CDN Election 2019


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
My daughter is learning about World War One in grade 11 at the moment.

She is to be Great Britain in the Peace Talks. And she fully understands just how much blood is on her hands and just how tragically stupid her position will be at the peace talks.

She is learning far more in public school than I ever did about history
So you went to private school ? Or you spent your days smoking in the boys room . By the way whose blood will be on her hands ? Is she the villain?


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Don't understand the difference between left and fascist do you?
Other than their moronic slogans which are diametrically opposed, the alt-right and alt-left are basically identical.

After all, there was very little difference in the experience of living under Hitler and Stalin.


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
So you went to private school ? Or you spent your days smoking in the boys room . By the way whose blood will be on her hands ? Is she the villain?
Your poor poor sad daughter. She is being fed a lot p.c bullsh*t. Take her out of that propaganda center for her own sake.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Her public education is saving me $15-$20K a year

I think I'll keep her there


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Maxime Bernier invited to take part in federal election leaders’ debate

Bernier is IN NOW????????????????????

LIE-berals must think they can smear him and Scheer.................................

more easily if they are forced to stand together on a stage????????????????????????????????

In other news.............................................

LIE-berals are screaming angry.....................................

that a former Conservative candidate.................................

who is not running in this election.........................................

has set up a web site that claims........................................

that Toronto Star newspaper is getting $115 grand per WEEK.......................................

from the six hundred million dollar SLUSH FUND....................................

that LIE-berals set up for news media "that LIE-berals trust"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So if The Star is not getting $115 grand per week....................................

then HOW MUCH ARE THEY GETTING??????????????????????????

$200 hundred grand?????????????????????????????????

$300 hundred grand?????????????????????????????????

LIE-berals THINK it is none of our business.................................

what LIE-berals BUY with OUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals make it clear their respect for democracy is SO LOW.............................

they see nothing wrong with using tax revenue to BUY GOOD PRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Elizabeth May's history troubles

Elizabeth May is an expert on climate change and the environment. She has a law degree from Dalhousie University. And for a time, she studied theology at St. Paul's University in Ottawa with an eye to becoming an Anglican priest.
But for all the Green Party leader's interests and talents, it seems that history is not her strong suit.
The Green's electoral platform, released Monday, begins with a personal message from May that casts the fight against human-caused global warming as a daunting, yet winnable struggle — likening it to the Allied efforts to defeat Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in the Second World War.
"Giving up is not an option. Political courage is needed. Incremental actions cannot meet the challenge," she writes.
Chooses the Dunkirk story
However, the story that May chooses to illustrate the necessary "can-do" spirit — about Winston Churchill and the spring 1940 evacuation of British troops from the beaches of Dunkirk, France — is rife with factual errors, and appears to be more in line with some fictionalized films than the history books.
"The entire British army was pinned down on a beach in northern France, at Dunkirk. France had just surrendered," she begins, swinging and missing twice: The British had sent about a third of their army to the continent. And French troops fought bravely to cover their retreat to the Channel beaches, and continued to do so for weeks after the May 27-June 4 evacuations. Their formal surrender didn't come until June 22, 1940.
May then turns her attention to the legendary "little ships," the fleet of 861 civilian fishing boats, pleasure craft and ferries that helped retrieve the trapped soldiers. She writes that it was Winston Churchill's idea to send them, although virtually every historical source credits Admiral Betram Ramsay and his staff for coming up with the plan.
And the Green leader suggests the small boats "rescued over 300,000 men," when the fact is that a British Navy flotilla, including 41 destroyers, 36 minesweepers, and more than 100 other ships carried the bulk of the 338,000 evacuees back to the U.K...….Much more in the link


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Trudeau seeks to one-up Conservatives with plan on maternity, parental benefits

Liberals pledge $535 million a year for child care outside school hours

Federal government posts $14B shortfall in 2018-19

OTTAWA — The federal government ran a $14-billion deficit in 2018-19, according to its latest annual financial report, the third year in a row with a shortfall bigger than $10 billion.
The deficit for the fiscal year that ended March 31 was $900 million smaller than the government projected in last spring's federal budget, however.
Revenues in 2018-19 expanded by $21 billion — or 6.7 per cent — compared to the previous year, said the report released Tuesday.
The government's revenue ratio, which is total revenues as a percentage of the size of the economy, increased last year by 15 per cent to reach its highest level since before the financial crisis in 2007-08. The growth in the ratio, which was 14.5 per cent in 2017-18, was mostly due to growth in personal and corporate income tax revenues and other taxes, the report said.
The revenue gain was partially offset by an increase of $14.6 billion — or 4.7 per cent — in program expenses and an increase of $1.4 billion — or 6.3 per cent — in public debt charges.
The 2018-19 deficit follows two straight $19-billion shortfalls, and the annual financial numbers haven't shown a surplus since 2006-07.
Overall, the federal debt increased to $685.5 billion at the end of 2018-19. The debt-to-GDP ratio — a measure of how burdensome the national debt is — fell to 30.9 per cent from 31.3 per cent in 2017-18, the report shows.
The state of federal finances has already been the subject of political debate during the election campaign as parties argue whether the government should make an effort to balance the federal books — and how quickly.
In the three full fiscal years since the Liberals came to power, the federal government has posted $52 billion worth of shortfalls even though the economy has had a solid run of growth.
The Liberals won the 2015 election on a platform that promised annual deficits of no more than $10 billion and to return to balance by 2019.
After taking office, the Liberals abandoned the pledge and argued even larger deficit-driven investments were needed to improve Canada's long-term economic growth. The government shifted its focus instead to reducing the net debt-to-GDP ratio each year.
The Conservatives have long attacked the Liberals for breaking their 2015 deficit pledge and for not providing a timeline to return to balanced budgets. They've accused the Liberals of borrowing today on the backs of future generations.
Ahead of next month's election, the Liberals have laid out projections calling for five more years of deficits of at least $10 billion.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer is promising to pull Canada out of the red in about five years.
Jagmeet Singh's NDP, which promised balanced books in each of the last several election campaigns, no longer has a timetable to balance the books. Instead, it's focusing on lowering the debt-to-GDP each year.
Green Leader Elizabeth May has committed to returning Canada to budgetary balance in five years.
Maxime Bernier's new People's Party of Canada is the only political party that's promised a quick path to balanced books — within two years.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
These deficit figures can be confusing.

I know Doug Ford claimed the Liberals had left him with a $15 billion dollar debt when in fact it was on $7ish billion

And when a scientist like Doug Ford can be that wrong....


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
David Staples: Trudeau Liberals must stop the insults if they hope to earn trust of Albertans

If the Trudeau Liberals hope to win even one seat in Alberta, they are going to have to do much better than insult us.
For example, we’re seeing Liberal MPs scoff at all aspects of the Alberta government’s public inquiry into the foreign funding of Canadian green groups.
On Twitter, Kent Hehr, a Liberal MP from Calgary, said: “This is not only a waste of taxpayers’ money, it’s a McCarthyesque misuse of power. While @jkenney (Jason Kenney) fuels a witch hunt against Albertans, we bought the pipeline and we’re getting it built.”
A witch hunt? Seriously?

There is overwhelming evidence, much of it uncovered and meticulously documented by researcher Vivian Krause, that in 2008 American organizers started a secret “Tar Sands” campaign to recruit and finance Canadian green and Indigenous groups and to influence governments and political parties with the hope of terminating the oilsands.
Millions went into funding this effort every year, as much as $90 million overall Krause has said, but the lavish funding and highly disciplined organized approach was to remain invisible to outsiders.
In this way we were duped. For years Albertans believed that our local green groups only wanted better environmental practices in the oilpatch and for climate change to be addressed. This sounded like a good idea to many reasonable Albertans. But we had no clue that no reform was ever going to be enough for the green activists, that the real plan was to never compromise, not until the oilsands were thwarted and landlocked.
It was only two years ago that the Tar Sands campaign’s fangs were at last bared for all to see, only after Krause found and publicized campaign leader Michael Marx boasting on his website about his successful landlocking efforts.
Just as we learned all this, we also realized that the Trudeau government was riddled with top officials pushing through devastating oil and gas policy — such as the intolerable Bill C-48 that forever bans Alberta crude oil exports off the northwest B.C. coast — and that these officials were the same people who had led green groups funded by the Tar Sands campaign. These officials included Trudeau’s right hand man Gerald Butts, top PMO staffer Sarah Goodman, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna’s chief of staff Marlo Raynolds, and Natural Resources Minister Amarjeet Sohi’s chief of staff Zoe Caron.
Little wonder that Albertans elected a provincial government dedicated to finding out what exactly went on in the Tar Sands campaign.

Yet when I put all this to Sohi in an interview and told him it had greatly eroded my trust in his government and its policies, he said: “I never thought that you would believe in conspiracy theories.”
How is a massive and secret campaign, with the harmful goal of shutting down Canada’s biggest industry, not a conspiracy?
Sohi urged looking at the facts, saying they speak of his government’s support for oil and gas development. Three pipelines are being built (TMX, Line 3 and Keystone XL), which will expand our pipeline capacity by 64 per cent, Sohi said. There’s also been significant loan guarantees and federal support for oil and gas companies to reduce emissions.
As for officials like Butts, Goodman and the others in his government, Sohi said of them: “They understand the role of the oil and gas sector, but they’re also concerned about emissions, about environmental sustainability … I think this is a false analysis that if you come from an environmental background that somehow you’re against oil and gas sector. You’re not.”

The distrust of the Trudeau Liberals is so intense here that a faction of Albertans believe Trudeau has zero intention of ever completing the TMX pipeline project.
“I shake my head,” Sohi said of this pessimistic attitude. “You have a federal government that invested $4.5 billion to save a pipeline that otherwise would not have existed today. If Trudeau was really not for the oil sector, why would he take that risk and invest that money, then put someone like me to fix the problem (with First Nations consultations), which we have done, and then take another risk of approving it again, and now to take the risk of building it?. People need to grasp that reality that he deeply cares about this province, regardless of people’s perception.”
Where does this leave us? I propose this chain of events might help thaw relations: If Trudeau acknowledges it’s a good idea for the Alberta government to get to the bottom of Tar Sands campaign, far more Albertans will acknowledge his government is working hard and in good faith on TMX.

Alotta false statements in there by Sohi which is very misleading if you don't understand the industry


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
My daughter is learning about World War One in grade 11 at the moment.

She is to be Great Britain in the Peace Talks. And she fully understands just how much blood is on her hands and just how tragically stupid her position will be at the peace talks.

She is learning far more in public school than I ever did about history


DAUGHTER knows MORE HISTORY than papa hemerHOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND EVEN SHE GETS IT WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WW1 was a smash and grab raid by dictators ............................

who THOUGHT they could get away with bullying others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Austrians wanted to bully BOTH Bosnians and Serbs.............................

meaning Austrians launched the first step in the smash and grab raid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Russians wanted to DEFEND their Serb Slavic cousins ...............................

NOTE THAT - DEFEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Germans wanted to bully Russians and enslave them and take their land .......................

NOTE THAT - the second step in the smash and grab was against Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

France hated Germany and WANTED TO GET BACK LAND that Germany had taken in 1870!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Germany CHOSE to invade Belgium because it was the easier route to get at France...................................

Belgium was collateral damage from the German smash and grab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Britain WANTED NO PART of the European madness............................................

problem was that in the 1880`s.............................

Brit and French diplomats came up with an agreement that Brit ships would patrol the English Channel/ North Sea area.....................

including around northern French ports.............................................

and France would patrol the Mediterranean Sea.............................................

thus making best use of naval resources for both countries...........................

PROBLEM WAS..................................................

GERMANY LAUNCHED THE SMASH AND GRAB RAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the British were CAUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First Brits HAD GUARANTEED the neutrality of Belgium after the Napoleonic wars..............................

and if they refused to help Belgium against the INVADERS.....................................

then nobody would trust Britain again in future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Second - most French naval resources were in the Mediterranean because THEY THOUGHT Britain HAD THEIR BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Britain refused to join the fight then German navy would blockade and attack northern French ports........................

and France WOULD BE DEFEATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Germans were bullies..................................

and Britain stood up to them at high cost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AS for the Yankees....................................

THEY IGNORED THE WAR for 3 years..................................................

until things got DESPERATE for the west....................................

and Washington chose to intervene.................................

in order to AVOID having to face the German bullies ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS IS THE TRUE VERSION OF WW1..............................................

with Brits reluctantly helping DEFEND lands that had been INVADED by bullies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HemerHOID reveals his POISONED value system by scorning Brits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anbd we all know what hemerHOID thinks of white people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HemerHOID is DISGUSTED when any white person successfully defends themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And NOW we are facing EXACTLY the same pressures from MODERN bullies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iran wants to DESTROY Israel .......................................

regardless of whether the Jewish state has a right to exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And China wants to grab up islands- and the OIL AND GAS UNDER THE ISLANDS...........................

in spite of the fact that FIVE OTHER nations have just as good claims to the Islands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And China wants to grab other resources as well- at the expense of white people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Russia wants to grab resources from other countries...................................

because the Russians are TO STUPID AND CORRUPT.....................................

to manage their own economy........................................

so they want to STEAL FROM OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wikipedia tells us the Russian Federation has a population of 144 million people.................................

and the RUSSIAN ECONOMY IS SMALLER than that of Canada.................................

with 35 million people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bullies dont know any better than to smash and grab...........................................

and hemerHOID doesnt know any better than to spew LIE-beral HATE propaganda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Nobody on Earth wants the trans mountain pipeline. if the government didn't take it over it would have been shut down

more corporate welfare for the oil industry


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON

A little brown face to spice up the campaign trail.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says he knows now that his decision to dress up in brownface and a turban for a gala at a private school where he worked 18 years ago was a racist thing to do and he is now "deeply sorry."
Trudeau also admitted there was a second instance of racist behaviour. "When I was in high school I dressed up at a talent show and sang Day O with makeup on," he said.
Speaking to reporters on his campaign plane, Trudeau apologized for his actions, saying that he now recognizes his actions were racist.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Nobody on Earth wants the trans mountain pipeline. if the government didn't take it over it would have been shut down

more corporate welfare for the oil industry
Try and do without that industry for a week .


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
It was a joke, eh?
It was theft of a copyright image and brand. If you did that to a corporation, they'd sue you seven ways to Sunday.
Mercer took it pretty well considering what he had a right to do to them.
That candidate is goddam lucky that he has a sense of humour.

Would he been going off as bad if it were a Lib. candidate? He didn't take it very well according to the flattering article, he went on an email/twitter tirade to get it separated from himself