Proud Boys, other extreme right-wing groups, among 13 added to Canada's terror list


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
No, it's about if you're a terrorist group, you should be on the terrorist group list. Doesn't matter what 'side' you are.
So , when and where has this group blown up buildings or done any other terrorist like thing ? How many chapters in Canada ? What are the membership numbers ? Are Trudeau and his Liberals simply virtue signalling ?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
No, it's about if you're a terrorist group, you should be on the terrorist group list. Doesn't matter what 'side' you are.
While you support antifah and BLM and fakenews and defend sexually terrifying children.?

YOU are now on that list.

Joe Biden Makes ‘Kids in Cages’ Great Again​

Yesterday, Redstate’s Nick Arama wrote on Joe Biden re-opening a facility to house the children of illegal immigrants and other unaccompanied minors that make it across the border. This was in stark contrast to previous pronouncements that he was going to shutter them and release everyone.

And while it may be a good thing that Biden isn’t going completely insane on immigration just yet (though he’s canceled the wall and other enforcement measures), the hypocrisy we are now seeing in response to this is just too much to ignore.

Remember when “kids in cages” was a rallying cry of the left and their mainstream media allies? Yeah, that’s quickly shifted to a much more realistic view of the world. What a coincidence, right?

So...I guess you want everyone ELSE in a cage, doncha?
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Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
Okay, I get that the riots were ugly, but the question of just who was responsible for the violence, and their actual connection to BLM is still pretty much undecided. Reports of just who instigated the riots are many and varied, and many, many fingers have been pointed at white supremacists. In this day of misinformation and media manipulation pretty careful about what one accepts as truth. Ms. Patel herself has stated that the "hooliganism" at the BLM protests came from a minority within the protesters, after coming under fire for criticizing the entire BLM movement for the violence and vandalism. A cursory look over Ms. Patel's recent history does tend to indicate a dramatic side to her public image.

The "List of Proscribed Terrorist Organizations" issued by the British Home office and last updated In July of 2020 makes no mention of BLM.
Home Office Terrorist List

The BLM movement is devoted to raising awareness of inequality and systemic racism, and has gained global recognition for drawing attention to these long standing issues. There is little real organization you could attribute to BLM, there's no one running the show. What we are watching is the frustration of centuries of mistreatment finally boiling over, something that was pretty much inevitable. The actions of a few, no matter what their political views, cannot be allowed to divert our gazed, even though there are many who would like to see the whole thing just go away for whatever reason.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Not organized

.......Burn and loot.
Not all the protests were rioting and burning, most of it WAS peaceful. Then shit disturbers started and did the damage. THOSE people SHOULD be seen as the rioters, looters and terrorists.

And if they were part of BLM and not condemned by BLM then fuck that BLM chapter.
....yet considered "peaceful protesting"....try again

No, the peaceful protesters were peaceful. Rioters and looters were not.

Try again.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
BLM/Antifa........Burn and loot.....yet considered "peaceful protesting"....try again
"Considered" without any reference to exactly who's doing the considering. . .

Y'all just can't help it. Ever since Trump's "Many people are saying. . ." ya just gotta attribute whatever you're scared of to an unspecified "them."
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