Fed up with Islam Yet???


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015

How credible is the Daily Mail?

There was a very simple forensic exercise conducted by investigators into how the Daily Mail concocts its stories and it was very illuminating:

Some years ago the Daily Mail ran a headline story along the lines of :

“London Underground nfested with billions of human fleas”

The investigators contacted London Underground to discover if this was true.

“No, of course not” said LU

“So where has the DM got this figure of ‘billions of human fleas’?

“Well, that is the figure we estimate would be the case if we did not have an infestation control programme in place. And as the contract for that programme is coming up for renewal shortly it is in the tender document we have sent out to interested bidders”

“So there are definitely not ‘billions of human fleas’ on LU?

“Categorically, no”

The Daily Mail never ran a correction to the headline story despite being officially informed of the true situation by LU

Just like the "Putin poisoned the Skripals", and "the Assad gassed his own people" STORIES I guess. eh?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Nothing surprising here.

This is what Islam does. This is what Islam does.

All religions are cancers in society but Islam is utterly without redemption.

Here is an article illustrating Islamic values:

Here is another article illustrating the twisted values of Muslims- values that ought NOT to be imported to Canada. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Menstruating girls 'banned from crossing Ghanaian river to get to school' 31/72

From The Independent. Jan 15/18. By Jon Sharman © Provided by Independent Digital News & Media Limited

Girls have reportedly been banned from crossing a river while menstruating by authorities in a central district of Ghana. As a result they are said to miss 20 out of 60 days of their school classes.

(Muslims have a well known loathing for menstruating women- Muslims expect all devotees to pray 5 times per day ta Mosque and that includes menstruating women, however they MUST be segregated as they are unclean.)

They have also been blocked from crossing on Tuesdays due to an apparent directive from a river god that is being enforced by traditional leaders, BBC Pidgin, the corporation's West African digital service reported.

(Oh! We have lots of rivers in Canada- how come our river Gods don’t object to menstruating native women? Perhaps our river Gods are more enlightened?)

The Ofin River ruling affects girls in Upper Denkyira East district.

"Sometimes I think that we need to ask for some form of accountability from these gods who continue to bar a lot of things from happening, to account for how they have used the tremendous power that we have given them," said Shamima Muslim Alhassan, a United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) menstrual hygiene ambassador.

(A Muslim Menstrual Hygiene Ambassador? Words fail me - I am too busy laughing at the absurdity! But- a Muslim that also believes in a river God? Isn’t that a Muslim Blasphemy? There is only one God and his name is Allah and etc? Or not- as crazy people see fit? And then I thank the River God that Our dedicated feminist and idiot Boy Justin does not read newspapers or else we Cdns would be paying for a Multi Cultural Menstrual Hygiene Ambassador to commune with the River Gods on our behalf? How much would we have to pay a St Lawrence River God hired by LIE-berals? It’s a big river so it needs a big God too?)

The UN believes one in 10 girls in sub-Saharan Africa miss school during their period - potentially totally a fifth of a school year.

Elsewhere, a woman has died in a remote village in Nepal because of a tradition in which women are exiled from their homes and forced to live in huts during menstruation, said government administrator TulBahadurKawcha.

The 21-year-old is believed to have died from smoke inhalation from a fire she lit in the hut to keep warm in the freezing temperatures in the mountain village. She woman was found dead on Monday.

(Uh-it serves her bloody well right to be so careless with her fire? Or something?)

Mr Kawcha said the tradition is still practised in some remote villages despite a government ban on the practice and a law introduced last year to punish people who force women to follow the custom.

The new law goes into effect in August this year, with violators who force women into exile during menstruation facing up to three months in prison or a fine of 3,000 Nepalese rupees (£21).

Many menstruating women are still forced to leave their homes and take shelter in unhygienic or insecure huts or cow sheds until their cycle ends, though the practice - called "Chhaupadi" - was actually outlawed a decade ago.

Without any penalties, the custom continued in many parts of the majority Hindu Himalayan country, especially in the western hills.

(Oh- this is also a Hindu deal too? And maybe Trump had something of a point when he suggested Yankees would not benefit from immigration from third world countries since such people bring their crap ideas with them? Sort of like the Muslim teen girl in United States who got a little too cozy with western ways and got pregnant and hid it till after the child was born- at which point she was resting in her room from the labour when her devout Muslim father knocked on her door and demanded to know what she was doing and so she threw the kid out the eight story apartment window to hide it from HER DAD! Or we could look at all the documentaries lamenting Muslim honour killings and then ask why Cdn LIE-berals will not warn devout Muslims that such “honour” will get them labelled as murderers in Canada! Or how about the Muslim doctor on trial in Chicago over her habit of hiring herself out for Female Genital Mutilation operations? What will she cost hard pressed Yankee taxpayers? One has to aks if it would not be cheaper just to bar such loons from the country?)

While exiled in isolation, some women face bitter cold or attacks by wild animals.

A report last year from America's prestigious Columbia University, which concluded the enduring taboo around periods was endangering women's health around the world.

A lack of facilities "augments the challenges girls and women face in conducting daily activities while managing vaginal bleeding, including participating in school or work, going to the market or fetching water", the authors wrote.

They added that a "culture of silence" meant many people were not able to tell the difference between healthy or normal bleeding and that which might indicate a health problem.

© Provided by Independent Digital News & Media Limited

(I do hope that nobody is expecting Cdn LIE-berals to provide answers to any of this stuff! They are far too busy denouncing us all as racists and Islamophobes to be worried about the rights of some woman freezing to death in a hut in the Himalayas! And besides- maybe it would make the women freezing in a hut feel warm and cozy to know that Our idiot Boy is a staunch feminist- even though his claims are mere rhetoric- as is so very much of all LIE-beral policy?)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Here is an article illustrating Islamic values:

Here is another article illustrating the twisted values of Muslims- values that ought NOT to be imported to Canada. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Menstruating girls 'banned from crossing Ghanaian river to get to school' 31/72

From The Independent. Jan 15/18. By Jon Sharman © Provided by Independent Digital News & Media Limited

Girls have reportedly been banned from crossing a river while menstruating by authorities in a central district of Ghana. As a result they are said to miss 20 out of 60 days of their school classes.

(Muslims have a well known loathing for menstruating women- Muslims expect all devotees to pray 5 times per day ta Mosque and that includes menstruating women, however they MUST be segregated as they are unclean.)

They have also been blocked from crossing on Tuesdays due to an apparent directive from a river god that is being enforced by traditional leaders, BBC Pidgin, the corporation's West African digital service reported.

(Oh! We have lots of rivers in Canada- how come our river Gods don’t object to menstruating native women? Perhaps our river Gods are more enlightened?)

The Ofin River ruling affects girls in Upper Denkyira East district.

"Sometimes I think that we need to ask for some form of accountability from these gods who continue to bar a lot of things from happening, to account for how they have used the tremendous power that we have given them," said Shamima Muslim Alhassan, a United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) menstrual hygiene ambassador.

(A Muslim Menstrual Hygiene Ambassador? Words fail me - I am too busy laughing at the absurdity! But- a Muslim that also believes in a river God? Isn’t that a Muslim Blasphemy? There is only one God and his name is Allah and etc? Or not- as crazy people see fit? And then I thank the River God that Our dedicated feminist and idiot Boy Justin does not read newspapers or else we Cdns would be paying for a Multi Cultural Menstrual Hygiene Ambassador to commune with the River Gods on our behalf? How much would we have to pay a St Lawrence River God hired by LIE-berals? It’s a big river so it needs a big God too?)

The UN believes one in 10 girls in sub-Saharan Africa miss school during their period - potentially totally a fifth of a school year.

Elsewhere, a woman has died in a remote village in Nepal because of a tradition in which women are exiled from their homes and forced to live in huts during menstruation, said government administrator TulBahadurKawcha.

The 21-year-old is believed to have died from smoke inhalation from a fire she lit in the hut to keep warm in the freezing temperatures in the mountain village. She woman was found dead on Monday.

(Uh-it serves her bloody well right to be so careless with her fire? Or something?)

Mr Kawcha said the tradition is still practised in some remote villages despite a government ban on the practice and a law introduced last year to punish people who force women to follow the custom.

The new law goes into effect in August this year, with violators who force women into exile during menstruation facing up to three months in prison or a fine of 3,000 Nepalese rupees (£21).

Many menstruating women are still forced to leave their homes and take shelter in unhygienic or insecure huts or cow sheds until their cycle ends, though the practice - called "Chhaupadi" - was actually outlawed a decade ago.

Without any penalties, the custom continued in many parts of the majority Hindu Himalayan country, especially in the western hills.

(Oh- this is also a Hindu deal too? And maybe Trump had something of a point when he suggested Yankees would not benefit from immigration from third world countries since such people bring their crap ideas with them? Sort of like the Muslim teen girl in United States who got a little too cozy with western ways and got pregnant and hid it till after the child was born- at which point she was resting in her room from the labour when her devout Muslim father knocked on her door and demanded to know what she was doing and so she threw the kid out the eight story apartment window to hide it from HER DAD! Or we could look at all the documentaries lamenting Muslim honour killings and then ask why Cdn LIE-berals will not warn devout Muslims that such “honour” will get them labelled as murderers in Canada! Or how about the Muslim doctor on trial in Chicago over her habit of hiring herself out for Female Genital Mutilation operations? What will she cost hard pressed Yankee taxpayers? One has to aks if it would not be cheaper just to bar such loons from the country?)

While exiled in isolation, some women face bitter cold or attacks by wild animals.

A report last year from America's prestigious Columbia University, which concluded the enduring taboo around periods was endangering women's health around the world.

A lack of facilities "augments the challenges girls and women face in conducting daily activities while managing vaginal bleeding, including participating in school or work, going to the market or fetching water", the authors wrote.

They added that a "culture of silence" meant many people were not able to tell the difference between healthy or normal bleeding and that which might indicate a health problem.

© Provided by Independent Digital News & Media Limited

(I do hope that nobody is expecting Cdn LIE-berals to provide answers to any of this stuff! They are far too busy denouncing us all as racists and Islamophobes to be worried about the rights of some woman freezing to death in a hut in the Himalayas! And besides- maybe it would make the women freezing in a hut feel warm and cozy to know that Our idiot Boy is a staunch feminist- even though his claims are mere rhetoric- as is so very much of all LIE-beral policy?)
Tell us something we don't know.

When did Afghanistan end?
Afghanistan ends at its borders :)

When will it end? Why not ask when Canada or NZ will end?

Your demonstration of stupidity and ignorance is duly noted.



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
'CRUELLY DECEIVED': Brit jailed for forcing teen daughter to marry
Associated Press
More from Associated Press
May 23, 2018
May 23, 2018 8:00 AM EDT
(Getty Images)
LONDON — A woman in Britain has been sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison for forcing her teenage daughter to marry a relative in Pakistan.
The victim says she was 13 years old when she was forced to enter a marriage contract with the man, 16 years her senior. She became pregnant and had an abortion.
She says that as her 18th birthday approached in 2016, she was tricked into going to Pakistan for what she thought was a family vacation and made to marry the man instead.
The mother, who can’t be named to protect the identity of her daughter, was found guilty Tuesday by a jury at Birmingham Crown Court in central England.
Judge Patrick Thomas told her Wednesday she had “cruelly deceived” her daughter and shown “cowardice and deceit.”
‘CRUELLY DECEIVED’: Brit jailed for forcing teen daughter to marry | Toronto Sun


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
'CRUELLY DECEIVED': Brit jailed for forcing teen daughter to marry
Associated Press
More from Associated Press
May 23, 2018
May 23, 2018 8:00 AM EDT
(Getty Images)
LONDON — A woman in Britain has been sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison for forcing her teenage daughter to marry a relative in Pakistan.
The victim says she was 13 years old when she was forced to enter a marriage contract with the man, 16 years her senior. She became pregnant and had an abortion.
She says that as her 18th birthday approached in 2016, she was tricked into going to Pakistan for what she thought was a family vacation and made to marry the man instead.
The mother, who can’t be named to protect the identity of her daughter, was found guilty Tuesday by a jury at Birmingham Crown Court in central England.
Judge Patrick Thomas told her Wednesday she had “cruelly deceived” her daughter and shown “cowardice and deceit.”
‘CRUELLY DECEIVED’: Brit jailed for forcing teen daughter to marry | Toronto Sun

Oh pity the poor Muslim propagandists trying to install a New World Order based entirely on a twisted

version of history in which whites a ALWAYS the villains! And the worst villains in the Muslim propaganda are those Jews! And the best allies that radical Muslims have are LIE-berals- those gravy grabbing and utterly selfish Hogs who cannot be relied upon for ANYTHING in the long run- meaning they change their position more often than their underwear!

How awful for Muslim propaganda meisters- busy rewriting western history so as to smear Jews- that we ordinary people have more sympathy for Jews than for Muslims!

And the greatest IRONY of all is that Palestinian Muslims will not be allowed to have a state of their own until and unless they honestly AGREE that the Jews are also entitled to have a state of their own! Palestinian statehood is being strangled by Muslim HATE!

It is so very hard for radical Muslims to present a position of integrity and reliability and peaceful intent when one keeps getting caught out assorted CRAP!

And poor LIE-berals, it is just SO HARD to dispute quotes taken directly from the writings and speeches of Pierre Trudeau when LIE-berals have nothing more than evasions, half truths and some badly discredited old security reports to work with!

LIE-beral apologists for hard line communist Pierre Trudeau miss No opportunity to muddy the waters and salvage what they can of the tattered reputation of their BADLY tarnished hero. One has only to google “Pierre Trudeau and WW2 and you get over 48,000 hits-including the J.J. Complete Guide to Canada reference AND the reference to the Ottawa Citizen review of the Max Nemni book that has done so much to discredit Trudeau! Or just google Pierre Trudeau and German army helmet and watch the thousands of hits role in.

Posts written long after the fact by EXCUSE SEEKING LIE-berals all speak of Trudeau as a youthful prankster engaged in silly hijinks or else they simply dismiss the dark side of the Trudeau personality as unfounded. Other posts-including the Ottawa Citizen newspaper review of the biography of Trudeau`s life-up to age 25, written by Max and Monique Nemni show a MUCH darker and MORE DANGEROUS side to Trudeau.

The Nemnis are long time friends of Pierre and even these long time friends have expressed shock and dismay at what they have found in the writings of Trudeau. As friends of Trudeau, the Nemnis were granted FULL access to the voluminous writings of Trudeau and they state. with PROOF AT HAND, that Trudeau was a Communist and a Nazi sympathizer!

As for memories of that Trudeau friend Roger Romand who claims to have been part of the `prank`; it is only natural to for such as him to dismiss and excuse the Nazi uniform `prank` as a one time silly event. Trudeau was a Stalinist hard line communist and when Stalin and Hitler signed the Non Aggression Pact in 1939, Trudeau automatically became a Nazi supporter-in support of Soviet `friends`. And Trudeau dismissed the British war against Hitler as British Imperialism. Of course once Hitler attacked Stalin, Trudeau turned his back on Nazis-and he NEVER spoke again of his old, strongly expressed anti Semitic views. As the Nemnis stated in the Ottawa Citizen interview; its odd that Trudeau did not (at some point later in life) destroy the damning evidence of his traitorous and discriminatory past.

As for Trudeau and communism; LIE-berals have long insisted there is no such proof; all the while IGNORING RCMP investigations into the revelations of Soviet defector Igor Gouzenko; along with the open admiration (expressed by Trudeau) of all things Chinese Communist. Trudeau positively gushes over Great Helmsman Chairman Mao in the Trudeau book “Two Innocents in Red China”. LIE-berals also ignore statements made in the Toronto Sun newspaper by people such as Lubor Zink and editor Peter Worthington.

Zink bases his assertions against Trudeau on statements made by Trudeau after returning to Canada from his trip to Red China shortly after Mao came to power. At the time Trudeau spoke warmly of his admiration of Mao and the Red Guards. Trudeau also stated that if he “became prime minister, he would take Canada from the past into the future via the route of radical socialism” but Trudeau later repudiated his statements-just claimed he never made them. Zink did his best to provoke Trudeau-daring him to sue for slander or libel but Trudeau ignored him-knowing that in an HONEST public forum, Zink would be vindicated.

And of course Zink was a Sun newspaper reporter and his columns (and the Sun chain) are now owned by Pierre-Karl Peladeau-who became leader of the Separatist Bloc Quebecois last year. And we can assume the Peladeau will not want to muddy the reputation of Trudeau-that favoured son of Quebec-so the Zink columns are hard to find now! This is the LIE-beral argument-hide, alter, delude, delay, dismiss and then delete where possible!

As for other proof of the Trudeau love of communism, we can turn to Igor Gouzenko. He was a Soviet cipher/coding clerk working at the Ottawa Soviet embassy. And one day in 1945, Gouzenko defected-walked into RCMP headquarters with his wife and baby and asked for asylum and in exchange he spilled his guts about a huge array of Soviet secrets.

Gouzenko had so much to say about national and international Soviet spy rings and their sympathizers that the RCMP needed help and called on British secret service for help. Britain sent a very senior man from MI-6-Kim Philby-to Ottawa to debrief Gouzenko. Philby also worked as liaison between MI-6 and the CIA and was able to supply the Soviets with a lot of Yankee secrets due to his contacts in Washington.

Philby debunked virtually all the secrets that Gouzenko reported. The RCMP reluctantly forgot about Gouzenko and his allegations. Kim Philby was later relieved of his MI-6 duties in 1951 and fired in 1956. Eventually the evidence piled up to the point that Philby was exposed as a TRAITOR and Soviet agent. Philby fled away to Moscow to avoid being hanged in Britain.

As a British spy master in the pay of Soviets, Philby had sent dozens of British and even some American agents working with Brits, to their deaths at Soviet hands. Once Philby was exposed as a traitor, RCMP revived interest in Gouzenko secrets but the damage was done-trust and cooperation between various secret services was destroyed. And many of those named by Gouzenko had moved on out of reach of RCMP. LIE-beral govts have not been anxious to reopen such a nasty can of traitorous worms. And Trudeau naturally had no intention of denouncing himself!

The Soviet Union has long recognized Canada as a quiet side door opening onto both British and American society. In the early days of the revolution Leon Trotsky was number 2 man in the Soviet Union. But by 1925 he had run afoul of Lavrenti Beria-the secret police chief. Trotsky fled to Mexico City and hid out. Beria sent Soviet hit men after Trotsky-and they traveled to Mexico on CANADIAN passports and murdered him there.

In 1944/45, Soviet penetration of Cdn security was so complete that Cdns leaked to Stalin the date of the D-Day landings in Normandy. They also supplied the Soviets with the formula for making an atomic bomb. Since then various Cdns in sensitive positions in the 1950/1960 period have been exposed as Soviet sympathizers and moles but LIE-beral attitudes have resulted in these scandals being hushed up with the help of Pierre Trudeau and his pals.

And it was Trudeau who created CSIS-the new CIVILIAN spy agency. Typical Trudeau misdirection-to create an agency that has HIS poisonous values stamped on it. As a civilian agency, CSIS is much less friendly with our military allies than RCMP security service.

As for the present generation of Trudeau`s-one has only to read the gag inducing love letter written by Sasha Trudeau to his Soviet pal Castro. Many Cdns enjoy holidaying in Cuba and the people there are friendly enough but it’s a dirty little secret that Castro has his own Gulag called “The Isle of Pines” Castro has as much blood on his hands as the other Soviet monsters of his times It is disturbing that Sasha would be so friendly to such a cruel dictator and just as bad that Sasha has ties/friendships with Muslims in Iran as well.

And our prime minister-the Boy with nice hair for Brains? He has stated his admiration for Communist China because he “likes the way they get things done”. Based on all the facts about the life and times of the Trudeau`s we can easily bet that one of the main attractions of Chinese style Communism is that the party writes the history-and if that was Cdn case then all this stuff about the Trudeau`s being dangerous communists would fade away and be forgotten!

And the Trudeau attitude to deficits and debt? Pierre Trudeau wanted to build a new society on the collapsed ruins of our old one. And Justin Trudeau appears to be following both the dream of his father and the words of the revolutionary Bakunin who said: “ for the revolution to succeed, it is not necessary for the people to support it, it is enough that the people no longer trust their existing institutions and become receptive to change”.

Justin Trudeau WANTS the country to go bankrupt because he sees opportunity-just as Bakunin and Lenin and Mao and Castro did-in chaos and uncertainty the quick and organized gain opportunity to impose their will over all others..


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Toronto man accused of pulling off women's hijabs
Kevin Connor
More from Kevin Connor
June 8, 2018
June 8, 2018 2:15 PM EDT
(Toronto Sun files)Stan Behal/Toronto Sun
TORONTO — A man is accused of trying to pull hijabs off three women in what Toronto Police are calling “hate-motivated assaults.”
On Wednesday, police were contacted about three separate incidents that happened between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. at a bus stop at Jane St. and Wilson Ave.
Police say a man approached the women while they waited for a bus and began pulling their hijabs off their heads.
The women were not injured.
“As soon as police became aware of this, they took it very seriously,” Det. Const. Michele Bond said Friday. “Officers kept their eyes out. The victims gave good descriptions.”
A man was arrested on Thursday in the same area. Bond said there is no clear motive for the assaults.
“We don’t know what religion he is. Irregardless, whether they are of the same faith, we have to do more investigation,” she said.
Sayid Ahmed Abdullahi, 42, of Toronto, is charged with three counts of assault and mischief under $5,000.
In January, an 11-year-old Toronto girl made international headlines when she claimed a man attacked her and tried to cut off her hijab with a pair of scissors while she was walking to school.
The leaders of all three levels of government condemned the actions before a police investigation determined the claim to be a hoax.
The girl’s family then made a public apology.
Anyone with information on Wednesday’s attacks is asked to call police at 416-808-3100 or Crime Stoppers at 416-222-TIPS (8477).
Toronto man accused of pulling off women’s hijabs | Toronto Sun


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Toronto man accused of pulling off women's hijabs
Kevin Connor
More from Kevin Connor
June 8, 2018
June 8, 2018 2:15 PM EDT
(Toronto Sun files)Stan Behal/Toronto Sun
TORONTO — A man is accused of trying to pull hijabs off three women in what Toronto Police are calling “hate-motivated assaults.”
On Wednesday, police were contacted about three separate incidents that happened between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. at a bus stop at Jane St. and Wilson Ave.
Police say a man approached the women while they waited for a bus and began pulling their hijabs off their heads.
The women were not injured.
“As soon as police became aware of this, they took it very seriously,” Det. Const. Michele Bond said Friday. “Officers kept their eyes out. The victims gave good descriptions.”
A man was arrested on Thursday in the same area. Bond said there is no clear motive for the assaults.
“We don’t know what religion he is. Irregardless, whether they are of the same faith, we have to do more investigation,” she said.
Sayid Ahmed Abdullahi, 42, of Toronto, is charged with three counts of assault and mischief under $5,000.
In January, an 11-year-old Toronto girl made international headlines when she claimed a man attacked her and tried to cut off her hijab with a pair of scissors while she was walking to school.
The leaders of all three levels of government condemned the actions before a police investigation determined the claim to be a hoax.
The girl’s family then made a public apology.
Anyone with information on Wednesday’s attacks is asked to call police at 416-808-3100 or Crime Stoppers at 416-222-TIPS (8477).
Toronto man accused of pulling off women’s hijabs | Toronto Sun
Old news. Stupid & neurotic teenager a sub species not restricted to Muslims.

No biggy. Get a life.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Toronto man accused of pulling off women's hijabs
Kevin Connor
More from Kevin Connor
June 8, 2018
June 8, 2018 2:15 PM EDT
(Toronto Sun files)Stan Behal/Toronto Sun
TORONTO — A man is accused of trying to pull hijabs off three women in what Toronto Police are calling “hate-motivated assaults.”
On Wednesday, police were contacted about three separate incidents that happened between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. at a bus stop at Jane St. and Wilson Ave.
Police say a man approached the women while they waited for a bus and began pulling their hijabs off their heads.
The women were not injured.
“As soon as police became aware of this, they took it very seriously,” Det. Const. Michele Bond said Friday. “Officers kept their eyes out. The victims gave good descriptions.”
A man was arrested on Thursday in the same area. Bond said there is no clear motive for the assaults.
“We don’t know what religion he is. Irregardless, whether they are of the same faith, we have to do more investigation,” she said.
Sayid Ahmed Abdullahi, 42, of Toronto, is charged with three counts of assault and mischief under $5,000.
In January, an 11-year-old Toronto girl made international headlines when she claimed a man attacked her and tried to cut off her hijab with a pair of scissors while she was walking to school.
The leaders of all three levels of government condemned the actions before a police investigation determined the claim to be a hoax.
The girl’s family then made a public apology.
Anyone with information on Wednesday’s attacks is asked to call police at 416-808-3100 or Crime Stoppers at 416-222-TIPS (8477).
Toronto man accused of pulling off women’s hijabs | Toronto Sun

Yeah- and with a name like Sayid Ahmed Abdullahi- its a SAFE BET he aint an Irish Catholic!

Most of us recall the case of the 9 year old Muslim girl who told cops she had been attacked and her hijab cut- and it was a FAKE NEWS STORY!

I believe adults put the kid up to it for PROPAGANDA REASONS!

They wanted to make white people look bad so they staged the story with the girl!

And now we have Sayid bothering Muslims and we MUST ASK: "is this another case of Muslim sabotage gone wrong?

Either Sayid is simply another kook and a fine example of the wrong sort of people being let imto Canada by shameless vote buying at any price LIE-berals!

Or Sayid is just another mutton headed Muslim propaganda cheat whose anti white stunt backfired!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Priyanka Chopra apologizes for 'Quantico' episode about Indian terrorists
WENN - World Entertainment News Network
More from WENN - World Entertainment News Network
June 10, 2018
June 10, 2018 10:28 PM EDT
Priyanka Chopra. Tim P. Whitby / Getty Images
Priyanka Chopra has apologized after her TV show Quantico featured a controversial storyline about Indian terrorists.
The episode, titled The Blood of Romeo, saw Chopra’s FBI agent Alex Parrish thwarting a terrorist attack on an international summit in New York by Indian nationalists, who stole weaponized uranium and sought to blame the planned violence on Pakistan.
Fans were horrified that the show fictionalized the real-life historical tension between the two countries just days before a real-life summit between India and Pakistan in China.
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Chopra was targeted by viewers who criticized her for going along with the storyline, especially as she is of Indian descent.
“I’m extremely saddened and sorry that some sentiments have been hurt by a recent episode of Quantico,” Chopra posted on Twitter on Saturday. “That was not and would never be my intention. I sincerely apologise. I’m a proud Indian and that will never change.”
ABC, the network behind the show, also offered an apology for the content of the episode, that aired on 1 June.
“(We) and the executive producers of Quantico would like to extend an apology to our audience who were offended by the most recent episode, The Blood of Romeo,” they said in a statement.
“The episode has stirred a lot of emotion, much of which is unfairly aimed at Priyanka Chopra, who didn’t create the show, nor does she write or direct it. She has no involvement in the casting of the show or the storylines depicted in the series.”
The network’s statement concluded: “Quantico is a work of fiction. The show has featured antagonists of many different ethnicities and backgrounds, but in this case we inadvertently and regrettably stepped into a complex political issue. It was certainly not our intention to offend anyone.”
Quantico, which was cancelled by ABC last month, will come to an end after its current third season.
Priyanka Chopra sorry for ‘Quantico’ episode about Indian terrorists | Toronto Sun