Gun Control is Completely Useless.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
No, . . .

Do you tell your wife a round in your pistol is for her if she says something about you bad-mouthing her relatives? Load up the car with them and then try that line. They will have a new car to drive to boot.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
No, . . .

Do you tell your wife a round in your pistol is for her if she says something about you bad-mouthing her relatives? Load up the car with them and then try that line. They will have a new car to drive to boot.

OH yes.....................................

just what we need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More irrelevant PROPAGANDA from our Radical Muslim airhead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can hear him coming from a long way off.........................................

his empty head whistles in the wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating the loathsome self serving nature of LIE-beral propaganda! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Climate change could trigger next global recession, 415 investment funds warn

By Katie Dangerfield. National Online Journalist, Global News

Published December 16, 2018

ABOVE: Report issues dire warning about impact of climate change on economy.

Global investment funds overseeing US$32 trillion in assets gave a stark warning to governments Monday: cut carbon emissions and phase out coal mines or face a financial crisis several times worse than the 2008 market crash.

(That`s ODD! I would have said the biggest economic threat facing Ontari-owe is the SIXTEEN BILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT that the Wynne-bag LIE-berals left behind them as they tried and FAILED to BUY enough votes to remain in control at Queens Park! And of course there is also the current series of roughly $20 billion dollar deficit our federal LIE-berals are creating with carefree abandon!)

(I just DO NOT UNDERSTAND- and no LIE-beral has ever explained - how giving our civil service union Hogs a whole series of pay raises that we can only supply TEMPORARILY WITH BORROWED MONEY - can be called an environmental crisis? Unless you want to start discussing HOW LIMITED the LIE-beral environment has become now that there are only seven of them at Queens Park? But the near extinction of Ontari-owe LIE-berals has VIRTUALLY NO PUBLIC concern attached to it compared to the loss of Burrowing Owls for instance!)

On Monday, 415 institutional investors from across the world (including several from Canada) released a statement demanding urgent action on the Paris Agreement as policymakers meet for the second week at the UN climate summit in Poland.

Climate change will cost the U.S. economy billions, report contradicting Trump says.

(Yes- and how much of that “URGENCY is a DESPERATE LIE-beral HOPE that nobody asks if Trump MIGHT BE RIGHT about how poorly California is doing at limiting wild fires? LIE-berals would much rather we fussed over Trump and Russia than have us sweat over California govt activities- or the lack there of!)

“The reality is that the long-term nature of the challenge has, in our view, met a zombie-like response by many,” said Chris Newton of IFM Investors.

“This is a recipe for disaster as the impacts of climate change can be sudden, severe and catastrophic.”

(Yes! This recipe for catastrophe MIGHT just drive the public to point make choices about dividing fossil fuel use into either useful or frivolous categories! Cdns see that heating our homes and getting to work is far more important than allowing Hogs to fly off to Florida for golf! And would an ordinary person even be able to get to work on our ALREADY over loaded and worn out public transit if cars were banned?)

(And WHY is it easier for LIE-berals to consider banning cars that we use to get to our work- than it is for them to consider banning the sea-doos and atv`s that LIE-berals so often play on at their weekend recreation homes?)

(Is that LIE-beral sense of “urgency” being driven MAINLY by a terrible fear that THEY will lose perks and privileges that have long set them above ordinary citizens?)

The investment managers said they have a responsibility to “manage and protect the assets of millions of savers and individuals worldwide, including from the effects of climate change,” citing their concern with the lack of implementation of the Paris Agreement, which world leaders are currently trying to finalize at the summit.

(Yes- and WE ALL KNOW just who those investors are! OSSTF-our Ontari-owe high school teachers have the biggest private pension fund in all of North America! And OMERS- the Ontari-owe municipal employees have a pension fund in the top five in North America! And our Quebec municipal employees have a pension fund in the North American top ten!)

(Get a good look at the BEST PENSIONS being offered in all of North America and civil service union Hogs DOMINATE! With pension funds for hospitals and colleges and universities right up there- along with Metrolinx and ORNGE and other Crown Corporations that are NOMINALLY independent of govt- but they get ALL their funding from tax payers one way or another!)

(The outgoing chairman of OSSTF came on TVO/The Agenda and told host Steve Paikin that in the 5 years running up to the interview OSSTF had accumulated yearly deficits totaling over FIFTEEN BILLION DOLLARS!)

(Some simple math adding up known existing deficits and adding in projected future deficits for a 5 year period into the future reveals that Wynne-bag LIE-berals were holding an OSSTF IOU WORTH FIFTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS! That WE COULD NOT PAY!)

(LORD KNOWS- Wynne-bag TRIED TO PAY OSSTF and nearly BROKE the economy of Ontari-owe in the process! And there are EIGHTEEN MORE civil service HOG unions right behind OSSTF- each holding their own GROSS Wynne-bag LIE-beral IOUs!)

(Wynne-bag LIE-berals absolutely used their mouldy green electricity and carbon crap and trade scams to price gouge us relentlessly in a frantic effort to pay off their Hog allies and buy enough votes to retain control at Queens Park! So why then would not other LIE-berals use the SAME LAME ASS environmental excuse to try to save THEIR perks and privileges and solid gold pensions at OUR EXPENSE? This is why Our idiot Boy Justin is so welded to his carbon tax scam!)
Failure to act and lower carbon emissions could lead to permanent economic damage three or four times the scale of the impact of the 2008 financial crisis, British investment firm Schroders said, adding that it could cost $23 trillion of global economic losses a year in the long term without rapid action.

(“Permanent financial damage”? GOSH! There is a load of LIE-beral hysteria without any honest facts behind it!)

“The global shift to clean energy is underway, but much more needs to be done by governments to accelerate the low carbon transition and to improve the resilience of our economy, society and the financial system to climate risks,” the statement said.

(All this talk of green energy is just MORE LAME ASS LIE-beral excuses! For instance China would like to burn more natural gas and less coal- if only somebody would sell them natural gas! And Cdn LIE-berals will not do so- they would rather the gas stay in the ground than pump it off to ships that could carry it to China- which leaves Chinese ships hauling coal from Australia instead!)

(Or we could look at the Ontari-owe mouldy green power MESS that actually made the air WORSE! First there was all the economic activity needed to produce concrete for massive wind tower foundations; then all the steel that was forged to create the towers; then all the exotic chemicals needed to make the light but strong blades; then all the aluminum needed for many miles of electrical wiring to connect the towers to the grid; and of course MORE concrete and steel needed for the transmission towers!)

(And when all mouldy green equipment is set up and ready- THEN LIE-berals had to go and build a series of natural gas fueled electrical generators and keep them fully manned and powered up all day every day- ready at a moments notice to tke over from the mouldy green energy that is so UNRELIABLE that LIE-berals had to build TWO COMPLETE power systems- a reliable natural gas fueled one and a MOULDY GREEN ONE!)

(And NO LIE-beral EVER ASKED: “would it not be cheaper and just as environmentally sound just to use the natural gas plants - that ARE up and running anyway- and forget the mouldy green- that we are PAYING UP TO NINE HUNDRED PERCENT MORE FOR THAN OTHER FORMS OF GENERATION?)

(The LIE-beral environmental position has become SO INSANE that they are ROUTINELY DUMPING water that could be used to produce the CLEANEST power of all- from falling water in hydro dams! But LIE-berals preferred their COSTLY and mouldy green - FOR THE GRAVY!)

(And so Ontari-owe LIE-berals are in the dog house and in disgrace because of their failure to ask a simple question: “would it not be cheaper just to go with the natural gas plants and forget the green mess-“? AND stop wasting water that could be used to make the cheapest and cleanest electricity of all?)

(Water powered machinery is the easiest to shut off and so LIE-berals dumped the water power in favour of their costly mouldy green mess! And in the process LIE-berals have DESTROYED their credibility regarding environmental matters! )


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
OH yes.....................................

just what we need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More irrelevant PROPAGANDA from our Radical Muslim airhead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can hear him coming from a long way off.........................................

his empty head whistles in the wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When did DipShit convert to Islam?? He is angrier than ever. If he takes up writing it will be like the angel of death made a few passes.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Not really a chain then is it? More like a rod of iron, . . . right??


You figured it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With your HEAD of iron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Climate change could trigger next global recession, 415 investment funds warn
Just double up on the number of people that have been working since global warming began and in the same 300 years we should be back at those levels. Those subs that were going to go under the ice can now pull water-skiers at the same time they are making deliveries for Amazon. Win/win.

How many trees can be planted in the territories?

Ozone also reduces CO2 (by converting to O2) so all the electric motors should have bigger gaps where the brushes are. That might make the house plants droop a bit but the critters inside are all bright-eyed and bushy tailed. You fate remains an unknown should you every get the optimal OS intake. The 'repetition part' in your posts is like stuttering so start off with a rise to 25% O2 in the room and keep the doors closed for 3 days and see what comes out and adjust from there until all is good.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Just double up on the number of people that have been working since global warming began and in the same 300 years we should be back at those levels. Those subs that were going to go under the ice can now pull water-skiers at the same time they are making deliveries for Amazon. Win/win.

How many trees can be planted in the territories?

Ozone also reduces CO2 (by converting to O2) so all the electric motors should have bigger gaps where the brushes are. That might make the house plants droop a bit but the critters inside are all bright-eyed and bushy tailed. You fate remains an unknown should you every get the optimal OS intake. The 'repetition part' in your posts is like stuttering so start off with a rise to 25% O2 in the room and keep the doors closed for 3 days and see what comes out and adjust from there until all is good.


MHz should have bigger gaps between his brain waves if global warming grows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perhaps MHz is a plant based life form????????????????????????

And he wants higher carbon dioxide levels so his insanity will grow better????????????????



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB

MHz should have bigger gaps between his brain waves if global warming grows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perhaps MHz is a plant based life form????????????????????????

And he wants higher carbon dioxide levels so his insanity will grow better????????????????
The gap between my brain halves is just right. You don't even know that much about the brain means you are 'brain-dead'.


And God said,


I have given you every herb bearing seed,

which is upon the face of all the earth,

and every tree,

in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed;

to you it shall be for meat.

Are you getting the picture yet?

Do you know that all pain-killers increase the O2 content if a person's blood? Sherlock took heroin because it helped him see patterns easily. Any heroin addict will be able to tell you want a room is like after getting just a quick glance, a drunk can spend an hour in the room and he will know less.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The gap between my brain halves is just right. You don't even know that much about the brain means you are 'brain-dead'.


And God said,


I have given you every herb bearing seed,

which is upon the face of all the earth,

and every tree,

in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed;

to you it shall be for meat.

Are you getting the picture yet?

Do you know that all pain-killers increase the O2 content if a person's blood? Sherlock took heroin because it helped him see patterns easily. Any heroin addict will be able to tell you want a room is like after getting just a quick glance, a drunk can spend an hour in the room and he will know less.

Sorry......................your picture is cloudy.....................................

I do not indulge in LSD or other hallucinogenic drugs.........................................


You are correct...........................................

for once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On one fact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I truly know nothing of the structure of your brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are clearly either an alien life form doing a VERY BAD JOB of mimicking human life.....................................

or you are a certified LUNATIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Was your mother as fond of LSD as you are???????????????????

Did she indulge her LSD habit while pregnant?????????????????????????

That would explain much about your multiple personalities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I might have suggested you were suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome..............................

but I know Muslims are forbidden to consume alcohol??????????????????????

or perhaps your Mom did break a Muslim taboo while pregnant????????????????????


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Another time; good guy with a gun stops bad guy with a gun.

At the California synagogue where one woman was killed and three wounded in non life threatening manner.

Why only three wounded one dead by a man armed with a (shudder) AR 15?

Because he was charged by a gentleman named Morales, who is a border patrol agent who carries when he goes to worship, at the request of the Rabbi.

Morales and an unarmed Iraqi war vet charged the shooter, who fled.

So it wasn't a mass shooting.

And the solution proposed by idiots?

Disarm the victims........


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Was your mother as fond of LSD as you are???????????????????
The week long high fever that came with the 1918 flu was enough to mess up parts of her thinking as she was 2 when she went through it. In your world that can probably be passed on from generation to generation. Guess who engineered the 1918 Spanish Flu?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Another time; good guy with a gun stops bad guy with a gun.
At the California synagogue where one woman was killed and three wounded in non life threatening manner.
Why only three wounded one dead by a man armed with a (shudder) AR 15?
Because he was charged by a gentleman named Morales, who is a border patrol agent who carries when he goes to worship, at the request of the Rabbi.
Morales and an unarmed Iraqi war vet charged the shooter, who fled.
So it wasn't a mass shooting.
And the solution proposed by idiots?
Disarm the victims........
Both of the synagogues in my neighborhood have armed cops standing by whenever there is an activity in the synagogue.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Do you take that as being 'normal' or that 'you live in a fuked up part of the world'?

In my world the 'protected place' would shoot up a few other similar places first to show there was a need for such levels of security. The 'Cartel' also uses the same level to make sure they do not get ambushed, perhaps they can trade ideas.

With a Christian Church being wherever two or three open the Bible and we go around in 2's at most it would seem that God gave us a decent way to avoid 'needless torment and needless persecution and needless attention' in something as simple as a few words in a book.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Both of the synagogues in my neighborhood have armed cops standing by whenever there is an activity in the synagogue.
There's a little synagogue near here but there is no overt security around it and most definitely, no police or security guards ... no fence ... No nothing. I'm guessing that there's lots of CCTV but not so that you'd notice. It's a nice, quite, leafy street and I don't remember any trouble there, whatsoever in the 35 years that I've lived here. This county (Halton) has pretty much the lowest crime rate on the North American Continent. I suppose, in a way, that makes them more vulnerable.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
There's a little synagogue near here but there is no overt security around it and most definitely, no police or security guards ... no fence ... No nothing. I'm guessing that there's lots of CCTV but not so that you'd notice. It's a nice, quite, leafy street and I don't remember any trouble there, whatsoever in the 35 years that I've lived here. This county (Halton) has pretty much the lowest crime rate on the North American Continent. I suppose, in a way, that makes them more vulnerable.
To wack-jobs, yeah. On the upside, your head of government, for all that he's a useless, feckless pretty boy, isn't actively pumping up Nazism in your country.