Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
There was a point to it, that you don't see it isn't a shock either. (Even being told why you still think there's no point).

This wasn't just a sleazy politician.

Really, just stop proving you're clueless about ANY of this and take your own advice. Stop posting about Trump.


Trump lashes out at Democrats as ��corrupt people�� at National Prayer Breakfast, in his first public remarks after acquittal

��As everybody knows, my family, our great country and your president has been put through a terrible ordeal by some very dishonest and corrupt people,�� President Trump said at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington a day after the GOP-led Senate acquitted him on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

as totally predictable : no class, vindictive, purulent, self pitying self victimizing, vengeful and unprofessional words from the autocrat in chief. Trump's version of a
"celebratory" speach.


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
Trump has a lot of faults, such as Foot to Mouth Disease. But that sets him apart from other politicians, he is straight to the point.
Other than that, great economy, great stock market and he has kept his promises and still working on the rest.
lol Cherry picking doesn't look good on anyone, especially you.
He inherited a growing economy, he's also broken some of his promises, the stock market is nothing but speculation, it's foot IN mouth disease, most of his points are either misinformation or flatout lies.
But you just keep swallowing his jism, sucker. lol


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
If the Trump supporters thought those who are against him are shocked, surprised or 'crying' over this, you haven't been paying attention.

See, we KNEW he'd be acquitted. We called it from the get go.

That wasn't the point of any of this really.

The BIGGEST shock was Romney.

I have to admit that hat he did was actually amazing, and I'm thankful that SOMEONE with an R beside his name finally stood up to say no more, and means it.
Yep. Mitt's what I call a real Republican. He's not afraid to buck Trump and stick to good principles. Very few others have such spine and nads.


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020


Trump lashes out at Democrats as ��corrupt people�� at National Prayer Breakfast, in his first public remarks after acquittal

��As everybody knows, my family, our great country and your president has been put through a terrible ordeal by some very dishonest and corrupt people,�� President Trump said at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington a day after the GOP-led Senate acquitted him on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

as totally predictable : no class, vindictive, purulent, self pitying self victimizing, vengeful and unprofessional words from the autocrat in chief. Trump's version of a
"celebratory" speach.
lol Reminds me of some of Dawkins' descriptions of "God": "a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, megalomaniacal, sadistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” and I might add an infantile, insecure attention whore (Jewish for attention whore) with aspects of racism and narcissism. And it all adds up to a pretty funny caricature of a clown. :D

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Yep. Mitt's what I call a real Republican. He's not afraid to buck Trump and stick to good principles. Very few others have such spine and nads.
What Romney did was admirable, and principled. Unfortunately the Trumpians will extract their revenge. Which just emphasizes how low they have descended to now. The R party is becoming the party of Trump........which is exactly what Trump wants.

It might have been wiser to take the position he did.......using the opposed to using his belief system to justify his decision. is what it is.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
The gist of this whole thread
JLM and others praise Trump...
Mockingbird and others hate Trump
Wash, rinse, repeat......!

Mockingbird and others hate Trump? While I can't speak for others I can assure you that I don't hate Trump. I have never met the man so how could I possibly hate him, or like him for that matter. It is nonsensical for you to believe that because I view Trump differently than you do that I hate him. By that logic (flawed as it is) it could then be said that you, because you support him, love him. Do you? Do you feel love for Donald Trump?

No, I don't hate Trump, I disapprove of him in his actions and some of his policies which is different from hate and I voice that disapproval in debate and conversation. It's what people do, they discuss current events the world over and the Trump Presidency is a main topic of discussion these days and so I jump in on the conversation with my opinions. Doesn't mean I hate anyone.

And if all this bores you so, why then do you give the conversation time and attention? Seems then that your time would be better spent elsewhere.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Then you can show accurate facts to counter right?
Come on Walter, put your version of the facts out where we can see them.
Have you ever read any factual or well composed opinion from walter?? There is nothing there except a limited number of simplistic phrases similar to Trump speak.


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
Mockingbird and others hate Trump?
It's human nature to think others hate if they merely object. It's TKRP (Trumplican Kneejerk Response Psychosis). Most of the time it's coupled with CDS (Clinton Delusion Syndrome), OBS (Obama Delusion Syndrome), and whattaboutism. The response doesn't require much thought, just reaction.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Mockingbird and others hate Trump? While I can't speak for others I can assure you that I don't hate Trump. I have never met the man so how could I possibly hate him, or like him for that matter. It is nonsensical for you to believe that because I view Trump differently than you do that I hate him. By that logic (flawed as it is) it could then be said that you, because you support him, love him. Do you? Do you feel love for Donald Trump?

No, I don't hate Trump, I disapprove of him in his actions and some of his policies which is different from hate and I voice that disapproval in debate and conversation. It's what people do, they discuss current events the world over and the Trump Presidency is a main topic of discussion these days and so I jump in on the conversation with my opinions. Doesn't mean I hate anyone.

And if all this bores you so, why then do you give the conversation time and attention? Seems then that your time would be better spent elsewhere.

You are delusional.! Have you ever seen me defend Trump?
Or said I support him?

I've even said that I would never vote for him
Just because I accuse some people of suffering of T D S doesn't mean I'm defending him....
Although a choice between him and Hillary??????????probably would have ended up in a spoiled ballot!


Time Out
Jan 31, 2020
Have you ever read any factual or well composed opinion from walter?? There is nothing there except a limited number of simplistic phrases similar to Trump speak.
No, actually. He seems to be emulating a parrot most of the time. Spews a few words and occasionally sticks a headline he likes in a post sometimes, then repeat. Activity that hardly requires any thought.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Trump has a lot of faults, such as Foot to Mouth Disease. But that sets him apart from other politicians, he is straight to the point.
Other than that, great economy, great stock market and he has kept his promises and still working on the rest.

Indeed Trump is riddled with faults including but not limited to the foot to mouth disease you reference, we can agree on that. And yes he is straight to the point but does he always get to any point in a good way? One could say with certainty that he does not.

To your next point, that of his great economy, great stock market and promises he has made and kept.

Great economy? Maybe not as great as many have been led to believe:

Great stock market? That's not always a good indicator of economic progress:

Promises kept? Has Mexico paid for the wall? Has he supplied his tax returns? Has the GDP growth reached 6%? Has the 2017 tax cut paid for itself? These are just a few of his failed promises:’s-broken-promises-american-people