Gun Control is Completely Useless.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
To wack-jobs, yeah. On the upside, your head of government, for all that he's a useless, feckless pretty boy, isn't actively pumping up Nazism in your country.
It's quite marginal here, although you wouldn't know it by reading this forum. To the West of us where men are men and so are a lot of the women, the extreme right might attract ... just barely ... double digit support.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
To wack-jobs, yeah. On the upside, your head of government, for all that he's a useless, feckless pretty boy, isn't actively pumping up Nazism in your country.

He will be replaced soon, the public still at large is beginning to listen to the idiot closer than they had in the past, he,s an empty bucket what can be filled with slop and flung at the average Canadian as if it were fairy dust. That specimins training is of the sort. He,s photogenic of course but they should keep his mouth shut unless absolutely it must be engaged. His supposed progenator was leaps and bounds ahead of the idiot in smarts.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
He will be replaced soon, the public still at large is beginning to listen to the idiot closer than they had in the past, he,s an empty bucket what can be filled with slop and flung at the average Canadian as if it were fairy dust. That specimins training is of the sort. He,s photogenic of course but they should keep his mouth shut unless absolutely it must be engaged. His supposed progenator was leaps and bounds ahead of the idiot in smarts.
Before the hanging you better see who is waiting in the wings.

Want to know who has graduated from the M. Albright School of Not Charm? Wicked witch of the west is a job title in their world.



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
No need to get cheeky now!
You trying to up your post count again?? (without adding any real substance) So far you rolling the dice with me has not worked out in your favor, why would you think that has change? (or is this to show you are a member of the collective rather than you have come across a rational lately)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Both of the synagogues in my neighborhood have armed cops standing by whenever there is an activity in the synagogue.

Geezus, what is it about the JOOS that sets the whack jobs off so badly?

I don't get it. I grew up surrounded by Jews..........including our next door neighbour, who was a doctor, and who paid free housecalls once a week for months when my brother had rheumatic fever back in the mid 60s.

I have no problem with Jews.

In fact I have much admiration for all the things they have accomplished.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Okay folks, I went crazy.
I got thinking about the insistence of the anti-gun folks that we don't want to be like the AMERICANS, with no gun control, and blood running in the streets! I had read that murder was so high in American ghettoes that it skewed national figures, as (obviously) there could be social causes for murder in those circumstances.........SOOOOOO
I went looking to isolate two populations, as close as possible in population make-up, culture, etc, with the ONLY difference being gun control laws. I settled on the west, the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta in Canada, and the three American states that border them, Montana, North Dakota, and Minnesota. These seemed to be the best examples, as they are the two areas of Canada and the United States that are the most alike in population culture, etc., yet most different in gun legislation.
Let me lay it out for you.
In Canada, before you buy a long gun, you must pass a safety course, undergo an investigation, get references including your spouse, obtain a license, and register the firearm. Most military semi-autos are prohibited. Semi-auto rifles can only have magazines with 5 rounds
In these states, if you want the semi-auto version of the American military M-16, you walk into the gun store, put down your cash, buy the piece and as many 30 round magazines as you like. You wait a federally-mandated 7 days, and go get your rifle. No license, no registration, no course, any rifle is OK.
In Canada, the vast majority of handguns are prohibited. If you want a handgun, you must either be a collector, or a target shooter. Self-defense is NOT allowed. You must have a long gun license (see above), pass ANOTHER course, and register your pistol. You must belong to a gun club, and you are ONLY allowed to transfer the weapon back and forth from the club to home, it must be trigger locked, and in a locked case.
If you want a handgun in any of these states, it is exactly the same as the process for buying a military "assault" rifle in the Sates, as laid out above. No license, no registration, no course, no NOTHING. NO handguns are prohibited.
In Canada, getting a license to carry a handgun is practically impossible.
In these states, the gov't MUST give you a license to carry a handgun for self-defense if you don't have a criminal record.
Just to make it clear, here are the ratings for the states given by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence: Montana (F), North Dakota (D), Minnesota ( C-)
Believe me, Canada would get an A+++ from Sarah Brady.
So, Canada is a wonderful, peaceful place where everyone is safe and happy, but step across the border and you trip over bodies and fall into the mess of blood, guts and expended shell casings, right?
Well, maybe not.
Manitoba------------ 2.61...2.95...3.12...3.70... 4.27 (per 100,000)
(2002 - 1,151,000)-----30.....34......36.....43..... 49 (murders)
Saskatchewan------2.58...2.70... 2.71...4.12...3.92
(2002 - 1,000,000).... 26.... 27..... 27.....41.....39
Alberta---------------1.96...2.29... 2.25...2.03...2.69
(2002 - 3,056,000).... 60.....70......69.....62 .... 82
(2003 - 917,000).......17.....35......17......30.....29
North Dakota.......0.60...1.10... 0.80....1.90...1.40
(2003 - 633,000)........4.......7.......5......12.......9
Minnesota..........3.10... 2.40... 2.20... 2.50...2.20
(2003 - 5,059,000)..157.....121.....111....126....111
Canada West-----------------2.22----2.52----2.54---2.80----3.26 (per 100,000)
Population 5,207,000........116.... 131.....132....146....170 (murders)
USA Northwest---------------2.69----2.47----2.01---2.54----2.25
Population 6,609,000........178.... 163......133....168.....149
BTW Figuring this out took me HOURS.............Canadian stats are from Stats Canada, American Stats on population are from
American Stats on murder rates are from
Facts on state gun laws are from
Math concerned is by ME.
Edited to say: DAMN, I had those all set out in coherent tables, but all spacing disappeared when I submitted (being computer illiterate) I've used spacers......sorry about that)

Btw, thanks again for the original post, Colpy. It helps put things into perspective.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Before the hanging you better see who is waiting in the wings.

Want to know who has graduated from the M. Albright School of Not Charm? Wicked witch of the west is a job title in their world.

OH GOSH MHz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is she a Jew banker?????????????????????????????????????????

And if she is???????????????????

Then WHO CARES??????????????????

Other than an LSD muddled radical Muslim??????????????

We have problems much closer to home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to LIE-beral SWINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article suggesting that the Billion dollar “grant” - meaning BRIBE that Our idiot By Justin gave to Bombardier last year might have been WASTED! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Has Bombardier finally run out of track?

By David Olive - Business Columnist, Toronto Star

Published December 17. 2018

Bombardier’s archrivals Siemens and Alstom are merging, with combined global market share more than twice that of BT’s approximately 4 per cent..

What was the death knell for Bombardier Transportation (BT), the rail division of Bombardier Inc.?

Was it the 2017 decision by New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority to disqualify BT from even bidding on a landmark contract for as many as 1,800 rail cars? Was it the 2017 decisions in Bombardier’s home Canadian market by the transit systems of Montreal and Toronto to order their next-gen rail cars from China Railway Rolling Stock Corp. (CRRC) and France’s Alstom SA, respectively?

Or, finally, was it the decision announced last week by Via Rail, yet another firm in Bombardier’s home country, to award a $1-billion (Cdn) contract for railcars to Germany’s Siemens AG?

There have been many such setbacks at BT.

(Yes- Bombardier has become unwelcome in San Francisco -and other places for screwing around with the street car contract for various cities in the same way they have screwed Toronto Transit Commission! And New York City had the same sad experience! We should ask how many major markets a company can MESS UP before common sense kills the company off!!! Via Rail is simply following the market trend to avoid Bombardier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And the plight of Bombardier makes one ask if Toronto will EVER GET its full fleet of Bombardier vehicles? And even if they do- will Bombardier have the resources to repair all the shoddy frame welds that have been exposed??????)

Always, BT’s record of unreliability in delivering glitch-free products on time is why it loses contracts. And each setback also costs BT lucrative after-sales service contracts.

And all of this Bombardier crap is self inflicted! Bombardier got a BILLION DOLLAR GRANT from Our idiot Boy Justin- and STILL COULD NOT produce Toronto street cars in anything close to specified contract time!!!!!!!!)

You could say that it’s time for Bombardier to shed its arrogant incompetence- problems with faulty BT equipment are usually the buyer’s fault, in BT’s view, now that archrivals Siemens and Alstom are merging, with combined global market share more than twice that of BT’s approximately 4 per cent.

And BT has no realistic hope of holding off Chinese state-owned industry leader CRRC -13 per cent market share, a growing threat to BT in North America, where it already has planted its flag in Montreal, Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia.

You could say that.

But, as a still-bloated General Motors Co. has shown us in waking up one morning with the realization it needed to shutter seven North American plants including GM Oshawa, entrenched cultures of arrogant complacency that are decades in the making usually end only with liquidation.

(Wer have a LONG HISTORY of watching companies evolve from making a useful product -sold at a profit - over to becoming gravy grabbing proteges of LIE- beral govt! General Motors is one such entity that can no longer survive without that govt gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The Urban Transport Development Corporation- UTDC -conceived of by Red Tory premier Bill davis and later expanded by Peterson Ontari-owe LIE-berals and then heavily sponsored by transit loving Bob Rae NDPers grew so fat and lazy on govt gravy that by the time Conservative premier Harris cut off the gravy and UTDC died- nobody cared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Bombardier is simply following in the footsteps of UTDC, GM, ORNGE. E-health, MaRS building and a host of other LIE-beral govt proteges that could not survive in the real world!! Or we could look at how quickly the green energy market COLLAPSED once the LIE-beral subsidies were cut back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Geezus, what is it about the JOOS that sets the whack jobs off so badly?
I don't get it. I grew up surrounded by Jews..........including our next door neighbour, who was a doctor, and who paid free housecalls once a week for months when my brother had rheumatic fever back in the mid 60s.
I have no problem with Jews.
In fact I have much admiration for all the things they have accomplished.
When you turn the Klan loose, the Nazis are never far behind.

By the way, I found out about the cops at the synagogues by volunteering.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Geezus, what is it about the JOOS that sets the whack jobs off so badly?

I don't get it. I grew up surrounded by Jews..........including our next door neighbour, who was a doctor, and who paid free housecalls once a week for months when my brother had rheumatic fever back in the mid 60s.

I have no problem with Jews.

In fact I have much admiration for all the things they have accomplished.

Right on - I don't think there are innate problems with ANY race. There are varieties of behaviour though that I DO have problems with.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
When you turn the Klan loose, the Nazis are never far behind.

By the way, I found out about the cops at the synagogues by volunteering.


TECUMSEHBONESFORBRAINS IS ALMOST AS obsessed with cops as MHz is with Jews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a piece in the Quran that talks about the last days of the Jews............................

when the world becomes so sick of them that even the rocks and trees turn on them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Quran tells us that the rocks and trees will call out to The Faithful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saying: "there is a Jew hiding behind me, oh yea Righteous, come and kill him"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is not a precise quote...........................................

I cannotb be bothered looking up the PRECISE wording.................................

but you get the idea.................................

Jews will NOT BE TOLERATED in the Brave New Muslim World Wide Caliphate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Muslims are convinced that the Jews have STOLEN their place as the "Chosen People of God"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The nerve of those Jews thinking they are more entitled to Gods consideration than Muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And MOST GALLING for Muslims................................

the JEWS THINK they have more right to the lands of Israel than Muslims do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just because Jews have LIVED THERE FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Jews have lived there MUCH LONGER as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently a knowledge of history and comprehension of logic will not be highly valued in the Caliphate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a bunch of Muslim Maroons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!