The OFFICIAL Trump Travel Ban Thread


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: Judge in Hawaii puts Trump's travel ban on hold

Already posted by flosshole and moved to the OFFICIAL Trump thread.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Is There Nothing That Obama Can't Do?

By Kate on March 16, 2017 2:01 PM | 9 Comments

John Hinderaker;
What we are seeing here is a coup: a coup by the New Class; by the Democratic Party; by far leftists embedded in the bureaucracy and the federal judiciary. Our duly elected president has issued an order that is plainly within his constitutional powers, and leftists have conspired to abuse legal processes to block it. They are doing so in order to serve the interests of the Democratic Party and the far-left movement. This is the most fundamental challenge to democracy in our lifetimes.

Derrick Watson, a Democratic Party activist who was appointed to the federal bench in Hawaii by President Obama in 2012, has issued a purported injunction barring implementation of President Trump’s travel order. I have not yet read Watson’s opinion, and will comment on it in detail when I have done so. But I have read Trump’s order, and the idea that it somehow can be blocked by a federal judge is ridiculous. The order is absolutely within the president’s constitutional discretion.

What we are seeing here is a coup: a coup by the New Class; by the Democratic Party; by far leftists embedded in the bureaucracy and the federal judiciary. Our duly elected president has issued an order that is plainly within his constitutional powers, and leftists have conspired to abuse legal processes to block it. They are doing so in order to serve the interests of the Democratic Party and the far-left movement. This is the most fundamental challenge to democracy in our lifetimes.

The battle lines are clearly drawn. What Watson has done has nothing to do with the law. It is a partisan coup, and must be resisted.

A Liberal Coup Is In Progress | Power Line

we told you so.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Trump loses again on Muslim ban — and then makes it worse

Judge in Hawaii puts Trump's travel ban on hold - World - CBC News

Strike 2! Can't Trump introduce a ban that can stick?

Yes, if he bans everyone (all countries) accept for Green Card Holder, Permanent Residents and Citizens..

With his ego.. I wouldn't put it past him, if nothing else just to spike the ball. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
sounds like your ego is way out of whack compared to Trumps
maybe snoop dog should slip you one and ***** you around for a couple weekends


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Either trump is truly stupid or he thought he had god like powers...

As it did in the Washington state case regarding the first ban, the court relied on Trump’s and Stephen Miller’s as well as adviser Rudy Giuliani’s own words to prove the motive was to exclude Muslims.

And then as if to underscore the judge’s point, Trump at a rally in Tennessee later Wednesday evening declared that this was just a “watered-down version” of the first ban.

Maybe what trump really needs is to let go of some of his ego, take a slice of humble pie and just get on with being president instead of looking for more fame.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
obama let in enough unvetted foreigners ( sleeper cells) to take down the whole country
so I suppose it doesn't matter

Iranian official boasts of “guerrilla movement” in US from Iran and “all Islamic countries”

trouble is it won't be the deep state paying
it will be the average joe on both sides

Estimates anywhere from 270 million to 310 million guns in the USA.. what's the worry?



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Either trump is truly stupid or he thought he had god like powers...

Nah, maybe not. He knows what has to be done to get the country straightened out.........get rid of the criminal element, reduce immigration, get more Americans working, get a more efficient health care system. I think he's finding out when ever you do the right things without being diplomatic, you're going to come to logger heads. Instead of trying to accomplish all in a month I think he should spread it out over the next four years. People will love him for it! :)