Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
See above.

And if Trump gets a second term then what happens to the US is deserved, and it won't be pretty.
If it affected the US ONLY..........who would care?? But it would affect nations world the interconnectivity now is pronounced. Those relationships are not very pretty even now due to Trump...........and it would only get worse. Just think how much more emboldened he will be........and with all that military at HIS disposal...........and total disregard for checks and balances.........being POTUS of the US might not be enough.

Does anyone really think he will leave the presidency gracefully
??? .
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
You atheists crack me up.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
If it affected the US ONLY..........who would care?? But it would affect nations world the interconnectivity now is pronounced. Those relationships are not very pretty even now due to Trump...........and it would only get worse. Just think how much more emboldened he will be........and with all that military at HIS disposal...........and total disregard for checks and balances.........being POTUS of the US might not be enough.

Does anyone really think he will leave the presidency gracefully
??? .

This is what I don't get about people like JLM.

"Trump doesn't affect you."

Yes he fuking does.

Because he and most of the rest of the US population assumes that the US President is the "Leader of the Free World". Ergo, when they talk, the rest of the world listens and does what they want, or is supposed to anyway. Until Trump there was common sense in the US Presidency so it wasn't too bad; now though?

So yes, he matters, he matters a LOT.

Does talking on a forum about him do much? No, not really, except maybe dissect the BS he does and for some, maybe try to have hope that common sense will somehow prevail there at some point.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

You aren't the Queen and you have to respect the office, Nancy.

Reminiscent of Britain's former troublesome Speaker John Bercow.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Bloomberg's correct and if Trump does exact revenge, according to US laws, that's another crime added to the list.
Vindmans werk for Trump, they dissed him by leaking and conspiring with Cinderella, so they get fired. No crime by Trump, just good management of personnel.

Yep drained the swamp a little more today

Trump Fires Gordon Sondland Hours After Dismissing Impeachment Witness Alexander Vindman

WASHINGTON — President Trump and his aides wasted little time opening a campaign of retribution against those he blames for his impeachment, firing on Friday two of the most prominent witnesses in the inquiry against him barely 48 hours after the Senate acquitted the president.
Emboldened by his victory and determined to strike back, Mr. Trump fired Gordon D. Sondland, the ambassador to the European Union, within hours of the White House dismissing Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, a decorated Iraq war veteran who was a Ukraine expert on the National Security Council. Both officials testified to a House committee about the president’s efforts to pressure Ukraine to help him against his domestic political rivals.
“I was advised today that the president intends to recall me effective immediately as United States Ambassador to the European Union,” Mr. Sondland said in a statement just hours after Colonel Vindman’s dismissal. He expressed gratitude to Mr. Trump “for having given me the opportunity to serve.”
Colonel Vindman was escorted out of the White House by security officers on Friday afternoon and told that his services were no longer needed. His twin brother, Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman, who also worked on the N.S.C. staff, was fired too and escorted out at the same time. Both will be sent back to the Defense Department...……….More

NYT and the top Dems. going crazy as they lose their major leaks out of the Whitehouse

If anyone thinks anti-trump, Shifty Schiff, colluder Cinderella will not be unemployed soon, think again.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If it affected the US ONLY..........who would care?? But it would affect nations world the interconnectivity now is pronounced. Those relationships are not very pretty even now due to Trump...........and it would only get worse. Just think how much more emboldened he will be........and with all that military at HIS disposal...........and total disregard for checks and balances.........being POTUS of the US might not be enough.
Does anyone really think he will leave the presidency gracefully
??? .
When he wins term 2, who will you blame it on? Climate Change®? Botswana? The Chupacabra?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
If it affected the US ONLY..........who would care?? But it would affect nations world the interconnectivity now is pronounced. Those relationships are not very pretty even now due to Trump...........and it would only get worse. Just think how much more emboldened he will be........and with all that military at HIS disposal...........and total disregard for checks and balances.........being POTUS of the US might not be enough.

Does anyone really think he will leave the presidency gracefully
??? .
Yes . But don’t worry , we won’t have to find out until January 2025 .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
This is what I don't get about people like JLM.

"Trump doesn't affect you."

Yes he fuking does.

Because he and most of the rest of the US population assumes that the US President is the "Leader of the Free World". Ergo, when they talk, the rest of the world listens and does what they want, or is supposed to anyway. Until Trump there was common sense in the US Presidency so it wasn't too bad; now though?

So yes, he matters, he matters a LOT.

Does talking on a forum about him do much? No, not really, except maybe dissect the BS he does and for some, maybe try to have hope that common sense will somehow prevail there at some point.
Common sense did apply in November 2016 when Americans voted for a winner . MAGA .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
When he wins term 2, who will you blame it on? Climate Change®? Botswana? The Chupacabra?

You are dealing with an obsessed addict here, Pete...………...she repeats ad infinitum the same old shit over and over about Trump that she was harping about 3 years ago, without ever considering a close examination of herself is in order! Maybe you can't blame her, obsession is a sickness.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Common sense did apply in November 2016 when Americans voted for a winner . MAGA .

I have to agree we've heard a lot of B.S. about Trump aka. "Hannibal Lector" most of it emanating from the most prolific posters here, sadly the ones with the strongest imagination!