CDN Election 2019


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Ha ha ha ha, so what? You an idiot and a hypocrite! "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. DUMMY!
Everybody is an idiot according to the The Putz, too bad he's so blind he can't see it in himself. Anyway it's all good fun watching him flounder around. :)

Hehehehehe....not only do you need to reply to me, you have to reply multiple times to the same post. Too funny!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Hehehehehe....not only do you need to reply to me, you have to reply multiple times to the same post. Too funny!

In order to pull your reputation out of the "sewer" you may want to heed a little friendly advise that I've found works well for me...…………………….don't f**king bother people who don't bother you first. If I did happen to reply to you twice, you might want to consider the possibility you were too f**king thick to get it the first time. Sorry, I guess I just have a low threshold for idiots.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You really need to calm down.

You have claimed you couldn’t care less about my posts. You should start acting like it or just admit that was a lie


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
The only way the Cons would have won was with a majority government. The NDP already said they would not support them, so they would not have been able to form a minority government and it has been obvious for some time that they would be in the minority. At least now we have a chance at Pro Rep or Trudeau would face a non-confidence vote and we would have to go through this clown show all over again.

The NDP is broke. They will not force and election. True-dope doesn't have to do anything special. There will be another first past the post election and probably more after that. Enjoy the clown show. You will get another in likely 2 years.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The NDP is broke. They will not force and election. True-dope doesn't have to do anything special. There will be another first past the post election and probably more after that. Enjoy the clown show. You will get another in likely 2 years.

Trudeau can't do a bloody thing w/o the Dipper's say so!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Well Hoid, why are you complaining about something that hinders your reply when you find a reason to delay/troll all your posts or even gloss over it altogether and now act like you have a backbone, let alone one an adult wears. Adults also have skin that doesn't bleed at every condemnation, . . . know what I mean?

Since that is a 'childish' trait the whole collective has, the question should be asked (and explored) as to why it is so common and did it begin at school or at the family supper table (where 'some' were allowed to ask and were praised and then 'some' were blocked most of the time and then the questions mocked as coming from a 'dullard' who should only follow and never lead)?

You bleeding yet because the topics contain very little that is pleasant. That is not what 'facts' are about.

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
The Cons will support Trudeau on pipeline issues...the NDP will support them on social issues. Nobody needs the Bloq for anything.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The Cons will support Trudeau on pipeline issues...the NDP will support them on social issues. Nobody needs the Bloq for anything.

Yet I think the Bloc is probably the smartest party in Federal politics right now.

Their existence as an official federal party keeps Quebec, and Quebec Separation, always a possible 'thing' and in the spotlight. The other parties might not have to work with them, but then again they might especially in a minority government. They could certainly side with the 'other party' and wreck the government if the ones in charge DON'T play nice with them.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Yet I think the Bloc is probably the smartest party in Federal politics right now.
Their existence as an official federal party keeps Quebec, and Quebec Separation, always a possible 'thing' and in the spotlight. The other parties might not have to work with them, but then again they might especially in a minority government. They could certainly side with the 'other party' and wreck the government if the ones in charge DON'T play nice with them.
The Bloc is a toothless dog that can only bark. They are not needed to make up voting numbers. They are sovereigntists in a Quebec that isn't very interested in that, right now. They are on the Federal pay cheque, which makes them flabby sovereigntists, at best.

The Bloc is quite useless and meaningless, just like the Reform Party turned out to be ... a limited regional rump.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Yet I think the Bloc is probably the smartest party in Federal politics right now.

I think there may be some truth in what you say. My bro. who has lived in Montreal for 40 years absolutely detests them, but then I'm not sure if he's good at seeing things out of other people's eyes. Frenchmen can be quite excitable maybe for good reason. I'm just not too keen on the way they can make up stupid laws like not being able to post a sign in English. That's a little over the top!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The Bloc is a toothless dog that can only bark. They are not needed to make up voting numbers. They are sovereigntists in a Quebec that isn't very interested in that, right now. They are on the Federal pay cheque, which makes them flabby sovereigntists, at best.

The Bloc is quite useless and meaningless, just like the Reform Party turned out to be ... a limited regional rump.

You obviously don't see them the way they do!