There is the evidence.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Yahwism and Judaism weren't compatible.

So which tribes were Jesus sent to reunite?
My understanding has always been, to oversimplify it somewhat, that Yahwism evolved into what scholars call Second Temple Judaism over the period of the Kingdoms and the Babylonian Exile, with the major change being the shift from polytheism to monotheism. Only two of the original twelve tribes remained in Jesus’ time, ten were dispersed and assimilated after the Assyrian destruction of the northern kingdom and vanished from history as identifiable groups. But I’ve never perceived Jesus’ purpose as being to reunite the remaining two, he’s portrayed as bringing a new covenant for everyone.

Which I also think is BS, he was just one of many messianic apocalyptic preachers the political turmoil of his times drew forth, and for reasons I don’t fully comprehend, only his message survived into our day. Paul’s travels and writings were certainly major factors though, nobody else had a bulldog like him spreading the news. Judaism rejected him because it was anticipating a political and military leader who would re-establish the glory days of the old kingdom, not some soft-headed spiritualist who’d take no role in the mundane affairs of this world.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
My understanding has always been, to oversimplify it somewhat, that Yahwism evolved into what scholars call Second Temple Judaism over the period of the Kingdoms and the Babylonian Exile, with the major change being the shift from polytheism to monotheism. Only two of the original twelve tribes remained in Jesus’ time, ten were dispersed and assimilated after the Assyrian destruction of the northern kingdom and vanished from history as identifiable groups. But I’ve never perceived Jesus’ purpose as being to reunite the remaining two, he’s portrayed as bringing a new covenant for everyone.

Which I also think is BS, he was just one of many messianic apocalyptic preachers the political turmoil of his times drew forth, and for reasons I don’t fully comprehend, only his message survived into our day. Paul’s travels and writings were certainly major factors though, nobody else had a bulldog like him spreading the news. Judaism rejected him because it was anticipating a political and military leader who would re-establish the glory days of the old kingdom, not some soft-headed spiritualist who’d take no role in the mundane affairs of this world.

Huh, never heard of Yahwism before.

Modern day Judaism is monotheistic. Yahwism is polytheistic.

So Jesus wouldn't have been part of that what so ever.

But you make good points though; he was supposed to bring a new covenant, he was one of many preachers at the time but somehow he survived while the others didn't... if we ever find out historical evidence of him for certainty it'll be interesting to see what made him so different.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
My understanding has always been, to oversimplify it somewhat, that Yahwism evolved into what scholars call Second Temple Judaism over the period of the Kingdoms and the Babylonian Exile, with the major change being the shift from polytheism to monotheism. Only two of the original twelve tribes remained in Jesus’ time, ten were dispersed and assimilated after the Assyrian destruction of the northern kingdom and vanished from history as identifiable groups. But I’ve never perceived Jesus’ purpose as being to reunite the remaining two, he’s portrayed as bringing a new covenant for everyone.

Which I also think is BS, he was just one of many messianic apocalyptic preachers the political turmoil of his times drew forth, and for reasons I don’t fully comprehend, only his message survived into our day. Paul’s travels and writings were certainly major factors though, nobody else had a bulldog like him spreading the news. Judaism rejected him because it was anticipating a political and military leader who would re-establish the glory days of the old kingdom, not some soft-headed spiritualist who’d take no role in the mundane affairs of this world.
To the victor go the spoils. You won't get jack shit from the interweb. Its all Zionist bullshit. Kings and Kings II explains how the Israelites split. Jesus was not a Judean or follow of Judaism. It was all false hence the whole fucking point of the NT.

It's the premise of "Born Again".

Judaism is Satanic.

You Atheists are clueless. Why are you in this thread if you are unfamiliar with with who is who and what is what?

If all you've got the internet....

Why are you posting when you dont know anything?

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Huh, never heard of Yahwism before.

Modern day Judaism is monotheistic. Yahwism is polytheistic.

So Jesus wouldn't have been part of that what so ever.

But you make good points though; he was supposed to bring a new covenant, he was one of many preachers at the time but somehow he survived while the others didn't... if we ever find out historical evidence of him for certainty it'll be interesting to see what made him so different.
I suspect he just had a good marketing agent. He or someone very like him almost certainly existed, and he may be an amalgam of several men of his type, though there are no records of him outside the Bible. A lot of the stories about him are obvious fabrications invented to satisfy Old Testament prophecies about his genealogy and birthplace.
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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
To the victor go the spoils. You won't get jack shit from the interweb. Its all Zionist bullshit. Kings and Kings II explains how the Israelites split. Jesus was not a Judean or follow of Judaism. It was all false hence the whole fucking point of the NT.

It's the premise of "Born Again".

Judaism is Satanic.

You Atheists are clueless. Why are you in this thread if you are unfamiliar with with who is who and what is what?

If all you've got the internet....

Why are you posting when you dont know anything?
Little bit of Torch light in you I see. That drivel deserves no further comment.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I suspect he just had a good marketing agent. He or someone very like him almost certainly existed, and he may be an amalgam of several men of his type, though there are no records of him outside the Bible. A lot of the stories about him are obvious fabrications invented to satisfy Old Testament prophecies about his genealogy and birthplace.

True enough.

Some of my more favorite videos to watch are religious documentaries, especially those that discuss the myth, legend, and history of the various parts of the bible.

Jesus was a pretty common name in that era too, so pinning down the "Specific" Jesus that was "Christ", well it's a John Smith in a room of John Smiths. Then when you get to after his death and the first Christians as a group overall, and learning how chaotic and how many sects of Christianity there were, it's all kind'a fascinating, really.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Yahwism and Judaism weren't compatible.

So which tribes were Jesus sent to reunite?
Jesus Christ was sent to the Children of Israel: then when they refused him, he told them the prophethood will be taken from them and given to a nation that utilizes its fruits: the Islamic nation. So after Jesus Christ and his apostles, the prophethood ended among the Israelites, and was given to the Ismaelite: Prophet Mohammed was one of the Ismaelites.
Therefore, many prophets before Jesus, then no prophet after him.. to appear later in Mecca by Prophet Mohammed to the sadness of Zionists who envied him till the present time.

Quran 5: 72, which means:
(While the Messiah [: the Christ] himself said [when he came to them]: "O Children of Israel, worship God: my Lord and your Lord [and do not associate anyone with Him in your worship.])

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
So you should be aware of the split into two groups. Judeans (Second Temple) and Israelites (First Temple). Two different religions.
Before Moses, the Children of Israel followed the creed of Abraham, until when Moses came and the Torah was revealed, Judaism appeared which was like the pure Islam and the pure Christian teachings.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
did you happen at all to notice what God did to nazis and the German people for their part in the persecution of Jews?

you might want to tread lightly in your foolish bent
God promised the Isrealites (and other peoples and nations) that if they disobey the First Commandment, and the rest of God's commandments, He will punish them by many ways: one of such kinds of punishment is that He sets on them their enemies to destroy them, like this aya in the Quran 7: 167, which means:
([Remember, O Mohammed] that your Lord did [many times] give permission a [requested by the enemies of Jews to fight them.] [Then God – be glorified – swore] that He would send against [Jews] till Doomsday, those who inflict terrible torture upon them. [O Mohammed] your Lord surely is Swift in punishment [for wrongdoers], Most Forgiving [to those who repent], and Most Merciful [to those who regret.] )

a i.e. the enemies of Jews asked God for permission to fight Jews, and He permitted them that.
Ancient people had a custom that they consulted God by lots of arrows: so they wrote "Do" on a piece of parchment or a board, and on another one they wrote "Do not do", then they threw it with an arrow, so if the arrow hits the first, they say: "Our Lord permits us to do that!" But if it hits the second, they say: "He does not permit us that!"
So Nabuchodonosor took an arrow and asked God's permission to fight the Children of Israel, and he threw the arrow which fell on the first one on which was written "Do"; therefore, he marched with his army, fought and overcame them.

Therefore, Hiltler might be one of the tyrants whom God set on Jews to persecute them, and the Mahdi will be another one to annihilate them and rid 'humanity and the Arabs' in particular from their evil. If you don't believe, see what they do to the Palestinian People these days.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
did you happen at all to notice what God did to nazis and the German people for their part in the persecution of Jews?
A tradition from Prophet Mohammed - peace be to him - he said:
"God says: the wrongdoer is my sword, with which I took revenge on the guilty, then afterward I took revenge on that wrongdoer."
Moreover, it might be that Nazis were defeated not for their part in persecuting them, but for their large number of crimes agaisnt humanity and their blasphemy and idolatry.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Jesus Christ was sent to the Children of Israel: then when they refused him, he told them the prophethood will be taken from them and given to a nation that utilizes its fruits: the Islamic nation. So after Jesus Christ and his apostles, the prophethood ended among the Israelites, and was given to the Ismaelite: Prophet Mohammed was one of the Ismaelites.
Therefore, many prophets before Jesus, then no prophet after him.. to appear later in Mecca by Prophet Mohammed to the sadness of Zionists who envied him till the present time.

Quran 5: 72, which means:
(While the Messiah [: the Christ] himself said [when he came to them]: "O Children of Israel, worship God: my Lord and your Lord [and do not associate anyone with Him in your worship.])

An example of what Man can do with Religion to fool so many.

There's no record other than the Quran I guess, of Jesus saying any such things.

A lie made up by men in power to gain more power.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
An example of what Man can do with Religion to fool so many.

There's no record other than the Quran I guess, of Jesus saying any such things.

A lie made up by men in power to gain more power.
God sent His messengers into every nation on earth; each in the language of his people to warn them of the idolatry and of the wrongdoing.
Quran 16: 36, which means:
(To every community We sent a messenger [proclaiming]: "[O people] worship God [alone], and avoid [following] 'the arrogant‘[: the Devil and every arrogant chief]."
Consequently, God guided some of them [to the way of the truth, so they believed and followed the messenger], but others deserved misguidance [because of their wrongdoing and hypocrisy.])

And this Quran aya 14: 4, which means:
(We never sent any messenger [before you, O Mohammed], but only [to teach] in the language of his [own] people, in order to explain to them [the statements of His religion, and they would not then need a translator.])

Here, we understand that every nation on earth had its warner or warners about their idolatry and that they should worship God alone without associate or idol or patron:
Quran 21: 25, which means:
(We never sent any messenger [to his people] before you [O Mohammed], without revealing to him that "there is no god [in the universe] but only I [: God]; so worship Me [alone, and no one else.]")


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons

There is the evidence.​

No, there really isn't
Jesus Christ was sent to the Children of Israel: then when they refused him, he told them the prophethood will be taken from them and given to a nation that utilizes its fruits: the Islamic nation.
Soooo wait. 400 years after Jesus was dead he went to the Israelites and told them that he's taking their shit and giving it to the Muslims. Ohh I get it now, he was "prophesizing" about it 400 years before Islam became a thing, right? So basically some Jewish guy from 2000 years ago is the reason you think your bullshit is true? Do I have that right?

Fuuuuck, and I thought the Bible told some tall tales.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Therefore, there is a large number of messengers sent to people everywhere and particularly when the idolatry and wrongdoing prevail in the community.
But not all these messengers are mentioned to us in the Glorious Quran and not even in the Bible, because this requires extensive books. In general all of the messengers invite people to God alone without associate or idol or patron.

Quran 4: 164, which means:
(And [some] messengers We mentioned [their stories] to you [Mohammed] before [this soora], while We did not mention to you [the stories of other] messengers)

I asked Abu Abd-Allah the Quran interpreter about Buda and others: were they messengers of God and then their messages were distorted like that of the Christ, into some idolatry?
He said: "I don't know; they are not mentioned in the Quran, but if they invite people to worship God alone, then they are messengers."

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
An example of what Man can do with Religion to fool so many.

There's no record other than the Quran I guess, of Jesus saying any such things.

A lie made up by men in power to gain more power.
Gospel of Matth 21: 43
Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit."
It means the Islamic nation that came afterward worked according to God's program.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017

There is the evidence.​

No, there really isn't

Soooo wait. 400 years after Jesus was dead he went to the Israelites and told them that he's taking their shit and giving it to the Muslims. Ohh I get it now, he was "prophesizing" about it 400 years before Islam became a thing, right? So basically some Jewish guy from 2000 years ago is the reason you think your bullshit is true? Do I have that right?

Fuuuuck, and I thought the Bible told some tall tales.
Read the previous post #239