Trudeau’s nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Tell ya what, from a foreign point of view, the truly amazing part isn't his politics or this or that position, it's how SHALLOW he is!
A click wide and a centimeter deep as the saying goes. But that's only because his supporters have been allowing that. I recall a time when even the liberal supporters would never have tolerated his antics and demanded more or that he leave. I honestly don't know how we got to this.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Now did I ever bring your mom into any of our not so interesting conversations? You chosen Marxists really like to stoop very low. Typical of your chosen ilk. Would you like me to call your mom a whore? Just asking? :unsure:
Why would I care what you called my mom?


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Getting off of Taxme’s mom, & back to the thread topic….

May I throw in the most rhetorical of rhetorical questions. Did Guilbeault, or Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, or Prime Minister Justin Trudeau himself, convene meetings with actual farmers and their families before bringing in these measures?

Did any or all of them — via government jet, Pearson is such a bore these days — drop in to Weyburn, or Redvers, or Red Deer or — this is the real challenge — Fort McMurray, to ask the people whose lives and jobs are at stake under this fixation with the Trudeau brand of “climate action,” what they might have to say? Did they test their “law” with the people who have to live with it? The question is its own answer.

As always I must ask — and I know people do not like to be reminded of this question — whether, if farming were as important in Quebec as it is in Saskatchewan, a Trudeau government would issue, arbitrarily, the same mandate? If Ontario was the oil province of Canada, would there not be pipelines going in every direction of the compass?

Which leads me to another point. We are in a two-tier Confederation. Perhaps even a three-tier one.

Quebec is a solidly protected singular independent-in-all-but-name entity. It is as close to being a sovereign nation as one can be while still wearing provincial brocade.

Ontario with its population and wealth, and being the centre of finance, communications and parliamentary seats, is a king among barons. The Atlantic provinces — a mere addendum, worth a fly-by but essentially, each on their own, without real force or voice in the Confederation. And British Columbia, sometimes a player, more often a spectator of Ottawa’s distant machinations.

Back to the central point. Where in a Confederation does the power lie for a national government to target, assault and injure the central economic concerns of certain provinces on a say-so? These edicts, measures, bans — call them what you will — keep coming down, as if such great national issues merely require, to take effect, a photo-op besides some tree, with a cluster of nodding ministers behind the PM. And we’re supposed to accept them. (???)

Our country, under this imperative mindset, is unwittingly toying with its own fragmentation.

When these cowardly Marxists cannot win an argument, they then will resort to try and insult and bring in someone's mom into the talk. Very classless indeed but what else can one expect from one of those chosen Marxists. They obviously keep testing positive for Coward 19. :LOL:


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Your mother is so ugly that even her vibrator went limp. Pretty sad indeed when something like that happens. :ROFLMAO:
Considering how long she's been dead, I imagine you're right.

Did you meet her when you were trying to dig up a date in a laughably failed attempt to make people believe you're not a rent-boy?
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Considering how long she's been dead, I imagine you're right.

Did you meet her when you were trying to dig up a date in a laughably failed attempt to make people believe you're not a rent-boy?

It must have been a real struggle for your old man to have to try and keep his dong up when your mama and him had sex. I wonder if he had to put a mask on her face in order to get it on with yo mama. :eek:


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
It must have been a real struggle for your old man to have to try and keep his dong up when your mama and him had sex. I wonder if he had to put a mask on her face in order to get it on with yo mama. :eek:
I'll leave you to your fantasies about erect penises, boy. Have fun. Try not to get any on the screen.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
That traditional insult quit working right about the time little Billy said "Your mother wears Army boots!" and little Bobby answered "Of course she. Does. She's a sergeant-major in the 101st Airborne Division."
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