Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I am guessing Facebook U

Oh come on........................................

admit it hemerHOID......................................

YOU sold T-bonesforbrains his FAKE SHEEPSKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fakery is IN YOUR BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aint that why you are a LIE-beral??????????????????


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Awesome. Then I guess this exchange starts and finishes at 'the right...shall not be infringed'. Clearly,you have nothing to add to it.

The debate stops when LIE-berals SCREW UP ..........................................

the English language as thoroughly as everything else they touch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The law speaks of of those who are well regulated and disciplined .................................

as having the right to bear arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By DEFINITION............................................

a LUNATIC is neither of these things..................................

and LOGICALLY.......................................

unless you are a LIE-beral...........................................

a LUNATIC therefore has no right to bear arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I used to own several rifles and pistols
When I quit hunting I got rid of all my rifles except a double barrel 12 gauge coach gun for home protection and when I quit target shooting I sold all my pistols except a 38 special with a barely legal barrel
Why???? Because I can



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I suppose in a good school none of the students would be below average

Oh DONT WORRY hemerHOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Soviet Asshats who run our teacher unions are working hard...............................

to produce exactly the No Fail school system you desire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Job 1 is to replace Ford with a LIE-beral govt that will resume ................................

the Wynne-bag LIE-beral plan to END "streaming"...........................

that was canned by that nasty June 2018 election.............................

meaning LIE-berals will END the practice of streaming kids into either academic or technical classes..........................

according to their academic ability!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the new LIE-beral school system ALL THE KIDS............................

will study the same lame ass LIMITED curriculum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thus there will be reduced chance of clever kids to pull ahead of dimwits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the longer term.............................

teacher unions will continue their quest to have ever more kids labeled.........................

as learning DISABLED..........................................

and thus NOT ELIGIBLE to write the EQUAO standardized testing......................................

thus only kids of proven ability will end up being tested...........................................

and both teachers and parents can be PROUD of the high literary standard......................................

that teachers are PRETENDING TO PRODUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ultimately our teachers desire to see the EQUAO testing CANCELLED FOREVER..............................

thus saving them a lot of PLOTTING TIME as they scheme...........................

to HIDE HOW LITTLE OUR KIDS ARE REALLY LEARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There now...............................

dont you feel better..............................................

your LIE-beral orverlords do have a plan for a no fail school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The one little detail they have not worked out......................................

is what will happen when the LIE-beral trained DIMWITS.......................................

finish school..........................................................

and reach the REAL WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I used to own several rifles and pistols
When I quit hunting I got rid of all my rifles except a double barrel 12 gauge coach gun for home protection and when I quit target shooting I sold all my pistols except a 38 special with a barely legal barrel
Why???? Because I can

I hadn't shot in years. I used to compete decades ago. I was a damned good shot, too. I hadn't fired an anything since about 1983. This summer we set up a little outdoor range up north. I figured that with my 63 year old eyes and 63 year old nervous system I'd be hopeless at it.


I was dead eye dick. Tight grouping, once sighted in, I couldn't miss. I kept increasing my range, thinking that I was making it too easy. My grouping remained tight and as I adjusted for the arc, bingo.
... and I went back even further ... 75 yards with a long barreled handgun and I was still in the money.

I here thought in a million years that a skill like that was like riding a bicycle ... all breathing and a bit of Zen, I guess.

Felt pretty chuffed but I have zero need to possess firearms in Urban Ontario so I do not, will not.

Made me feel like a kid, again.

.... and no, I wasn't quite legal. The Crown used to grant me special dispensation when I was a kid but I've finally aged off of the SHR and have not a legal thread to stand on.
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House Member
Mar 3, 2012
I hadn't shot in years. I used to compete decades ago. I was a damned good shot, too. I hadn't fired an anything since about 1983. This summer we set up a little outdoor range up north. I figured that with my 63 year old eyes and 63 year old nervous system I'd be hopeless at it.
I was dead eye dick. Tight grouping, once sighted in, I couldn't miss. I kept increasing my range, thinking that I was making it too easy. My grouping remained tight and as I adjusted for the arc, bingo.
... and I went back even further ... 75 yards with a long barreled handgun and I was still in the money.
I here thought in a million years that a skill like that was like riding a bicycle ... all breathing and a bit of Zen, I guess.
Felt pretty chuffed but I have zero need to possess firearms in Urban Ontario so I do not, will not.
Made me feel like a kid, again.
.... and no, I wasn't quite legal. The Crown used to grant me special dispensation when I was a kid but I've finally aged off of the SHR and have not a legal thread to stand on.

so you set up an illegal handgun range then proceeded to use it?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Gee, those were a couple of nice shots JB.

People don't always realize, like with Homer Simpson using his gun to open his beer, how easy it is to cause, or be a problem, or to get into unseen trouble, like the guy who shoots himself because he wasn't thinking when he crossed a fence, or cleaned his firearm while it was loaded.

Funny a couple weeks ago there was seventeen stores robbed here in Midland MORE THAN ONE OF MY FRIENDS are sleeping in their store with heavey tools handy 'till this is stopped.

But recall the post I made recently where the Ontario liqueur stores WON'T APPREHEND thieves...the one guy alone walked out with $58,000 in stolen taxpayer skins - that's the Jokeville Yorgie wants US ALL to be unarmed in.

Fecalifournia here we come.

Obviously these criminals can't afford legal or illegal guns and would like to continue with their knife and violent beatings without the fear of resistance or arrest.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Wow, you really just painted yourself into a slaughterhouse corner with that comment doood.
Ha Ha.

Enjoy that beer.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
cc and dasleeper. please take down that photo or atleast crop it until the bar code is not showing.
That bar code is just a copy of my license # at the front of my license and only people with access to to the firearm registration database would be able to get any more information about me

I worry more about telemarketers getting my phone number than worry who knows who I am and that I have guns....


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I hadn't shot in years. I used to compete decades ago. I was a damned good shot, too. I hadn't fired an anything since about 1983. This summer we set up a little outdoor range up north. I figured that with my 63 year old eyes and 63 year old nervous system I'd be hopeless at it.


I was dead eye dick. Tight grouping, once sighted in, I couldn't miss. I kept increasing my range, thinking that I was making it too easy. My grouping remained tight and as I adjusted for the arc, bingo.
... and I went back even further ... 75 yards with a long barreled handgun and I was still in the money.

I here thought in a million years that a skill like that was like riding a bicycle ... all breathing and a bit of Zen, I guess.

Felt pretty chuffed but I have zero need to possess firearms in Urban Ontario so I do not, will not.

Made me feel like a kid, again.

.... and no, I wasn't quite legal. The Crown used to grant me special dispensation when I was a kid but I've finally aged off of the SHR and have not a legal thread to stand on.
And then you woke up .


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
That bar code is just a copy of my license # at the front of my license and only people with access to to the firearm registration database would be able to get any more information about me
I worry more about telemarketers getting my phone number than worry who knows who I am and that I have guns....
Never assume you are safe on the internet lol... the thieves all know about you too.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
As opposed to the intentional egotistical dumbess you present.

Alex jones was right about Epstein and mossad 10 years ago and the dancing Israelis as well and he was right about YOU too, doood.

Mercury rots your brain, obviously. Live with it.

The 2018 Flu Vaccine Was Only 29% Effective — but Experts Still Recommend It

He was also right about tax payer funded vaccines too...LOL.

Please quit spending my taxes on your USELESS butt needles bub. Perhaps you should stick to the "gossip threads" and hang out with Hoid. Facts don't matter there.
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
cc and dasleeper. please take down that photo or atleast crop it until the bar code is not showing.

For once Bondo is offering up GOOD ADVICE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With all the identity theft going on......................................

potential thieves SHOULD Not be able to see bar codes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since who knows really how much information...............................................

they can pick up from it??????????????????????


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
LOL, We know by know some people can't, and they also can't stand the people who do.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Oh Sleepy, wake up it's time to take your pill...
( you're the guy who can't even work the free version of malwarebytes correctly, remember?)

(1) On the RCMP’s own website under the section entitled: Your Privacy and Access to
Information for the Canadian Firearms Program - Unauthorized Access it states:

“Processes are in place to detect attempts at hacking into CFP computers and prevent access to personal
information. The RCMP continually monitors network traffic on the CFP website for any
possible attempts at unauthorized access. In addition, security procedures have been added
to the website to enhance an already secure service.”

MY COMMENT: If the RCMP has “processes in place to detect attempts at hacking in the CFP
computers” then they must also produce reports identifying how many “attempts at hacking”
have been made and to what extent these “attempts” were successful or unsuccessful. They
must also have reports explaining why they needed to “enhance” the existing security
procedures aand reports showing how effective the “security procedures” they added have

f*ck eh? "CONSPIRACIES?" Another idiot with a gun who doesn't know he is an idiot, just like Homer Simpson...That is the problem over all, right there.

As for a gun registry, we only have to look North to Canada to see it won't work.

Personally I prefer bow hunting for so many reasons...mostly because I am good at it.
...and you don't have nearly so many idiots involved because it takes so much more to be good with a bow than it does to be good with a gun at hunting distances.

I think I am going to take out a hunk of bear meat for supper. Gotta make room in the freezer!
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