Trudeau 'welcomes' ethics probe of alleged PMO interference in SNC-Lavalin case


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Of you want to talk like you are 3 years old read my replies as if they were to a child of that age, one that 'has a few anti-social issues' that remain unresolved.

As I have stated before- the Kashchewan "water tragedy" is a LIE-beral organized SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To lay actual blame on a political part you would have to know who planned the town originally. The Federal Government takes the credit for the water system so it also put in the sewer system. If either is not serving the community as advertised they were sold a bad bag of goods from the start. In this case the health of the people was to be kept as low as possible and the evacuations end up splitting families rather that an effort is extended to keep them together, by design as it is a study on the emotional impacts of forced separation. A war crime at it's most basic level as the reason is also entirely man-made, men from the World Health Organization rather than by their minions at Health Canada, such as the one that will be mentioned very shortly.

Hash stands on the Hudson Bay Lowlands that have an average elevation above sea level of SIX FEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The maps I have access to show the street farthest away from the river is at 6M rather than the 6ft you claim. The drainage is designed to be that slow as they mirror the flow of water rather than being at right angles that gives the most drainage to the ditches in the town. The photos that will be included show the ditches are full of water and the dike is above the height of the river. The dike is holding water back and the odds are very high that is the last area to dry our if it ever does completely. The land should slope up by 1% from the height of the dike to get the water the town has into the river as quickly as possible.

The river could be used to power a water pump to remove all the water trapped on the town by the dike.

And every year- melting snow and ice from the warming south runs into the still FROZEN north!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The river doesn't breach the dike, the evacuation is because the water trapped behind the dike turns the whole village into a place where every scrap of paper will show signs of mold within 3 days of water standing.

Is it any wonder that flooding is a YEARLY problem with constant ice dams and NO HIGH GROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is high ground, the long streets follow the path that has the least drainage rather than the steepest and fastest route to the river. Melting snow and rain is the water that is making the place unhealthy.

Kash is a classic example of all that is wrong with native reserve life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks a lot like an illegal medical experiment if it was blacks rather than Indians as blacks get noticed in the news while Indians don't.

Fifty years ago natives would pack up and head 30 miles inland to higher ground..........................

On their own initiative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Instead they were forced to live where the Government said and they would also have to accept all the 'no-bid' contracts that went along with their design. Explain to me why each house needs a driveway in a 'fly-in village'. A wide street with some form of public transportation like an electric streetcar running on rail rather than roads with potholes. Each driveway has a culvert that is probably plugged or close to it.

Keep the houses and the 'ring road'. All other roads run from the highest elevation on that road straight towards the river. The ditches on either side have flax straw put in the bottom and then back-filled with black dirt. Water will seep to the straw and the straw will not rot for 20 years so water will flow where the straw which is means no puddles of standing water.

The goal would then be to refurbish what is standing, new villages could be designed like townhouses in order to take advantage of passive solar gains and other ways to use the natural setting to aid in the heating/cooling needs.

Now it takes $22 million dollars A YEAR and a huge number of airline flights to haul UNEMPLOYED and too often drunken or drugged up native asses off to Thunder Bay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That upset the druggies in TB, you would think they would be able to buy in bulk now and get better prices, maybe even an air-drop

If LIE-berals want to reduce green house gasses they have only to haul Kash residents to Thunder Bay......................................
'Haul as in 'cargo'?
War Crime, nothing is too low for us.

The Thunder Bay welfare office is just as generous as the one in Kash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is a pay as you go, you need to look at the actual books. Can you spot a robbery in progress when you see one??

AND it is on HIGH GROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]
Unlike you and your kind.

No need to worry about flood waters diluting your drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'What flood??' will be the 2120 version of history. 'It was a land without a people when we stumbled onto the 24 diamond mines.' Move along.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Looks to be a fair size community I imagine if they pull their resources and pitch in that raising the grade and water drainage could be accomplished. But then again it isn't their problem it's Fed. Gov. problem that they selected to settle in a spring flood plain, and Canada should be fully on the hook to correct their mistake.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
By the way MHz why don't you have this conversation in your dedicated thread over this subject? Or you aren't getting the attention there that you have to spread it into every thread that isn't discussing it?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Of you want to talk like you are 3 years old read my replies as if they were to a child of that age, one that 'has a few anti-social issues' that remain unresolved.

To lay actual blame on a political part you would have to know who planned the town originally. The Federal Government takes the credit for the water system so it also put in the sewer system. If either is not serving the community as advertised they were sold a bad bag of goods from the start. In this case the health of the people was to be kept as low as possible and the evacuations end up splitting families rather that an effort is extended to keep them together, by design as it is a study on the emotional impacts of forced separation. A war crime at it's most basic level as the reason is also entirely man-made, men from the World Health Organization rather than by their minions at Health Canada, such as the one that will be mentioned very shortly.

The maps I have access to show the street farthest away from the river is at 6M rather than the 6ft you claim. The drainage is designed to be that slow as they mirror the flow of water rather than being at right angles that gives the most drainage to the ditches in the town. The photos that will be included show the ditches are full of water and the dike is above the height of the river. The dike is holding water back and the odds are very high that is the last area to dry our if it ever does completely. The land should slope up by 1% from the height of the dike to get the water the town has into the river as quickly as possible.

The river could be used to power a water pump to remove all the water trapped on the town by the dike.

The river doesn't breach the dike, the evacuation is because the water trapped behind the dike turns the whole village into a place where every scrap of paper will show signs of mold within 3 days of water standing.

There is high ground, the long streets follow the path that has the least drainage rather than the steepest and fastest route to the river. Melting snow and rain is the water that is making the place unhealthy.

Instead they were forced to live where the Government said and they would also have to accept all the 'no-bid' contracts that went along with their design. Explain to me why each house needs a driveway in a 'fly-in village'. A wide street with some form of public transportation like an electric streetcar running on rail rather than roads with potholes. Each driveway has a culvert that is probably plugged or close to it.

Keep the houses and the 'ring road'. All other roads run from the highest elevation on that road straight towards the river. The ditches on either side have flax straw put in the bottom and then back-filled with black dirt. Water will seep to the straw and the straw will not rot for 20 years so water will flow where the straw which is means no puddles of standing water.

The goal would then be to refurbish what is standing, new villages could be designed like townhouses in order to take advantage of passive solar gains and other ways to use the natural setting to aid in the heating/cooling needs.

That upset the druggies in TB, you would think they would be able to buy in bulk now and get better prices, maybe even an air-drop

'Haul as in 'cargo'?

War Crime, nothing is too low for us.

It is a pay as you go, you need to look at the actual books. Can you spot a robbery in progress when you see one??

AND it is on HIGH GROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unlike you and your kind.

'What flood??' will be the 2120 version of history. 'It was a land without a people when we stumbled onto the 24 diamond mines.' Move along.[/QUOTE]


TOTAL LIE-BERAL IMBECILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kashechewan stands on the Hudson Bay LOWLANDS with an AVERAGE ELEVATION OF 6FT above sea level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOTE THAT .....................AVERAGE ELEVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ANY significant CHANGE in elevation is the result of HUMAN ACTIVITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When the govt PAID contractors to build the drinking water treatment plan and the sewage treatment plant.....................................

and had BOTH built by white people because natives dont have the skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE FIRST THING the white people did was PILE UP SAND AND GRAVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The whites made HUGE GRAVEL PLATFORMS for the two plants to sit UP on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is SENSIBLE building style on a flood plain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PUT STUFF out of reach of the water - were its possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sand and gravel are available up there FOR FREE since the Hudson Bay Lowlands is a VAST SET of river deltas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES........................ ten thousand years worth of erosion have built up a HUGE FLOOD PLAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hudson Bay Lowlands is a 1.5 MILLION SQUARE KM of sand and gravel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And many of the houses in Kash FLOOD because the natives DID NOT BOTHER building up those handy gravel piles for the houses to sit on- high and dry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for using the river to power pumps to keep the town dry?????????????????????


The town is FLOODING because the river is ICE DAMMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thus there is NO CURRENT to speak of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The local rivers run from the warming south into the STILL FROZEN NORTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that mass of half frozen slush and chunks of ice BLOCKS the rivers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I seriously doubt there is a pump on this planet that could cope with 50 tonnes of ice choking its impellers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all- Hydro One has SHIELDS in place to divert ice away from its turbines at Niagara Falls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And there is MUCH LESS ICE on the Niagara River than on rivers around Kash.......................................

since Kash is roughly a couple of thousand Km NORTH of Niagara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes.....................I suppose you COULD build dikes and levees to try to guide the water away from town............................

but given the amount of ice flowing in the area......................................

such dikes would be CHEWED FLAT in no time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course ANY heavy machinery needed for earth moving in Kash MUST be barged in from Newfoundland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ocean going ships DONT GO to Kash........................................

even though it is on the sea coast............................................

because the water is SO SHALLOW around the Lowlands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is so shallow and shoaly along that western Hudson Bay shoreline that a KAYAK will ground half a mile out from the high tide mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Winnipeg guy named Don Starkell tried to paddle a kayak from Moosonee through the North West Passage and found the western shore to be a mass of mud and boulders with only inches of sea water in many places at high tide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why LIE-berals have decided it is EASIER to fly Kash residents OUT to Thunder Bay instead of doing any flood control!!!!!!!!!!!

The one thing I cannot answer is WHY IN HELL LIE-berals dont simply fly Kash residents OUT and LEAVE them some place where it is high and dry?????????????????????????????

Do LIE-berals think leaving natives to live in a flood prone MESS............................................

with the only food available being COSTLY stuff that is either flown in............................................

or else the food is BARGED IN from Nain or Goose Bay or some other such spot on the Labrador Coast..............................

thousands of KM from Kash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and with no work......................................

and nothing to do all day but drink and blame white people......................................

will such treatment of natives really win LIE-berals some actual votes???????????????????????????????????

Or at least get them MORE votes than giving tax payers a break with this YEARLY evacuation??????????????????????

The Toronto Red Star newspaper was grudgingly FORCED to admit all this stuff as their original coverage of the Kash "tragedy" was so very wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kash is the ULTIMATE EXAMPLE of ALL that is wrong with LIE-beral policy with regard to natives and and the reserve system!!!!!!!!!

And the capper to all this LIE-beral crapper is that LIE-beals keep telling us they want us to STOP USING fossil fuel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then they FLY an entire community of 2500 people plus pets and spare clothing and and out of Thunder Bay EVERY DAMNED YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Unlike you and your kind.

'What flood??' will be the 2120 version of history. 'It was a land without a people when we stumbled onto the 24 diamond mines.' Move along.


TOTAL LIE-BERAL IMBECILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kashechewan stands on the Hudson Bay LOWLANDS with an AVERAGE ELEVATION OF 6FT above sea level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOTE THAT .....................AVERAGE ELEVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ANY significant CHANGE in elevation is the result of HUMAN ACTIVITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When the govt PAID contractors to build the drinking water treatment plan and the sewage treatment plant.....................................

and had BOTH built by white people because natives dont have the skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE FIRST THING the white people did was PILE UP SAND AND GRAVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The whites made HUGE GRAVEL PLATFORMS for the two plants to sit UP on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is SENSIBLE building style on a flood plain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PUT STUFF out of reach of the water - were its possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sand and gravel are available up there FOR FREE since the Hudson Bay Lowlands is a VAST SET of river deltas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES........................ ten thousand years worth of erosion have built up a HUGE FLOOD PLAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hudson Bay Lowlands is a 1.5 MILLION SQUARE KM of sand and gravel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And many of the houses in Kash FLOOD because the natives DID NOT BOTHER building up those handy gravel piles for the houses to sit on- high and dry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for using the river to power pumps to keep the town dry?????????????????????


The town is FLOODING because the river is ICE DAMMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thus there is NO CURRENT to speak of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The local rivers run from the warming south into the STILL FROZEN NORTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that mass of half frozen slush and chunks of ice BLOCKS the rivers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I seriously doubt there is a pump on this planet that could cope with 50 tonnes of ice choking its impellers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all- Hydro One has SHIELDS in place to divert ice away from its turbines at Niagara Falls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And there is MUCH LESS ICE on the Niagara River than on rivers around Kash.......................................

since Kash is roughly a couple of thousand Km NORTH of Niagara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes.....................I suppose you COULD build dikes and levees to try to guide the water away from town............................

but given the amount of ice flowing in the area......................................

such dikes would be CHEWED FLAT in no time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course ANY heavy machinery needed for earth moving in Kash MUST be barged in from Newfoundland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ocean going ships DONT GO to Kash........................................

even though it is on the sea coast............................................

because the water is SO SHALLOW around the Lowlands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is so shallow and shoaly along that western Hudson Bay shoreline that a KAYAK will ground half a mile out from the high tide mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Winnipeg guy named Don Starkell tried to paddle a kayak from Moosonee through the North West Passage and found the western shore to be a mass of mud and boulders with only inches of sea water in many places at high tide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why LIE-berals have decided it is EASIER to fly Kash residents OUT to Thunder Bay instead of doing any flood control!!!!!!!!!!!

The one thing I cannot answer is WHY IN HELL LIE-berals dont simply fly Kash residents OUT and LEAVE them some place where it is high and dry?????????????????????????????

Do LIE-berals think leaving natives to live in a flood prone MESS............................................

with the only food available being COSTLY stuff that is either flown in............................................

or else the food is BARGED IN from Nain or Goose Bay or some other such spot on the Labrador Coast..............................

thousands of KM from Kash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and with no work......................................

and nothing to do all day but drink and blame white people......................................

will such treatment of natives really win LIE-berals some actual votes???????????????????????????????????

Or at least get them MORE votes than giving tax payers a break with this YEARLY evacuation??????????????????????

The Toronto Red Star newspaper was grudgingly FORCED to admit all this stuff as their original coverage of the Kash "tragedy" was so very wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kash is the ULTIMATE EXAMPLE of ALL that is wrong with LIE-beral policy with regard to natives and and the reserve system!!!!!!!!!

And the capper to all this LIE-beral crapper is that LIE-beals keep telling us they want us to STOP USING fossil fuel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then they FLY an entire community of 2500 people plus pets and spare clothing and and out of Thunder Bay EVERY DAMNED YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]
Any hint of Trudeau filling suit against Scheer yet ?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

TOTAL LIE-BERAL IMBECILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kashechewan stands on the Hudson Bay LOWLANDS with an AVERAGE ELEVATION OF 6FT above sea level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOTE THAT .....................AVERAGE ELEVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ANY significant CHANGE in elevation is the result of HUMAN ACTIVITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When the govt PAID contractors to build the drinking water treatment plan and the sewage treatment plant.....................................

and had BOTH built by white people because natives dont have the skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE FIRST THING the white people did was PILE UP SAND AND GRAVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The whites made HUGE GRAVEL PLATFORMS for the two plants to sit UP on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is SENSIBLE building style on a flood plain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PUT STUFF out of reach of the water - were its possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sand and gravel are available up there FOR FREE since the Hudson Bay Lowlands is a VAST SET of river deltas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES........................ ten thousand years worth of erosion have built up a HUGE FLOOD PLAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hudson Bay Lowlands is a 1.5 MILLION SQUARE KM of sand and gravel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And many of the houses in Kash FLOOD because the natives DID NOT BOTHER building up those handy gravel piles for the houses to sit on- high and dry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for using the river to power pumps to keep the town dry?????????????????????


The town is FLOODING because the river is ICE DAMMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thus there is NO CURRENT to speak of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The local rivers run from the warming south into the STILL FROZEN NORTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that mass of half frozen slush and chunks of ice BLOCKS the rivers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I seriously doubt there is a pump on this planet that could cope with 50 tonnes of ice choking its impellers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all- Hydro One has SHIELDS in place to divert ice away from its turbines at Niagara Falls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And there is MUCH LESS ICE on the Niagara River than on rivers around Kash.......................................

since Kash is roughly a couple of thousand Km NORTH of Niagara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes.....................I suppose you COULD build dikes and levees to try to guide the water away from town............................

but given the amount of ice flowing in the area......................................

such dikes would be CHEWED FLAT in no time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course ANY heavy machinery needed for earth moving in Kash MUST be barged in from Newfoundland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ocean going ships DONT GO to Kash........................................

even though it is on the sea coast............................................

because the water is SO SHALLOW around the Lowlands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is so shallow and shoaly along that western Hudson Bay shoreline that a KAYAK will ground half a mile out from the high tide mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Winnipeg guy named Don Starkell tried to paddle a kayak from Moosonee through the North West Passage and found the western shore to be a mass of mud and boulders with only inches of sea water in many places at high tide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why LIE-berals have decided it is EASIER to fly Kash residents OUT to Thunder Bay instead of doing any flood control!!!!!!!!!!!

The one thing I cannot answer is WHY IN HELL LIE-berals dont simply fly Kash residents OUT and LEAVE them some place where it is high and dry?????????????????????????????

Do LIE-berals think leaving natives to live in a flood prone MESS............................................

with the only food available being COSTLY stuff that is either flown in............................................

or else the food is BARGED IN from Nain or Goose Bay or some other such spot on the Labrador Coast..............................

thousands of KM from Kash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and with no work......................................

and nothing to do all day but drink and blame white people......................................

will such treatment of natives really win LIE-berals some actual votes???????????????????????????????????

Or at least get them MORE votes than giving tax payers a break with this YEARLY evacuation??????????????????????

The Toronto Red Star newspaper was grudgingly FORCED to admit all this stuff as their original coverage of the Kash "tragedy" was so very wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kash is the ULTIMATE EXAMPLE of ALL that is wrong with LIE-beral policy with regard to natives and and the reserve system!!!!!!!!!

And the capper to all this LIE-beral crapper is that LIE-beals keep telling us they want us to STOP USING fossil fuel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then they FLY an entire community of 2500 people plus pets and spare clothing and and out of Thunder Bay EVERY DAMNED YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any hint of Trudeau filling suit against Scheer yet ?[/QUOTE]

SURELY YOU JEST??????????????????????????

Our idiot Boy Justin is a LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO ACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He likes to issue threats..........................................

in desperate hope it will slow down his enemies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is why he has been making so many noises about "fighting hate speech and Fake News" on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But he DOES NOT wish to admit that much of the hate speech is directed at white people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And much of the Fake News is being created BY LIE-berals in a frantic effort to make our economy look less BANKRUPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are a LIE-beral then legal threats ARE GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But actually getting into a court of law where LIE-beral threats can be HONESTLY EVALUATED...........................................

IS NOT something that any sensible LIE-beral desires!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Robert Fife had 'a lot of sleepless nights' after breaking the SNC-Lavalin story

Globe and Mail Ottawa bureau chief Robert Fife said he was worried for weeks after breaking the SNC-Lavalin story that has rocked the Liberal government, fearing that former cabinet minister Jody Wilson-Raybould would refute his reporting.
"I had a lot of sleepless nights," Fife said in an interview with CBC News Network's Power & Politics.
"I don't really know Jody Wilson-Raybould very well and she says herself that she was not a source … I had no idea whether they were going to get her and say, 'Go there and deny this story.' Because if she came out and denied the story, I'm dead in the water."
Fife told Power and Politics host Vassy Kapelos he felt a lot of pressure until Clerk of the Privy Council Michael Wernick testified before the Commons committee investigating the controversy.
"I was out there all by myself ... nobody else was able to confirm it until Wernick testified."
Since Fife and his Globe and Mail colleagues first reported that Wilson-Raybould faced pressure to interfere in the case against SNC-Lavalin, cabinet ministers Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott, and the prime minister's principal secretary Gerald Butts, have all resigned over the controversy.
Fife said he doesn't think there's more to come on the story.
"I think the story is over. I don't think we're going to learn much more than we already have."


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

There are a LOT OF PEOPLE ...........................................

who should be having sleepless nights.................................

over the Lavalin SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has exposed a DEEP AND EXTENSIVE AND ONGOING CORRUPTION .......................................

in the LIE-beral party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That our LIE-beral govt would play so fast and loose............................................

over EXTENSIVE PROOF of BRIBERY ins DAMNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
She ever read the story of the Indian's beaver being plucked when it is ripe? This has a bit of stab in the heart as well from the front rather than from behind like it would be if they were both from 'the same kind'. Imagine the power if you knew that and were only about 40, better than time-traveler stock tips.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017



You have made contact with reality today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And have recognized that the "Trudeau mania" mass insanity that infected civil service union HOGS, Black Lives Matter bigots and

Idle No More convicted thieves and an assortment of grossly selfish special interest groups........................................................

HAS ENDED IN LIE-beral DISGRACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
KINSELLA: Liberals deserve a swift kick in the Butts
Warren Kinsella
July 21, 2019
July 21, 2019 12:35 PM EDT
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (L) and his principal secretary Gerald Butts take part in a meeting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on April 21, 2017. (REUTERS/Chris Wattie)
Kick me.
Here’s a little-known fact: The “kick me” sign — which is usually affixed to some hapless soul’s back or behind, for laughs — was apparently devised by merry-making Scots during the 16th Century.
They did it to celebrate April Fool’s. “Kick me” thereafter became so popular, it spread to the British Isles and then rest of the world.
And so, this week, the Liberal Party of Canada stuck a “kick me” sign to its collective keester, and invited all of us to do precisely that.
The occasion? Not April Fool’s, although it certainly felt like it could be. No, the “kick me” moment heralded the inauspicious return of Justin Trudeau’s former principal secretary, and his forever-BFF, Gerald Butts.
Butts showed up for some Liberal campaign meeting. People noticed.
Yes, that Gerald Butts. He of the SNC-Lavalin meta-scandal — the one who helped propel #LavScam into hashtag hagiography.
He — the one who told us a million times that he’s a coal miner’s son. Him, the one who also told the chief of staff to the Attorney-General of Canada that Trudeau’s cabal wanted to short-circuit the criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin, a Liberal Party donor.
Him, “Gerry,” who famously said of interfering in the coming corruption trial of SNC-Lavalin that “there is no solution here that does not involve some interference.”
Him. Gerald Butts. He’s back.
Now, before everyone starts reaching for the smelling salts, there is a passable pretext to justify the return of Butts. For one thing, he’s smarter than all of PMO put together. And, the wheels started to come off PMO the moment Butts left.
The Liberal Party commenced sliding precipitously in the polls. Patronage scandals sprouted up like weeds. And, of course, there was this stirring bit of oratory, which ranks up there with the Gettysburg Address: “We have recently switched to drinking water bottles out of water, when we have water bottles out of a plastic sorry away from plastic towards paper-like drink-box, water-bottle sorta things.”
So, on the one hand, it makes a bit of sense that Butts is back. But, on the other, it doesn’t at all.
Two reasons.
One, Butts — fairly or not — became the face of LavScam. And not in a good way. Former ministers Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott came to embody decency, honesty and a belief in the independence of our prosecutorial system.
Butts, meanwhile, came to be seen as a guy who may have done something wrong. Why would he have resigned if that were not so?
LavScam hammered the Liberal Party in public opinion. It shredded Justin Trudeau’s promise of sunny ways. And it left his oft-made claims to be a feminist — to be the indigenous reconciler, to be the guy who’d bring back ethical government — in tatters after he expelled Wilson-Raybould and Philpott for having the temerity to speak up for the rule of law.
There’s a second reason why Gerald Butts’ return is dumb, dumb, dumb. And it’s that hoary old chestnut, Liberal arrogance.
“Liberal arrogance” has recurred so many times in Canadian politics, it practically deserves its own entry in Mel Hurtig’s Canadian Encyclopedia series. Liberal arrogance — that Grit belief that they alone know what is best for Canada, and are in fact synonymous with all that is good in Canada — is deadly.
KINSELLA: Election outcomes swayed by ‘The Hidden Conservative Voter’
THE WAR ROOM: How the Tories can stop Trudeau’s rising popularity
KINSELLA: Political hypocrisy will hurt Trudeau’s chances of re-election
Liberal arrogance has felled many a Liberal government. It is the greatest Grit weakness. And the return of Gerald Butts signals its unfortunate return, in marquee lights.
Butts is back. LavScam is back. Liberal arrogance is back.
Kick them: they deserve it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
KINSELLA: Liberals deserve a swift kick in the Butts
Warren Kinsella
July 21, 2019
July 21, 2019 12:35 PM EDT
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (L) and his principal secretary Gerald Butts take part in a meeting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on April 21, 2017. (REUTERS/Chris Wattie)
Kick me.
Here’s a little-known fact: The “kick me” sign — which is usually affixed to some hapless soul’s back or behind, for laughs — was apparently devised by merry-making Scots during the 16th Century.
They did it to celebrate April Fool’s. “Kick me” thereafter became so popular, it spread to the British Isles and then rest of the world.
And so, this week, the Liberal Party of Canada stuck a “kick me” sign to its collective keester, and invited all of us to do precisely that.
The occasion? Not April Fool’s, although it certainly felt like it could be. No, the “kick me” moment heralded the inauspicious return of Justin Trudeau’s former principal secretary, and his forever-BFF, Gerald Butts.
Butts showed up for some Liberal campaign meeting. People noticed.
Yes, that Gerald Butts. He of the SNC-Lavalin meta-scandal — the one who helped propel #LavScam into hashtag hagiography.
He — the one who told us a million times that he’s a coal miner’s son. Him, the one who also told the chief of staff to the Attorney-General of Canada that Trudeau’s cabal wanted to short-circuit the criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin, a Liberal Party donor.
Him, “Gerry,” who famously said of interfering in the coming corruption trial of SNC-Lavalin that “there is no solution here that does not involve some interference.”
Him. Gerald Butts. He’s back.
Now, before everyone starts reaching for the smelling salts, there is a passable pretext to justify the return of Butts. For one thing, he’s smarter than all of PMO put together. And, the wheels started to come off PMO the moment Butts left.
The Liberal Party commenced sliding precipitously in the polls. Patronage scandals sprouted up like weeds. And, of course, there was this stirring bit of oratory, which ranks up there with the Gettysburg Address: “We have recently switched to drinking water bottles out of water, when we have water bottles out of a plastic sorry away from plastic towards paper-like drink-box, water-bottle sorta things.”
So, on the one hand, it makes a bit of sense that Butts is back. But, on the other, it doesn’t at all.
Two reasons.
One, Butts — fairly or not — became the face of LavScam. And not in a good way. Former ministers Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott came to embody decency, honesty and a belief in the independence of our prosecutorial system.
Butts, meanwhile, came to be seen as a guy who may have done something wrong. Why would he have resigned if that were not so?
LavScam hammered the Liberal Party in public opinion. It shredded Justin Trudeau’s promise of sunny ways. And it left his oft-made claims to be a feminist — to be the indigenous reconciler, to be the guy who’d bring back ethical government — in tatters after he expelled Wilson-Raybould and Philpott for having the temerity to speak up for the rule of law.
There’s a second reason why Gerald Butts’ return is dumb, dumb, dumb. And it’s that hoary old chestnut, Liberal arrogance.
“Liberal arrogance” has recurred so many times in Canadian politics, it practically deserves its own entry in Mel Hurtig’s Canadian Encyclopedia series. Liberal arrogance — that Grit belief that they alone know what is best for Canada, and are in fact synonymous with all that is good in Canada — is deadly.
KINSELLA: Election outcomes swayed by ‘The Hidden Conservative Voter’
THE WAR ROOM: How the Tories can stop Trudeau’s rising popularity
KINSELLA: Political hypocrisy will hurt Trudeau’s chances of re-election
Liberal arrogance has felled many a Liberal government. It is the greatest Grit weakness. And the return of Gerald Butts signals its unfortunate return, in marquee lights.
Butts is back. LavScam is back. Liberal arrogance is back.
Kick them: they deserve it.
I get the feeling that Warren Kinsela has no use for this current crop of Liberals .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
KINSELLA: Liberals deserve a swift kick in the Butts
Warren Kinsella
July 21, 2019
July 21, 2019 12:35 PM EDT
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (L) and his principal secretary Gerald Butts take part in a meeting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on April 21, 2017. (REUTERS/Chris Wattie)
Kick me.
Here’s a little-known fact: The “kick me” sign — which is usually affixed to some hapless soul’s back or behind, for laughs — was apparently devised by merry-making Scots during the 16th Century.
They did it to celebrate April Fool’s. “Kick me” thereafter became so popular, it spread to the British Isles and then rest of the world.
And so, this week, the Liberal Party of Canada stuck a “kick me” sign to its collective keester, and invited all of us to do precisely that.
The occasion? Not April Fool’s, although it certainly felt like it could be. No, the “kick me” moment heralded the inauspicious return of Justin Trudeau’s former principal secretary, and his forever-BFF, Gerald Butts.
Butts showed up for some Liberal campaign meeting. People noticed.
Yes, that Gerald Butts. He of the SNC-Lavalin meta-scandal — the one who helped propel #LavScam into hashtag hagiography.
He — the one who told us a million times that he’s a coal miner’s son. Him, the one who also told the chief of staff to the Attorney-General of Canada that Trudeau’s cabal wanted to short-circuit the criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin, a Liberal Party donor.
Him, “Gerry,” who famously said of interfering in the coming corruption trial of SNC-Lavalin that “there is no solution here that does not involve some interference.”
Him. Gerald Butts. He’s back.
Now, before everyone starts reaching for the smelling salts, there is a passable pretext to justify the return of Butts. For one thing, he’s smarter than all of PMO put together. And, the wheels started to come off PMO the moment Butts left.
The Liberal Party commenced sliding precipitously in the polls. Patronage scandals sprouted up like weeds. And, of course, there was this stirring bit of oratory, which ranks up there with the Gettysburg Address: “We have recently switched to drinking water bottles out of water, when we have water bottles out of a plastic sorry away from plastic towards paper-like drink-box, water-bottle sorta things.”
So, on the one hand, it makes a bit of sense that Butts is back. But, on the other, it doesn’t at all.
Two reasons.
One, Butts — fairly or not — became the face of LavScam. And not in a good way. Former ministers Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott came to embody decency, honesty and a belief in the independence of our prosecutorial system.
Butts, meanwhile, came to be seen as a guy who may have done something wrong. Why would he have resigned if that were not so?
LavScam hammered the Liberal Party in public opinion. It shredded Justin Trudeau’s promise of sunny ways. And it left his oft-made claims to be a feminist — to be the indigenous reconciler, to be the guy who’d bring back ethical government — in tatters after he expelled Wilson-Raybould and Philpott for having the temerity to speak up for the rule of law.
There’s a second reason why Gerald Butts’ return is dumb, dumb, dumb. And it’s that hoary old chestnut, Liberal arrogance.
“Liberal arrogance” has recurred so many times in Canadian politics, it practically deserves its own entry in Mel Hurtig’s Canadian Encyclopedia series. Liberal arrogance — that Grit belief that they alone know what is best for Canada, and are in fact synonymous with all that is good in Canada — is deadly.
KINSELLA: Election outcomes swayed by ‘The Hidden Conservative Voter’
THE WAR ROOM: How the Tories can stop Trudeau’s rising popularity
KINSELLA: Political hypocrisy will hurt Trudeau’s chances of re-election
Liberal arrogance has felled many a Liberal government. It is the greatest Grit weakness. And the return of Gerald Butts signals its unfortunate return, in marquee lights.
Butts is back. LavScam is back. Liberal arrogance is back.
Kick them: they deserve it.


A chance to kick LIE-beral butts??????????????????????

Wait right there............................................

I will put on my work boots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would join that line with ENTHUSIASM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Liberals gamble that bringing Gerald Butts back for election campaign is worth reviving SNC-Lavalin scandal

On the plus side...................................

the return of Butts......................................

is a sign of LIE-beral DESPERATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Always noce to see THEM SWEAT...............................................

even just a little!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Even if I was to agree with you that title is already taken! :)
Originality is a valued trait...
No one wants to read the same post OVER and OVER...or even see the SAME MEME once every year for the rest of all time.

Some folks never get the "facts before insults" thing in real time.

Obama calls for more facts, fewer insults in speech to journalists...

President Obama used a keynote speech at an annual journalism dinner to lament the often divisive and sometimes vulgar state of American politics and to call on reporters to work harder to hold politicians accountable.

“Real people depend on you to uncover the truth,” Obama told a crowd of nearly 450 Monday at a dinner for the Toner Prize for Excellence in Political Reporting in Washington.

LOL, now we have see how those "journalists" have talked about Trump.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Liberals gamble that bringing Gerald Butts back for election campaign is worth reviving SNC-Lavalin scandal

It's a necessity...a person can't live without a brain. Trudeau couldn't even pick out his own socks to wear without Butts assistance, winning an election would be a monumental task for him.

Canadians generally are fickle, apathetic, and have short memories, and Trudeau knows it...this is likely a strategically good move for him. Unfortunately, voters are likely tired of hearing about Lavscam and are willing to overlook systematic corruption and lies for a smile. This election will be more of a metric of the values of Canadian voters than it will be for Trudeau. Unlike 2015, we have a clear picture of who the Trudeau Liberals are...what they stand for, and more importantly, what they don't.