
Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Well it's Trump's Friday night massacre, not only were Vindman and his brother fired but Gordon Sondland too has been recalled from his ambassadorship in the EU. Who's next?


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Is he ACTUALLY alleged to have done anything where either guilt or innocence is a consideration? I think the whole charade is mainly sour grapes. I always thought a phone between two people should be private and it's really no one's business what was said!

Are you serious?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Vindmans werk for Trump, they dissed him by leaking and conspiring with Cinderella, so they get fired. No crime by Trump, just good management of personnel.

He obeyed a lawful subpoena and answered the questions under oath.

And was 'fired' for it (transferred actually but whatevs).

Retaliation is illegal but sadly I don't think Vindman - either of them actually - can go this route as they're military personnel and they can be reassigned for duties elsewhere.

A civilian on the other hand...


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
So he's innocent, then.

Thanks for that.

Mind how you go.

He was acquitted.

As is being rightfully told - acquitted does NOT mean innocent.

Again, as already mentioned, the fact that people who voted to acquit even ACKNOWLEGE that he did wrong, and STILL voted as they did, shows the fuked process and twisted nature of the trial and how it wasn't a fair trial at all but a farce (not that we didn't know it).

And now we see how Trump reacts to that by being even more of a bully/insane/corrupt piece of garbage.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
He was found not guilty and acquitted on all changes.

In other words, he's innocent.

And at the end of the day, the Democrats have just helped Trump win a second term.

See above.

And if Trump gets a second term then what happens to the US is deserved, and it won't be pretty.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Well, yeah. Like most Americans.

Let's face it, the Democratic candidates are all just as left-wing, woke, liberal and out of touch as the Labour leadership candidates are and, just as Boris will wipe the floor with either of the latter, Donald will wipe the floor with either of the former.

Maybe you liberals need to start asking yourselves why you keep losing at the moment. Can't be anything to do with your policies, can it?

Except... they're not.

American Democrats are NOT like UK left wing Liberals, not really.

No shock that you don't know this though; anyone that doesn't think exactly like you is a "left wing" in your view.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Contract. Buddy was on contract. Contracts can end anytime with a payout of the full salary.

No harm, no foul.

Got anymore Soviet pickled red herring or it beets you??

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
He was acquitted.

As is being rightfully told - acquitted does NOT mean innocent.

Again, as already mentioned, the fact that people who voted to acquit even ACKNOWLEGE that he did wrong, and STILL voted as they did, shows the fuked process and twisted nature of the trial and how it wasn't a fair trial at all but a farce (not that we didn't know it).

And now we see how Trump reacts to that by being even more of a bully/insane/corrupt piece of garbage.
sub human. I know that is harsh...............but he is a psychopath. Psychopaths have no conscience., are superficial........narcissistic, sadistic, feel they are exceptional........ and the laws don't apply or are there to be bent and challenged..... and have a history of getting away with the most extremes of behaviors that have rooting in cruelty...............They are extremely manipulative.People have value only in as much as they are useful to tham........and if their use is done......easily disposed of. They have absolutely no insight into themselves ......let alone self understanding .........or sense of compassion, empathy, etc.. He is dangerous.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
What history? A string of failures to sling mud by sore loser Democrats?

Actually, Trump reminds me of Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany.


I think what most people should be wary of are the people he admires himself: Putin, Kim... you know, the dictators.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Actually, Trump reminds me of Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany.


I think what most people should be wary of are the people he admires himself: Putin, Kim... you know, the dictators.

it is his sadistic cruelty that is so troubling///as that seems to be the primary motive behind a lot of his actions. eg: he seems gleeful after each of the recent assassinations that he ordered. He seems to relish the power of ordering death.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

it is his sadistic cruelty that is so troubling///as that seems to be the primary motive behind a lot of his actions. eg: he seems gleeful after each of the recent assassinations that he ordered. He seems to relish the power of ordering death.

I don't usually like Bill Maher but he mentioned tonight that the US is like Rome.

Wherein Rome still had the senate, but it meant nothing.

Just like Russia, China and North Korea all have 'other government bodies' but those don't mean anything to their dictator leaders.

In this case the difference is that Trump isn't exactly smart on his own, just stupidly dangerous. It's the other people that are smart around him that make it worse. IMO his slurring/stuttering of words is clear sign his dementia is getting worse and unlike Regan (who timed out), he's not smart enough to step back due to a clear medical condition. He thinks he's fit, so he is, regardless.

And the one thing you don't do with a dementia patient is argue with them, deny their reality and so on. That's not only a way to pizz them off, but to get them to fight back and do exactly the opposite of what's right.

Which smarter people can manipulate.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Actually, Trump reminds me of Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany.
I think what most people should be wary of are the people he admires himself: Putin, Kim... you know, the dictators.
He reminds me of every goddam leader. What sets him apart is he doesnt say shit about people behind their backs. He calls them out and does it without a filter just like one shlub to another at the neighborhood pub.