters were hiding in tunnels under Gaza City.

“This evacuation is for your own safety,” the Israeli military said, in a warning it said was sent to Gaza City civilians.

“You will be able to return to Gaza City only when another announcement permitting it is made. Do not approach the area of the security fence with the State of Israel,” it added in a statement.
It warned that “in the following days”, the Israeli army “will continue to operate significantly in Gaza City and make extensive efforts to avoid harming civilians”.

Hamas, the group running the Gaza Strip, said the Israeli army’s evacuation warning was “fake propaganda”.
The Hamas Authority for Refugee Affairs also told residents in the north to “remain steadfast in your homes and to stand firm in the face of this disgusting psychological war waged by the occupation”.