The First 100 Days in Trump Land


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Hey idiot! Every organization has to do that. My family even has to do that. Only a moron would think government should run like a business.
Who cares what you think you think , most of us know you are an idiot and idiots don't think .

Funny a bigger then expected surplus but the debt still somehow miraculously grew , Why is that ?

They're doing right by the Trumpites. The province is turning a profit.

(Pssst - don't tell the Trumpites that it's a Liberal government. We wouldn't want their heads to explode)
Actually it is Social Credit with a name change to liberal .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Who cares what you think you think , most of us know you are an idiot and idiots don't think .

Exactly, one piece of advice - don't reply to the twit, just feeds his ego! He's too stupid to pour piss out of a gumboot, if the instructions were printed on the heel!


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Bannon, Pence send contradictory messages to EU

Washington (CNN)White House strategist Steve Bannon described the European Union as a flawed institution to Germany's US envoy a week before Vice President Mike Pence reaffirmed the US commitment to the EU in Brussels, two diplomatic sources with knowledge of the conversation told CNN.

Diplomats said that Pence's message of reassurance fell flat on European officials who are concerned about contradictory messages from Washington regarding the future relationship between the US and the EU. And it adds to the list of subjects about which President Donald Trump and administration officials are confusing allies.

Bannon told Peter Witting, the German ambassador to the US, that the Trump administration wants to strengthen bilateral ties with individual European countries rather than deal with the entire bloc, the sources said.

In what was described as a "combative" conversation, the sources said Bannon spelled out a nationalist world view and cited a wave of anti-EU populism as evidence of the bloc's flaws, a similar refrain to the one he had previously articulated as the chief of the right-wing website Breitbart News.

But days later Pence stressed America's ties to the EU.

"It is my privilege on behalf of President Trump to express the strong commitment of the United States to continued cooperation and partnership with the European Union," he said at a meeting with European Council President Donald Tusk. "The United States' commitment to the European Union is steadfast and enduring."

A senior Trump administration official denied that Bannon disparaged the European Union during what they said was a "quick meeting" with the German ambassador.

Separately, a White House spokesperson said the conversation being described as confrontational was "not an accurate account" and that the conversation "was just a quick hello."

The vice president's office did not respond to a request for comment.

"There is no one in the administration who really understands the EU's important role and certainly nobody who will defend it," one diplomat told CNN, adding, "Pence and others are saying basic reassuring things that we aren't sure square with not only the policy, but also what where the President sits."

The official continued, "We don't want to jump to conclusions. We don't know whether Bannon will be able to carry through with his vision and we don't know what Trump thinks."

The conversation between Bannon and Wittig was first reported by Reuters.

Bannon, Pence send contradictory messages to EU -

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I haven't checked, lately. Isn't Reuters Fake News? I can't remember if they're on the naughty or nice list.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Well? IS Reuters Fake News or is that just CNN, BBC, NYT, MSNBC, CBS, USA Today, TIME, AP, WP, ABC, NBC, CBC?

Depends which side we arguing for...or against?

Are we on the same side of the same issue? Or are you one of "their" ilk?

Don't bother answering, we'll or them will make you whatever we or they want you to be regardless or because of the stuff you say or don't say. Got it? No wait, it doesn't matter you or they don't count.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Quinnipiac poll: Trump approval hits new low

President Trump's approval rating has slipped to 38 percent, a new national poll finds.

The Quinnipiac University survey released on Wednesday says that only 38 percent of Americans approve of Trump's job performance, while 55 percent disapprove of the commander in chief. According to Quinnipiac, the 17-point difference in Trump's approval rating is the worst he's fared in a poll since taking office in January.

An earlier survey from the pollster this month registered Trump with 42 percent approval and 51 percent disapproval.

“President Trump’s popularity is sinking like a rock," Tim Malloy, the assistant director of the poll, said in a statement announcing the findings. "He gets slammed on honesty, empathy, level headedness and the ability to unite. And two of his strong points, leadership and intelligence, are sinking to new lows. This is a terrible survey one month in.”

Quinnipiac poll: Trump approval hits new low | TheHill

mebbe we should all be saying ''blame Obama!" ;)


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday to place "regulatory reform" task forces and officers within federal agencies in what may be the most far reaching effort to pare back U.S. red tape in recent decades.

Red tape reduction largest in decades...


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday to place "regulatory reform" task forces and officers within federal agencies in what may be the most far reaching effort to pare back U.S. red tape in recent decades.

Red tape reduction largest in decades...


People should be able to dump toxic waste anywhere that they feel like it. I wonder if these baboons are going to tear up the Great Lakes Treaty and turn them back into open sewers, again?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Trump Lashes Out at FBI Over CNN Report - The Daily Beast

seems the dictator in chief is not happy with REAL FACTS...and wants the media to only report FLATTERING fluff about him. Latest gaggle .was the first sign of selecting who of the press can attend and who is not allowed.

IF ever the press and FACTS were critical .it is this current regime will do what i can to spin things in their favor and if it means telling the FBI to modify the facts er info.. then it will do it.

RED FLAG alert: This regime is showing signs of being rogue .... and the regime is only starting to REALIZE the power it has.When the regime's leader is so addicted to flattery and praise... that he calls anything that is true or even slightly critical of called fake news...... the system is in trouble.

Is his objective to reduce the media outlets only to those that favor him?? Perhaps the model he is following is the same as Kim Of N.Korea. Sadly there are enough brainwashed folks in the US that will go along with his bizarre ideas They seem to be the same group that would gladly give up a few rights in the name of national they are rip for a form of dictatorship. Al too often people see things when it is to they are too much in the moment and in the emotion of the moment too. Objectivity and rational thought is diminished ....or lost.