Black Lives Matter-Ugliness of Racism.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
So I have a question for you:

Do you think BLM/Antifa were part of January 6?
Yep. After 4 years of ALT-left political theatre and media assassinations against a duly elected president it wouldn't shock me in the least to learn it was a false flag operation to try to ensure Trump can never come back to run again. If you read non-Marxist approved history, you'll learn those same tactics, among others, have been used several times before. Don't just defeat your political opponent, destroy them. If you can demonize someone, you can dehumanize them. If you can dehumanize them, it makes it easier to get others to hate them. And THAT results in idiots voting against someone without having a clue what they're voting for.

That's why I call Marxist/commie filth 'subhuman scum'. Well that and because that's what they are.

Now, assuming it was right-wingers actually responsible, I don't blame them. The Democrats have clearly allied themselves with left-wing extremists; BLM/antifa (procom) and spew rhetoric about defending democracy and Constitution while working hard to undermine both.

Now you go on ahead and leave your little laughy face from the 'like' button and pretend none of that is happening.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Actually I wasn't asking you Jinny, but...

Yep. After 4 years of ALT-left political theatre and media assassinations against a duly elected president it wouldn't shock me in the least to learn it was a false flag operation to try to ensure Trump can never come back to run again.

You have proof of that?

If you read non-Marxist approved history, you'll learn those same tactics, among others, have been used several times before.

Yep, that's true. Not just by 'leftists'.

Don't just defeat your political opponent, destroy them. If you can demonize someone, you can dehumanize them. If you can dehumanize them, it makes it easier to get others to hate them. And THAT results in idiots voting against someone without having a clue what they're voting for.

That's sadly true.

That's why I call Marxist/commie filth 'subhuman scum'. Well that and because that's what they are.

And yet, those things are not just a 'Marxist/commie' tactical use to get political power... so what do you do in that case?

Now, assuming it was right-wingers actually responsible, I don't blame them.


And thus you are a hypocrite. And well... why I end up usually laughing at you because you're so full of shit it's hilarious.

The Democrats have clearly allied themselves with left-wing extremists; BLM/antifa (procom) and spew rhetoric about defending democracy and Constitution while working hard to undermine both.

And Republicans have clearly allied themselves with right-wing extremists who are all for dictatorship, Racism, denial of truth and democracy and pretty much everything Republicans USED to stand for that actually made them a worthwhile party choice.

Now you go on ahead and leave your little laughy face from the 'like' button and pretend none of that is happening.

The only 'pretending' is you, Jin, and always has been. Pretending, ignorance on a level that is sadly hilarious and honestly you are one of the SADDEST lumps of organic flesh I have ever come across, and that says a LOT.

Also I wouldn't do any laughing emojis if you would just stop saying stupidly funny shit...
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
LOLOL - which I guess shows you are blindly ignorant of Republican methods then...

The only obvious thing is, well... nah, I won't 'name call' ;)

HEY, if the shoe fits though...

So... what happens to anyone who is right wing/right wing extremist who call people names like "Lieberal, Fascists, Nazi's, terrorists, commies," etc, etc... and those are the, 'nice' terms...
That is not name calling. That is stating facts.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Actually I wasn't asking you Jinny, but...

You have proof of that?

Yep, that's true. Not just by 'leftists'.

That's sadly true.

And yet, those things are not just a 'Marxist/commie' tactical use to get political power... so what do you do in that case?


And thus you are a hypocrite. And well... why I end up usually laughing at you because you're so full of shit it's hilarious.

And Republicans have clearly allied themselves with right-wing extremists who are all for dictatorship, Racism, denial of truth and democracy and pretty much everything Republicans USED to stand for that actually made them a worthwhile party choice.

The only 'pretending' is you, Jin, and always has been. Pretending, ignorance on a level that is sadly hilarious and honestly you are one of the SADDEST lumps of organic flesh I have ever come across, and that says a LOT.

Also I wouldn't do any laughing emojis if you would just stop saying stupidly funny shit...
You have a serious case of denial. Maybe if you read the news once in a while ....
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
So I have a question for you:

Do you think BLM/Antifa were part of January 6?
Yes, it's very likely they were part of the instigators. That's not to say others were not because they were but it was too good of an opportunity to make it much worse than it actually was and definitely no "insurrection" - that term for that day is quite laughable!
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Many were. Just like many are in any riot. It's called "kettling." The cops surround an area and arrest everybody in it. Then each individual is evaluated for whether or not there is evidence that THAT INDIVIDUAL committed any crimes. They're let go if there's no evidence, charged if there is.

Yeah, I'm a lawyer. You clearly ain't. Takes more'n reading moron MAGA websites.

Ya know what makes me feel better? Not giving a damn about domestic disturbances in a country I don't live in. Y'all could storm Parliament and bring down the Peace Tower, and I probably wouldn't notice. I surely wouldn't care. Funny part is you're so anxious to find more White grievance and boo-hoo hard-done-by, you say stupid-ass things about a country whose police procedures and legal system you know dick about.
I actually care about what is happening in your country because it affects mine, a country I do care about. And, while what happens in the U.S. is a concern (or should be) for Canadians, what happens will also affect the rest of the world. Stupidity in accepting Marxist ideology will affect the whole world since it's being implemented by Globalists but apparently you don't care. So it's people like you that scare the hell out of me because your so blind in what's happening and you're buying the lies. That's scary since you proport to be a lawyer. You should see through all the B.S. but apparently you simply buy it, hook, line & sinker. That's on you.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Yes, it's very likely they were part of the instigators. That's not to say others were not because they were but it was too good of an opportunity to make it much worse than it actually was and definitely no "insurrection" - that term for that day is quite laughable!

Do you believe that right wing Republicans infiltrated protests from last year and instigated chaos to make it look like BLM/Antifa were the cause of the damage and so on during those protests?
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Actually I wasn't asking you Jinny, but...

You have proof of that?
What part of "I wouldn't be surprised to learn it was a false flag operation" are you having trouble with? I said nothing definitive there. It means I have no solid proof that it was but based on history involving other relative democracies (and some odd facts about Jan 6) I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn it was.
Yep, that's true. Not just by 'leftists'.
Yer right. The ALT-right learned from watching how the communist goon squads operated. Organization is what it's all about.
And yet, those things are not just a 'Marxist/commie' tactical use to get political power... so what do you do in that case?
The far right hasn't made that attempt yet in my lifetime so your question is rhetorical at best. The far right is still too disorganized to be a credible threat. The far left is an existential threat to the freedoms of the Western World and has been since 1917. But an extremist is an extremist. Don't care which "team" they play for.

And thus you are a hypocrite. And well... why I end up usually laughing at you because you're so full of shit it's hilarious.
Ah yes, attempting to prevent a takeover by a party polluted with ALT-left extremists is evil and should never be supported. Or did you just ignorantly conflate "right-wingers" with "extremists".
And Republicans have clearly allied themselves with right-wing extremists who are all for dictatorship, Racism, denial of truth and democracy and pretty much everything Republicans USED to stand for that actually made them a worthwhile party choice.
Nope, You've confused that with right-wing extremists allying themselves with Republicans. It's a difference with a distinction. But I will agree that those Republicans and RINOs who were against Trump were certainly racist. Why would anyone have a problem with Trump restoring the funding to Historically Black Colleges and Universities that Obama had slashed unless they were a racist? Why would anyone have a problem with Trump engaging the younger Black crowd in the political process unless they were a racist? Why would anyone have a problem with Trump setting up a community development fund for Black communities and entrepreneurs unless they were a racist?
The only 'pretending' is you, Jin, and always has been. Pretending, ignorance on a level that is sadly hilarious and honestly you are one of the SADDEST lumps of organic flesh I have ever come across, and that says a LOT.

Also I wouldn't do any laughing emojis if you would just stop saying stupidly funny shit...
What ever you need to tell your Kool-Aid guzzling, whataboutism playing self, Toots. None are so blind as those who willingly refuse to see. You've been taught to fear anything right-wing as extremism. You've been taught to believe that right-wing extremism is a bigger threat than islamic extremism when islamic extremism IS right-wing extremism. God, you "proggies" sure are fucking stupid and gullible.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I actually care about what is happening in your country because it affects mine, a country I do care about. And, while what happens in the U.S. is a concern (or should be) for Canadians, what happens will also affect the rest of the world. Stupidity in accepting Marxist ideology will affect the whole world since it's being implemented by Globalists but apparently you don't care. So it's people like you that scare the hell out of me because your so blind in what's happening and you're buying the lies. That's scary since you proport to be a lawyer. You should see through all the B.S. but apparently you simply buy it, hook, line & sinker. That's on you.
Nope he expects to be in the elite class .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Do you believe that right wing Republicans infiltrated protests from last year and instigated chaos to make it look like BLM/Antifa were the cause of the damage and so on during those protests?
Why would anyone think something that bizarre? You need professional help.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
LOLOL - which I guess shows you are blindly ignorant of Republican methods then...

The only obvious thing is, well... nah, I won't 'name call' ;)

HEY, if the shoe fits though...

So... what happens to anyone who is right wing/right wing extremist who call people names like "Lieberal, Fascists, Nazi's, terrorists, commies," etc, etc... and those are the, 'nice' terms...
Appropriate is what I would call them because they actually admit that they're Marxists which includes all the above-mentioned names you have listed.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Black couple accused of kidnapping their adopted white kids
Author of the article:Denette Wilford
Publishing date:Aug 09, 2021 • 10 hours ago • 2 minute read • Join the conversation
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A Black couple in Pennsylvania have been accused of kidnapping their adopted white children.


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One woman even threatened to call police when the couple’s sons had a tantrum at a playground, reported South West News Service.

Jennifer McDuffie-Moore, 43, and her husband, Harry Moore, 37, first took in twins, Brayden and Trevor, as foster children after they were separated from their biological mother who suffered from drug addiction.

They officially adopted the boys two years later. They joined the couple’s other four children — biological kids Joy, 21, and Kourtney, 11, and adopted Keenan, 10, and Sanchez, 8 — according to the news outlet.


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They sound like a loving family, but some people don’t know how to act or react, while others act and react in the worst possible way.

“A month ago, we were playing at the playground and the twins didn’t want to go home,” McDuffie-Moore told SWNS. “A lady had been watching us playing and when one of the twins had a tantrum, she told me she was going to call the police.”

She continued: “I scooped the kids up and she thought I was stealing them. One of the twins said, ‘No, that’s my mom!’ I don’t want to justify it because people should mind their own business.”

McDuffie-Moore acknowledged that it’s rare to see a black family adopting a white child and in transracial adoptions, it’s often the other way around.


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“We were coming back from a family outing from Delaware and we got pulled over,” recalled McDuffie-Moore, whose Instagram bio states she’s a mother of six, “adoptive mother/foster mom,” foster care advocate and early childhood education advocate.

“We had our children and two little strawberry blond girls who we were fostering with us and the first thing the cops asked my husband was, ‘Whose kids are those?’ And he wasn’t kind about it.”

The officer allegedly pulled them over because the window tint was too dark.

The couple said they can’t imagine their family without the twins, who were “supposed to stay for a weekend, and now they are here forever.”


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Soooo you're suggesting Republicans are responsible for the ALT-left insurrections in Seattle and Portland and for the riots in Minneapolis, Atlanta, Kenosha etc? Talk about a fucking troll.

I'm suggesting that to hold the opinion that only the Alt/Extreme Left does dangerous, riotious, stupid, disgusting shit is absolutely hypocritical.

I'm suggesting that there were likely Alt-Right actors in with the protests and that they are at fault for some of the rioting.

I am suggesting that there are extremes on both sides who are looking to riot, looking to loot and looking to further their cause by pointing fingers and saying "THAT SIDE DID IT".

Unlike Dixie and you and others who are so easily played.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Yep. After 4 years of ALT-left political theatre and media assassinations against a duly elected president it wouldn't shock me in the least to learn it was a false flag operation to try to ensure Trump can never come back to run again. If you read non-Marxist approved history, you'll learn those same tactics, among others, have been used several times before. Don't just defeat your political opponent, destroy them. If you can demonize someone, you can dehumanize them. If you can dehumanize them, it makes it easier to get others to hate them. And THAT results in idiots voting against someone without having a clue what they're voting for.

That's why I call Marxist/commie filth 'subhuman scum'. Well that and because that's what they are.

Now, assuming it was right-wingers actually responsible, I don't blame them. The Democrats have clearly allied themselves with left-wing extremists; BLM/antifa (procom) and spew rhetoric about defending democracy and Constitution while working hard to undermine both.

Now you go on ahead and leave your little laughy face from the 'like' button and pretend none of that is happening.
OK. . . so your point is "I wouldn't be surprised if it was REALLY BLM/antifa/Deep State/Hillary/lefty/Democrat/Communists. And it's unforgivable for them to try to overthrow the Constitution. But if it really WAS MAGA righties, I support them because it's right and proper for them to overthrow the Constitution."

Yep, got it. Thanks for clarifying. You hold the Constitution to be a good thing, but only when it serves right-wing MAGA ideology.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
OK. . . so your point is "I wouldn't be surprised if it was REALLY BLM/antifa/Deep State/Hillary/lefty/Democrat/Communists. And it's unforgivable for them to try to overthrow the Constitution. But if it really WAS MAGA righties, I support them because it's right and proper for them to overthrow the Constitution."

Yep, got it. Thanks for clarifying. You hold the Constitution to be a good thing, but only when it serves right-wing MAGA ideology.
Really , you read that ? Great imagination you have .