Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Interesting discussion about the repeal of section 337 in the Canadian criminal code. What in the hell were the Liberals thinking?

Yeah. That was bad enough.

But what they did to jury selection, and the elimination of preliminary hearings is worse.

The Liberals want anyone the state accuses convicted. That's why they play with jury selection.

And if that fails, they'll try you without extensive evidence, as the case will have no preliminary hearing, in which the judge would throw out charges if there was no reasonable chance of conviction. Now they will go to trial, and the prosecution is the punishment, evidence or no.

These guys are so anti-liberty. It is scary.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Yeah. That was bad enough.
But what they did to jury selection, and the elimination of preliminary hearings is worse.
The Liberals want anyone the state accuses convicted. That's why they play with jury selection.
And if that fails, they'll try you without extensive evidence, as the case will have no preliminary hearing, in which the judge would throw out charges if there was no reasonable chance of conviction. Now they will go to trial, and the prosecution is the punishment, evidence or no.
These guys are so anti-liberty. It is scary.

What was the timeline? Was all this done while the Liberals had a majority government? If so, why didn't we hear more about this during our last election?

Follow up: I did some checking, C-75 was passed BEFORE the 2019 election.
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House Member
Mar 3, 2012

Do you see the part where if no other conditions apply, simply denying entrance to an inspector entitles the justice to grant a warrant.

So, imagine how that conversation would go...

Inspector " can I come in?"

home owner " do you have grounds? "

inspector "No"

home owner "well, then...No"

inspector " thank you, now I have grounds "


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Which also explains the new DUI law of charging you up to 1/2 hour over speculation of drinking and driving, after parking your vehicle.

And destroying the constitutional guarantee against unreasonable search by no longer requiring reasonable cause to administer drug/alcohol testing to drivers.

I've never driven impaired in my life, but this is still outrageous.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Tackling Violent Crime Instead of Demonizing Legal Gun Owners

Canada is a nation with proud rural and outdoor traditions. Learning to hunt or target shoot with a family member is a way of life for millions of Canadians and must be respected. Firearm owners, be they hunters, farmers or sport shooters are among the most law-abiding citizens in Canada.

  • Oppose efforts to reverse the former Conservative government’s policy advances on firearms, including the Trudeau government’s new proposals to confiscate legal firearms.
  • Oppose regulations that do not advance public safety and instead penalize law abiding firearms owners. This includes the arbitrary reclassification of firearms and magazines.
An O’Toole government will update Canada’s firearms legislation to ensure that it is evidence-based and focuses on keeping Canadians safe, not demonizing those Canadians the Liberals do not like.

  • Conduct a review of the Firearms Act with participation of law enforcement, firearms owners, manufacturers, and members of the public, and then update legislation by introducing a simplified classification system and codifying it in law, so that it is clear what types of firearms fit into each category and classification decisions can therefore be made quickly, and with the public and firearms owners having confidence that they are not arbitrary. The legislation will also – for the first time – contain definitions of currently ambiguous issues like the term “variant”.
  • Harmonize rules for discharging firearms on your own property so that restricted firearms are treated the same as non-restricted, where the local municipality allows the discharge of firearms.
  • Mandate a return to the 180-day period for the re-designed classification system to release firearm import decisions and put final authority for classification decisions back in the hands of cabinet.
  • Focus the resources of the federal government on criminals engaged in the trafficking and use of illegal firearms instead of imposing more layers of bureaucracy on law-abiding Canadians.
  • Amend firearms laws to ensure that no administrative expiry could lead to criminal charges or the seizure of a licence holder’s firearm(s). Until an expired licence is renewed, it would remain illegal for licence holders to acquire new firearms or ammunition.
  • Support specialized illegal firearms enforcement led by the CBSA and RCMP working closely with American authorities in the United States, to target smuggling operations before illegal firearms reach the border.
  • Develop a suicide prevention strategy that encourages people – including legal firearms owners – to seek help when they need it. The current system actually discourages firearms owners from seeking help, due to the fear that the police will show up at their door, and the Trudeau government is making this worse, putting lives at risk.
Source: Erin O’Toole, 2020 Leadership Platform (PDF), 10 June 2020


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Do you see the part where if no other conditions apply, simply denying entrance to an inspector entitles the justice to grant a warrant.

So, imagine how that conversation would go...

Inspector " can I come in?"

home owner " do you have grounds? "

inspector "No"

home owner "well, then...No"

inspector " thank you, now I have grounds "

You can tell the bloody bill was written by a Liberal. You have rights up to the very moment you invoke them, then they go "poof" into thin air. These guys are the worst.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
I wonder if Erin is the Irish spelling of the name Aaron? Or maybe his parents didn't know how to spell! :)
Yeah, the should have called him Dale, or Leslie, or Beverly, or Lynn, or...


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I wonder if Erin is the Irish spelling of the name Aaron? Or maybe his parents didn't know how to spell! :)
No, Erin is a goddess in the pre-Christian religion of Ireland.

Not that I'm judging, mind. Maybe Erin O'Toole identifies as a fat, ugly, bald woman who looks like a man.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

LETTER: Gun ban is baffling

From reader Richard Green

Our prime minister and minister of public safety seized a golden opportunity — no parliament, a horrendous rampage in Nova Scotia, and the nation’s focus on the pandemic — to continue their harassment of law-abiding firearms owners.
On May 1 they announced that, by order-in-council, 1,500 makes, models, and variants of firearms — the legally purchased property of non-violent hunters and sports enthusiasts — would be banned immediately. This was presented as somehow an effective strategy to reduce gangs and gun violence. The justification for this confiscation of lawfully acquired property was baffling.
Justin Trudeau claimed the firearms being banned were unsuitable for sporting or hunting purposes but Indigenous hunters could continue using them for hunting as they were accustomed to. He stated they were only useful to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time. Please explain, then, why two models – specifically, an H&K sub-machine gun (up to 700 RPM) and a Colt Canada C8 assault rifle (US army M4, up to 950 RMP), as well as a Remington sniper rifle (US army M24) are being provided to the RCMP? GooglE “what firearms do the RCMP use” to see the full list of weapons in the RCMP arsenal.
Where and when does Trudeau expect the RCMP to put these rifles to the only use he accepts for them? Meanwhile, Bill Blair asserted the ban would have somehow prevented the Nova Scotia rampage, where the firearms used were found to have been smuggled from the U.S. No actual evidence was presented to suggest this ban will in any way reduce crime. The cost, if the promised buy-back actually is implemented, was touted as an unbelievable $250 million.
There certainly are actions that might have some beneficial effect on gangs and crime. Currently a five-year program at $13 million per year is proceeding for two more years; it is meant to stop firearms smuggling across the U.S. border. Perhaps this could be increased to the level required to do the job? Possibly an effort could be made to reduce the attractiveness of joining a gang. Maybe we can, at long last, make a serious effort to deal with mental illness. Poverty sometimes leads to gang membership.
It appears the prime minister and minister for public safety are using this pretense of “doing something about gang violence” to troll for votes from people who are not well informed about the realities of problem gangs. What happened to Trudeau’s promise to make policy based on evidence?
Richard Green


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
But just think of all the Liberal voters he'd get if he said "I was born male, but I identify as a fat, bald, ugly, masculine-looking woman. Call me Erin, and don't judge me."