Still i can't be dismissed that way, you know. Answer the question Smack! Are you now or have you ever been an idiot? None of your horse **** man just answer the question.
Man you are HAMMERED! Lay off the booze and head to bed! Geez!
Still i can't be dismissed that way, you know. Answer the question Smack! Are you now or have you ever been an idiot? None of your horse **** man just answer the question.
Man you are HAMMERED! Lay off the booze and head to bed! Geez!
As a matter of fact I'm only mildly inebriated and mildly stoned and generally quite mild. What's that about bed? Are you making some kind of advance or what?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.pillsWhat are the next 9 biggest? There are a few that would be much bigger.
Being hot or cold about most things is better than being luke warm.
Get you own, then we can go Sherlock something together for a change.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.pills
'Banged up?' Really?? that brings on images of a strap-on hypo that is used to inoculate 500 people before needing a refill, Mini IV pole if you will. Ah those were the days, no need to guess if anything that passed through was addicting or not, it all was, instantly. The drop in quality was the only reason any people ever walked away.
You say that like it's a bad thing.I could tell you were BOMBED! Coming into the forum and cyber swinging all BANGED UP on booze and weed.
Too bad Meca isn't in the opposite direction for the photo.Steve Goddard @SteveSGoddard 12m12 minutes ago Woodlawn, MD Because large groups of people are known to be immune to superstition
Been there done that, take a guess which is 'my brain' and which is yours? Get it right and we can talk a bit about the differences, just to show my 'relaxed level' is still utter confusion for you. That is you one sign that you take to mean you are sane. Mileage will vary.DB is all tripping on booze and weed... that's his excuse.
You... well you are just insane.
time for your pills
My word, give it up. Just in recent memory the climate change is drastic. Mind you where I live, it mostly suits me. However, for my grandchildren it spells disaster. I lived through -30 and -40's, huge winter snows and dry summers.The left doesn't like facts but here they are anyway as laid out beautifully by Roy Spencer.
Roy Spencer, PhD
My word, give it up. Just in recent memory the climate change is drastic. Mind you where I live, it mostly suits me. However, for my grandchildren it spells disaster. I lived through -30 and -40's, huge winter snows and dry summers.
Now there is green grass showing where there used to be 3 to 4 feet of snow all the time. Open water where we used to skate!!. I no longer cover my roses, thank you they do very nicely without coverage.
Mr. & Mrs. BulwinkleThe only meds I do are my prescription ones, should I ask for more or less, you guys aren't very specific at the best of times. You can probably get the same activity increase in brain from a chess player or anybody else who likes solving puzzles.
Most of you would not be hurt by a cup of Bolivian Tea and then a discussion as to why North America didn't need horses as transportation when the local landscape provided it, with a built hand belt so you don't fall off.
Hordes of Alaskan Moose Loose in Vast Arctic Ice Melt
Even comes with a luggage rack.