Boomer, he even posted pictures of it
Except Bonnie Henry says otherwise. Maybe you need to stop believing everything your extreme left fake news sites put out there.I think it has more to do with old boomers not knowing how to properly navigate the internet. Anyone with an iota of common sense can see masks severely limit the transmission on COVID. However, they end up going on oann or breitbart, and other disinformation sites, simply because they cannot tell what is a legitimate news source, and what is propaganda.
Must be nice to go to a funeral. I have 4 lined up for when this is over.
There is no difference between firefighter's spit in their masks than yours despite your overinflated opinion of yourself. How do I link to textbooks? You can believe what ever you want. I will keep instructing according to the textbooks we use to ensure their safety.You can guarantee me all you like that's fine, doesn't make you make you more knowledgeable than I in the proper use of disposable medical face masks. You may know more related to a fire fighters mask, granted but that's not what we're talking about now is it? No it isn't. The discussion is concerning the use of face masks to help prevent the spread of Covid. I know fully all the protocols to follow.
According to Davidson Hamer, an infectious disease expert:
There's also no evidence that the use of masks causes fungal or bacterial infections, according to Davidson Hamer, an infectious disease expert at Boston University. Disposable face masks are meant to be used once, then thrown in the garbage. With cloth masks, it's a good idea to wash them regularly.
Have those links I requested yet?
I know a lot of women that don't needlessly wear masks. Are they demonstrating their masculinity as well?Anti-maskers explained?
...refusal to wear a mask in public settings has become a mark of being “a man’s man”—someone who won’t be pushed around or “muzzled” by governmental “tyranny.” To be clear: I’m not saying anything new here. In April of this year, social scientist Prof. Peter Glick wrote, “Why the reluctance to model safe behavior? My research with Jennifer Berdahl and others suggest one critical reason, which is that appearing to play it safe contradicts a core principle of masculinity: show no weakness. In short, wearing a mask emasculates . . . [mask refusers] prove their manhood by showing resistance to experts’ opinions, hypersensitivity to criticism and constant feuding with anyone who seems to disagree with them.”
Probably because most people are still at work or out doing things at 3pm and not sitting in front of the tube.Every day at 3 PM on the British Columbia news channel the latest figures across Canada are displayed. A lot of people must be totally ignoring them.
Well, President Plague-rat has escaped quarantine and is out spreading again.
In a truly weird historical echo, there were cults in the Middle Ages that viewed the plague rats as messengers of Gawd, too.
That's nice.People in the Middle Ages also thought getting a disease was a punishment from God, some sort of karma, which is also how you and other numpties view Trump's getting coronavirus.
When was the last time you suffered a version of the Spanish flu?
People in the Middle Ages also thought getting a disease was a punishment from God, some sort of karma, which is also how you and other numpties view Trump's getting coronavirus.
That's nice.
Why don't you get drunk and hire streetwalker?
Fun times.
Probably because most people are still at work or out doing things at 3pm and not sitting in front of the tube.
If you dont get vertigo watching Andrew Chen stroll around the studio from story screen to story screen.Good point! but most of it is repeated on the evening news.