COVID-19 'Pandemic'


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
I call this the "Mockingbird Song," but the original title is "Wonder."
Well, he's a bureaucrat who hates bureaucrats, so. . .

That's a beautiful song, thank you for that. I looked up Merchant's original inspiration and her message through this song, and find that it applies to many. "I'm a challenge to your balance" is something that I strongly identify with. This was a gift today so again, I thank you.

Ah, the whole bureaucrat thing, gotcha. ;-) I find it funny that people think others would be insulted if they told them that they think highly of themselves. I think many people do think that way. I'd hate to live in a world where most people had no self worth.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Okay for starters, textbooks? You're joking right? You mean to tell me that the information I requested, which was links to studies speaking of the life threatening bacteria in face masks, is only available in text books? What decade are you living in? Textbooks? Come on! Surely there are links online concerning studies done pertaining to life threatening spit and bacteria in disposable medical masks. Or do we have to wait for the next textbook to be published?
And again, we were not speaking of a firefighter's mask. I know you want to keep that in the conversation but it's two different worlds, you know that. But while we're here, a question, what is the step by step process you employ in cleaning and sanitizing your face mask/SCBA? I ask out of genuine interest and curiosity.
And finally, do I have an over inflated opinion of myself? Well I wouldn't call it over inflated but I do have a high opinion of myself. Why wouldn't I? Don't you have a high opinion of yourself? Or do you have a low opinion of yourself? If you do I'm really sorry to hear it, you should work on that. We should all value ourselves and hold ourselves in high esteem, we're much more productive that way, yes?
I really don't give a rats ass about studies by academics. I deal in reality. Both in my hazmat and firefighter training we are told to clean our masks. Full face and half masks are at least wiped out with a wipe whenever removes and washed with a disinfectant soap, dried and put back in their bag at the end of a call. Since Covid we got everyone their own personal mask instead of just having one for each seat on the truck. N95s are disposed of when removed.Even when used for salvage -overhaul of a burned structure. Same with gloves. Also in a multi patient MVI if using an N95 both mask and gloves are replaced between patients.
Even a face diaper should not be worn more than 2 hours at a stretch. ASide from the obvious risk of bacteria in a wet mask if you touch your face or the mask after touching a potentially contaminated surface or person you have just lost what little protection the mask may have provided. These things are cheap, why risk it?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Before his COVID, Trump was a minimal, mentally unstable, and incapable of running a Democracy (although he would be a fine fit for a Totalitarian regime). Now, he is completely unhinged, and even his children are worried. The White House staff are in complete meltdown, as Trump insists on not wearing a mask, and masks are still optional, with no social distancing.

He is drugged up on steroids and adderall. I would like to think someone in the GOP or his inner circle steps in, and talks some sense into him, but that is highly unlikely. He is a sick man, and may die this month. Trump is definitely going to return to the hospital within days.
That is the problem.......NO one can talk sense into him. He won't listen . He would only act out in some kind of enraged revenge. He is sick........and the virus is but the smaller part of his sickness. The drugs he is on are only potentiating the destructive personality that is there. One can pretty safely assume that his current behavior is steroid induced. ( energetic that can develop into a mania. His irrationality is more acute now. He is delusional about this virus. is denial of its danger is of psychotic proportions. His recklessness with the people around him is beyond lack of is deliberate and delusional. White House: YOU have a big PROBLEM. The staff at the white house should NOT show up...........(go into quarantine) THAT would be the responsible thing to do. OR commit the psycho in chief to a mental health care environment. He is dangerous


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
elaborate, please..

It is posted in multiple threads in this forum not willing to negotiate lower than $2.4 Trillion which has bailouts for Dem. cities in financial crises instead of them getting Fed loans. Buried in the Bill is more funding for state sponsored abortions

Navarro blames Pelosi for stalled negotiations on next round of coronavirus relief

On Tuesday, the bipartisan House Problem Solvers Caucus released a $1.5 trillion coronavirus plan that worked out some of the thorniest divisions between Democrats and Republicans in an effort to jump-start relief to Americans still reeling from the health and economic crisis.

Among the highlights of the $1.5 trillion plan is $120 billion for enhanced unemployment aid through January 2021 at a rate of $450 weekly for an eight-week transition period until states can reconfigure to the new system that would provide up to $600 weekly, but not to exceed 100% of the previous wage.

The plan also includes $280 billion for another round of direct stimulus checks worth $1,200 for adults and $500 for children and $290 billion for small business and nonprofit assistance, which would include $240 billion for another round of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds.

Meadows also indicated that President Trump “was certainly willing to embrace the $1.5 trillion number that was put out in the last day or so.”

On Thursday President Trump tweeted, “Democrats only want BAILOUT MONEY for Blue States that are doing badly. They don’t care about the people, never did!”

“I'm not sure what's going on with Pelosi, but there is definitely a deal to be done whether it's 1.5 or something else,” Navarro said on Thursday.

Speaking on Capitol Hill on Thursday, Pelosi insisted Democrats have “compromised.”

“We came down a trillion dollars, we asked them [Republicans] to go up a trillion dollars, instead they went down not recognizing the need,” Pelosi said.

She also said that moderate Democrats, especially those in swing districts, who have been pushing for a more narrow coronavirus bill, “don’t say it to me.”

“What they say is, ‘We need to have a solution,’” Pelosi continued.

One of the boldest efforts of revolt came Tuesday when the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus revealed their $1.5 trillion coronavirus relief plan, with 25 Democrats breaking with their leadership and joining 25 Republicans on the compromise proposal.

Moderate Democrats pressure Pelosi, House leadership to move new coronavirus bill: 'Stop the stupidity'

Moderate Democrats, especially those in swing districts, have been pressuring House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to pass another coronavirus relief bill, signaling that blaming the Senate Republicans and the White House for the inaction isn't flying back home with their constituents who need help.

One of the boldest efforts of revolt came Tuesday when the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus revealed their $1.5 trillion coronavirus relief plan, with 25 Democrats breaking with their leadership and joining 25 Republicans on a compromise proposal.

Rep. Max Rose, D-N.Y., was among the backers of the plan and said his frustration with leadership's failure to make a deal pales in comparison to the frustration of his constituents needing help. It's been four months since the House passed its $3 trillion HEROES Act -- which died in the GOP-led Senate -- and now Rose and fellow frontline Democrats have been urging House leadership to put another bill on the floor that could actually become law.

"The pressure is loud and forthright and it is bipartisan in nature," Rose told Fox News of the urging on both GOP and Democratic leadership to move a "real" bill. "Because that pressure is reflective of where the American people are. They are sick and tired of politics."

"To the leadership, we said this very simple message: It's time for you to stop playing games. Let's stop the charade. Let's stop this stupidity. Let's put the country first."

The Problem Solvers' effort was designed to break the logjam on stalled coronavirus talks between Pelosi, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and the White House. Instead, it met with unified resistance from Pelosi and her leadership team.

In a rare move, all eight major Democratic committee chairs put out a joint statement Tuesday rejecting the bipartisan plan, saying it "falls short of what is needed to save lives and boost the economy.".....More

Even Politico couldn't avoid writing about some of the extras

House approves $2.2 trillion Covid measure as bipartisan talks remain stalled

Earlier Thursday, Pelosi cast serious doubt on the likelihood of an agreement during a private call with House Democrats, stressing multiple times that Republicans don’t “share our values” on the need to provide trillions of dollars in health and economic relief to Americans impacted by the pandemic.

The California Democrat outlined several key areas where Democrats and Republicans remained far apart, including a child tax credit, where she said Mnuchin has refused to approve even one dollar in new spending while Democrats have sought tens of billions of dollars for the initiative.

The two parties have also been at odds over additional aid for state and local governments — a Democratic push — and Republican demands for liability protections for businesses and schools.....More

5 Key Provisions in Democrats’ COVID-19 Bill That Will Hurt Our Economy

1. Extending the $600 unemployment bonus: The bill would extend the misguided and harmful $600 unemployment bonus through January 2021, with an additional extension possible through March of next year.

It’s one thing to provide short-term and targeted unemployment benefits during forced shutdowns, but providing a year’s worth of unprecedented additional unemployment benefits—up to an extra $31,200 per worker—would be devastating to our economy, potentially even threatening our ability to combat COVID-19 and Americans’ supply of essential goods and services.

Using taxpayer dollars to pay unemployed workers more than employed workers is incredibly unfair to the hardworking Americans who continue to work each day—and wholly un-American.

Policymakers should be focused on creating the conditions that enable the 1 in 5 Americans who have lost their jobs to reconnect with their previous employers or find new employment, instead of incentivizing them to remain unemployed until 2021.

The HEROES Act’s perverse unemployment benefits threaten the well-being of the workers they claim to want to help. Tantalizing workers with unemployment benefits equal to 150% or 200% of their usual earnings will only hurt them in the long run, by leading to long-term unemployment and to lower incomes and fewer opportunities, while slowing the American recovery.

2. Lifting the SALT cap: The House Democrats’ bill would lift the current $10,000 cap on the federal deduction for state and local taxes in 2020 and 2021.

Temporarily lifting the cap would provide a two-year windfall tax cut to the wealthiest taxpayers in the highest-tax states.

Before the 2017 reforms, high-tax states such as California, Connecticut, and New York were subsidized by other federal taxpayers across the country. In the case of high-income California taxpayers, the federal state and local tax deduction reduced their overall state tax bill by 40%.

If this proposed change to uncap the deduction were made permanent, it could encourage state governments to increase some of their most economically harmful individual taxes, slowing the economic recovery and passing the costs onto more responsible states.

3. Bailing out states and localities: The bill also includes more than $1 trillion in aid to state and local governments with the vast majority being unrestricted aid that does not directly respond to costs incurred in the fight against COVID-19.

Congress should not be sending blank checks to states and localities, which would only serve to bail out many states that are financially mismanaged and to prop up excessive levels of state and local government spending, and could set a dangerous precedent for the future.

Congress can avoid creating perverse incentives by relieving state governments of unfunded mandates and federal red tape that raise costs and reduce the effectiveness of state and local spending.

4. Forgiving student loans: The bill would forgive up to $10,000 of student loans for every borrower.

Providing blanket student loan forgiveness is neither targeted nor directly related to addressing COVID-19’s impact. It would merely add greater burdens on those who did not take out the loans (the vast majority of taxpayers, nearly two-thirds of whom do not hold bachelor’s degrees).

Congress has already suspended student loan payments and interest to meet the needs of borrowers who are struggling to make payments, providing temporary relief.

5. Bailing out the Postal Service: The package includes $25 billion for the U.S. Postal Service, which is in addition to the $10 billion loan provided to the Postal Service in the CARES Act.....More

Democrats Want New Stimulus Bill With Abortion Funding and Aid to Illegal Aliens

Still, congressional leaders will have no shortage of options to choose from as they put together the next spending bill, with proposals coming from every corner of the country and ideological spectrum.

Democratic Reps. Joe Neguse of Colorado, Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico, Andy Levin of Michigan and Tom Malinowski of New Jersey, for instance, introduced a bill on Tuesday to give small cities and towns access to $250 billion in direct relief funds, expanding on the $150 billion fund for state and local governments in the $2.2 trillion stimulus bill.

“A number of us felt that did not go far enough,” Neguse said in an interview. “A number of us believed the fund should be much larger — in addition, the structure should be changed so that cities and counties under 500,000 people could access directly federal resources from the Treasury Department.”

Another quartet of House Democrats — Reps. Jim McGovern of Massachusetts, Marcia Fudge of Ohio, Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts — urged House and Senate leaders to boost funding for food stamps, pushing for an increase to both the maximum and minimum benefits available under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

And a bipartisan, bicameral group of lawmakers — Sens. Amy Klobuchar, a Minnesota Democrat, and Kevin Cramer, a North Dakota Republican, and Reps. Peter Welch, a Vermont Democrat, and Roger Marshall, a Kansas Republican — want congressional leaders to include funding in the next bill for small broadband providers to provide internet to low-income families.

While many of the proposals would add or tweak the stimulus legislation passed last month, a group of House lawmakers wants to revise the 2017 Republican tax cuts to repeal the cap on state and local tax deductions that hit hardest in states like California and New York — now hotspots of the coronavirus pandemic.

“Now is a time when state and local governments are facing serious funding issues and relief from the cap would help not only individuals, but the state and local governments addressing the crisis we all face,” wrote the dozen lawmakers, led by Democratic Rep. Tom Suozzi of New York.....More

I can keep going if you want more spoon feeding


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
That is the problem.......NO one can talk sense into him. He won't listen . He would only act out in some kind of enraged revenge. He is sick........and the virus is but the smaller part of his sickness. The drugs he is on are only potentiating the destructive personality that is there. One can pretty safely assume that his current behavior is steroid induced. ( energetic that can develop into a mania. His irrationality is more acute now. He is delusional about this virus. is denial of its danger is of psychotic proportions. His recklessness with the people around him is beyond lack of is deliberate and delusional. White House: YOU have a big PROBLEM. The staff at the white house should NOT show up...........(go into quarantine) THAT would be the responsible thing to do. OR commit the psycho in chief to a mental health care environment. He is dangerous

It just boggles the mind, how many people continue to be hook winked by him. The man is committed to hospital obviously for specialized treatment because his life is in the balance and he decides to take off cruising around the city to touch base with his buddies. Mentality of a 10 year old!


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
But the Blessed Virgin Bonnie says;

“We are flattening our curve,” Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said Monday as she presented fall data on the pandemic.

Does anyone even understand what "flattening the curve" means anymore? It means the numbers are not increasing exponentially and projected numbers are below the peak capacity that hospitals can treat. The curve has been flattened for 5 months now pretty much everywhere. But it is such a catchy tagline, and the masses do relate to simple and repetitive messaging so the overuse and exploitation of the phrase continues.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
The people who are defending Trump at this point, fall into three groups:

1) Denial
2) Will support him until the bitter end, regardless of circumstance or the damage to the Democratic values of America
3) They hope for a fascist state.
Those that want fascism should move to a country with that style of government.........and leave the rest to keep democracy fertile. They could find out directly what it is like . Mind you , they should NOT plan on returning.....if they don't like it. One way ticket to their authoritarian nation of choice .

Those in DENIAL........... can't be helped........... except with drugs.( mental health type)

Those that support to the bitter end.......regardless of consequences..........( are a cult......... and need group therapy).........

........Starving for a more rational world. ;-) Time for a calm after a major storm.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Those that want fascism should move to a country with that style of government.........and leave the rest to keep democracy fertile. They could find out directly what it is like . Mind you , they should NOT plan on returning.....if they don't like it. One way ticket to their authoritarian nation of choice .

Those in DENIAL........... can't be helped........... except with drugs.( mental health type)

Those that support to the bitter end.......regardless of consequences..........( are a cult......... and need group therapy).........

........starbingfor a more rational world. ;-)
Who is the fascist ? Off to the re-education camps with you .

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
It just boggles the mind, how many people continue to be hook winked by him. The man is committed to hospital obviously for specialized treatment because his life is in the balance and he decides to take off cruising around the city to touch base with his buddies. Mentality of a 10 year old!
I think the steroids are affecting him too. Affecting his judgement. (not that it is mature at the best of times)

The crazy thing is that his behavior is being reported as erratic.......... and yet no one seems to have the ability to get him the real help he neds. ( mental health help.........) He might crash when the steroids are stopped. Stopping that bill that would help people a n irresponsibly decision. His callousness is now exaggerated. He is acting like he has already won the he promises the benefit bill after the election.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
CNN reporting: fourth press aid has test positive. The white house is the new hot spot ground zero. and the "leader" could care less.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Why would you refer to her as "blessed virgin" out of curiosity? Do you realize that she has been receiving death threats for the work she is doing? Do you think she enjoys Being the BC Health Officer, during the greatest pandemic in 100 years?
Or would you prefer your Fuhrer give you the news that, "it's nothing but the common cold (even though he is sick, and his condition could take a turn for the worse in a matter of days).
Manitoba had only 1/2 the cases of Saskatchewan until a month ago. An outbreak is inevitable in Saskatchewan. The question is "when."
Shes Holy.

Did you read what she said or just needed a soapbox?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I think the steroids are affecting him too. Affecting his judgement. (not that it is mature at the best of times)
The crazy thing is that his behavior is being reported as erratic.......... and yet no one seems to have the ability to get him the real help he neds. ( mental health help.........) He might crash when the steroids are stopped. Stopping that bill that would help people a n irresponsibly decision. His callousness is now exaggerated. He is acting like he has already won the he promises the benefit bill after the election.
What's affecting you? What makes you a drama queen?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
And it’s through our contact tracing we’ve seen that the majority of new cases are still connected, that we’re not seeing a lot of uncontrolled transmissions.”

Yay. It takes contact over a period of time. It's not rampant in the public.

Is it weakening?

Hospitalized - flat

Death rate - flat
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

SACK Matt Hancock Now 📺 Parliament Clip Shocking Contempt

How can this man have such contempt for our lives? Appalling!