There is the evidence.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
And you, who read nothing but the Quran and Al-Hilly’s wildly erroneous claims, think you’re in a position to correct centuries of careful scientific work by some of the smartest people who’ve ever lived? Your religious beliefs have made you arrogant and ignorant, and closed your mind to reality. You’re obviously not stupid, but you might as well be for all the difference that makes. Science works, regardless of what you want to believe, and revelation is not a path to useful knowledge about it.

“Having faith is believing in something you just know ain't true.”

― Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
By that logic it must also be a mistake for you to do it. Better start leaving out citations from the Quran and Al-Hilly to support your views.
The evidence of the Quran speaks for itself; i.e. the Quran gives the evidence, and Al-Hilly explains it.
So I will never leave the evidence that the Quran gives.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
And you, who read nothing but the Quran and Al-Hilly’s wildly erroneous claims, think you’re in a position to correct centuries of careful scientific work by some of the smartest people who’ve ever lived? Your religious beliefs have made you arrogant and ignorant, and closed your mind to reality. You’re obviously not stupid, but you might as well be for all the difference that makes. Science works, regardless of what you want to believe, and revelation is not a path to useful knowledge about it.
It is not the science; but only some persons who pertain to science. Science does not tell people to be atheists. On the contrary, man should contemplate the marvels of the universe created by God.
Moreover, science does not tell you or others to close your minds to any new thing, even if it is what you dislike, like the Glorious Quran; which tells you things that scientists have not discovered yet.
So, I will keep to the Quran revelations and its marvels to which the atheists and idolaters are blind.
Here is one for ya. The Quran says the Bible and Torah are "The Truth". That means the Quran is false.
How is that, O ya smart one?
The original Torah and the original Gospel and the Glorious Quran are the truth and they are true.
The Quran confirms the Torah of Moses and the Gospel of Jesus: both are revealed form God Most Gracious.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
A complement to post #137

Most people ignore the evidences of the Quran

The misconception about God led most people to embrace idolatry and atheism: so either they equalize God with others ( which is the idolatry), or they deny His existence ( which is the atheism.)

Therefore, most people are erring from the truth of monotheism which is to know and worship God alone without associate or son.
So the belief that God has a son or daughters is because of their misunderstanding about God Almighty and Eternal, and so they fell into the idolatry: and in fact, they erect statues for the claimed son of God and His mother.
How can God have any son while He has no female companion?
And He does not need to adopt a son, and this son would then be worshiped beside God and would associate with Him in the ownership and will!

Quran 43: 81, which means:
(Say [O Mohammed, to them]: "If [as a supposition] the Most Gracious had a son [or daughter], then I would be the first to serve [that son or daughter.]") e

e Because the prophet is more worthy to glorify that which should be glorified; but the angels [and the Christ] are God’s servants, not His daughters [or son] as you claim, and it is not correct that I should worship the slaves apart from the Master.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
A complement to post #137

Most people ignore the evidences of the Quran

The misconception about God led most people to embrace idolatry and atheism: so either they equalize God with others ( which is the idolatry), or they deny His existence ( which is the atheism.)

Therefore, most people are erring from the truth of monotheism which is to know and worship God alone without associate or son.
So the belief that God has a son or daughters is because of their misunderstanding about God Almighty and Eternal, and so they fell into the idolatry: and in fact, they erect statues for the claimed son of God and His mother.
How can God have any son while He has no female companion?
And He does not need to adopt a son, and this son would then be worshiped beside God and would associate with Him in the ownership and will!

Quran 43: 81, which means:
(Say [O Mohammed, to them]: "If [as a supposition] the Most Gracious had a son [or daughter], then I would be the first to serve [that son or daughter.]") e

e Because the prophet is more worthy to glorify that which should be glorified; but the angels [and the Christ] are God’s servants, not His daughters [or son] as you claim, and it is not correct that I should worship the slaves apart from the Master.

Nah, pretty much lying at this point.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Science does not tell people to be atheists.
Not as a formal conclusion it doesn't, no, but properly understood it is pretty corrosive to religious belief. The claim that there is a deity who intervenes in the world is a scientific claim about the nature of reality, in that a cosmos with an interventionist god in it ought to be detectably different from one without, but science so far has found no need to invoke the supernatural as an explanation of anything. Doing so is the end of the research program, because what it really means is, we don't know and can never know. It's just another form of the god of the gaps argument, which is pretty flimsy, the gaps have been shrinking steadily for centuries and there aren't a lot of places left for the deity to hide.
Moreover, science does not tell you or others to close your minds to any new thing, even if it is what you dislike, like the Glorious Quran; which tells you things that scientists have not discovered yet.
No, science tells us precisely the opposite. I know there are people who after any significant announcement from science, like the discovery of the Higgs boson, will assiduously search the Quran for evidence it predicted that. I just did a search for "Quran predicts Higgs boson" and found several such claims. Odd that they can never find such things until after science has announced them, which is useless as a guide to finding new knowledge. Anybody can predict things after they've happened, that's all they're doing and it invariably requires a lot of verbal acrobatics and questionable assumptions to make them even a little bit plausible. But among the things science does tell us, thoroughly and precisely, is how to gather and evaluate evidence, and by those standards you have nothing.
How can God have any son while He has no female companion?
That ought to be obvious even to you. He's supposedly all-knowing and all-powerful, managed to magic up the whole of creation from nothing, that one would be easy.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The claim that there is a deity who intervenes in the world is a scientific claim about the nature of reality, in that a cosmos with an interventionist god in it ought to be detectably different from one without,
God has made the physical laws and systemized the system, and may not corrupt His own design; so what you claim of interventionist god is wrong.
You suppose and build things on your wrong supposition.
the discovery of the Higgs boson,
It may be the ether particles discussed in the book The Universe and the Quran and also in the book Man after Death under the title Features of the soul
These books were written and published by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly in the year 1947.
But among the things science does tell us, thoroughly and precisely, is how to gather and evaluate evidence, and by those standards you have nothing.

That ought to be obvious even to you. He's supposedly all-knowing and all-powerful, managed to magic up the whole of creation from nothing, that one would be easy.
The Creator is an entity other than the created and they cannot be comparable and cannot match.
Moreover, God has not the lust which may be a defect for Himself, and He inserted it in His created beings for the purpose of reproduction. And He made the male and female for reproduction and to be an indication that He is One God when His creatures are couples and pairs.

And God does not need the son, like the man who needs his son for: the continuation of his kind after the death of the father, and the son may aid and help his father when the son becomes a young man and the father becomes old or elderly.
So if He had a son, the son will be god and might intervene with His father's design, and corruption will be the consequence.

Quran 19: 92-93, which mean:
(92. But it is not for [God] Most Gracious to adopt [or beget] a son [or daughters.] f
93. There is none in the heavens and the earth but will come [and admit after his death, that he is] a servant to [God] Most Gracious.)

f It means: it is not proper for the Most Gracious to take to Himself a son or daughter, so that He will be like created beings. Glory be to Him and exalted is He above that; He is the Creator, the Almighty and Most Able: He does not need any son, daughter, assistant or helper.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Moreover, you insisted many times to tell you something in the Quran yet not discovered by science: I told you many things not discovered and you denied incessantly: like the existence of life and humans on the planets like Mars and the beyond planets, and like the origin of comets, and the origin of meteorites and the formation of rain from the snow in the upper atmosphere and like the origin of mountains, and the origin of life, from the previous planets, which came embedded in the meteoritic rocks, and how the earth and the planets will be destroyed in the next Doomsday, and many other things mentioned in the book The Universe and the Quran
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You said and called for something not yet discovered by science, and I told you many things. Therefore, your demand has been fulfilled which you deny and insist on your denial.
I say: they will be proved: like the life on the planets.
The planets are inhabited

Quran 43: 53, which means:
(We will show them Our portents [indicative of the truthfulness of Mohammed] on the horizons [of the sky] and among themselves in order that it will become evident to them that [the Quran] is the truth [from God and not from Mohammed.]
Is it not enough that your Lord [is a Witness to your truthfulness, O Mohammed, and He] does witness all things?

The full explanation is here:

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I say: they will be proved: like the life on the planets.
I say they will not. There is no human life on any planet but Earth. Comets and meteors are unconsolidated debris left over from the formation of the solar system. Rain does not form from snow in the upper atmosphere, the hydrologic cycle is well understood and that's not how it works, rain and snow happen in the lower atmosphere. Mountains did not fall to Earth from the sky, they're built by processes still operating on the Earth, like volcanism and plate tectonics. There was no previous solar system here that broke up and then was rebuilt into the present one, that's not how stellar evolution works, though you may claim credit for a partial hit here, heavy elements had to be cooked up in stars which then blew up and scattered them into the interstellar medium to be incorporated into other systems that formed later. Claiming life came from the previous planets doesn't explain its origin. There will be a Doomsday but it won't be the one you describe, it's just that the sun has a finite lifetime which will eventually render Earth uninhabitable. If we don't destroy ourselves first.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I say they will not.
You may say or do not say; it's up to you. How can you, assert this?
Life on the planets is not yet discovered, but no science-claiming man can assert that there is no life on the planets.
There is no human life on any planet but Earth.
Not discovered till now, but logic and many evidences tell about the possibility of life on the planets, to which NASA and others search and investigate.
In the Quran, many ayat speak about life outside the earth.
The planets are inhabited

Comets and meteors are unconsolidated debris left over from the formation of the solar system.
Did you see their creation? and you assert this with certainty.
Rain does not form from snow in the upper atmosphere, the hydrologic cycle is well understood and that's not how it works, rain and snow happen in the lower atmosphere.
It was a mistake of expression: I mean the snow in the high altitudes of the sky, and none can disregard the melting of the snow as a role in formation of the rain. Read about their theories, while to me I am certain about this as it is explained in the book The Universe and the Quran under the title of The rain
Mountains did not fall to Earth from the sky, they're built by processes still operating on the Earth, like volcanism and plate tectonics.
Did meteorites fall in the past as are they still falling till now?
So why is it not that the meteorites fell in the past to form most of the mountains? Which are pieces of the past destroyed planets?
And if Earth is broken up into many pieces in the next Doomsday, can these pieces fall on other newly formed planets to form the mountains there?

The newly-formed mountains:
In addition, some mountains are newly formed, like from volcanoes and plate tectonics; these newly formed mountains are also spoken about in the Quran 35: 27, which means:
(And of mountains [also He brings forth therewith] newly-formed mountains: white and red, of various colors – and black brands of coal.)


There was no previous solar system here that broke up and then was rebuilt into the present one, that's not how stellar evolution works, though you may claim credit for a partial hit here, heavy elements had to be cooked up in stars which then blew up and scattered them into the interstellar medium to be incorporated into other systems that formed later.
Your theory is unrealistic; the explanation by the Quran interpreter is far more reasonable and logical and understandable:
Formation of the planets

Claiming life came from the previous planets doesn't explain its origin.
The Quran interpreter explained that the planets were very hot at the start of their formation, and that life is killed by fire, so Earth was sterilized with no life on it, but life came to Earth (and the rest of the planets) from the meteorites which had been parts of some destroyed planets.
Life is transmissible (or migrant)
Murchison meteorite

There will be a Doomsday but it won't be the one you describe, it's just that the sun has a finite lifetime which will eventually render Earth uninhabitable. If we don't destroy ourselves first.
This is what you imagine, except the last sentence: that you destroy yourselves first might be true, but not Doomsday which will involve the entier solar system.
What is Doomsday?
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I did not. I asked for things in the Quran that science has since verified, things claimed but not verified are useless for the argument you’re trying to make.
You said that telling others about scientific discoveries that are in the Quran is unacceptable, but they should tell you of things not yet discovered by science.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If we return to the first argument: the house with many rooms, a kitchen, bathroom, lavatory, a door or two, and many windows, with furniture: it can't be without a builder and owner.
The same is about the universe objects like the solar system, it can't be by chance it came to existence, and can't be without purpose and without a maker and owner... that is God Almighty.
Therefore, stick to this argument, and you will find the answer and explanation.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
If we return to the first argument: the house with many rooms, a kitchen, bathroom, lavatory, a door or two, and many windows, with furniture: it can't be without a builder and owner.
The same is about the universe objects like the solar system, it can't be by chance it came to existence, and can't be without purpose and without a maker and owner... that is God Almighty.
Therefore, stick to this argument, and you will find the answer and explanation.

There is a builder.

We don't know WHO the builder is.

It could be your version of God (a lie)

Or it could be one any other Gods.

We don't know.

We have books that suggest they have the truth of it, but that's not true either (you've proven as much) so...

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
...the universe objects like the solar system, it can't be by chance it came to existence, and can't be without purpose and without a maker and owner...
My whole point from the beginning has been that yes it can and the best evidence we have from physics and cosmology strongly suggests that's the truth of it. Just because you can't imagine that doesn't mean nobody else can. You'd rather rely on a 1400 year old religious text dictated by an illiterate and written down by others with an unknown level of accuracy, and a 75 year old interpretation of it written by a man completely ignorant of even the science of his own day, never mind anything contemporary. As I said, I'm done trying to convince you of anything, though I may occasionally feel moved to scorn your willful ignorance.
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