Quit picking on the Shiny Pony


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
No the famous Liberal back room are in a tizzy right now , they know who created this disaster and the finger points right back at them . To think they could have had a rocket scientist .

To think they could have had mature, politically astute MPs in their government instead of settling for a bunch of immature, politically inept kids well-trained by their leader to spout the party dogma and nothing but the party dogma for each and every question ever asked of them. I wonder how many are beginning to question their allegiance to JT considering his spineless dithering behavior on so many important issues. If any of them are dreaming of a future in politics beyond the present, best they get out now.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
That is harsh headline.

The insecure Canadians will be going crazy about this soon.
The only insecure Canadians are the brainwashed twits who thought the sun shone out of the little potato's behind. The rest of us are just fine with the way things are rolling and can hardly wait till the Admiral Norman trial hits the big time.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
The only insecure Canadians are the brainwashed twits who thought the sun shone out of the little potato's behind. The rest of us are just fine with the way things are rolling and can hardly wait till the Admiral Norman trial hits the big time.
Butts sez that everything is tickety-boo and that he suddenly resigned without anyone scrutinizing him (yet) for no good reason.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I wonder what Ms Raybould's good reason was.

What's there to wonder about? She was in a position where the job description dictates she's to up hold the law and to prosecute those engaged in criminal activity, Little Potato wanted her to give them a pass, something that wasn't up to him and he should have had a charge of obstructing justice laid against him. Is there something about that, that is hard to understand?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
You're really taking this personally.
Of course don’t you know liberals are Lilly white but don’t let me get started on those dirty stinking rotten to the core conservatives. Did you see that disgraced cabinet minister Bev Oda order orange juice from room service now that is a scandal .

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
It upset her so much that she quit.
After she was made Minister of Veterans Affairs.
I think she is full of shit.
Maybe, just maybe the Liberals were working away at her for her lack of partisan team-playing and she quit.

Our across-the-street neighbours for two decades were staunch, partisan Liberal Party operatives and they did all sorts of Party stuff on the local level in our suburban Montreal riding (where another life-long Grit told me once that "if you painted an alligator red there, they'd vote for it!"). Those were the days, eh Hoid! Liberal Happy Hunting Ground! ,,, all gone now. Ti-Jean ended that streak.

Anyway, in the 1980's our newly retired neighbour ... retired from being Vice Predident of a substantially large industrial concern ... was chosen to work in some sort of exploratory report for Lloyd Axworthy. Great stuff! Jump for joy! Recognition by the higher echelon for all of that hard drudge work!


They were told at the beginning, what finding they were to find in their investigation. The conclusion was handed to them on Day One and the expectation was that all of those sterling citizens would nod up and down for Lloyd and rubber-stamp Lloyd's dramatic findings. Well, our he neighbour was steaming Jan, extremely insulted. Did he quit the party? Not sure about that but we never saw another lawn sign in front of THAT house, again.

I believe everything that she has as said. Leooards can't/won't/don't change their spots.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
If you believe everything she says then you believe she was right to stay in the office even after she knew she was being asked to do something she felt was unethical.

All she had to do was say she would have no part of it and quit.

Then the government could have put someone in there to do what they wanted done.

Everyone would be happy.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Well, wait. Not everyone.

Every politician not a liberal would be sad because they would not be able to make any hay.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
If you believe everything she says then you believe she was right to stay in the office even after she knew she was being asked to do something she felt was unethical.
All she had to do was say she would have no part of it and quit.
Then the government could have put someone in there to do what they wanted done.
Everyone would be happy.
That's likely what they wanted to do but someone spilled the beans.

That ole Sponsorship thing should have been allowed to continue, too but ... you know ... the Liberal Patry were VICTIMS ... VICTIMS!