White Privilage


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I rather suspect Mr. Prime Minister would also assert that he earned everything he has.

That's the funny thing. Trudeau would probably be the first to suggest he won the lotto. Truth is, everybody born in NA did. I doubt there are many here that would've amounted to a hill of beans had they been born in Africa and were black.

....OK, maybe you and I but we're smarter than the average CanConite


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

That's pretty much the long and short of it.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
It was never Indian land. They were just squatting on it waiting for whitey to come and claim it.
I read that in a duster so it must be true.

Yep, they had their invasion just prior to whitey, although I'm sure that there are claims of sprouting from mother Gaia or some such traditional belief... must be an absolute truth as it's supported by some form of oral tradition.

Funny though how they shy away from talking about their episodic invasion... Guess it doesn't jibe too well when another invading population enters the picture all uninvited, afterall, you can't play the victim card


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
It's interesting that our stalwart Canadian manly men will be first out of the gate to claim that the children of the rich (like Justin Trudeau) receive unearned benefits in life, but utterly reject the notion that they could possibly be the beneficiaries of societal unfairness.

I rather suspect Mr. Prime Minister would also assert that he earned everything he has.
Would he be wrong?

Yer stuff gets arround. When this Treudougeh wears out there will be a replacement, forged in fudge.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Yep, they had their invasion just prior to whitey, although I'm sure that there are claims of sprouting from mother Gaia or some such traditional belief... must be an absolute truth as it's supported by some form of oral tradition.

Funny though how they shy away from talking about their episodic invasion... Guess it doesn't jibe too well when another invading population enters the picture all uninvited, afterall, you can't play the victim card

Funny how the excuses that get made. "Oh, Indians fought wars, so it was OK to wipe them out." "Oh, Indians 'invaded,' so it was OK to invade them."

But extend that logic to "Oh, Britain made war on others, so the Blitz was perfectly justified" and they start screeching.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Poor Rummy lives in the illusions of white history. Archaeology has shown that people have been living in the Americas for many thousands of years before the ice age and that there was no big invasion from Asia. Yes, some came here during the last ice age but not in numbers enough to wipe out those living here. Europeans came here during the last ice age too but they were not as blood thirsty or as greedy as those who followed Columbus. That was the result of the control of the Catholic Church and the Papal Bulls that declared native populations that were not "Christian" were not humans and therefore could be enslaved and slaughtered with impunity.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
FUKKIN protestants, infinite emptyness, , Catholics as well, but signifigantly different scores, they,re all in, the Pope roars and thier heads turn

Us protestants are immune to reason and therefore we won't have any

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Funny how the excuses that get made. "Oh, Indians fought wars, so it was OK to wipe them out." "Oh, Indians 'invaded,' so it was OK to invade them."

But extend that logic to "Oh, Britain made war on others, so the Blitz was perfectly justified" and they start screeching.

I don't recall mentioning anything about warring parties, let alone justification for wholesale slaughter.

My comment was simple, the indians immigrated to NorAm just like everyone else and in doing so, peoples were displaced all down the chain.

Poor Rummy lives in the illusions of white history. Archaeology has shown that people have been living in the Americas for many thousands of years before the ice age and that there was no big invasion from Asia.

There you have it Bones, a pseudo implication that there is a question as to immigration.

tell me Cliffy, of those inhabitants that didn't originate from Asia, where did they come from, or perhaps they experienced a unique but parallel evolutionary path as was experienced in Africa?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Funny how the excuses that get made. "Oh, Indians fought wars, so it was OK to wipe them out." "Oh, Indians 'invaded,' so it was OK to invade them."

But extend that logic to "Oh, Britain made war on others, so the Blitz was perfectly justified" and they start screeching.

All of Europe fought almost continusly for 5000 years. Did you expect them to change just because they finally managed to cross a bit of water?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Indigenous people, stop eating our animals so we can kill them for sport:

One of Canada’s largest outdoor sports organizations warns there simply aren’t enough animals around for everyone and is calling for major sacrifices to be made by Indigenous Peoples.
“Please, stop eating our wild game so we can continue to kill them for sport,” said Brian Keillor, head of the Canadian Hunting and Angling Association.
“Look, we get that you have rights and tradition but we have tradition too and that’s to kill an animal for fun and snap a picture with it.”
In recent years, there has been increasing tension between Indigenous and non-Indigenous hunters, particularly over dwindling stocks of big game.
Many Indigenous harvesters see moose and deer as a major source of food, while non-Indigenous hunters fear that without those same animals, there might not be places for selfies.

Indigenous people, stop eating our animals so we can kill them for sport: hunting org


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
Holy jeez this thread went south fast...

Anyways i read up on it and yes i agree with a lot of the points while at the same time white privilege doesn't take away from what I've earned.

I guess i was just and am pissed at my friends buddy (former friend of mine) in my life who tries to take away from me my hard work by saying i'm privileged and that i don't deserve it.

Well i can see he is projecting his insecurities and short comings onto me. Anyways for perspective, buddy is white.

Resource extraction does more for the local Native communities than the government. Which should furthur prove that our government is full of muppets


One of Canada’s largest outdoor sports organizations warns there simply aren’t enough animals around for everyone and is calling for major sacrifices to be made by Indigenous Peoples.
“Please, stop eating our wild game so we can continue to kill them for sport,” said Brian Keillor, head of the Canadian Hunting and Angling Association.
“Look, we get that you have rights and tradition but we have tradition too and that’s to kill an animal for fun and snap a picture with it.”
In recent years, there has been increasing tension between Indigenous and non-Indigenous hunters, particularly over dwindling stocks of big game.
Many Indigenous harvesters see moose and deer as a major source of food, while non-Indigenous hunters fear that without those same animals, there might not be places for selfies.

Indigenous people, stop eating our animals so we can kill them for sport: hunting org

Natives in the territories and remote areas of the provinces are the only ones who can actually say they live off the land by hunting. The natives that live in provinces near cities have abused their right to hunt the land unregulated. They are the biggest culprit when it comes to there being no moose around. I wish i had the number but the government doesnt keep track of their kills and that needs to change. Why does it need to change? Because they can shoot as much as they want and they are just as guilty of the selfies as the non natives.
Last edited:


House Member
May 18, 2010
There is no such thing as white privilege.
It's a phony phrase used to make make losers feel good about being a loser

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Indigenous people, stop eating our animals so we can kill them for sport:


... If only this was happening just to sustain life

Holy jeez this thread went south fast...

Anyways i read up on it and yes i agree with a lot of the points while at the same time white privilege doesn't take away from what I've earned.

I guess i was just and am pissed at my friends buddy (former friend of mine) in my life who tries to take away from me my hard work by saying i'm privileged and that i don't deserve it.

Well i can see he is projecting his insecurities and short comings onto me. Anyways for perspective, buddy is white.

The concept of white privilege is nothing more than a marketing concept that seeks to provide a convenient excuse for lack of achievement, motivation or hard work.

it's sad that so many need such a massive crutch to vilify an identifiable group for the sole purpose of justifying the poor decisions they made in life.