Objection to some astronomers.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
How many times have I replied about this?
I don't know, I haven't kept track. But how many times have you replied convincingly? None. And in your next post you say again, "When people indulge in their doing the wrong, they will be misguided." You have clearly stated many times that god deliberately misguides the wrong doer, you can't now pretend that you meant something else. Are not all things the will of Allah in your world? That has to include misguiding the wrong doer.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I don't know, I haven't kept track. But how many times have you replied convincingly? None. And in your next post you say again, "When people indulge in their doing the wrong, they will be misguided." You have clearly stated many times that god deliberately misguides the wrong doer, you can't now pretend that you meant something else. Are not all things the will of Allah in your world? That has to include misguiding the wrong doer.
He thinks repetition adds truth value. Which, to be fair, is pretty much a standard tactic of religions.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I don't know, I haven't kept track. But how many times have you replied convincingly? None. And in your next post you say again, "When people indulge in their doing the wrong, they will be misguided." You have clearly stated many times that god deliberately misguides the wrong doer, you can't now pretend that you meant something else. Are not all things the will of Allah in your world? That has to include misguiding the wrong doer.
True;, God misguides the wrongdoer.
This is in the Quran in many ayat.

It means: because they do wrong, God misguides them. If they change their conduct and repent and ask God's forgiveness, He may guide them.. this is demonstrated when a disbeliever believes..

On the other hand, if a guided one slips into doing wrong, God may then misguide him.. this may be demonstrated when a believer apostatizes.

Quran 47: 25-28, which mean:
(25. Surely, those who have turned back as apostates after being rightly guided; it is Satan that has induced them and stirred vain hopes within themselves.

26. This [suggestion of Satan is the reward of the hypocrites] because of their saying – to those [associaters] who are averse to [their dispraise in the Quran] that God has revealed –
"We will obey you in some matters [and will not obey Mohammed in that.]"
But God knows [very well] their going on [plights.]

27. But how [will they be] when the angels [of death] will seize their souls at death, and smite their faces and their backs?

28. That [striking and chastisement by the angels is their reward] because they followed that which displeased God, and were averse to His good pleasure, so He frustrated their works [against the prophet.])

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
OK, who decides what is wrong and what isn’t in your world?

…and….are there False-warners in your world? If not, then just anyone can claim to be one (?) or there’s some guaranteed way to determine a Real-Warner from a False Warner?

What if someone follows a ‘Warner’ and does what that Warner tells them to do, but that Warner is a false-Warner….& that someone is actually doing wrongdoing, but thinking they’re doing right doing, because they’re doing what the ‘Warner’ says that they should be doing??? Does your God give credit for following a False-Warner?
The truthful one can recognize the warner in every period of time for every generation:
The warner and the messenger primarily invites people to God alone without associate, son or patron or partner, or peer.
The false warner cannot do this: he will never invite to true monotheism and to the 'exclusive devotion to God alone'.
As I remember this is in the Gospel: Jesus said Satan cannot do this because then he will be against his own plan ..

Quran 21: 25, which means:
(We never sent any messenger [to his people] before you [O Mohammed], without revealing to him that "there is no god [in the universe] but only I [: God]; so worship Me [alone, and no one else.]")


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I don't know aboot termites but Noah kept the bees in the archives.
I discussed this before: Noah did not carry with him in the Ark every creature, but the male and female of the livestock and riding animals which he would need after the deluge.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I discussed this before: Noah did not carry with him in the Ark every creature, but the male and female of the livestock and riding animals which he would need after the deluge.
So the Racoons & Skunks & Lions & Tigers & Polar Bears all just dog paddled for forty days & forty nights plus whatever time it took for land to reemerge?
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Where did all the other animals in the world come from then? The flood supposedly destroyed all life except what was on the Ark.
The flood did not involve the entire earth, but only the region where Noah and his people the disbelievers lived: the region of Nineveh in the north of Iraq near Mosul. The flood was designated to drown the disbelievers: the idolaters who denied God and His messenger Noah. There were many regions and many peoples in other parts of the world that the flood did not include.

So Noah was told to carry with him in the Ark a male and a female of all kinds of animals: like the livestock, the riding animals, and the poultry: like a hen and a cock, a male duck and its female. etc. Such animals which he would certainly need after the flood would recede.
But certainly not the wolf or the tiger or the snake or the scorpion, which in fact are not domestic or tamed.

Quran 11: 48, which means:
[Then after the ship settled on the mountain and the water receded, the angel addressed him and:]
(said: "O Noah, descend [from the mountain to the plain land] in safety [granted] by Us, and [increasing] blessings upon you and upon [some] nations of [the black and yellow races] who are with you [in the Ark.]
But [some other] nations [in other countries of the earth not inflicted by the deluge] c , We will let them enjoy prosperity [with wealth and children in the life of the World] and then a painful punishment from Us will afflict them [because of their disbelief, idolatry and associating others with God.])

c This indicates that the 'deluge‘ did not involve the entire earth, but was confined to one of its countries [: Iraq], and that there were other inhabitants else than Noah‘s people, but they were in another country far from Noah‘s people, and therefore the deluge did not involve them.



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
According to Genesis, Gawd said he would put an end to all people (Gensis 6:13), and that he would bring floodwaters to destroy every creature and all life under the heavens (Genesis 6:17). And he commanded Noah to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female (Genesis 6:19).

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
That says it all. Servants are required to obey and not question orders.
I as a servant: I ask but do not object. This is the difference between me and you: blasphemers:
you - being so weak and miserable and dirty: carrying your dirt in your bowel and bladder - you object and do not recall your creation from a scanty seminal fluid.

Quran 16: 4, which means:
(He created the human being from a scanty [seminal] fluid f, yet he becomes a manifest g opponent.)

f Then as He perfected his creation, prepared for him the milk in the breast of his mother, took care of him, provided provision for him, made his parents kind to him, until he grew, and became older, then when he became a strong man, he started to oppose Our messengers.
g i.e. his enmity and opposition are evidently obvious.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
According to Genesis, Gawd said he would put an end to all people (Gensis 6:13), and that he would bring floodwaters to destroy every creature and all life under the heavens (Genesis 6:17). And he commanded Noah to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female (Genesis 6:19).
This is in The Torah of Ezra not in the original Torah revealed to Moses, and in fact the Book of Genesis might have been inherited from the time of Abraham and then included in the Torah.
In the Quran, the aya 11: 48 speaks as I told you in the post #172

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Your objections are so trivial: like about the termites: and the 40 days, and the bottom of the ocean!

Answer: the Ark of Noah was painted with tar and pitch which kill the termite.
Moreover, it might not be 40 days when the water receded: in the Quran no mention of 40 days; this is only in The Torah of Ezra.
So while the reason for the flood was to drown the disbelievers... once they were drowned then no need to stay floating for 40 days. God is All-Knowing.
No ocean was in that region.