Canadians overwhelmingly disagree with Trump victory

Sons of Liberty

Walks on Water
Aug 24, 2010
Evil Empire
Trump’s election could do a number on the U.S. hospitality industry: Half of poll respondents said they will avoid travelling to the country “for at least the first few years of the Trump presidency.”

There is always Cuba.

Canadians bitch about everything. It's a national pastime. Apparently, like all Trump haters they don't LISTEN unless it's idle gossip and evil rumors, then they perk up their ears;. 'That's something to bitch about'.
Strikes me as funny that they are so afraid of Trump when it's our own PM that's driving Canada into the gutter!

Canadians are acting more and more like North Korea; they want the world to pay attention to them. Truth is, most of the world doesn't give a hoot about what Canada does or thinks and probably couldn't even find it on a map!

When Trump Exits NAFTA the Liberals will get what they have been bitching about for a decade. Wanna bet they will bitch about that also?

The Democrats are unbelievable! Now they're blaming Comey and Obama for losing the election. Anybody is to blame but Hillary! But she's the one who's record was questionable. Why can't they bring themselves to put the blame where it belongs?
And what does it matter anyway? It's over and done.
Woulda, coulda, shoulda, doesn't change a darned thing.

The Democrats dropped the ball again, I voted for Clinton because I believe Trump is an ego maniacal ******* and I don't trust him. That being said, I think Clinton is a bitch on wheels. He's going to be President unless the unthinkable happens, the electoral college changes the vote, which they have a right to do.

BTW, a couple of good things happened with Trump, he kept the Bushes and the Clintons out of the White House.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
And any Trump like candidate in Canada.

Not only did 70 per cent of respondents indicate they are unsatisfied with Trump’s win, they are also losing faith in our neighbours to the south. Less than a third (30 per cent) of poll respondents agreed they “trust the judgement of the American electorate.”

However, political candidates should take Trump’s win with a grain of salt. Less than a quarter (23 per cent) of poll respondents said a Trump-style candidate would have a shot at becoming Canada’s prime minister.

Trump’s election could do a number on the U.S. hospitality industry: Half of poll respondents said they will avoid travelling to the country “for at least the first few years of the Trump presidency.”

Predictions for Trump having a positive impact was not wide-spread: More than half of poll respondents feel his influence will be a negative one on things like climate change and trade, as well as both the United States and the world.

Canadians disagree with Donald Trump’s victory

A survey of 1000 people is somehow the voice of the people? No wonder the polster were wrong again.

Maybe my experience is unique, but I haven't run into any Anti-Trump
folks since the US election yet, but it's only been a few days so far....

I work for a transport company at this point, & deal with Americans
every day. Everyone has a joke about a Wall or something, but no
'frothing at the mouth' reactions. Our Drivers tell similiar stories.

Watching the marketplace, most business people I've talked to are
more curious about the shake up that anything else. No hatred but
wondering what this unknown will do next, while the markets just
close higher than the day before, so far....

Trump will do whatever Trump will do. Life will go on, and it will be
a good show if nothing else.

Maybe my experience has to do with the people being where they
are that I'm dealing with. It's only MI, IN, IL, WI, MN, & ND mostly
as well as SK, AB, & BC...
Not exactly where the high strung leftys hang.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Stonekettle Station: Bug Hunt

Best look at why things turned out as they did, and why it shouldn't have been a surprise.

Educated me enough to realize anyway.

He's in (unless the Electoral College nixes him) and that's it.

I get why people are scared, I get why they're terrified and that's not right or fair.

Nor is it right or fair that so many don't effin understand WHY people feel like this.

But people are stupid. Sad but true.

So let's see how Trump does.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
There is always Cuba.
No, since the yanks are now allowed to go there it will become very commercialized and is already twice the price it was last year.
When Trump Exits NAFTA the Liberals will get what they have been bitching about for a decade. Wanna bet they will bitch about that also?
HUH?? The Lieberals love NAFTA.
I voted for Clinton
and you admit it, LOL. I always thought you were f*cked in the head, now it is confirmed.
That being said, I think Clinton is a bitch on wheels.
So you think she is horrible but still voted for her...confirms my previous sentence.
He's going to be President unless the unthinkable happens, the electoral college changes the vote, which they have a right to do.
29 states have laws requiring the electors to follow the popular vote or be jailed and replaced with someone who will follow the will of the people. Never in history has the electoral college gone against the voters, kind of against the constitution if they do. I would expect a civil war to follow very quickly if they did.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek

Journalist Deletes Account After Tweeting ‘Time For a Presidential Assassination’

by Alex Griswold | 3:12 pm, November 10th, 2016


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
So, the Deplorables win and the Adorables take to the streets to riot..............people seriously need to get a grip.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007

More than 52% believe that some UFOs are alien spacecraft.

Only 12% of people who have seen UFOs actually report their sightings.

More than 57% of Canadians believe there is a military or government cover-up regarding the existence of UFOs.

Older Canadians tend not to believe in UFOs or cover-ups.

Younger Canadian adults are more likely to believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Four in five Canadians believe in aliens: Angus Reid poll |


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
...kind of against the constitution if they do.

Kinda like sorta.

I would expect a civil war to follow very quickly if they did.

May as well get it over sooner rather than later

Try not to corrupt my home town.

That's pretty hard to do during as I don't get up til 2:00 pm when I'm on vacation and all the Arizona old-timers are in bed by 7:00


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Hoping for an assassination is beyond salty even for you.

I never hope for anything, just looking into a possible future.

That would be ****ing hilarious after all the caterwauling over Bill's impeachment

It would have to be something so egregious that enough Republicans would support it.

Launching a nuke from his phone by accident while he was tweeting will do it.