The First 100 Days in Trump Land

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Trump is all bent out of shape about fact that there are leaks, not about the content of the leaks. What the hell is going on, anyway?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Is his objective to reduce the media outlets only to those that favor him?? Perhaps the model he is following is the same as Kim Of N.Korea. Sadly there are enough brainwashed folks in the US that will go along with his bizarre ideas They seem to be the same group that would gladly give up a few rights in the name of national they are rip for a form of dictatorship. Al too often people see things when it is to they are too much in the moment and in the emotion of the moment too. Objectivity and rational thought is diminished ....or lost.

What Rights have Americans lost?

Can I have a comprehensive list please?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Ocean Breeze didn't say they've lost rights. He/she said they would gladly give them up. They would. Trumpites are cowards.

Why am I not surprised I have to explain that to you.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The resent estimate of US national debt is 90 trillion. That's a hell hole if ever there was one. They don't have that much blood.

But what they do have could win the third world war for the third side.

The tax collectors salivate in anticipation of fire sales.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
The resent estimate of US national debt is 90 trillion. That's a hell hole if ever there was one. They don't have that much blood.

But what they do have could win the third world war for the third side.

They need to build a lot more nuclear weapons ... and fast! That should add some more trillions, pronto!

Oh,... and a wall!

Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The resent estimate of US national debt is 90 trillion. That's a hell hole if ever there was one. They don't have that much blood.

But what they do have could win the third world war for the third side.

The tax collectors salivate in anticipation of fire sales.
How much are they owed compared to what they owe?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
How much are they owed compared to what they owe?

They ran up a massive tab while fighting two wars simultaneously on the other side of the planet, both lasting over a decade and both supplied by constant airlift. Nobody can afford to do that, even the rootin-tootin Yankees.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
They need to build a lot more nuclear weapons ... and fast! That should add some more trillions, pronto!

Oh,... and a wall!

Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp!

We really do have to think of the planet first. The American century is over already, god help them, they have raped and pillaged over the globe to this day. They haven't been number one for some time now. I expect globe shakin change, closely allinged with the long winter.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
We really do have to think of the planet first. The American century is over already, god help them, they have raped and pillaged over the globe to this day. They haven't been number one for some time now. I expect globe shakin change, closely allinged with the long winter.

The decline started around the moment that the last Astronaut left the moon for the last time, I figure.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It's okay. Just admit you misunderstood. It wouldn't be the first time

Misunderstood what? A 200+ year old Ben Franklin quote? How many Rights were lost since that statement and how many gained?
Need a comprehensive list?
The decline started around the moment tbat the last Astronaut left the moon for the last time, I figure.

Are you sure they stopped going to the moon?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Misunderstood what? A 200+ year old Ben Franklin quote? How many Rights were lost since that statement and how many gained?

Are you sure they stopped going to the moon?

Yup. The Chinese are taking over that file and we will watch them do it on Chinese made TVs.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Just consider the psychology of group think. ...Society has seen what group ;think can result in....particularly when the group has a persuasive leader or one that "speaks to them"" Once group think takes hold. it becomes a powerful force ...They will collectively support their leaders decision and actions and even mimic his/her words.

We have all seen this in one form or another.. starting with high school. Usually it is just growing pains.and quite benign.... but in this situation.... it could become part of a progression into a a very different America..... which has already started.

What I found concerning and even startling is hearing some of the Trumpsters interviewed on BBC and they literally give Trump carte Blanche. He can do whatever he sees fit and they would support him. One went as far as to say she would gladly give up some of their rights if if meant a more "secure" etc country.

Th is is exactly the mindset that is fostered by people like Trump... as they reinforce his matter how unseemly or inappropriate A leaders unusual or extraordinary conduct gradually becomes normalized by the supporters.. and objectivity is lost.. Add to this the element of fear. Each time they say terrorism or how they plan to deal with terrorism it reinforces the fear factor. Keep a population afraid and the leader has even more control over he then assumes the role of the protector. When this "protector" loves power and adulation as much as the current leader does...... it is a problem. ..Unless of course one is a follower and accepts all that is said and refuses to question the basis of the decisions being made.

for eg: there is no valid justification to ban the specific countries that Trump has in his target. And yet...

Fortunately there are a lot of people that are questioning the current regime... If the regime gets over confident... and bends legal boundaries too often... things could turn against the regime. (for some reason the word regime seems t fit the Trump group ) .


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What? No list of relinquished Rights?

Name just 5.

Just consider the psychology of group think. ...Society has seen what group ;think can result in....particularly when the group has a persuasive leader or one that "speaks to them"" Once group think takes hold. it becomes a powerful force ...They will collectively support their leaders decision and actions and even mimic his/her words.

We have all seen this in one form or another.. starting with high school. Usually it is just growing pains.and quite benign.... but in this situation.... it could become part of a progression into a a very different America..... which has already started.

What I found concerning and even startling is hearing some of the Trumpsters interviewed on BBC and they literally give Trump carte Blanche. He can do whatever he sees fit and they would support him. One went as far as to say she would gladly give up some of their rights if if meant a more "secure" etc country.

Th is is exactly the mindset that is fostered by people like Trump... as they reinforce his matter how unseemly or inappropriate A leaders unusual or extraordinary conduct gradually becomes normalized by the supporters.. and objectivity is lost.. Add to this the element of fear. Each time they say terrorism or how they plan to deal with terrorism it reinforces the fear factor. Keep a population afraid and the leader has even more control over he then assumes the role of the protector. When this "protector" loves power and adulation as much as the current leader does...... it is a problem. ..Unless of course one is a follower and accepts all that is said and refuses to question the basis of the decisions being made.

for eg: there is no valid justification to ban the specific countries that Trump has in his target. And yet...

Fortunately there are a lot of people that are questioning the current regime... If the regime gets over confident... and bends legal boundaries too often... things could turn against the regime. (for some reason the word regime seems t fit the Trump group ) .
Group think that has only expanded Rights?

Putz failed can you name some?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
They need to build a lot more nuclear weapons ... and fast! That should add some more trillions, pronto!

Oh,... and a wall!

Drain the swamp! Drain the swamp!
yes.drain the current swamp immediately. The right hand does not have a clue that a left hand ev en exists. Trump says one thing and his crew say the opposite.

what the heck is this fetish trump has with the he media. He is trying to erode the freedom of the press but not allowing selected outlets into the gaggle. while selecting his preferred ones to attend. The preferred ones are those that pay him flattering compliments .telling him how wonderful he is. Which in reality is the biggest-lie ever told....... as all one has to do is check his ratings .....

Why is he still campaigning ...when he should be doing al those things he promises??

The question is: Do the americans understand that they are in trouble . and the type of trouble they are in.?? His easy distraction with shinyobjects leqaves the nation very vulnearable.

The rest of the nations are watching closely.... as he truly is a loose cannon.

He is trying to erode the freedom of the calling it names (quite childlike ) and trying to turn his followers away from it. The message being that they should only listen to him. ( and h version of FAKE NEWS.) He wants to control the media .which is one entity that provides some checks and balances to the gov't....and by asking the important questions can hold the governing folks to account.

Gotta wonder how long he thinks he can get away with : " if you can't beat them with brains , you baffle them with bullshyte" method of "governing? It is so evident that he knows nothing about REAL governing.(and is relying on FAKE Governing" After all HE is the one that seems to know a lot about being "fake