Yep, because people who don't believe the convoluted bullshit about Covid and the vaccine are hardcore "anti-vaxxers".
The UN/WHO- Not exactly a pair of organizations that have done much to earn people's trust, if they've been paying attention. And I mean even before Covid.
Trudeau- Probably the MOST untrustworthy goof in the history of Canadian politics.
Health Canada- Yep, I'm gonna trust a govt organ that literally permits snake oil salesmen to rip off consumers so they can sell their off-the-shelf "remedies" to us.
Big Pharma- Do I really need to elaborate with this one?
The medical community- Not that they are inherently untrustworthy but they do get their information about Covid and the vaccine(s) from the aforementioned groups.
Tell me Boomer, considering a vaccine normally takes 3-5 years to roll out to the public ( to pass all the testing, trials etc), what makes you trust one that was rushed out in just 18 months?
Sorry pal but all your belittling attempts to demean people to get vaccinated with your big smack talk aren't going to suddenly make me forget all the lies and conflicting information from supposedly reliable, official sources and rush out to get poked just to make you feel better.
In fact, I rarely leave the house other than in the immediate area. I still wear a mask and if I do get infected, it'll most likely be from my fully vaccinated wife and son since they are the only ones I come in contact with.
But, to go along with the spirit of your post, anyone who gets injured because they were texting and driving or driving whilst impaired, or who smokes and gets cancer or something, or gets alcohol poisoning should stay out of the hospital and suffer from the results and potentially die because of their actions which they knew can kill them and/or others. Sound good?