White Privilage


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I recently heard of a woman who was busted by COs for selling elk stew through her Facebook.

She used everything should could to justify harvesting the elk to make money from it including my favourite "unlike white man we use the whole animal".

I'll believe that when I have had a bison hot dog.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Sometimes, it's about bilking the system. Maybe using your ethnicity as a defence.

It doesn't always work.

Looks like, this time, she was unsuccessful.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I recently heard of a woman who was busted by COs for selling elk stew through her Facebook.

She used everything should could to justify harvesting the elk to make money from it including my favourite "unlike white man we use the whole animal".

I'll believe that when I have had a bison hot dog.

What she did is OK 'cause truth and Reconciliation an all.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
I'm shocked. She of 'of ethnicity'! She is 'of female'! She is 'of first nations'! But after all that, the government (or a cop) didn't get their cut.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
AS long as "educators" and not business people are in charge of our schools we will continue to churn out grads with zero or less job and life skills.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Poor LIE-berals- they are certain of only a few things- one being that they MUST be in charge, with total control! And if anything goes wrong it is always the fault of saboteurs and Islamophobes and systemic racists!

AS for LIE-beral attitude to natives- they/natives are only useful for selling their votes to LIE-berals. Frankly if natives ever got interested in reading newspapers and learning about the outside world they would NEVER trust a LIE-beral ever again!

Consider this LIE-beral reaction to dangerous bears:

Here is an article illustrating LIE-beral foolishness with regard to both animal and human welfare. And the article illustrates how lucky we are that LIE-berals have dropped their move towards electoral reform! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Ont. senior faces investigation after fatally shooting black bear bothering young mom

By Jim Moodie, The Sudbury Star. First posted: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 08:20 PM EDT | Updated: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 08:31 PM EDT

SUDBURY, Ont. - A 76-year-old Sudbury woman is under investigation after shooting dead a black bear that was pestering a young mom in her area.

After a summer filled with nuisance bears in Ontario's north, Jessica Stoner, a new mom with a seven-week-old baby, approached elderly neighbours Ludger Leblanc and Bertha Saikkonen for help in dealing with a pair of brazen bruins in her yard last week.

"They're eating 20 feet off my back door, all night and all day," says Stoner. "I'm at home with a newborn, because my husband works out of town, and what really concerns me is that these bears have no fear."

People in the area have been setting off bear-bangers and firing shotgun blasts to spook the animals on a near-nightly basis, she says, but they don't seem to spook. A call to the ministry of natural resources didn't help since they said the bears were more interested in eating the acorns in her yard.

(In other words, the bears were not lured by carelessly stored garbage- but were instead simply feeding on a natural food source that happened to be dangerously close to human habitation. PETA-people for the ethical treatment of animals consider that animals have as much right as we do and thus a human interfering with a bear eating acorns in your back yard is a violation of BEAR RIGHTS! And if LIE-beral electoral reform had gone through it would have allowed PETA candidates to run and possibly to become members of parliament- with the power to push their animal-centric views on us with LIE-beral aid! LIE-berals will okay any deal that allows them to cling to power at any price!)

(PETA also considers that eating meat is a crime and in concert with extreme environmental groups who would also seek seats in parliament under electoral reform, they would reduce us to living in wigwams and eating our daily meal of Dandelion greens raw because trees and wood are sacred and not for burning nor for building! Electoral reform would have opened the parliamentary doors to all manner of crazy pressure groups like these!)

She didn't think the situation warranted a call to 911, but after waking once again to a yard full of bears, she "I thought, enough is enough, and went over to Bertha's."

Saikkonen says her 82-year-old husband went out first, with a 30-aught-six rifle, and fired a warning shot to scare off the bears. One of the bears took off, but the other wouldn't leave, she says.

"When I got there Ludger handed me the gun," says Saikkonen, who is 76. "I tried the first time and missed, but with the second shot I got him down."

It wasn't Saikkonen's first shot — she is an Anishinabe woman — her maiden name is Debassige — who has done a fair amount of hunting over the years. But it might be her last.

The noise prompted another resident to call Greater Sudbury Police, says Saikkonen, and soon enough "a whole bunch of cruisers were out here."

She and her husband were charged with careless use of a firearm and "they took all our guns away," she says. The couple feels the police reaction was harsh. "They're treating us like criminals," says Leblanc. We found out later in the week that eight other bears have been shot in this area, and we're the only ones who have been charged.

(What it comes down to is they were the only ones who got caught red handed so to speak! Those who shoot and quickly dispose of the evidence get away free!)

The only reason she shot the bear, she says, is because Stoner "was terrified," she says. "She was having nightmares because she's got this new baby and her husband is away."

She and Leblanc were also under the impression that Stoner and her husband had "got permission from the MNR to shoot the bear," she says.

And landowners do have "the legal right to kill a bear in defence of property," according Jolanta Kowalski, spokesperson with the ministry of natural resources, but it must be done "humanely and safely in accordance with local bylaws that cover the discharge of firearms."

(A shot in the head at close range from a high powered rifle sounds quick to me!)

The MNRF strongly recommends "only an experienced hunter or trapper dispatch a bear," and reminds residents "to immediately report any bears that are killed in defense of property to your local ministry office in person or by telephone."

(OH right! Nobody wants to deal with that paperwork and the probable criminal charges as govt assumes we are at fault unless we prove otherwise, so its best to shoot and quickly bury the evidence!)

Failure to report a shooting is a violation of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, Kowalski notes.

(A violation that will now happen with increasing frequency thanks to LIE-beral efforts to suck up to environmentalists and animal rights nuts- at any price!)

Despite their trouble, Stoner says she's grateful for the couple's help, as "it's scary when you start getting outnumbered by bears." Bears have been conspicuous in many areas of Greater Sudbury lately, with 192 sightings posted at the city's online Report-A-Bear map over the Labour Day weekend, but it's a much calmer season than last year when many animals were trapped or killed.

No bears have been relocated or taken to a sanctuary this year by the MNRF, according to Kowlaski, while province-wide the ministry has trapped "just over 20 bears in 2016, including some bear cubs that were then moved to a wildlife rehabilitation centre."

Calls to the Bear Wise reporting line, meanwhile, have dropped by more than half compared to last year: In 2015, there were more than 2,000 calls to the Bear Wise hotline from the Sudbury area between April 1 and Sept. 6. This year, that number is 867 for the same time period.

At this time of year, bears are dining on fall food sources like acorns, chokecherries and apples. And while the berry crops may have suffered from drought conditions earlier in the summer, the apple crops have fared much better, says Kowalski.

For Stoner, it's not that she felt an imminent threat from the animals in her yard. But she has felt under siege, and she does fear a future incident. "It's fine when they have a food source, but what happens when that's gone?" Stoner says. "They're going to try to come inside."

(Its pretty hard to erase cooking smells from a kitchen in daily use and bears have very acute sense of smell-and they are known to enter buildings, camper vehicles and tents by following cooking odours to a possible food source- with dangerous consequences for humans in the structure!)

The ministry spokesperson says it's difficult to quantify how many bears might have been shot by landowners this year, as "not all property owners report to the MNRF that they have dispatched a bear."

Incidents of attacks have been rare. Kowalski says there was the one instance in Sudbury of a dog being fatally mauled by a bear, although MNRF assistance was not requested by police in that case.

On Labour Day weekend, two female hikers and their dogs were "involved in a bear encounter" in Mississagi Provincial Park, north of Elliot Lake, she says. MNRF staff are currently investigating that incident.

The shooting incident in Sudbury is also under investigation, says Kowalski.

Leblanc and Saikkonen may have had their guns taken away by authorities, but they were allowed to keep the bear itself, which they say was a yearling sow. By Friday Leblanc's son Joe was already busy butchering the animal and turning it into spiced sausage. "We don't waste any meat," says Saikkonen.

(The voice of experience there- if you have the experience to make good bear sausage you will also know how to kill the bear swiftly and painlessly with a quick shot thanks to regular practice! For political reasons- meaning fear of lost PETA and environmental supporter votes, LIE-berals want to paint Saikkonen as reckless and irresponsible and to shut down anybody who complains about nuisance bears with no fear of humans!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You have to rein in your anger, Cannuck.

Too many LIE-berals define white privilege as having to listen to Know nothings blame them for the state of the world! The know nothings of a previous generation wanted to appease Hitler just as the current generation of LIE-berals want to appease Isis and Muslim radicals! Consider:

Here is yet another article pointing out major holes in LIE-beral policy and philosophy. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Canada needs a better approach to dismantling Islamist networks

By Candice Malcolm. Published: January 12, 2018. Updated: January 12, 2018 5:13 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists


GOLDSTEIN: Trudeau’s carbon scheme costly and ineffective
MARIN: From grandma to tyrant, the two sides of Wynne
FUREY: This Trump hysteria serves no one, least of all, impoverished Haitians
SNOBELEN: Wynne waging class warfare on Tim Hortons

Dressed in the garb of the mujahideen, John Maguire is shown on six-minute video posted to YouTube - and later taken down - and linked on several jihadist websites. (YouTube Video Screenshot)

Returned ISIS fighters join the ranks of a hidden class of enemy citizens secretly embedded in our society. These radical agents have built their own infrastructure, and use our openness and freedom to wage war against us.

(Most Cdns accept that the majority of Muslims living here do not wish to make war upon us- but they DO wish to see the triumph of the Caliphate and the implementation of Sharia Law- just as soon as they have the necessary votes to FORCE US to accept their Law!)

Of course, most Muslims in North America are not part of this covert network. In Canada, large majorities explicitly reject the Islamist ideology.

(If Our idiot Boy Justin is allowec to continue encouraging Muslims to come here, we can be assured of three future conflicts. Firstly will be the battle between Cdns and Muslims as they seek to erase substantial sections of our Constitution related to family law and women`s rights. Second will be the battle over control of foreign affairs- with Muslims determined to erase our long standing alliances with Britain and United States ad replace these allies with Hamas, Hezzbollah and Iran. Third, based on the repeated bombings in places like Somalia. Iraq and Syria, we can expect MAJOR fighting between Muslim factions as they battle to decide how harsh a version of Sharia Law we MUST accept- at gun point!)

According to an in-depth Environics report, 88% of Muslims in Canada say it is important for the Muslim community to work with government agencies to address radicalization and violent extremism. By contrast, roughly two-thirds of British Muslims say they would not work with police or report terrorism in their communities.

Tackling the underlying jihadist ideology is the real battle
The reality is we’re up against a global jihadist insurgency
‘Deprogram’ radical Islamists. How?

(The British numbers reflect a less rigorous immigrant selection process- one that LIE-berals are now installing here! Cdn LIE-berals are significantly loosening the standards that were previously used to select immigrants- with much easier access it becomes more likely that radicals will infiltrate the sloppy LIE-beral system that
is focussed ONLY on buying votes and entirely ignores national security issues!)

Fortunately, most Muslims in Canada have integrated and joined the Canadian family. That does, however, leave an unfortunate group of Canadian Muslims who remain loyal to enemy forces.

(Muslim integration is a nebulous thing- depending on which politically or religiously charged issue is being dealt with! When push comes to shove- Muslims stand together AGAINST Infidels! Muslim loyalty has NOT been tested in any real way! And the recent spike in hate crimes against Jews suggests that `Cdn` Muslims can NOT be counted on in times of trouble!)

British scholar and author Maajid Nawaz discusses the differences between everyday Muslims who are our friends and allies, and nefarious Muslims who have subscribed to an evil world view. Nawaz’s guide for defining the terrorist threat draws the distinction between Muslims, Islamists and jihadists.

Muslims are individual followers of the Muslim faith; their beliefs are private and in the public realm, they embrace secular values and Western institutions.

Islamists, by contrast, are Muslims who do not separate politics from religion. They want to impose their fundamentalist doctrine of Islam onto our society to create a Muslim theocracy governed by Sharia Law.

Of these Islamists, a smaller percentage are jihadists who believe in using force and violence to advance their political goals. They see themselves as frontline fighters, waging a war of civilizations against the West.

Every jihadist is supported by a larger community of Islamists. For every male fighter who joined the ranks of ISIS, he’s often accompanied by a wife and family who are just as fervent and devoted to the Islamist cause.

Jihadists are the top concern for government security agencies across the West, and we use endless resources to monitor these agents and try to prevent the next attack. But that often means we neglect the wider network of Islamists who are covertly building support networks and cultural institution to advance their evil cause, hidden in plain sight.

(For any Muslim- their religion takes priority over all others. The final and last word of God has been dispensed through the mouth of the Prophet Mohamed and HIS WORD must NOT be doubted in any way. Punishment for such religious disagreement ranges from fines and jail terms up to death by stoning- depending on which version of Sharia Law is forced upon us. Traditionally Ottoman Empire Muslims were quite willing to tolerate Christians and Jews and Hindus living within their Empire- just so long as they accepted SECOND CLASS citizenship- meaning you don’t get to vote and you have to pay extra taxes because you are an Infidel and Blasphemer! This is NOT the kind of open and tolerant society that most Cdns will accept!)

Take, for instance, the Islamic Society of British Columbia, which was recently penalized by the CRA and was alleged to have a relationship with a Qatari organization that supports jihadist terrorism.

CRA audit documents obtained by Global News found that the Eid Foundation of Qatar, which is alleged to have ties to a terrorist organization, “maintained some level of control or influence over the affairs” of the Islamic Society of British Columbia.

(What a surprise- that Cdn Muslims would send off aid to Muslim groups? And would see no reason NOT to take advantage of sloppy Cdn tax law and LIE-beral appeasers buying votes at any price so they can cling to power? And we have had various reports of Cdn Muslim groups trying to pressure Cdns to turn against Israel- the ONLY TRUE democracy in that part of the world!)

Likewise, a 2008 court filing in Dallas, Texas, revealed that the Islamic Society of North America has ties to the Islamist terrorist group Hamas; they even admitted to financial transactions during the 1980s and 1990s.

(And no wonder Muslims feel entitled to be so brazen- one of the first acts of Our idiot Boy Justin- after his election- was to RESTORE Cdn funding to Hamas!)

The Muslim Students Association (MSA) is also alleged to be tied to this Islamist network, and was once described by the New York Police Department as “part of a growing trend of Salafi-based radicalization.” MSA has a long list of alumni-turned-terrorist, including Ahmed Khadr, Omar’s father, who was accused of being Osama bin Laden’s Canadian financier.

(And Our idiot Boy has un-explained links to Joshua Boyle- the wack job Cdn who took his pregnant Yankee born wife on a hiking tour of war torn Afghanistan and ended up being held `hostage` for 5 years- though nobody ever asked for ransom money for him or wife and 3 kids- suggesting he was more of a gust than a hostage! Joshua Boyle is the ex-hubby of Zaynab Khadr- the vicious hard line jihadist sister of Omar Khadr- the poster boy for all that is wrong with LIE-beral values and morals! And Our idiot Boy MET with the Boyles after their rescue by Pakistani commandos- yet Our idiot Boy refuses to meet with the father of a Cdn soldier killed in Afghanistan!)

Jihadists distract us, while their Islamist networks sow the seeds of extremism in our own backyards. We need a better approach to combat these cultural institutions that recruit, radicalize and spread a hateful ideology throughout our communities.

This is part of a series written by Malcolm examining the threat posed by radical Islamists to North America. For a free e-copy, visit www.Creeping Caliphate dot com

(LIE-beral values and desperate vote buying policy suggest there is a VERY LOW chance that LIE-berals will be able to `defuse` radical Muslims in Canada- in fact- LIE-beral policy thus far seems to be ENCOURAGING the radicals!)


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
$1.1B class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of former 'Indian hospital' patients

Two Canadian law firms have filed a $1.1-billion class-action lawsuit on behalf of former patients of government-run "Indian hospitals," which comprised a decades-long segregated health care system now marred by allegations of widespread mistreatment and abuse, CBC News has learned.

The lawsuit focuses on 29 segregated hospitals operated across the country by the federal government between 1945 and the early 1980s. Researchers say thousands of Indigenous patients may have been admitted to the institutions during that four-decade span.

The facilities were overcrowded and inadequately staffed, alleges the statement of claim. Indigenous patients were unable to leave on their own accord, it continues, and were "forcibly detained, isolated, and, at times, restrained to their beds."
The statement of claim also alleges that "systemic failures created a toxic environment in which physical and sexual abuse was rampant."
Ann Hardy, the representative plaintiff, alleges she is among those Indigenous victims of sexual abuse.
Hardy was diagnosed with tuberculosis as a child while living in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories. In January 1969, she was admitted to the Charles Camsell Indian Hospital more than 700 kilometres south in Edmonton.
At the time, Hardy recalls being excited. She was keen to have a break from her parents, who she described as loving but overprotective, thanks to their experiences attending residential schools.
"It wasn't until much later that I realized the horror of the situation I was in," said the 59-year-old, during an interview at her home in Edmonton.

'It was terrifying'

During monthly X-ray sessions, Hardy alleges both she and other young patients were groped by male technicians. "It was a regular part of getting an X-ray at the Camsell," she said. She also alleges a male teacher at the hospital read a Playboy magazine during class time, in front of the young students.
But one experience in particular horrified Hardy. She said an orderly often came to visit her room, and would sometimes bring gifts — in one instance, a record player — for her roommate.
"And then he started to come up at night," Hardy said. "He would pull the curtain closed between our two beds, but I could hear what was going on. I could hear the fear, and I could hear what he was doing to her."
Hardy alleges the hospital staff member repeatedly sexually abused her roommate.
Hardy said her roommate, who was a pre-teen, believed the man was her boyfriend. "She explained to me that it's what people do when they love each other."
"It was terrifying," Hardy said.

Government 'respects' plaintiffs' decision

Hardy said she wanted to participate in a class-action in hopes of sharing her story and exposing the mistakes of the past.
The lawsuit was filed on Jan. 25 in Toronto. It's calling for both financial compensation — including damages for negligence and breach of fiduciary duty in the amount of $1 billion, and punitive and exemplary damages in the amount of $100 million — and a declaration that Canada was negligent in its operation of "Indian hospitals."

'Our people were experimented on': Indigenous sanatorium survivors recall medical tests
B.C. author tells the horrific story of so-called 'Indian hospitals'

The alleged physical and sexual abuse within their walls amounted to "horrific treatment," said Jonathan Ptak, a lawyer with Toronto-based firm Koskie Minsky LLP, which filed the lawsuit in conjunction with Sherwood Park, Alta.-based firm Masuch Albert LLP.
These incidents were not happening in hospitals for non-Indigenous patients, he added.
In a statement, the office of Carolyn Bennett, minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs, said the federal government "respects" the plaintiffs' decision, adding that "Canada believes that the best way to address outstanding issues and achieve reconciliation with Indigenous people is through negotiation and dialogue rather than litigation."
"We are committed to working with all parties involved to explore mechanisms outside the adversarial court process to deal with these claims," the statement continues.
The class-action lawsuit has not yet been certified and the federal government has yet to file a statement of defence, according to Ptak.

'I'm still dealing with the aftermath'

As CBC News reported on Monday , former patients have come forward in recent years with allegations of physical abuse, forced sterilization and possible medical experimentation at "Indian hospitals" and other facilities that cared for Indigenous patients throughout much of the 1900s.
Despite treating diseases, Hardy said these institutions caused another type of illness. Like many survivors, she is still coping with the psychological trauma of her hospital stay decades after returning home to her family in May 1969.
"I've long since finished the medication for the tuberculosis," she said. "I'm still dealing with the aftermath of the Charles Camsell."
Gerald Stanley trial — 'It's something that we feared:' Boushie family frustrated by visibly all-white jury

BATTLEFORD — A visibly all-white jury has been selected to decide the fate of Gerald Stanley, the Saskatchewan farmer accused of second-degree murder in the shooting death of Colten Boushie, an Indigenous man from the Red Pheasant First Nation.
Boushie’s cousin, Jade Tootoosis, told media that watching jury selection on Monday left her feeling “a bit overwhelmed.”
“It was really difficult to sit there today and watch every single visible Indigenous person be challenged by the defence. It’s not surprising, but extremely frustrating, and it’s something that we feared has come true,” Tootoosis said.
Stanley’s earlier court appearances drew large crowds of people, many of them showing support for Boushie’s family. However, no one waved “Justice for Colten” signs outside the Alex Dillabough Centre in Battleford on Monday as jury selection got underway.
“A lot of my family didn’t come today, because they already felt that a decision had been made and I came with hopes that it would be different,” Tootoosis told reporters.
“I’m unsure how to feel about how the proceedings are going to go from here on out, but we’ll continue to be at the courthouse every day.”
Dawn Blaus, a spokeswoman for the Saskatchewan court system, said 750 juror summonses were issued for Stanley’s trial — nearly twice the number that is normally sent out for a jury trial. About 70 per cent of those potential jurors were excused prior to Monday, leaving about 225 people who showed up in Battleford for jury selection. Because of the large number, jury selection was held at a community centre instead of the courthouse. Airport-style security was brought in for the occasion.
The Crown and defence lawyers were each given 14 perfunctory challenges, allowing them to dismiss potential jurors without giving a reason. All visibly Indigenous potential jurors were challenged by the defence.
A jury of seven women and five men, plus two alternates, was chosen shortly after noon and jurors were then excused for the day. The Crown is expected to deliver its opening remarks in Battleford Court of Queen’s Bench Tuesday morning.
Justice Martel Popescul told the jury that although Boushie’s death drew considerable public attention, they must disregard what they have previously heard about the case and make a decision about Stanley’s guilt or innocence based solely on the evidence presented at trial.
Stanley is accused of fatally shooting Boushie on Aug. 9, 2016 after Boushie and four friends drove onto Stanley’s property in the Rural Municipality of Glenside. The case has fired up racial tensions in the province.
Stanley’s trial is scheduled to continue until Feb. 15. Both Queen’s Bench courtrooms have been set aside for the trial and increased security measures will be in place.

'60s Scoop survivor sues federal and provincial governments over Metis exclusion from settlement

Robert Doucette, a ’60s Scoop Survivor, has filed a statement of claim against the Government of Saskatchewan and the Government of Canada over the exclusion of Metis survivors from the settlement agreement.
Doucette, a former Metis Nation-Saskatchewan president, spoke to media after making the filing in the Court of Queen’s Bench in Saskatoon on Monday. Last fall, Doucette filed a complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission charging that the federal government discriminated against Metis people by leaving them out of the $800-million settlement agreement for survivors.
The settlement is limited to status Indians and Inuit people who were scooped from their families between 1951 and 1991.
In a statement given to media, Doucette explained why he sued the provincial and federal governments. He said they had an opportunity to bring healing and reconciliation by including Metis people in the apology and compensation, but did not.
“Both levels of government are now playing the same game of throwing the hot Metis issue back and forth, both denying any responsibility and leaving Metis people, our families and our communities to heal themselves. both levels of government are not taking responsibility for their actions and now leave Metis (’60s Scoop) survivors no choice but to defend ourselves and we will hold both levels of government accountable for the damage they brought on Metis individuals, our families and our communities,” he wrote in the statement.
None of the claims have been proven in court. Doucette is seeking general, special, exemplary and punitive damages, as well as damages for breach of fiduciary duty, costs and a declaration that both levels of government breached the duties of care owed to him.
Doucette, born Robert Glen McKay in Buffalo Narrows in 1962, was taken away from his mother Dianne, when he was just six months old. Doucette was placed in a non-Indigenous foster home belonging to Marcien and Rita Doucette in Duck Lake.
In the statement of claim, Doucette alleges that Social Services failed to protect him from a violent feud between his foster family and their neighbours.
“Instead, they ordered the Doucette family to settle the feud and move from that neighbourhood or they would take all the children away from the Doucette(s). As a result of the Social Services’ response to the feud, the Plaintiff was terrified and traumatized to realized (sic) that he and his (foster) siblings could be taken away from his (Doucette) family at anytime,” the statement of claim says.
“Throughout his stay with the Doucette(s), the Plaintiff was in constant fear that he could do something wrong and the Social Services would come get him.”
The claim indicates that Doucette lived in Prince Albert with the family, not having contact with his home community in Buffalo Narrows. It wasn’t until 1980 that he was reunited with his mother and a biological sibling.
According to the claim, because Doucette was scooped from his mother, he had a “significantly impaired knowledge and experience” of what being a Metis person meant.
“The loss of the Plaintiff’s Metis identity has left him fundamentally disoriented, with a reduced ability to lead a healthy and fulfilling life,” the claim stated. The claim indicated he attempted to integrate into the Metis community in Buffalo Narrows, but could not because he did not speak the language or understand the culture.
The claim alleges the provincial and federal governments’ “negligence, breach of trust and/or fiduciary duty” caused Doucette’s loss of Metis culture and identity as well as “mental and emotional abuse”. The failures outlined in the claim include failing to properly screen and select appropriate foster parents, adequately supervise and inspect the foster placements, as well as to take proper and reasonable steps to prevent the loss of Doucette’s Metis culture and identity.
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
$1.1B class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of former 'Indian hospital' patients

Gerald Stanley trial — 'It's something that we feared:' Boushie family frustrated by visibly all-white jury

BATTLEFORD — A visibly all-white jury has been selected to decide the fate of Gerald Stanley, the Saskatchewan farmer accused of second-degree murder in the shooting death of Colten Boushie, an Indigenous man from the Red Pheasant First Nation.
Boushie’s cousin, Jade Tootoosis, told media that watching jury selection on Monday left her feeling “a bit overwhelmed.”
“It was really difficult to sit there today and watch every single visible Indigenous person be challenged by the defence. It’s not surprising, but extremely frustrating, and it’s something that we feared has come true,” Tootoosis said.
Stanley’s earlier court appearances drew large crowds of people, many of them showing support for Boushie’s family. However, no one waved “Justice for Colten” signs outside the Alex Dillabough Centre in Battleford on Monday as jury selection got underway.
“A lot of my family didn’t come today, because they already felt that a decision had been made and I came with hopes that it would be different,” Tootoosis told reporters.
“I’m unsure how to feel about how the proceedings are going to go from here on out, but we’ll continue to be at the courthouse every day.”
Dawn Blaus, a spokeswoman for the Saskatchewan court system, said 750 juror summonses were issued for Stanley’s trial — nearly twice the number that is normally sent out for a jury trial. About 70 per cent of those potential jurors were excused prior to Monday, leaving about 225 people who showed up in Battleford for jury selection. Because of the large number, jury selection was held at a community centre instead of the courthouse. Airport-style security was brought in for the occasion.
The Crown and defence lawyers were each given 14 perfunctory challenges, allowing them to dismiss potential jurors without giving a reason. All visibly Indigenous potential jurors were challenged by the defence.
A jury of seven women and five men, plus two alternates, was chosen shortly after noon and jurors were then excused for the day. The Crown is expected to deliver its opening remarks in Battleford Court of Queen’s Bench Tuesday morning.
Justice Martel Popescul told the jury that although Boushie’s death drew considerable public attention, they must disregard what they have previously heard about the case and make a decision about Stanley’s guilt or innocence based solely on the evidence presented at trial.
Stanley is accused of fatally shooting Boushie on Aug. 9, 2016 after Boushie and four friends drove onto Stanley’s property in the Rural Municipality of Glenside. The case has fired up racial tensions in the province.
Stanley’s trial is scheduled to continue until Feb. 15. Both Queen’s Bench courtrooms have been set aside for the trial and increased security measures will be in place.

'60s Scoop survivor sues federal and provincial governments over Metis exclusion from settlement

Poor natives- they think it is racist of white people to protect their property from native thieves! And natives do not seem to be worried about Muslims coming to Canada- but no doubt natives long ago gave up worrying about what kind of people were moving into their neighbourhood?

Sadly natives may get a shock once they learn more about Muslims and Sharia Law!

Can you just picture the slack jawed AMAZEMENT among natives in the court when some Imam announces: "You have been convicted of THEFT and the penalty is having a hand cut off"!

Poor natives- they think it is racist of white people to protect their property from native thieves! And natives do not seem to be worried about Muslims coming to Canada- but no doubt natives long ago gave up worrying about what kind of people were moving into their neighbourhood?

Sadly natives may get a shock once they learn more about Muslims and Sharia Law!

Can you just picture the slack jawed AMAZEMENT among natives in the court when some Imam announces: "You have been convicted of THEFT and the penalty is having a hand cut off"!

Here is yet another article illustrating the poisonous version of LIE-beral “justice”! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Recommended healing lodge sentence in fatal drunk-driving crash 'a joke'

Postmedia News. Published: November 27, 2017. Updated: November 27, 2017 8:19 AM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Ontario


Libs killing business one kilowatt at a time

Eric Allensen's face is scarred from injuries suffered when Scott Altiman "T-boned" Allensen's car at 187 km/h. Altiman was convicted of drunk driving in the case that killed two people and seriously injured Allensen and his girlfriend. Derek Ruttan/The London Free Press/Postmedia Network


LONDON, Ont. — Eric Allensen hiked up his shirt to show the wide scar across his belly.

“I was cut open for four days to stitch up my bowels and what else. I had a hernia from the seat-belt ripping the muscles from my pelvis. I’ve got two screws in there,” he said on the front steps of the London courthouse.

The 26-year-old has a scar on his forehead near his eye. Another on his cheek. All of the injuries are from the horrific crash with impaired driver Scott Altiman, 33, at Dundas St. and Highbury Ave. 14 months ago.

Altiman pleaded guilty in June to two counts of impaired driving causing death, two counts of impaired driving causing bodily harm, two counts of criminal negligence causing death and two counts of criminal negligence causing bodily harm.

Eric Allensen on Friday November 24, 2017 reveals scars from injuries suffered when Scott Altiman “T-boned” Allensen’s car at 187 km/h. Altiman was convicted of drunk driving in the case that killed two people and seriously injured Allensen and his girlfriend. Derek Ruttan/The London Free Press/Postmedia Network

Beyond the physical scars, Allensen lost his cousin, Cody Andrews, 23, and his friend, Jerry Pitre, 46, who were in the back seat when Altiman’s car hit them -broadside at 187 km/h and sliced the car in half.

His girlfriend, Carlie Matthews, 26, was in the passenger seat and “went through hell and back,” Allensen said. A titanium screw holds her pelvis together.

“It’s frustrating. No justice can serve those two boys’ lives,” he said.

And certainly, he said, the four- to six-year sentence in an Aboriginal healing lodge suggested by Altiman’s lawyer to address his client’s Indigenous background at Altiman’s sentencing hearing Friday can’t come close to easing Allensen’s pain and anger.

“It’s a joke,” Allensen said. “And people are just going to keep doing it.”

(An insincere apology offered up by a drunken idiot in hope of suckering a LIE-beral hug a thug judge does not make up for the costs physical and mental that the drunken idiot has inflicted on MANY people! Its not just the death of 2 in the car he hit nor the pain and suffering of the 2 survivors- there is the life long pain of the families as well!)

That echoed the sentencing pitch by assistant Crown attorney Charles Yih, who, in asking for a 10-year sentence and a 15- to 20-year driving prohibition, pointed to a troubling trend, particularly over a 15-month period between July 2015 and November 2016 in the London area, when four impaired drivers, including Altiman, took five lives, all in cases involving excessive speed.

“It’s simply a fact that the message of drinking and driving is not being received by all in our community,” he said, asking Ontario Court Justice John Skowronski to send that message again.

Altiman, who had no criminal record, was driving 187 km/h in a 50 km/h zone at about 2 a.m. with more than twice the legal limit of alcohol in his system when he slammed into Allensen’s car. Two kilometres earlier, he had been driving the wrong way on Highbury Avenue, almost ending up in a head-on crash.

(Its bad to be driving drunk and worse to be driving so far over the speed limit- lets face it- if he had rammed the other car at 50kmh- then thanks to modern car design its very likely everybody would have survived with nothing but bumps and bruises!)

With multiple victims and “outrageous driving,” the sentence needs to be strong, Yih said.

(And of course LIE-berals do not see it as any of our business what previous driving convictions the drunkard has- that previous hug a thug LIE-berals let slide!!)

Scott Altiman, centre, hides behind a group of supporters as he leaves the London courthouse after pleading guilty to two counts of impaired driving causing death and several other charges on Thursday June 8, 2017. MORRIS LAMONT/THE LONDON FREE PRESS /POSTMEDIA NETWORK

Behind Yih, sat many of Andrews’ and Pitre’s friends and family, many wearing T-shirts emblazoned with Andrews’ photo.

Impaired driving cases often involve good people who make terrible decisions to get behind the wheel, Yih said.

“Mr. Altiman to that point, was a law-abiding person, a good person in this community.”

(Oh really? How would we know since LIE-berals HIDE bad records that might “prejudice” a jury!)

Throughout the day, Altiman sat quietly, clutching an eagle feather. Defence lawyer James Melnick pointed to the Gladue principles — legal principles specific to dealing with the over-representation of First Nations people in the -criminal justice system — and Altiman’s troubled past as reasons not to “crush” the first-time offender.

(There is LIE-beral justice in the raw! Its jail by the numbers! Altiman should not go to jail unless an equal number of white people go to jail! LIE-berals are buying votes from natives with this drivel while ordinary Cdns figure that if you do the crime then you should do the time too! But that might cause LIE-berals to lose some native votes!)

He asked that Altiman serve his sentence at an Aboriginal healing lodge within the prison system — a suggestion that brought groans from people in the courtroom — so he can continue his counselling and healing.

Altiman, from Delaware, is a member of the Walpole Island First Nation and has ties to the Kettle and Stony Point First Nation.

His history includes grandparents placed in residential schools.

His biological father was a violent alcoholic. His stepfather drank.

Altiman moved off the First Nation at age 11 to London and never completed high school. His parents broke up. He lived in poverty. He was sexually abused at age five, Melnick said.

(TWO DEAD, and TWO MAIMED FOR LIFE! WE do have sympathy for the life Altiman has led but he has no right to lash out at all Cdns and there must be some deterrent effort made to halt drunk driving! There must be some effort made to compel natives to understand that failing to finish high school is killing them! They live in a country where over 75 percent of jobs require post secondary education so how can people whio cannot even finish high school expect to find work? How can a person like Altiman EVER be salvaged? And why will LIE-berals not make any serious effort to moderate the drug and alcohol crisis on reserves? LIE-berals refuse even to take action to limit endemic corruption on reserves!)

Altiman will be sentenced on Jan. 18.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
$1.1B class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of former 'Indian hospital' patients

Gerald Stanley trial — 'It's something that we feared:' Boushie family frustrated by visibly all-white jury

BATTLEFORD — A visibly all-white jury has been selected to decide the fate of Gerald Stanley, the Saskatchewan farmer accused of second-degree murder in the shooting death of Colten Boushie, an Indigenous man from the Red Pheasant First Nation.
Boushie’s cousin, Jade Tootoosis, told media that watching jury selection on Monday left her feeling “a bit overwhelmed.”
“It was really difficult to sit there today and watch every single visible Indigenous person be challenged by the defence. It’s not surprising, but extremely frustrating, and it’s something that we feared has come true,” Tootoosis said.
Stanley’s earlier court appearances drew large crowds of people, many of them showing support for Boushie’s family. However, no one waved “Justice for Colten” signs outside the Alex Dillabough Centre in Battleford on Monday as jury selection got underway.
“A lot of my family didn’t come today, because they already felt that a decision had been made and I came with hopes that it would be different,” Tootoosis told reporters.
“I’m unsure how to feel about how the proceedings are going to go from here on out, but we’ll continue to be at the courthouse every day.”
Dawn Blaus, a spokeswoman for the Saskatchewan court system, said 750 juror summonses were issued for Stanley’s trial — nearly twice the number that is normally sent out for a jury trial. About 70 per cent of those potential jurors were excused prior to Monday, leaving about 225 people who showed up in Battleford for jury selection. Because of the large number, jury selection was held at a community centre instead of the courthouse. Airport-style security was brought in for the occasion.
The Crown and defence lawyers were each given 14 perfunctory challenges, allowing them to dismiss potential jurors without giving a reason. All visibly Indigenous potential jurors were challenged by the defence.
A jury of seven women and five men, plus two alternates, was chosen shortly after noon and jurors were then excused for the day. The Crown is expected to deliver its opening remarks in Battleford Court of Queen’s Bench Tuesday morning.
Justice Martel Popescul told the jury that although Boushie’s death drew considerable public attention, they must disregard what they have previously heard about the case and make a decision about Stanley’s guilt or innocence based solely on the evidence presented at trial.
Stanley is accused of fatally shooting Boushie on Aug. 9, 2016 after Boushie and four friends drove onto Stanley’s property in the Rural Municipality of Glenside. The case has fired up racial tensions in the province.
Stanley’s trial is scheduled to continue until Feb. 15. Both Queen’s Bench courtrooms have been set aside for the trial and increased security measures will be in place.

'60s Scoop survivor sues federal and provincial governments over Metis exclusion from settlement

How amazing- Our idiot Boy Justin has just displayed his contempt for the rule of law and the property rights of ordinary Cdns! His stated decision to come up with ways of stacking the legal deck in favour of criminal natives is the WORST sort of racist nonsense! Our idiot Boy displays his utter contempt for a thousand years of legal evolution and intelligent rules for examining evidence in an honest and sensible way- he demonstrates HATE for western civilization and huge bias against white people!

Here is an article illustrating LIE-beral efforts to promote racist discrimination. With some comments of my own in brackets):

’Absolutely perverse’: Outrage after white farmer found not guilty in Indigenous death

From Canadian Press. Published: February 10, 2018. Updated: February 10, 2018 2:00 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ Canada

Chris Murphy, a Toronto-based lawyer representing the Boushie family, left, supports Debbie Baptiste, the mother of Colten Boushie, outside of the Court of Queen's Bench after a jury delivered a verdict of not guilty in the trial of Gerald Stanley, the farmer accused of killing Indigenous man, 22, in Battleford, Sask., Friday, February 9, 2018.THE CANADIAN PRESS/Liam Richards

BATTLEFORD, Sask. — The federal justice minister has said the country “can and must do better” after a white farmer was acquitted in the shooting death of a young Indigenous man — a verdict that sparked a firestorm of criticism from First Nations groups across Canada.

(Others have suggested that the justice minister has offered up political interference in a legal matter! I say the minister is demonstrating bigotry!)

A jury in Battleford, Sask., deliberated 13 hours before finding Gerald Stanley not guilty of second degree murder Friday in the 2016 death of Colten Boushie, a resident of the Red Pheasant First Nation.

Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould tweeted her sympathy for Boushie’s family, adding that she is “committed to working everyday to ensure justice for all Canadians.”

(To bad the minister apparently DOES NOT recognize white people as Cdns!)

“Colten Boushie was shot in the back of the head at point blank range. Nevertheless an all white jury formed the twisted view of that obvious truth and found Stanley not guilty,” he said

(“Twisted view”? The minister for Cdn Racist Crap was NOT in the court room and did not hear any of the testimony- yet sees NOTHING wrong with referring to those who DID hear the full evidence as “twisted” !)

“I’m not going to comment on the process that led us to this point today, but I am going to say we have come to this point as a country far too many times,” the prime minister said at a news conference in Los Angeles.

(Yes- WE HAVE come to this TOO OFTEN- with LIE-berals defending the rights of thieves and criminals in exchange for VOTES!)

(The trial began with complaints from natives that white people ought not to be allowed to judge a native in such a case. But nobody has asked WHY there were no natives on the jury? For one thing convicted felons cannot serve, so that limits the number of prospective native jurors. Secondly- any person holding a glaring bias will be dismissed from jury duty. Natives were not chosen simply because they disqualified themselves in various ways!)

(In fact, Toronto Sun reporter Candice Malcolm told us in a Feb 14/18 article that almost HALF the prospective jurors were native- giving credence to my assertion that natives disqualified themselves in various ways!)

(WE would not let a known member of Ku Klux Klan sit in judgement of a black person. We would not let a Nazi sit in judgement on a Jew. So how is justice served by allowing rabid racist anti white native haters sit in judgement of a white guy protecting his property from self admitted drunk driving native thieves?)

The trial heard that Boushie was shot in the head while he was sitting in an SUV that had been driven onto Stanley’s farm near Biggar, Sask.

The SUV driver testified the group had been drinking during the day and tried to break into a truck on a neighbouring farm, but went to the Stanley property in search of help with a flat tire.

(So a party of drunk driving native dorks are out prowling and actually ADMIT they were looking for something to STEAL- maybe so they could sell the stolen item and get MORE alcohol? And they went to the Stanley property for help with a flat tire? Should we ask if that “help” might have included STEALING a suitable tire off an unguarded vehicle?)

Stanley, 56 testified that he fired warning shots to scare the group off. He said the fatal shot occurred when he reached into the SUV to grab the keys out of the ignition and his gun “just went off.”

(Oh- and WHY is Stanley so quick to reach for a gun when “visitors” arrive? Could it be that area farmers feel victimized by native prowlers seeking “help” for various things- with too many natives hoping to pick up various “five finger discounts” from unwary farmers? In 1980 I lived TWO BLOCKS from a Toronto police station and it took FORTY MINUTES for a couple of cops to arrive in response to my 911 call! How much longer would it take for cops to arrive at an isolated farm 40 miles from any station?)

(This is the error at the heart of the LIE-beral version of justice- if govt cannot protect us then we have two choices- either get SCREWED or we fight back! Stanley chose to fight back- protecting your property from prowling THIEVES is NOT racist!)

(Stanley has said he fired several warning shots into the air but the natives did not leave. Stanley says the gun went off accidentally and struck Boushie, while Stanley was reaching for the SUV keys. LIE-berals DO NOT want us asking why Stanley wanted the keys! Was he hoping to immobilize the SUV so he could inspect its contents to determine what the SELF ADMITTED THIEVES might have in it- stuff that would belong to him or his neighbours? This is a failure of impotent LIE-beral justice that compels individuals to take personal action to protect their property from thieves!)

(LIE-berals and natives simply want to cloud the reality by whining about no natives on the jury! If there had been a native on the jury then one of several things would happen: The native might have agreed with the lawyers defending Stanley and agreed he was innocent. Such a choice would have made that native jurist a vulnerable target in his community.)

(Or let us assume the native jurist recognized he would be attacked if he supported “white” justice so in fear the native would offer a guilty vote- and this would produce a hung jury and a re-trial at some other location- this would have generated more legal costs and resulted in the same not guilty verdict.)

(Or let us assume the native jurist honestly believed Stanley was guilty- but clearly the other jurors would disagree- and there would be a hung jury and another trial and more legal costs and eventually Stanley would be declared not guilty. In none f these optional ending os there any hope for natives to see Stanley legally lynched! LIE-beral lust for power is distorting Cdn justice and encouraging native radicals to display ever more foolish behaviour!)


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
Lol it's always just SO much.... :lol:

Even if you took out the "the" 's and "a" 's and turned it into Russian, what he writes would still be too long. :lol:
Last edited:


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
So many uppercase letters that need two hands to type...
What can I say....Once a fanatic always a fanatic....:lol:

The guy needs his prescription changed!


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Perhaps the electric shock therapy ordered for him is taking longer to work than anticipated.