Which is why I rely on either actual scientists, or my own personal observations of how climate has changed in my area, enough that it's not the same at all anymore weather wise.
I hear you. In Saskatchewan about 400 years ago there was an exceptionally long pronounced drought like nothing we’ve seen (including the dirty 30’s) in living memory. We wouldn’t know about it except for tree rings in the cypress hills area of the province. No first-hand observations or accurate records from that timeframe either other than these tree rings.
50 years ago I don’t remember moose wandering around in the numbers they are now out on the prairies. Were they then? Not that I remember….and maybe it’s because of climate change and maybe it’s because I don’t remember.
For a stretch from the late 60s to the late 70s in Saskatchewan we had a shit load of tornadoes in and around Regina that did much damage….& none have hit the city since (Phew!). Is this climate change (for the good?) or is this part of a bigger cycle of a longer duration and I’m only seeing a little slice of it?
I watched a wolf cross the TransCanada Highway in front of us in a blizzard in about 1977 and have not seen another one on the Prairie ever since. Is that due to climate change or overhunting or was that just a freak occurrence? I’ve no idea.
I remember long hot summers in the late 70s through the 80s…. hotter than what we have now….& yet every year now is the hottest year on record. knowing that we are currently in the middle of an interglacial period….is this part of some bigger cycle (?) and/or am I remembering the 80s for heat and summer incorrectly compared to today’s numbers (?) wherever they start recording (?) to claim that this is the hottest year on record year after year after year?
I know (and could testify to this and could pass a polygraph) that the summers in the 70s and 80s were much hotter, and the winters had way more snow…but did they and where they?
Last year we had very little snow, and it was nice out by early April, and we had all kinds of tropical plants growing on our deck that got to be 5’-6’ plus tall…. and it was hot and dry compared to this year which just wasn’t anywhere near as hot…. Will the records reflect this? I have photographs of crazy stuff growing outdoors last year that where only half the size this year…but does that mean anything compared to what any official numbers state?
How large and of what duration are natural cycles that could be much longer than a human lifespan regarding the weather? Keep in mind that we are still in an interglacial timeframe….so we are still in an Ice Age right now. On that note my lunch hour is over and I’ve gotta go.