WE really need to get rid of this guy


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
To the first part, wow, agree, holy ****ing shit no. Yes, yes, oh that. Eye roll.

And to your final question.

Yes, because Biden sucks too. I think Trump would have won if not for the pandemic. 250,000 dead can swing a lot of votes.

The last four years have been complete lunacy, he's hired and fired more contestants than on that stupid show of his. He is embarrassment to the country he leads, calling fallen soldiers "Suckers and losers." The Republicans need to reclaim their party after this pig of president is gone. He is a raving idiot, lacking common sense or grace, and I suggest his cheese is sliding off his cracker.
P.S. Trump never called soldiers suckers and losers , the press said Trump said that . Why would you believe them ? they are the same press hiding We from the Canadian public and not on your side .


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Well he doesn’t want to take your guns away . His successors have different ideas . Go ahead follow the media into the boxcars with no guns in your cold dead hands .
Exactly. What we see in reality isnt what TV says it is.

Go by verifiable statistics. Who cares what's on TV?

Are some stuck watching the afternoon hen shows?

The opinions of the wife of the Prince of Darkness are held in reverence?

Going off the rails on the crazy train.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
To the first part, wow, agree, holy ****ing shit no. Yes, yes, oh that. Eye roll.
And to your final question.
Yes, because Biden sucks too. I think Trump would have won if not for the pandemic. 250,000 dead can swing a lot of votes.
The last four years have been complete lunacy, he's hired and fired more contestants than on that stupid show of his. He is embarrassment to the country he leads, calling fallen soldiers "Suckers and losers." The Republicans need to reclaim their party after this pig of president is gone. He is a raving idiot, lacking common sense or grace, and I suggest his cheese is sliding off his cracker.

The bolded makes you wonder how many did vote in this election

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Getting away from the American politics and back to Canadian politics with respect to this whole WE fiasco, & the Trudeau Liberal’s default position of openness and transparency.... this is rearing its ugly head again. Something is happening here and may be the Trudeau liberals are actually going to be open and transparent (it might happen but probably not) with respect to this whole shenanigans situation....


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Getting away from the American politics and back to Canadian politics with respect to this whole WE fiasco, & the Trudeau Liberal’s default position of openness and transparency.... this is rearing its ugly head again. Something is happening here and may be the Trudeau liberals are actually going to be open and transparent (it might happen but probably not) with respect to this whole shenanigans situation....
They are openly and transparently destroying the evidence as we speak .
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Getting away from the American politics and back to Canadian politics with respect to this whole WE fiasco, & the Trudeau Liberal’s default position of openness and transparency.... this is rearing its ugly head again. Something is happening here and may be the Trudeau liberals are actually going to be open and transparent (it might happen but probably not) with respect to this whole shenanigans situation....
The WE scandal has grown into a Global phenomenon.

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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
The question is, "Why?" Why are people supporting him?
The answer is "The United States is a nation steeped in racism."
And the Democrats are the ones keeping it there. Biden helped Clinton create legislation in 1994 that was punitive towards Black people. The for-profit prison system saw an even greater disproportion of Black people railroaded into prisons. More inmates means mo' money. He also was responsible for classifying crack separately from powder coke and making the penalties for possession of crack MUCH harsher. And guess who the predominant users of crack were and guess who the predominant users of powder were? Go on, take a wild stab at it.

Trump OTOH, restored the funding to HBCUs that the previous BLACK president had slashed. He joined up with Ice Cube to create a community investment and development fund for Black people and their communities. He's also the FIRST president/candidate who actually engaged with young Black people.

The cities where all the rioting and shit took place about police brutality and racist cops were all in Democrat run cities, most of which have been Democrat for decades. But it's all Trump's fault of course.

Trump didn't "divide Americans, Obama did the moment he started engaging in the politics of division via the stupid identity politics game. The MSM has also helped with that divide by focusing almost entirely on Black people being killed by cops while ignoring everyone else who gets killed by the cops.

Here's my challenge to you RCS. Show proof of Trump's racism. And I don't mean some lame MSM propaganda. Show me concrete, solid proof that a man who has done more for Black Americans than any other president in the modern era is a racist.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Here's my challenge to you RCS. Show proof of Trump's racism. And I don't mean some lame MSM propaganda. Show me concrete, solid proof that a man who has done more for Black Americans than any other president in the modern era is a racist.
I'll take a stab at this one (& I'm not Trump Fan-Boy) in an effort to transition this thread back to Canadian Politics. I don't recall Trump being caught in Blackface/Brownface so many times that he could even tell you how many times he'd done it....but maybe Trump isn't woke enough like our own clown.....& on that note & circling BACK to Canada & Canadian Politics: http://www.cjme.com/2020/11/16/liberals-say-they-will-back-off-delay-tactics-on-we-charity-affair/

OTTAWA — The Liberals said Monday they will cede some ground on the WE Charity affair, which has been mired in filibusters and duelling committee motions for nearly two months — but appeared to yield only minimal turf. Government House leader Pablo Rodriguez said his party has agreed to send unredacted documents linked to the controversy to the parliamentary law clerk, who will then decide what information needs to be blacked out to protect personal privacy.

Awesome, right?

The mild concession came in response to a Conservative motion that calls on the Speaker of the Commons to rule that redactions made to more than 5,000 pages of government documents on the WE affair amount to a breach of the finance committee's privileges. "We have now agreed to send unredacted documents to the Law Clerk, except those that were redacted to protect cabinet confidences and unrelated material (?) as already allowed by the committee motion," Rodriguez said Monday in a Twitter post.

His proposal differs somewhat from the Conservative motion, which would leave it in the law clerk's hands to black out confidential cabinet communications and irrelevant content (?). Conservative finance critic Pierre Poilievre said cabinet confidences make up nearly half of the originally submitted documents, with "unrelated material" (?) also hidden from view. Rodriguez's new proposal would make no difference other than to disclose the names and phone numbers of some individuals that were redacted for privacy concerns. Nonetheless, Poilievre said his party is willing to meet the Liberals halfway.

"If the government insists that it needs to put aside what it claims are cabinet confidences, fine, we’ll do that for now," he said Monday at a news conference. The issue of unrelated documents (?) arriving in the law clerk's hands already redacted remains a "sticking point," he added, leaving it up in the air whether the Tories will accept Rodriguez's compromise.

"If they’re totally unrelated to the WE controversy, why did the government put them in the bundle of WE documents and then cover them in black ink?" Poilievre asked. "We just want the parliamentary law clerk to look at them and confirm whether or not they are irrelevant to our study." Anyway, the rest of the story at the LINK above....
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Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I have it unredacted, but you can't see it wait for my report and trust me

Ethics commissioner says he's received 'thousands of pages' of unredacted WE Charity documents

OTTAWA — Federal ethics commissioner Mario Dion says he’s received thousands of pages of wholly unredacted government documents related to the WE Charity scandal as he investigates the matter for conflicts of interest. Read on in the link
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

Protest erupts in Senate after accusations against PM in We Charity scandal​

Author of the article:
Postmedia News

Them’s fighting words.

Quebec Senator Leo Housakos called Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a bribe taker in the We Charity scandal, prompting a chorus of “Shame! Shame!” from other senators in the chamber, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

The accusation came while they were debating a motion to investigate federal funding for the organization.

“This scandal has shown us the Trudeau family and their Liberal friends have no scruples when it comes to money,” said Housakos.

“They accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars and took expensive trips. This scandal was so big even the Minister of Finance had to resign because he too accepted bribes from We Charity. All those bribes We Charity gave to the mother, the brother, the wife of the Prime Minister himself clearly worked. It pays to have Justin Trudeau as a friend.”

Countered Ontario Senator Frances Lankin: “We all heard Senator Housakos accuse the Prime Minister of bribery. Bribery is a charge under the Criminal Code.”

Added Quebec Senator Pierre Dalphond: “Senator Housakos must withdraw these words and apologize. To say that somebody has committed a crime when maybe he has a breach of the Code Of Ethics of the House of Commons is confusing things on purpose.”

Housakos stood fast and replied: “I believe We Charity gave a payment to his mother, to his brother, to his wife at various times, and in a complete conflict of interest and breach of the Criminal Code months later, there was an exchange of government grants.”

We Charity received a $43.5 million federal grant that was later withdrawn after it admitted paying the equivalent of $481,751 to Trudeau’s family in gifts, talent fees and free London and New York trips.

Finance Minister Bill Morneau resigned after acknowledging he approved the grant without admitting We Charity hired his daughter and personally gave him the equivalent of $41,366 in free accommodation at Kenya and Ecuador resorts.

Housakos said he’d be willing to repeat his statements outside the Senate where there is no parliamentary privilege, and welcomed any libel suit by Trudeau.

“I’d be more than happy to see him in a court of law and cross-examine him,” said Housakos.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
WE on CBC this morning. Victims they claim and sad that the children were the ultimate losers.
If they gave a livin' shit about the 'children' they would not have engaged in the activities that led to their downfall. Not the least surprised to hear that the public broadcasting network that needs to be de-funded asap is giving this org a platform to whinge.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek

How Ottawa utterly botched Canada's COVID vaccine acquisition


Rejecting a private sector manufacturing plan in favour of a botched internal one

It’s now becoming increasingly clear that as the world mobilizes to immunize itself against COVID-19, Canada is falling seriously behind. At a time when more than half of Israelis have gotten the jab, Canada has only two per cent of its population vaccinated. Recent analysis by The Economist found that while virtually all of Europe will be fully vaccinated by the end of this year, the earliest Canada can hope for is mid-2022. And in one of the sharpest rebukes to Canada’s pandemic performance yet, the federal government has tapped into a global vaccine-sharing pool initially meant for developing nations.

The coming months will reveal much of the failures and oversights that allowed this to happen, but below is a primer on why you’re going to be vaccinated much later than if you were an American, Brit or even Serbian.

Betting our vaccine hopes on a deeply questionable Chinese plan first, Canada seemed to have vaccine-acquisition under control. The Chinese pharma company CanSino had developed what was then one of the world’s most promising vaccine candidates, and Ottawa struck a deal to have it undergo human trials in Canada, with Canadian laboratories free to reproduce and manufacture the shot.

But only days after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the arrangement, China shut off all shipments of the CanSino vaccine to Canada in what is believed to have been a spiteful retaliation for the continued imprisonment of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver. In hindsight, it may have been a bad idea to bet the country’s pandemic recovery on one of Canada’s top geopolitical enemies.

More: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/cana...vaccine-acquisition/ar-BB1dpNFc?ocid=BingNews

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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek

Senior bureaucrats managing problem-plagued Phoenix pay system received nearly $2M in bonuses

In 2019-2020, 38 executives involved with the Phoenix pay system were paid $554,749 in performance pay or bonuses. In 2018-2019, 32 executives were paid $479,641.

In 2017-2018, 24 exectives were paid $341,795, while in 2016-2017, 12 executives were paid $175,202 and in 2015-2016, 10 were paid $143,508. The document notes that executives were not paid performance pay in 2015-2016.

“Ensuring public servants are paid accurately and on time is a top priority,” the document says. “Pay and pension services are essential and we have the resources in place to make sure they are operating without interruption.”

The failures of the Phoenix pay system, launched in 2016 across 34 government departments, were at their worst in early 2018, when the backlog of requests to fix pay mistakes, such as too much or too little pay, was at 384,000 requests. By June 2020, those requests had dropped to 125,000.

The auditor general, in 2018, called Phoenix an “incomprehensible failure of project management and oversight.”

There have also been controversies over performance pay in the past. But the government has defended them as being linked to targets in fixing the problems with the Phoenix pay system, which led to tens of thousands of federal public servants being paid improperly since its implementation.

In an odd quirk, the government, at present, is proceeding with a new system to replace Phoenix, which should be ready to go by 2023, even as Phoenix’s problems are on their way to being solved.

The Parliamentary Budget Officer, in 2019, estimated that getting Phoenix functional would cost some $2.6 billion, and a replacement system would cost $57 million to put in place, plus $106 million to operate each year.

The federal government did not respond to a request for comment by press time.