COVID-19 'Pandemic'

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

To many weather and traffic issues for a self driving rig..

Might work for warm weather cities, but not northern driving..

Who's going to put tire chains on the truck

Only a matter of time.
Looks pretty warm where that robot truck (nice big walk-in sleeper on that one by the way) is being tested. Are you two debating or agreeing with your statements?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

NOT silly at all......very wise. That should be the behavior of everyone right now. It is good practice. At some point you might want to check with your physician......about any residual effects. It is better to know for sure.......than assume.....Keep taking precautions that is the smart thing to do. You have a demanding follow the healthiest routine you keep your resistance and immunity in good form.

Ocean breeze, see same timeline.. I was on several rides..



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: ISIS elf 'n' safety advice - Now please wash your hand... The absurd fact a bloodthirsty death cult, responsible for murder, rape and torture, has issued stay-safe guidance to its followers is beyond hilarious

Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?

By Richard Littlejohn for the Daily Mail
17 March 2020

Today's edition of You Couldn't Make It Up comes courtesy of Islamic State, which has advised jihadists to steer clear of Europe in case they catch coronavirus.

ISIS, the terrorist outfit I've always called Izal — how appropriate that now sounds — is telling its disciples to 'stay away from the land of the epidemic'.

According to a new set of 'sharia directives' published in the al-Naba newsletter, the virus is a 'torment sent by God on whomsoever He wills'.

Followers are told to 'cover their mouths when yawning or sneezing' and should remember to wash their hands regularly.

Presumably, that's if their hands haven't been chopped off already for an earlier transgression of sharia law.

ISIS's newspaper al-Naba issued the list of 'religious directives' on tackling infectious diseases in the latest issue

What's someone like Captain Hook — the former Ayatollah of Finsbury Park, currently serving a dozen consecutive sentences of 999 years-to-life in a remote American supermax penitentiary — supposed to do?

Stop picking his nose and dip his prosthetic claw into a tub of Swarfega every five minutes?

I'm sorry, I know this pandemic is said to be the most serious threat to public health in our lifetimes, but seriously?

If I'd have written a column claiming that suicide bombers had been warned to avoid Europe to stop them contracting coronavirus before they can blow themselves up, some of you would have concluded I'd finally taken all leave of my senses.

Steady on, Rich. You've gone a bit far this time, even by your own dismally low standards.

But I'm not making up it. This bizarre story appeared on page one of the latest Sunday Times.

The absurd notion of a bloodthirsty death cult — responsible for the murder, rape and torture of hundreds of thousands of innocent people — issuing elf'n'safety guidance to its followers is beyond hilarious.

Heaven knows, we've little enough to laugh about at the moment. We should enjoy these small absurdities while we can.

The Izal H.R. department didn't seem too bothered about 'best practice' and risk assessment when they were beheading hostages and setting fire to captives in cages.

At that stage, they controlled a caliphate covering 34,000 square miles of Syria and Iraq, from the Mediterranean coast to an area south of Baghdad.

Iran is by far the worst-affected country in the Middle East due to coronavirus. Pictured: A general view of Tehran during the crisis

These days, what's left of Izal is holed up in a cave somewhere, providing valuable target practice for American drone strikes.

How the mighty are fallen.

Instead of waging holy war, they're reduced to worrying about the potential effect of coronavirus on their dwindling band of wannabe jihadists.

If they'd had any imagination, Izal would have claimed responsibility for the virus. They could have instructed their jihadists to contract it as soon as possible and become super-spreaders throughout the West. Beats the hell out of blowing yourself up on a bus. And if the predictions of mass casualties are to be believed, a lot more effective.

I've been trying to imagine the committee meeting which drew up the new guidelines.

'OK, brothers. We've put out a fresh fatwa on President Trump and sent fraternal greetings to our comrades in Afghanistan. Is there any other business?'

'What are we going to do about the coronavirus, sheikh?'

'What can we do? It is a torment sent by God on whomsoever He wills, inshallah.'

'That's all very well, boss, but we've got a number of cells across Europe primed and ready to attack the infidels. We don't want our brave soldiers getting sick before they can strike.'

'You have a point, Mustapha. What does the holy Koran say about the coronavirus?'

'No mention of it, effendi. It is a new disease, said to be more deadly than a dirty bomb.'

'What does the World Health Organisation advise?'

'Cover your mouth when yawning or sneezing and remember to wash your hands regularly.'

'Excellent. Get that posted on the website immediately. And tell our martyrs they must wear their balaclavas at all times, especially when travelling on public transport. We don't want any of them catching this evil infidel disease. If all else fails, they are to avoid the land of the epidemic until further notice.'

'Very good, sheikh. Allahu Akbar!'

'And when you've done that, take the Land Cruiser down to Costco in Baghdad. We're getting low on bog rolls and sanitiser.'

'Your wish is my command, effendi.'

'Oh, and Mustapha. . .'

'Yes, effendi?'

'Don't forget to wash your hand . . .'


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

Yeah, it's crazy, and people functioning like brain dead distracted robots. Almost no traffic on the road during Friday 'rush hour' and yet this happens? (12th & Arcola about 6:45pm today)

No Pick-Up Trucks where involved in this accident, just the three SUV's on the road in probably a 10 block stretch...
You would never know it around Victoria. Apparently downtown is empty but the highway up island is busy. I had to cross it 17 times yesterday hauling waste rock.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

To many weather and traffic issues for a self driving rig..
Might work for warm weather cities, but not northern driving..
Who's going to put tire chains on the truck

Self driven trucks will be no different than New Canadian driven trucks in this regard :)


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

There is a $2000 fine for breaking isolation.

Quebec City police arrest COVID-19 patient for defying quarantine

Quebec City police have arrested a woman, who has tested positive for the coronavirus, for being out in the city's Limoilou neighbourhood despite being under a quarantine order.
The woman, who is potentially contagious, was arrested at around 2 p.m. ET Friday while out for a stroll, by order of the regional public health authority.
"This is the first time that we have executed this type of warrant," said police spokesperson Sandra Dion...……..More


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Re: COVIDD-19 'Pandemic'

We jumped up to 26 cases now, is self isolation working?

Saskatchewan rolls out financial support plan amid COVID-19 pandemic

The plan includes a self-isolation support program that will provide residents, who are not covered by recently announced federally employment insurance programs, with $450 a week for a maximum of two weeks.

The program is expected to cost $10 million. Here are the criteria for eligibility:
They have contracted COVID-19 or are showing symptoms;
They have been in contact with an individual infected with COVID-19;
They have recently returned from international travel and have been required to self-isolate;
They are not eligible for compensation including sick leave, vacation leave from their employer
They do not have private insurance covering such disruptions
They are not covered by other programs such as federal employment insurance that has been updated.
Also included in the province’s financial support plan is a three-month PST remittance deferral and audit suspension.
Businesses in the province unable to remit their PST due to cash flow issues won’t have to pay any penalties or interest charges.
Businesses unable to file their provincial tax returns on time can submit a request for relief from any penalties and interest charges on their return...……….More