COVID-19 'Pandemic'


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Good point! but most of it is repeated on the evening news.
Who wastes time watching that cr-p ? Turn the boob tube off till game time . Make sure the sound is off , much more enjoyable , no insufferably arrogant commentators to listen to .


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016

Seasonal flu vs COVID fatality rate.


Interesting that the graph on the left lumps all people 65+ into one metric, but the one on the right breaks it down further. It's also quite interesting that the graph compares American flu deaths (left graph) to Covid deaths in China (right graph), rather than comparing numbers in the same country.

You know what else has an extremely high fatality rate?? Old age. Since the average life expectancy of people in China is around 76, to calculate a fair comparison we can eliminate the 80+ from the graph and we extrapolate that the 65+ group on the covid graph is about 4-5%.

Of course, that wouldn't look nearly as dramatic on a graph.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Cerebrovascular Aging...right back to protein C and C reactive proteins (CRP).

Increasing evidence shows that C‐reactive protein (CRP) is not only an inflammatory biomarker but also an important risk factor associated with ageing‐related diseases including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and kidney disease. Recent studies have demonstrated that CRP is pathogenic in a number of diseases including hypertensive cardiovascular and kidney complications, diabetic nephropathy, and acute and chronic kidney diseases. It is well known that CRP binds its receptor, CD32/CD64, to induce the process of inflammation by activating the NF‐κB signalling pathway. In addition, CRP mediates tissue fibrosis in a number of cardiovascular and kidney diseases by activating TGF‐β/Smad signalling via TGF‐β1‐dependent and independent mechanisms. Furthermore, CRP is able to activate mTOR signalling in the diabetic conditions. Our recent studies also revealed that CRP impairs cell regeneration by causing the G1 cell cycle arrest and promotes ageing via a Smad3‐dependent p21/p27 mechanism. In this review, we discuss the roles of CRP in ageing, with a focus on its function and mechanisms in physiological or “healthy” ageing, in ageing‐related diseases, and in cell signalling


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
There is a slew of evidence that masks dramatically reduce the chances of becoming infected with COVID.

True.... and there's also a slew of evidence that contradict this claim. Here's a quick example from MedPage Today...

Mask recommendations are all over the place. What should we really be telling patients to do?

Kevin Campbell, MD, says evidence that everyone should wear a mask is shaky at best, and that maybe the general public shouldn't be wasting valuable PPE resources.

While a meta-analysis regarding the protective effects of wearing masks in the community has been published in the last week, the authors note that the findings on face masks and eye protection are based on very limited evidence, and none of the practices examined in the study fully protected against COVID-19 -- there really is no silver bullet. Another study from Texas A&M published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences concluded that masks were essential in curbing the spread, but the study was not designed to draw these conclusions -- it simply studied how viral particles were spread and extrapolated that the masks would be effective. So no real proof. There was no direct comparison or any real experiment using masks to prevent COVID-19 performed so that evidence -- again -- is shaky at best.

Currently, I believe that the media is using masking as a political prop and ultimately it is a reflexive reaction to anxiety and fear over the pandemic.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC

There are so many red herring's in this conversation, that I may as well go shopping for a fishing rod, considering it's almost winter.
The Trump cult is active this morning. :lol:
They're happy because President Plague-rat is on the loose and infecting people again.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Kevin Campbell is a cardiologist, not a virologist.
If I have a toothache, I go to a Dentist. Why would I go to a orthopedic surgeon?
I stick to leading virologists, like Dr.Tam and Dr.Fauci and the CDC.
Why not a gynecologist?

Or some guy who sells pillows in infomercials?


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Kevin Campbell, MD, says evidence that everyone should wear a mask is shaky at best, and that maybe the general public shouldn't be wasting valuable PPE resources.

If his position they don't work why does he consider them valuable and is concerned about wasting them? Seems like a contradiction in his argument.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If Trump was not the President, there would be a strong case to charge him with criminal negligence, as he is almost certain to spread COVID around. No wonder the Secret Service hates him.

I would think being the president would be a stronger case for charging the asshole!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
That team of spin doctors doing PR for Trump, while he was on his back at the Walter Reed Hospital, trying to convince us Trump was in great shape, were all alumni, I assume.
I know it's different for professional officers (doctors, lawyers, and chaplains; amongst other things their training is highly abbreviated, eight days vs. three months for the Air Force), but I was still appalled that some of those, including Conley, were allowed to hold commissions in the United States Navy.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Yep, just the run of the mill, never Spanish. I think that one came to end in the early 1920s.
No it didnt.

The 2009 swine flu pandemic was an influenza pandemic that lasted for about 19 months, from January 2009 to August 2010, and was the second of two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus (the first being the 1918–1920 Spanish flu pandemic).

Have you gotten your flu shot yet?


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
If his position they don't work why does he consider them valuable and is concerned about wasting them? Seems like a contradiction in his argument.

I don't know, you'd have to ask him. Maybe it's because N95 masks do have some effect protecting the wearer, and having the general public wear them "to protect others from you" is completely ineffective and a complete waste of PPE that health care providers and other professionals require. Just a guess though.

the point I was making is that there is so much conflicting information and contradiction from both sides of the argument, it's no surprise we can't get a straight answer. A lot of this contradiction has come from the same sources at different times. Meanwhile you have Girth and others like him who have bought in 100% (which I'm not criticizing btw) who are trying to push "their truth", at the expense of the perspective and rights of people who have different opinions.

Wear a mask if it makes you feel good, but don't push your agenda or opinion on me without conclusive evidence.

It's funny that looking through old research papers done on the effeicacy of mask use, I have come across a few papers published before this year that concluded surgical masks are of little utility and effectiveness in medical environments, and surprisingly these same papers have been retracted in the last 3-6 months. It may be because we know more now, or it may simply be that no one wants to be on the skeptical side of the narrative or be labeled a "mask use denier".

Gee, where have we seen examples of this social psychology and behavior before??


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016

There are so many red herring's in this conversation, that I may as well go shopping for a fishing rod, considering it's almost winter.

The Trump cult is active this morning. :lol:

Rhetoric and innuendo....if that's the best you can come up with no surprise the graphs you dig up are worthless. Try finding one that compares like numbers rather than sensational garbage. I don't disagree that this thing is more dangerous than the flu, but making your point with exaggerated statistics makes you look like a zealot.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Canada 'going in the wrong direction' on COVID-19, Trudeau says as cases rise through most of country

OTTAWA – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau admitted Monday that efforts to prepare Canada for a second wave of COVID-19 have fallen short and Canadians need to take matters into their own hands to help reduce cases.

Monday brought another grim tally with nearly 1,800 new cases in Ontario and Quebec. Hospitalizations are also starting to rise in both provinces and outside of Atlantic Canada, all parts of the country are seeing rising levels of new cases.

Predictions of a second wave of the virus in the fall have been made for months, and the federal government gave provinces $19 billion in June to try and get ready, increasing contact tracing and testing resources. At the time, governments at all levels said testing and contact tracing would be essential to keeping the virus in check. The Liberals also launched the COVID-19 Alert app, which was meant to make it easier to follow cases.

Trudeau said it is clear these efforts did not dent a second wave the way they had hoped.
“Obviously, all of that hasn’t been enough. We are going in the wrong direction now which is why it is so important for Canadians to do what is necessary; to wear a mask, to keep your distance, to understand that each of us has the power to end this by the choices we make.”

Ontario’s latest numbers also revealed the province has a backlog of nearly 70,000 tests, with many people waiting several days to get a test result returned. The province is also switching testing centres this week to an appointment system rather than have people wait in lines for hours.

Trudeau said his government could offer some help, but much more testing capacity is needed.

“Federal labs are also providing surge support on processing of tests, including for Ontario for 1,000 tests today, and additional federal labs will be added,” he said.......More