Physics does not tell you that the solar system came spontaneously into existence and that it is without purpose.My whole point from the beginning has been that yes it can and the best evidence we have from physics and cosmology strongly suggests that's the truth of it. Just because you can't imagine that doesn't mean nobody else can.
This is not related to science ... certainly and absolutely.You'd rather rely on a 1400 year old religious text dictated by an illiterate and written down by others with an unknown level of accuracy, and a 75 year old interpretation of it written by a man completely ignorant of even the science of his own day, never mind anything contemporary. As I said, I'm done trying to convince you of anything, though I may occasionally feel moved to scorn your willful ignorance.
According to your blasphemy, I recall somebody said laughing: You do not perceive now that you are on the brim or edgy of a great danger (of termination by God Almighty) while you mock with your ignorance and conceit. That somebody laughed and said: On the hand palm of Ifriet or genie.If Allah did exist, it would be hard to imagine a god more negligent, petty, and cruel.
Your way is not of a scientist, never. #164As negligent, petty, and cruel as the people who invented him.
Since you know almost nothing of what science is or how it works your opinion is worth nothing. You tried to argue in post 163 above that ignorance and belief without evidence are virtues. You continue to underline your own folly.Your way is not of a scientist, never. #164
But. . . but. . . he's got this fairly old book!Since you know almost nothing of what science is or how it works your opinion is worth nothing. You tried to argue in post 163 above that ignorance and belief without evidence are virtues. You continue to underline your own folly.
Go with the Epic of Gilgamesh. None of those tedious "Thou shalt not have fun" rules. And hard to beat for "old."Yes, but I have an even older one. It's such a quandary knowing which one to believe.
Group of disbelievers: atheists and idolaters! I clear and quit myself from you and from your disbelief; I never incline to you or to your ways: neither in this World nor in the Hereafter, and I ask God Most Gracious that He may not gather me with you in the Hereafter, because your destiny there is very dark... and I extremely dislike and abhor your disbelief so much and very much.
I'll give Motar credit. Never broke from Christian kindness.He also quit back at post #111, so don’t hold your breath. He just finally lost his temper when he couldn’t convince anyone that he’s right. That’s happened before too, he was twice timed out by the mods, I think for threatening people directly, as eanassir and Self same. He’s been more circumspect as Torch light, but he’s the same Islamist fundie who I’m sure would cheerfully and bloodily send us all to the afterlife, believing he’s doing Allah’s work, to begin our real suffering that he so gleefully expounds on, if he could get away with it.
Bullshit. You'll be here tomorrow posting more of your same nonsense.Group of disbelievers: atheists and idolaters! I clear and quit myself from you and from your disbelief;
Nobody asked you to.I never incline to you or to your ways:
Soooo...this world then.neither in this World nor in the Hereafter
The only 'Destiny' I know is some White chick who used to dance at the Booby Trap., and I ask God Most Gracious that He may not gather me with you in the Hereafter, because your destiny there is very dark...
Hate the sin, love the sinner. Oh wait, that's a different book of religious bullshit.and I extremely dislike and abhor your disbelief so much and very much.
I quit myself from your atheism and idolatry, not from people on this forum or from everyone who reads.
I have no idea what that could possibly mean. You can’t quit something you were never part of, and the only people responding to your preaching are those you call atheists and idolaters, when you’re not mislabeling them as wicked Jews and Zionists. Do you mean you’re going to stop trying to save us from our evil misguided ways? That would be good, you’d never succeed anyway, people accustomed to freedom will never buy your brand of dangerously ignorant and bigoted religious extremism. You believe you’re absolutely right, beyond any possibility of error, with no test in reality, and history shows that people who think that way easily justify doing terrible things to those who disagree with them. Think inquisitions, genocides, holocausts, crusades, crashing airplanes into buildings…I quit myself from your atheism and idolatry, not from people on this forum or from everyone who reads.
What rhetoric! What fluency in language!I have no idea what that could possibly mean. You can’t quit something you were never part of, and the only people responding to your preaching are those you call atheists and idolaters, when you’re not mislabeling them as wicked Jews and Zionists. Do you mean you’re going to stop trying to save us from our evil misguided ways? That would be good, you’d never succeed anyway, people accustomed to freedom will never buy your brand of dangerously ignorant and bigoted religious extremism. You believe you’re absolutely right, beyond any possibility of error, with no test in reality, and history shows that people who think that way easily justify doing terrible things to those who disagree with them. Think inquisitions, genocides, holocausts, crusades, crashing airplanes into buildings…
What rhetoric! What fluency in language!
Anyhow, to what I said, I recall some ayat of the Glorious Quran 10: 41, which means:
(If they accuse you [O Mohammed f ] of lying, say: "To me [is the recompense of] my work, and to you [is the recompense of] your work.
You are quit [and not responsible] of what I do, and I am quit [and not responsible] of what you do." g )
f In what you invite them.
g It means: you will not be punished for my sins if I am guilty as you claim, neither will I be punished for your sins; each one is responsible for his own sins.
Similar to this aya is another one in the Quran 34: 50, which means: (Say: "If I am misguided [away from the truth, as you claim], then [the sin of] my erring is only against my soul; and if I have guidance [to the truth], then that is according to what [Quran and wisdom] my Lord reveals to me.)