COVID-19 'Pandemic'

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

He's a rebel...

We are young
Heartache to heartache we stand
No promises
No demands
Love is a battlefield
We are strong
No one can tell us we're wrong
Searching our hearts for so long
Both of us knowing
Love is a battlefield
a rebel without a cause?? Too old to be a rebel. & yet so immature.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'



Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Border between NS and NB is closed starting 6am Monday to all but essential personnel.
Nova Scotia declares state of emergency, all new visitors must self-isolate

Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil is declaring a provincial state of emergency due to COVID-19.
He says people are blatantly ignoring the need for social distancing.
As of 6 a.m. Monday morning, anyone who enters the province will have to self-isolate for 14 days. There are exceptions for people who provide essential services.
McNeil says it’s alright to go outside, but walks should be for exercise, not to socialize.
Groups are limited to a maximum of five people.
Police are being given the power to enforce social distancing with $1,000 fines for individuals and $7,500 fines for businesses.
Nova Scotia has seven new cases of COVID-19, bringing the provincial total to 28."


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Senate falls far short of votes needed to advance coronavirus bill as clash between Republicans and Democrats intensifies
The motion on the $1.8 trillion bill received support from 47 senators, 13 shy of the number needed to move forward. President Trump, speaking at the White House, noted the standoff but said a deal must be cut soon: "I don't think anybody actually has a choice."
source: WAPO

Are you fukking kidding me!!!!

How amazing that Pelosi and her minions would play politics at this time..

Governor Cuomo and Governor Newsom have both praised Trump and his administration on the job they are doing.

Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat minions are well off, most getting very rich as politicians, and some have millions of dollars.

Yet when Americans are struggling to make ends meet, they vote down a bill that could help Americans..

At a time when Americans should come together, Democrats want to play politics.

I fukking hope this Bitch Nancy Pelosi gets COVID-19 and fukking dies, along with her minions.. she is a horrible old witch that is nothing but a leach on the government tit.

She just lost the house and the 2020 election with this vote against the aid bill to help Americans get money and stay afloat.
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Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Only in America, Baltimore's mayor urges residents to stop shooting each other because hospitals need beds for coronavirus patients.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Are you fukking kidding me!!!!
How amazing that Pelosi and her minions would play politics at this time..
Governor Cuomo and Governor Newsom have both praised Trump and his administration on the job they are doing.
Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat minions are well off, most getting very rich as politicians, and some have millions of dollars.
Yet when Americans are struggling to make ends meet, they vote down a bill that could help Americans..
At a time when Americans should come together, Democrats want to play politics.
I fukking hope this Bitch Nancy Pelosi gets COVID-19 and fukking dies, along with her minions.. she is a horrible old witch that is nothing but a leach on the government tit.
She just lost the house and the 2020 election with this vote against the aid bill to help Americans get money and stay afloat.
Pelosi isn’t in the House and the Dems don’t control the Senate yet.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Are you fukking kidding me!!!!
How amazing that Pelosi and her minions would play politics at this time..
Governor Cuomo and Governor Newsom have both praised Trump and his administration on the job they are doing.
Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat minions are well off, most getting very rich as politicians, and some have millions of dollars.
Yet when Americans are struggling to make ends meet, they vote down a bill that could help Americans..
At a time when Americans should come together, Democrats want to play politics.
I fukking hope this Bitch Nancy Pelosi gets COVID-19 and fukking dies, along with her minions.. she is a horrible old witch that is nothing but a leach on the government tit.
She just lost the house and the 2020 election with this vote against the aid bill to help Americans get money and stay afloat.
The house passed the bill. The Republican controlled Senate didn’t pass it yet.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

The house passed the bill. The Republican controlled Senate didn’t pass it yet.

The House bill has been rejected Rep. and Dems are hammering out a deal in the Senate with Pelosi's input the big sticking point seems to be how much more than $75 Billion in aid to Healthcare and how much more than $200 Billion in aid to states and Cities. As well as financing unemployment past 3 months.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Coronavirus: Why lawmakers can't agree on an economic rescue package amid pandemic
Bailouts for businesses
Both sides seem to agree that small and big businesses need a lifeline. Democrats want tough provisions to prevent corporations that receive federal bailouts from later engaging in stock buybacks that enrich their executives.
President Donald Trump has expressed support for that approach, and McConnell said his bill already includes Democrats' demands for conditions on loans and other aide to major businesses.
But Democrats say the GOP measures are "weak" and could be waived by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. They also want limits on executive compensation and assurances that any bailouts will help workers, according to a senior Democratic aide who briefed reporters on the condition of anonymity.
Assistance for individuals and families
Democrats have called for provisions that would temporarily block evictions and foreclosures. They also want additional funding for food stamps and an expansion of unemployment benefits.
The GOP proposal currently allows for a three-month expansion of unemployment benefits, and McConnell said the measure provides adequate help for families facing financial distress.
"It puts urgently needed cash in the hands of American workers and families," McConnell said Sunday of his proposal.
Help for states and hospitals
McConnell said the GOP bill includes $75 billion in a new fund for hospitals and health providers. In all, he said, nearly $200 billion will go to help state and local governments deal with the crisis.
Democrats dispute that, saying the legislation doesn't include any new money for states and local governments...…...More
Pelosi is playing a game behind the scene, she is trying to make it look like if Trump wasn't POTUS the Dems. and Reps. could get things done
Trump lashes out at networks, newspapers: All I see is 'hatred of me'
President Trump late Sunday lashed out at a group of news networks and newspapers over their coverage of his administration's response to the coronavirus outbreak, claiming that all he's seen is "hatred of me."
"I watch and listen to the Fake News, CNN, MSDNC, ABC, NBC, CBS, some of FOX (desperately & foolishly pleading to be politically correct), the [New York Times], & the [Washington Post], and all I see is hatred of me at any cost," Trump said on Twitter.
"Don't they understand that they are destroying themselves?" he asked.
His tirade against the group of news outlets came after a day in which several state and federal lawmakers called on the president to use his authority to help health systems being overwhelmed by a surge of patients.
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) said on CNN that states were overpaying for medical equipment and states were being forced to compete each other for much-needed resources. Rather than a competition, it "should have been a coordinated effort by the federal government," he said.
"It's a wild, wild West out there, and indeed [we're] overpaying for [personal protective equipment] because of that competition," Pritzker said.
Trump railed against Pritzker and CNN just hours later, tweeting that they "shouldn't be blaming the Federal Government for their own shortcomings."
Pritzker tweeted in response that Trump "wasted precious months when you could've taken action to protect Americans & Illinoisans."
"Get off Twitter & do your job," Pritzker said.
Speaking at a White House briefing on Sunday, Trump said that he would reject calls to ramp up production of critical medical supplies through the use of the Defense Production Act (DPA).
He said that he's used the DPA as a source of leverage in negotiations with companies to persuade them to manufacture equipment. But he contended that the DPA would nationalize industries and that he was not in favor it. DPA does not nationalize industry, rather allows government to direct private businesses to make certain supplies.
"We're a country not based on nationalizing our business. Call a person over in Venezuela," Trump told reporters. "How did nationalization of their businesses work out? Not too well."
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