It's colder than that where I am right now. I'll burn a tire or two to get more carbon in the air.20c.
Does it matter who or what is causing the global warming?? Despite the occasional small corrections it is happening. Who or what is causing it makes no difference at this point. IT IS HAPPENING.
Now we need to find ways to stop or stabilize the situation.
Tich tich........You did NOT even glance at the Evidence as presented by NASA which is supported by the majority of world scientists.It is a natural occurrence. How and why would you stop it?
Why bother?? It is not what is causing the overload. Did you know:-Do you recommend aerosol SO2 dispersion using aircraft. It would only cost a $1B a year globally. Nobody gets taxed, no Fonzie schemes, nobody getting rich and the poor never needing to be considered energy impoverished?
I say go for it.
EagleSmack.....It won't take bank transfers or money, but food. Between excessive rainfalls in minutes, weeks of drought, in previous ferotile areas, and the insistence on child=bearing being a sacred duty of all women, no matter on whether there is space or resources to support more humans, I imagine changing the number of humans might be a start, considering we cannot feed what we have in the way of world population already.
LOL, It will be the lack thereof my dear!! When any population gets too big, nature takes over and reduces the numbers. Moose, dear, buffalo and bear all die when they have no grazing, just as the dinosaurs, and all the other extinct and on the verge of extinction species. Why assume humanity is any more special.Food will stop the climate from changing. Got it.
What's Lenny the Goat's Ph.D. in?
Since he thinks that people can be "allowed" and "not allowed" to hold public office, I'll assume it's not Political Science, American History, or law.
No you don't "got it" Earth is a living entity. It may not be a self aware entity but it can be destroyed just like every other entity. Ring a tree, you destroy it. Over fish a species and it is no more. Use too many insecticides/pesticides etc and destroy birds, bees and many other species of pollinators ergo no fruits, nuts and some veggies, not to mention honey. . Geez, no veggies or grains, equals no beef, or other grazing animals.Food will stop the climate from changing. Got it.
Great an actor who makes millions a film and spends his money taking his friends to the world cup in the biggest yacht in the world and flying those same friends to climate conferances in lear jets has creadibility
Great let the clover grow in your lawn and guess what the bees will come back .No you don't "got it" Earth is a living entity. It may not be a self aware entity but it can be destroyed just like every other entity. Ring a tree, you destroy it. Over fish a species and it is no more. Use too many insecticides/pesticides etc and destroy birds, bees and many other species of pollinators ergo no fruits, nuts and some veggies, not to mention honey. . Geez, no veggies or grains, equals no beef, or other grazing animals.
Humans are upsetting the balance of nature. All these things are happening and it is changing our world. You must know that the word " climate" takes in more than just the air we breath, although breathing problems the world over has increased immensely in the past 20 to 30 years. I miss seeing the bumble bees and the monarch butterflies. The bumbles we see are not well and the honey bees are so few, it is possible to count their numbers in a summer and not come near what we could see in a day a mere 20 years ago. . We really can't afford to continue losing species at the rate we are now losing them.