My local shop puts dated or dustrubutor overstock on special. Lately its been 1gr joints for $5 and two 1 gr joints for $6.60. There is usually a quarter for $25 or 8th for $15 in each category as well. Last week I bought 4 8ths for $40. Ozs start at $55 and up.That's nuts man. I've gotten some amazing bud from the Kootenays over the years. It would be a disaster if we lose those legacy craft growers. Only the govt can take an all but guaranteed money maker and turn it into shit.
The article hit the nail on the head too. The big corporate players rushed their low quality, low potency shit to market and nobody wanted it. So they dropped their prices so they wouldn't be stuck sitting on all of it. And the initial prices were fucking nuts. I remember looking at some product from Tokyo Smoke, the first and only store that was open in my city shortly after legalization. They were selling 3.5g pouches of some shit for $100. That's $800 an oz!
Things haven't improved a whole lot. The other day, just for shits and giggles, I decided to see what the pricing is like at the pot shops now. Saw some shit that was selling at $66 for 3.5g or north of $500/oz. Nnnnnope.
All are taxes in.

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