Quit picking on the Shiny Pony


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Of course don’t you know liberals are Lilly white but don’t let me get started on those dirty stinking rotten to the core conservatives. Did you see that disgraced cabinet minister Bev Oda order orange juice from room service now that is a scandal .

And over $16 yet! It just doesn't get any stupider or more pathetic than that. :) She could have bought 5 gallons of orange juice and stuck it in the toilet tank to keep it cool. :)


Council Member
May 19, 2017
If you believe everything she says then you believe she was right to stay in the office even after she knew she was being asked to do something she felt was unethical.

All she had to do was say she would have no part of it and quit.

Then the government could have put someone in there to do what they wanted done.

Everyone would be happy.

Especially SNC Lavalin.

But that's ok, too, right ?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Hoid /waldo is following the partyline like a good little Lemming....
Trudeau is on TV trying to make everyone believe that he did what he did to protect Jobs.

So if you are a company that hires a lot of people, the law should be different for you than the rest of us.......


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
To think they could have had mature, politically astute MPs in their government instead of settling for a bunch of immature, politically inept kids well-trained by their leader to spout the party dogma and nothing but the party dogma for each and every question ever asked of them. I wonder how many are beginning to question their allegiance to JT considering his spineless dithering behavior on so many important issues. If any of them are dreaming of a future in politics beyond the present, best they get out now.

OH COME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord knows I DO ENJOY slapping at Our idiot Boy

for the ENDLESS LIST OF STUPID THINGS he has done and said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But lets get real here..........HE IS ONLY ONE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it is the ENTIRE LIE-beral party and the teaming swarms of civil service union Hogs and assorted special interest groups that pumped that idiot Boy ego up into the national disgrace that it is!!!!!!!!!!!!

The modern LIE-beral politician is NOT A LEADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The modern LIE-beral politician is THE ULTIMATE FOLLOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The aspiring politician studies the parade of political life .............................

and waits for it to reach an intersection......................

and then guesses which way will the public parade go??????????????????

A left turn........................................

A right turn............................................

Or maybe just halt for a minute..........................................

The aspiring politician makes his best guess as the where public parade is going to move next........

times it carefully and steps off into the lead.......................................

if done right and smoothly enough it makes the politician LOOK like the leader............................

when the truth is he is just a FOLLOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy has now fallen OUT OF STEP with the Cdn political parade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Impending national bankruptcy and the immanent and painful COLLISION with the debt wall has splintered the parade and created competing political parades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lack ofr gravy means LIE-berals and their allies are turning on each other in destructive battle for the remaining gravy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals and their greedy gravy grabbing pals live in TERROR of that 55 plus percent of Cdns who do not normally vote- but which LIE-berals have abused and mistreated for years- and the patience of the silent majority is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That the enraged silent majority might rise up in the next election and sweep LIE-berals into oblivion keeps them awake at night!!!!!!!!!!

Canada will be LIE-beral until the gravy runs out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the Lavalin mess with its third world banana republic style bribery and deceit is simply demonstrating that LIE-berals have NOT JUST run out of our cash, they have also run out if ideas and excuses as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If ther4e is any justice.........then the LIE-beral END IS NEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
May I introduce myself; I am the vocal minority, hopefully soon a majority.
We dislike Trudeau because he seems to think he is above the rules.
We dislike Trudeau because he won't answer the simplest questions in the House.
We dislike Trudeau because he is putting us deep in debt in a time where it is essential to pay down debt because of our aging population.
We dislike Trudeau because of his arrogance.
We dislike Trudeau for giving Khadr 10.5 million bucks, then telling a wounded veteran we didn't have enough money to care for him or his brothers.
We dislike Trudeau for saying higher prices for everything is exactly what he wants.
We dislike Trudeau because we are paying for his nanny.
We dislike Trudeau because he promised transparency, and delivered a gov't more secretive and obstructionist than Harper's.
We dislike Trudeau because his vision of Canada as a post-national state is the opposite of our own view. We have things that are worth preserving.
We dislike Trudeau because of his love of vicious dictators (China, Fidel Castro)
We dislike Trudeau because of his manipulative nature. (witness the end of ER because he cpouldn't easily get the system he thought would keep the Liberals in power)
We dislike Trudeau because of his arrogance.
We dislike Trudeau because of his hypocrisy on feminism.
We dislike Trudeau because of his unconstitutional Ideological Purity Test.
We dislike Trudeau because he is a liar.
We dislike Trudeau because of his vanity.
We dislike Trudeau because he represents Canada, and makes us look like fools abroad.
We dislike Trudeau because of his slavish attitude towards the UN.
We dislike Trudeau because of his insistence on adding to the already ridiculous level of gun control in this country.
We dislike Trudeau because of his scorn for actual Charter rights. (freedom of conscience and religion, freedom to be free from unreasonable search)
We dislike Trudeau because he paid out 4.5 billion dollars for a pipeline we could have had for free.
We dislike Trudeau because, quite frankly, he ain't that bright. Justin has never been the smartest guy in the room Bob Rae.
We dislike Trudeau for buying ancient fighters.
We dislike Trudeau for promising the military money, then not spending it.
Just off the top of my head.
We dislike Trudeau for damned good reasons, and the list grows daily.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
It upset her so much that she quit.

After she was made Minister of Veterans Affairs.

I think she is full of shit.

Gosh Hoid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She IS A LIE-BERAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She does seem to have cleaner hands and more integrity than is usual for a LIE-beral..............but the leopard does not change its spots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And who would know more about being full of sh+t than you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
May I introduce myself; I am the vocal minority, hopefully soon a majority.
We dislike Trudeau because he seems to think he is above the rules.
We dislike Trudeau because he won't answer the simplest questions in the House.
We dislike Trudeau because he is putting us deep in debt in a time where it is essential to pay down debt because of our aging population.
We dislike Trudeau because of his arrogance.
We dislike Trudeau for giving Khadr 10.5 million bucks, then telling a wounded veteran we didn't have enough money to care for him or his brothers.
We dislike Trudeau for saying higher prices for everything is exactly what he wants.
We dislike Trudeau because we are paying for his nanny.
We dislike Trudeau because he promised transparency, and delivered a gov't more secretive and obstructionist than Harper's.
We dislike Trudeau because his vision of Canada as a post-national state is the opposite of our own view. We have things that are worth preserving.
We dislike Trudeau because of his love of vicious dictators (China, Fidel Castro)
We dislike Trudeau because of his manipulative nature. (witness the end of ER because he cpouldn't easily get the system he thought would keep the Liberals in power)
We dislike Trudeau because of his arrogance.
We dislike Trudeau because of his hypocrisy on feminism.
We dislike Trudeau because of his unconstitutional Ideological Purity Test.
We dislike Trudeau because he is a liar.
We dislike Trudeau because of his vanity.
We dislike Trudeau because he represents Canada, and makes us look like fools abroad.
We dislike Trudeau because of his slavish attitude towards the UN.
We dislike Trudeau because of his insistence on adding to the already ridiculous level of gun control in this country.
We dislike Trudeau because of his scorn for actual Charter rights. (freedom of conscience and religion, freedom to be free from unreasonable search)
We dislike Trudeau because he paid out 4.5 billion dollars for a pipeline we could have had for free.
We dislike Trudeau because, quite frankly, he ain't that bright. Justin has never been the smartest guy in the room Bob Rae.
We dislike Trudeau for buying ancient fighters.
We dislike Trudeau for promising the military money, then not spending it.
Just off the top of my head.
We dislike Trudeau for damned good reasons, and the list grows daily.

WELL SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy Justin has shown us what he is made of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it aint pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been condemning him since he first got elected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad for us all that the rest of the country took so long to see what I saw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Female Liberal MP Claims Trudeau Bullied Her When She Said She Wouldn’t Seek Re-Election

The downfall of Justin

The Dauphin is making headlines around the world. Love the feeling of schadenfreude.

The Shiny Pony is demonstrating a remarkable ability to kick himself in his own ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
its why I made the GE thread

watching you lose your pretend shirt with your make believe investments has been great

GE at $30


Oh HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why dont you talk about something sensible.............................................

like detailing how Wynne-bag LIE-berals have RUINED Ontari-owe health care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes HOID...........we are all aware of the HUGE fiscal mess LIE-berals left behind .......................

and that Doug Ford is working to CLEAN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an older article that ought to make you lose your appetite! And it reminds us of the loathsome LIE-beral mess that Ford is trying to clean up! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Auditor General report shows medical system 'rife with mismanagement'.

By Christina Blizzard, Queen's Park Columnist
First posted: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 12:00 PM EST | Updated: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 01:41 PM EST

WARNING: Auditor-General Bonnie Lysyk’s report on waste, mismanagement and potential fraud in healthcare billings may be hazardous to your health.

Do not read this column if you suffer heart palpitations, dizzy spells or frequent bouts of nausea. May also cause hysteria in even the most stable taxpayers.

The province’s move to a new method of paying doctors for their services has been a disaster and has cost the health ministry millions of dollars in payments for care for patients who never visited their doctor.

As of March 31, 2016, 8,800 of the province’s 14,100 family physicians had opted for the new enrolment model over the traditional fee-for-service model.

Under the enrolment model, doctors receive $3 per patient per month - whether the patient visited them or not. The auditor found this has resulted in higher costs without improving care.

Wait times to see your family doctors are increasing. In 2015-16, 57% of Ontarians waited two days or more to see their family physician. In 2006/7, that number was 51%.

(LIE-berals do not wish to discuss the number of doctors who have FLED our over taxed and under funded Ontari-owe. They do not want to discuss the hugely unwise shutting down of parts of the medical school training system as a gravy saving device. Nor do they wish to discuss the reality that many of our younger general practitioners are reported to be working SHORTER hours than their predecessors-this appears especially true of female GP`s. LIE-berals also wish to avoid discussing how their tighter cap on billing has hampered doctors-they get enough patients to keep them busy for 10- hours but often only get paid for 9 as they went over the LIE-beral inspired billing cap. Who would give up a relaxing Sunday with family to work for LIE-beral Hogs-FOR FREE!)

And from October 2014-September 2015, 52% of the province’s patients found it difficult to obtain care on evenings, weekends and public holidays without going to an ER.

(With LIE-berals bitching at us NOT to go to an ER but go instead to a walk in clinic that happens to be CLOSED when most needed!)

And despite the fact these new “family health organizations,” were supposed to improve access to care and eliminate the need for patients to use ERs, that hasn’t happened.

In fact, people who are enrolled in these family health teams are routinely seeking care at walk-in clinics and hospitals - even though their family health team is being paid to care for them. And the ministry makes no efforts to recoup that money.

(Great- typical LIE-beral planning! Pay people to be on call and then forget about them when they are not available! But LIE-berals DO GET to boast that now we all have a family doctor- even if its only one paper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(It starts to look as if cynical exploiters of the LIE-beral system are cashing in with the “family health teams” collecting cash whether they actually see patients or not and leaving the dirty work on nights and weekends and holidays to walk in clinics-who are also dealing with billing caps!)

The ministry’s billing system shows 40% of those enrolled in group practices went to walk-in clinics or physicians outside that group.

(When you are in medical trouble you go to what is OPEN-NOT to the closed office where you are signed up!)

Worse, there appears to be no attempt by the ministry to recoup the money from the doctor in the family health team.

(Its GREAT to be a LIE-beral pal-with no need to justify expenses!)

In fact, the auditor did not probe any “anomalous” physician billings, yet the auditor found countless examples of cases where doctors’ billings exceeded the standard number of working days.

(Sounds to me like the auditor found doctors with billed hours suggesting they worked nights and weekends-at “family health teams’ that DON’T WORK -nights and weekends- or some such mischief as that! Somebody give auditor Lysyk a medal-she is the best deal we have had from govt in a LONG time!)

“The ministry no longer follows up on all physicians who have billed inappropriately in the past. This is a concern since in our analysis of 34 physicians who billed inappropriately, 21 had previous instances of inappropriate billings,” says the report.

(So honest doctors get screwed and LIE-berals appear to be REWARDING cheats? It IS TRULY GREAT to be a LIE-beral pal!)

There is a solution to all of this, of course. That would be for OHIP to send us a statement every month or every year of the services billed on our behalf by physicians.

You value what you pay for. And while we pay through our noses for healthcare - it’s more than half the provincial budget - we’re not getting value for our health buck.

We are paying through our noses for a muddled system that’s rife with mismanagement.

Then again, if we demand we get bills so we can see how much we’ve charged the health system, it will simply spawn another inefficient bureaucracy for the AG to report on. And that’s truly sickening.

Highlights of the report:

• During 2014-15, about 243,000 visits were made to ERs for conditions that could have been treated by family doctors.

(If one were available!)

The ministry estimated those visits cost $62 million, of which $33 million was incurred by patients enrolled in family health organizations - that had already been compensated for patient care.

(That is called DOUBLE BILLING!)

In questionable billings by doctors, the AG found nine specialists each worked more than 360 days in 2015/16.

One respirologist worked 361 days in 2015/16 and billed the province $1.3 million - close to five times higher than the upper expected limit, and billed for close to 12,400 services that year.

One cardiologist worked 354 days in 2015/16 and billed the province $1.8 million three times higher than the upper expected limit for doctors in the same category.

One cardiologist billed $2.5 million during 2014/15, for performing more than 68,000 services - six times the number delivered by the average cardiologist.

(It IS POSSIBLE that some doctors are simply IGNORING the billing cap and seeing patients anyway- and sending the bills to OHIP and if you are doing honest and necessary work then you SHOULD get paid and to hell with the billing cap!!!!! But paying doctors to keep patients on their books and then leaving the patients to emergency room care while doctor is on the golf course is true FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In 2014/15, each physician in a family health organization worked an average of 3.4 day per week, while each doctor in a family health group worked an average of four days per week.

The “capitation,” health model, where physicians get paid a fee for each patient enrolled, paid those doctors an extra $522 million in 2014-15, money that would not have been paid under the fee-for-service model.

(In other words, the “capitation” health model PAID family health team doctors to be available IF their patients needed them-and these doctors frequently dumped the job onto walk in clinics-and pocketed the cash! Patients PAID for TWO doctors-and only ONE WORKED! Nice deal if you can swing it!)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I didn't vote Liberal, I never have, but the vitriol being slung at him by conservatives is stupid. His major blunders stick out like sore thumbs but let's give credit where credit is due. Here are some of his accomplishments:



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I didn't vote Liberal, I never have, but the vitriol being slung at him by conservatives is stupid. His major blunders stick out like sore thumbs but let's give credit where credit is due. Here are some of his accomplishments:

POOR STUPID CLIFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HE CLAIMS he is not a LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But HE IS DESPERATE to DEFEND LIE-brals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cliffy has a MORALITY PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HE HATES LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But HE LOVES that LIE-beral gravy that he expects LIE-berals to throw at his native pals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That makes Cliffy into TWO THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A DUMB hypocrite- because he is blind to the LOW VALUE of a LIE-beral promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And a DUMB LIE-beral who happens to be blind to rising public anger over failled LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Cliffy offers up a list of ALLEGED LIE-beral accomplishments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL OF WHICH offer us the usual LIE-beral BAIT AND SWITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For every dollar LIE-berals give us............THEY WILL TAKE TWO MORE IN TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All Our idiot Boy Justin will have done in his 4 year term is WASTE over one hundred billion dollars in new debt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Insult all Cdns with his disgraceful harping on alleged "systemic racism" and "islamophobia"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And gave a free hand to hordes of criminals who are using Canada as a happy hunting ground for new criminal enterprises!!!!!!!!!!!!

With the added bonus of making a mockery of Cdn law with the third world antics of LIE-berals FAILING to hide their shameless Lavalin skullduggery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Hoid /waldo is following the partyline like a good little Lemming....
Trudeau is on TV trying to make everyone believe that he did what he did to protect Jobs.

So if you are a company that hires a lot of people, the law should be different for you than the rest of us.......

Trudeau is full of shit about virtually everything!


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Letters to the Editor, March 15


Re “A re-emerging fondness for Stephen Harper” (Editorial, March 11): The contrast could not be starker. Stephen Harper knew only hard work and tough, often politically damaging decisions and balanced budgets. Justin Trudeau said budgets simply balance themselves and promptly added $20-billion annual deficits after inheriting a balanced budget. Harper was all about substance and intellectual ability. Trudeau is a narcissist, totally self-absorbed and shallow, relying on style oversubstance! Under Trudeau, Canada is making international headlines for all the wrong reasons, first when he played Mr. Dressup in India, now Lavscam. Harper was recognized internationally for guiding Canada through the greatest economic downturn in decades. I think history will be very kind to Harper, not so to Justin Trudeau.
Larry Comeau

(The difference between a seasoned politician and someone elected because of his surname)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Harper balanced a grand total of one budget - and he only did that by clawing money back from veteran's affairs and fudging the books.