CDN Election 2019


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Cause she obviously can't be educated or is allowed to be concerned what so ever about Climate Change and her own planet, right?

Well before undertaking something extreme and trying to be a hero, sometimes it best to take pause, sit back and study the situation and read some literature written by people who know what they are talking about. I don't pretend to know what this "climate change" panic is all about, how severe it's going to get, when it going to end etc. etc. There does definitely appear to be climate change happening in some parts of the world, but is it caused by humans or is it just Mother Nature's way of balancing things? We just don't know and there's a good chance no one else does either. I'm reading a book about it right now "Don't Even think About it". but so far it's only dealt with the philosophy and mentality of the PROS and CONS and hasn't really gotten into climate change itself. I have learned one important thing about climate change though...……………………… open minded about it.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Well before undertaking something extreme and trying to be a hero, sometimes it best to take pause, sit back and study the situation and read some literature written by people who know what they are talking about. I don't pretend to know what this "climate change" panic is all about, how severe it's going to get, when it going to end etc. etc. There does definitely appear to be climate change happening in some parts of the world, but is it caused by humans or is it just Mother Nature's way of balancing things? We just don't know and there's a good chance no one else does either. I'm reading a book about it right now "Don't Even think About it". but so far it's only dealt with the philosophy and mentality of the PROS and CONS and hasn't really gotten into climate change itself. I have learned one important thing about climate change though...……………………… open minded about it.
Open minded?

It's the "mind" part that seems to elude you.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Open minded?
It's the "mind" part that seems to elude you.

I read somewhere (and I’m paraphrasing), “before you argue with somebody, stop and think if the person has the mental capacity or maturity to grasp the concept of different perspectives. If not, there’s no real point”

That explains why I don’t try and have a rational discussion with the idiots here. Just make fun of them and move on

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I read somewhere (and I’m paraphrasing), “before you argue with somebody, stop and think if the person has the mental capacity or maturity to grasp the concept of different perspectives. If not, there’s no real point”
That explains why I don’t try and have a rational discussion with the idiots here. Just make fun of them and move on
It's the Church Lady lecture that comes with each of his posts that keep me laughing.

He knows that he's a man of the world.

He's even been to the big city!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It's the Church Lady lecture that comes with each of his posts that keep me laughing.

He knows that he's a man of the world.

He's even been to the big city!

And the big city has what to do with what?

BTW I've probably been to Reno more times than you could count, Einstein. Just try real hard not to be as ignorant as the Putz!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
And the big city has what to do with what?
BTW I've probably been to Reno more times than you could count, Einstein. Just try real hard not to be as ignorant as the Putz!
"Reno" is a "big city"?

New York is a "big city".

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
So you're saying that just because she has Autism, she's not competent?

I don't even know her personally, so how can I be using her for an agenda? I just don't think it's RIGHT that this politician, from another country, calls her on her mental capacity as if he knows her, all because she's against HIS agenda. What the girl is really like I obviously don't know. What I do think is that anyone with autism, or aspergers, CAN function in society, depending on their level of the illness. Just because she doesn't bend to YOUR agenda, you hate her for it. Well that's on you, not her. I respect the girl because she at least TRIES to practice what she preaches, unlike a lot of ADULTS who stand for similar issues.
It's probably the lack of credentials or understanding of what she is parroting.

That's all she is, a parrot and a shitload of cash for news channels selling commercial time.
Cause she obviously can't be educated or is allowed to be concerned what so ever about Climate Change and her own planet, right?
Yes but she has inserted herself into the global climate hysteria, and using her new found fame to promote her agenda in Canada . And her agenda has a political slant .. so if she wants a private life she best step out of the spotlight . IMHO .

Forget the Asperger's for a few minutes folks. Greta currently has her Grade 8 diploma, and a small portion of Grade 9, and is on a sabbatical from her further education and has two book deals of her own lined up on top of her mother's (who happens to be the WWF Swedish Environmental Hero of the year in 2017) book that was released 3 days after the beginning of Greta's school strike in 2018 when she was 15 years old. This is her current level of education (not counting her honorary Doctorate from the University of Mons about a year after she left school) and she is 4 months shy of her 17th birthday at this point.

Coincidentally, her Mother's Publisher's PR Guy's Photographer must have just happened to be cruising past Greta's school (?) to happen to snap the pic's that turned Greta into a media & social sensation and mom's book is now available in 7 languages so it hasn't hurt that end of things either.

Gotta run. My neighbours 6 yr old son just came through my front door and walked into our back bedroom carrying a cucumber and I have to go see what the punchline is.....


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Dissecting a 16 year old's life and motives... but nobody questions the motives of multi-billion dollar Big Oil CEOs. What a joke.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Dissecting a 16 year old's life and motives... but nobody questions the motives of multi-billion dollar Big Oil CEOs. What a joke.
I concur with your assessment of the situation Cliffy. The fact that this kid has been put into this position as a tool towards that agenda is pretty nasty. If a multi-billion dollar Big Oil CEO was to use his or her kid in the same manner I'd be all over that!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
It's the Church Lady lecture that comes with each of his posts that keep me laughing.

He knows that he's a man of the world.

He's even been to the big city!

I realize you and the Putz feature yourselves as being very sophisticated, but the big question is how many people are impressed by your "sophistication"? Just remember it doesn't preclude you guys from being a couple of huge LOSERS. But that was evident the first time you started belittling pgs. I hope you are proud of yourself. Advertising your ignorance to the whole wide world doesn't put either one of you in a favourable light. Suck it up, Losers!


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I don’t consider myself sophisticated. I just appear that way next to you. The reasons are quite obvious

And I don’t belittle pigs. Like most Trumpites, he does it to himself. I just provide encouragement

Go with the Maytag BTW.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Forget the Asperger's for a few minutes folks. Greta currently has her Grade 8 diploma, and a small portion of Grade 9, and is on a sabbatical from her further education and has two book deals of her own lined up on top of her mother's (who happens to be the WWF Swedish Environmental Hero of the year in 2017) book that was released 3 days after the beginning of Greta's school strike in 2018 when she was 15 years old. This is her current level of education (not counting her honorary Doctorate from the University of Mons about a year after she left school) and she is 4 months shy of her 17th birthday at this point.

Coincidentally, her Mother's Publisher's PR Guy's Photographer must have just happened to be cruising past Greta's school (?) to happen to snap the pic's that turned Greta into a media & social sensation and mom's book is now available in 7 languages so it hasn't hurt that end of things either.

Gotta run. My neighbours 6 yr old son just came through my front door and walked into our back bedroom carrying a cucumber and I have to go see what the punchline is.....

I get all that actually, Ron.

Parents exploit their kids all the time especially if they are 'big name' parents.

So yeah, so mom is likely using her kid to further her own agenda.

But there's a difference between mom and some foreign political commenting on the girl's mental state.

I see it this way - if mom was ANTI-Climate Change, she'd be a voice for that and likely people wouldn't be on her for it. But because she does promote Climate Change as a big deal, and wants to stand up for the planet to try and tell people to do better by it, it goes against the agenda of a huge conglomerate of people and thus that makes her a target. While being a target is obvious, saying she hasn't the right to her opinions because of her mental status is going beyond the line of decency.

I don't like the push to make her an international celeb, it's using her.

But an adult bullying is a totally different level of wrong.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I get all that actually, Ron.

Parents exploit their kids all the time especially if they are 'big name' parents.

So yeah, so mom is likely using her kid to further her own agenda.

But there's a difference between mom and some foreign political commenting on the girl's mental state.

I see it this way - if mom was ANTI-Climate Change, she'd be a voice for that and likely people wouldn't be on her for it. But because she does promote Climate Change as a big deal, and wants to stand up for the planet to try and tell people to do better by it, it goes against the agenda of a huge conglomerate of people and thus that makes her a target. While being a target is obvious, saying she hasn't the right to her opinions because of her mental status is going beyond the line of decency.

I don't like the push to make her an international celeb, it's using her.

But an adult bullying is a totally different level of wrong.
Yet she is making speeches and pushing her agenda in Canada . It is a two way street .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I get all that actually, Ron.

Parents exploit their kids all the time especially if they are 'big name' parents.

So yeah, so mom is likely using her kid to further her own agenda.

But there's a difference between mom and some foreign political commenting on the girl's mental state.

I see it this way - if mom was ANTI-Climate Change, she'd be a voice for that and likely people wouldn't be on her for it. But because she does promote Climate Change as a big deal, and wants to stand up for the planet to try and tell people to do better by it, it goes against the agenda of a huge conglomerate of people and thus that makes her a target. While being a target is obvious, saying she hasn't the right to her opinions because of her mental status is going beyond the line of decency.

I don't like the push to make her an international celeb, it's using her.

But an adult bullying is a totally different level of wrong.

I believe that is exactly why she was chosen for the role that she is in. If you try to criticize the message or debate it then you are seen as picking on some poor kid, and if you criticize her handlers then you are questioning her abilities. She’s the perfect spokesperson because anyone that questions the motives of her handlers or financial backers, picking on this child thrust into a political & social quagmire full of disinformation and profiteering arseholes from most ends of this topic.
If you question the message, you’ll be accused of questioning her, and her abilities, and her age, and her education, and so on and so forth. I too think that Max Bernier is a blowhard douchepickle also but it doesn’t change the fact that her parents & handlers put her out there for this exact reason.
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