
Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
You are delusional.! Have you ever seen me defend Trump?
Or said I support him?
I've even said that I would never vote for him
Just because I accuse some people of suffering of T D S doesn't mean I'm defending him....
Although a choice between him and Hillary??????????probably would have ended up in a spoiled ballot!

Making assumptions gets you pretty fired up there my friend, see how it is when you do the same about others?


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
It's human nature to think others hate if they merely object. It's TKRP (Trumplican Kneejerk Response Psychosis). Most of the time it's coupled with CDS (Clinton Delusion Syndrome), OBS (Obama Delusion Syndrome), and whattaboutism. The response doesn't require much thought, just reaction.

Precisely. Quite a difference between thought out discussion and a knee-jerk reaction.


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
Has the nat'l debt gone down? The deficit? Did he replace healthchare within two weeks of becoming president? Did he relinquish any federal power to the people?
Trump claims prescription prices have gone down but "“I tend to look at the producer price index because it is closer to what manufacturers are selling drugs for,” said Richard G. Frank, a professor of health economics at Harvard Medical School. “The recent pharmaceutical PPI is pretty flat for the last couple of months and up a bit since December 796.4 to 810.0 in May (1.7 percent). Market watchers like Drug Channels and IQVIA all suggest that through the end of 2018 that net price growth (after rebates) has slowed but were still positive, at about 1.5 percent. Gross prices (before rebates are accounted for) grew at an annual rate of 5.7 percent.
“Of course if you focus on generic prices only, that price index has declined. Bottom line, I think the evidence points to slowed growth not negative growth.”
He claimed that he’d work for the general public rather than wealthy donors and corporate interests yet passed a tax bill that gave almost all the benefits to the wealthy and big corporations that even rewarded companies for moving jobs overseas and gave them clemency for moving profits offshore..
Manufacturing is down, general prices are up, there have been wage increases but they have been swallowed up by inflation and rising costs of goods.
I can go on and on but don't wanna.
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Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
If the Trump supporters thought those who are against him are shocked, surprised or 'crying' over this, you haven't been paying attention.
See, we KNEW he'd be acquitted. We called it from the get go.
That wasn't the point of any of this really.
The BIGGEST shock was Romney.
I have to admit that hat he did was actually amazing, and I'm thankful that SOMEONE with an R beside his name finally stood up to say no more, and means it.

I'm certainly not shocked and have yet to break down and cry, it's laughable that anyone would suggest that. We who oppose Trump saw this coming from the beginning.

And yep, it's short sighted for anyone to think that this impeachment stops with the acquittal of Trump. He along with (now) some of his senators are still on trial and will remain there right up until election day.

Mitt Romney took an oath to the constitution and that is what he stood for, not for Trump unlike the rest of the GOP Senators. It was nice to see a man stand on his own without Trumps hand up his ass.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Has the nat'l debt gone down? Nope The deficit? Nope Did he replace healthchare within two weeks of becoming president? Nope Did he relinquish any federal power to the people? Nope
Trump claims prescription prices have gone down but "“I tend to look at the producer price index because it is closer to what manufacturers are selling drugs for,” said Richard G. Frank, a professor of health economics at Harvard Medical School. “The recent pharmaceutical PPI is pretty flat for the last couple of months and up a bit since December 796.4 to 810.0 in May (1.7 percent). Market watchers like Drug Channels and IQVIA all suggest that through the end of 2018 that net price growth (after rebates) has slowed but were still positive, at about 1.5 percent. Gross prices (before rebates are accounted for) grew at an annual rate of 5.7 percent.
“Of course if you focus on generic prices only, that price index has declined. Bottom line, I think the evidence points to slowed growth not negative growth.”
He claimed that he’d work for the general public rather than wealthy donors and corporate interests yet passed a tax bill that gave almost all the benefits to the wealthy and big corporations that even rewarded companies for moving jobs overseas.
Manufacturing is down, general prices are up, there have been wage increases but they have been swallowed up by inflation and rising costs of goods.
I can go on and on but don't wanna.

I took the liberty of answering your initial questions. Pretty confident I got a passing grade.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
I'm certainly not shocked and have yet to break down and cry, it's laughable that anyone would suggest that. We who oppose Trump saw this coming from the beginning.

And yep, it's short sighted for anyone to think that this impeachment stops with the acquittal of Trump. He along with (now) some of his senators are still on trial and will remain there right up until election day.

Mitt Romney took an oath to the constitution and that is what he stood for, not for Trump unlike the rest of the GOP Senators. It was nice to see a man stand on his own without Trumps hand up his ass.
spot on !!!!


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Making assumptions gets you pretty fired up there my friend, see how it is when you do the same about others?
What I do here is laugh at people who argue for or against Trump and most are Canadians with no horse in the race..
Then you get those that bandy about tag names like trumpite or trumplican....

And now you can have the last word!

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Has the nat'l debt gone down? The deficit? Did he replace healthchare within two weeks of becoming president? Did he relinquish any federal power to the people?
Trump claims prescription prices have gone down but "“I tend to look at the producer price index because it is closer to what manufacturers are selling drugs for,” said Richard G. Frank, a professor of health economics at Harvard Medical School. “The recent pharmaceutical PPI is pretty flat for the last couple of months and up a bit since December 796.4 to 810.0 in May (1.7 percent). Market watchers like Drug Channels and IQVIA all suggest that through the end of 2018 that net price growth (after rebates) has slowed but were still positive, at about 1.5 percent. Gross prices (before rebates are accounted for) grew at an annual rate of 5.7 percent.
“Of course if you focus on generic prices only, that price index has declined. Bottom line, I think the evidence points to slowed growth not negative growth.”
He claimed that he’d work for the general public rather than wealthy donors and corporate interests yet passed a tax bill that gave almost all the benefits to the wealthy and big corporations that even rewarded companies for moving jobs overseas and gave them clemency for moving profits offshore..
Manufacturing is down, general prices are up, there have been wage increases but they have been swallowed up by inflation and rising costs of goods.
I can go on and on but don't wanna.
well summarized. Bravo.


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
What I do here is laugh at people who argue for or against Trump and most are Canadians with no horse in the race..
.... and I bet you'd just love to censor them from expressing their opinions.
Then you get those that bandy about tag names like trumpite or trumplican....
You're just jealous you can't be clever enough to invent nicknames.
And now you can have the last word!
lol In this thread? Last word could be anyone's guess.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
.... and I bet you'd just love to censor them from expressing their opinions.
You're just jealous you can't be clever enough to invent nicknames.
lol In this thread? Last word could be anyone's guess.
You assume a lot don't you?
And you can play musical chairs by yourself!


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
What I do here is laugh at people who argue for or against Trump and most are Canadians with no horse in the race..
Then you get those that bandy about tag names like trumpite or trumplican....
And now you can have the last word!

Well it can be argued that American politics have a global effect so Canadians do have a horse in the race and not always in a funny way. I get that this is hard for some to grasp but you'll take away from these boards what you can and if it's just a few giggles here and there then, good for you.

Yeah I see the names being bandied about on these boards as well, the ones you mentioned along with the omnipresent "snowflake' one of my personal favorites. Oh and LIE-beral, is that the correct spelling? No matter.

I get the last word? Oh I highly doubt that, I thank you for the courtesy though, but I won't hold you to it. I fully expect more of your attention to be directed towards me. It's all good.
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Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Not sure if there's anything left to discuss, some people are just too "dug in", there's not a hope in hell of changing their minds! I'm probably starting to get that way myself the odd time!

Really? There's plenty left to discuss. Dont'cha know the impeachment trial in the court of public opinion steams ahead towards November where not only is Trump up for re-election but so too are 20-something GOP Senators? This is an ever changing story my fiend, and the final chapter is yet to be written.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Really? There's plenty left to discuss. Dont'cha know the impeachment trial in the court of public opinion steams ahead towards November where not only is Trump up for re-election but so too are 20-something GOP Senators? This is an ever changing story my fiend, and the final chapter is yet to be written.

I never really considered myself to be a "fiend", but sometimes "you have to be cruel to be kind". No doubt there is a lot for political buffs to discuss but the depth of that knowledge is not my forte. I'm basically pretty simple, I go a lot on what I see and hear and try to figure out the 5-10% of it that's plausible and let it go at that. We can talk about what's likely to happen Nov. 3, but an assassination attempt could change all that. One thing I will say is I'm pretty sure what we'd get with Trump - Democrats are quite capable of being better or worse and probably sneakier. Whatever happens isn't really going to change my world! :)