Ok, been a crazy day, and I’m taking a breather…. So this three minutes is part of my mental reset before I go tackle more stuff.
Who is in control of Gaza?
Who is making the decisions for Gaza?
Who represents the Palestinians in Gaza?
No one.
Who decides what the garbage men get paid, or when it’s time to replace a sewer in Gaza? Who governs Gaza?
No one.
Yes, there hasn’t been an election there since 2007, leaving, who in control?
Do you mean who is officially recognized by the International Community to be the leader of Gaza?
Not Hamas.
Hamas just thinks it's in control, because after elections they kicked out the Fatah and took control. A coup d'état might give someone power, but that doesn't mean they're recognized as the legitimate power in control.
But do you blame the people, or the dictator, when the dictator begins to do exactly as Hamas has done? When there are either no elections to give the people their representation, or when there is an election, and after that a group/leader takes control "for the good of the people", or there are 'pretend elections' as if to give people the appearance of a voice but in reality they're actual, true, corrupt elections, do we blame the people, or do we blame the dictator/party in power?
Right now, Gaza under Hamas is no different than North Korea under the Kim dynasty. Or Cuba for that matter. Venezuela, a lot of the African Middle Countries...
In the end, the people who control the power, the water, the food, the aid going into Gaza, is Israel.
Who decides what portion of the aid money for Palestine/Gaza goes to Gaza & what portion is used to build more tunnels, etc…?
Aid money has been up and down since 2007 when Hamas took over, and goes to the PA when it's there, NOT Hamas.
What money does get to Hamas eventually, is not international aid, rather it's more along the lines of direct 'donations'. Like some other country giving them cash, or it's through corruption of the PA.
Hamas is nothing but a terrorist gang - kind'a like the Taliban - focused on the destruction of Israel.
PALESTINIANS are not Hamas. But they can BECOME Hamas through propaganda and Israel's continuing abuses against Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank and even the Heights. For every Palestinian home razed by Israel illegally, for every Palestinian death from Israeli IDF soldiers (soldiers with gear vs. rock throwers, I'm not talking those who use guns or rockets or grenades, etc), for every Palestinian killed for no reason at all, hell, for anyone that Hamas can use as proof to show Israel in a bad light, that is one more Palestinian who begins to believe maybe Hamas is right.
Because when you live in a near virtual prison and the inmates are ruled by insanity, what do you expect to eventually happen?
That's why the median age in Gaza is 18.
Living a long life does NOT happen; you're lucky if you get to have a family.
And the difference between Hamas and Israel is that it DOES hold, we expect, free and fair elections (for now). And they have elected, BY CHOICE, the current right wing/leaning Government. Or rather, they elected people to the Knesset and enough of them are far right enough or right leaning to form the majority ruling Government. But next election cycle, they could actually kick out the right wingers and have a different government all together.
Gaza hasn't had that luxury since 2007.
What Hamas has done is insane, beyond disgusting, beyond... well there are words but it does NOT in any way, shape or form adequately tell of the brutality. And Hamas deserves what it gets in retaliation from Israel. To be blunt - find every Hamas member (provable) and you can either kill them straight off for you do not give the rabid dog a chance to bite you or others and spread it's disease, OR you do to Hamas what was done to the people they attacked, becoming exactly what Hamas is, and what Hamas says the rest of the world is.
But PALESTINIANS, the actual non-Hamas Palestinians who just want to fucking live? They don't deserve any of that.
But then neither do Israeli's who just want to live and not worry about their homes or places being attacked. The sad irony of that is they DO get to choose their leadership and have chosen people who are their version of Hamas with how they want to destroy Palestine/Palestinians/Gaza/The West Bank.