let me correct that for you:
America haters support Trump's imperialistic terrorist bombings:
GOP Voters Love Same Attack on Syria They Hated Under Obama
This constant American media framing of every issue as up and down is maybe the insanity of late imperialism. I,m an America hater but not a hater of Americans. I feel sorry for three hundred million of them because maybe they don,t understand how much of the world feels about them, the fear and loathing clings to this planet in giant scabs of resentment coupled with a near term realization of thier fondest wishes about the USA. The empire inflicted carnage has been prodigious and trust is waneing and fear as well.
Niether faction should feel good about any attack conducted by thier armed forces, they don,t seem to realize that thier goddamn pensions were spent in Afghanistan and Irag for no advantage whatever. The difference between Trump and Obama is again up against down. The looting of the treasury will net the same result regardless. This is the thing that bothers and bewilders me to no end your country is rowing upstream in steeper and steeper terrain by design and designers that the majority don,t seem to even dream might be in the wings. And I have no doubt about the hold education and media have had on the American people in particular.
Ah yes, I remember now, the good old imperiaistic terrorism, and I do mean old. Dark days ahead I fear. My hope is that the budding climate irregularities will cool things down.
There,s going to be less and less to eat. I keep thinking about the Club of Rome and the emphasis placed on the population explosion and what might be done to eliminate the threat to the ruling order.
Spzzzt, tell them it,s getting warmer.
You notice they read the lying papers right? So how can you trust their opinion? Unlike Obama's DRONE MURDERS, they are saying trump didn't damage syria or russia. He just fooled the whole trump hating media...and their supporters, and the illegal voters, and the politicians they support.
There will be no AMERICA HATING nazicommunist globalist coup till trump is done. Enjoy the short time you have left.
Trump was already toasted on both sides or he wouldn,t be in the offal office. He owes his soul to the company store just like the last dozen or so presidents. Ya get out of line and you make a brainy mess on car seats.