Quran 3: 52-57, which means:
{ 52. But when Jesus 'perceived and knew' the unbelief of the [Children of Israel, and that they denied him,] he said: "Who will be my helpers for [the cause of] God['s religion]?"
The intimate followers [: the disciples a] said: "We are the helpers of God ['s religion]; we believe in God [alone, and that Jesus is His messenger];
so bear witness you [Jesus] that we have submitted [ourselves to God's commands and to that which you have brought to us from God.]"
53. [The disciples said]: "Our Lord, we have believed in [the revelation] that You have revealed [to Jesus] and we have followed the messenger [Jesus, the son of Mary]; so decree to us to be with those who bear witness [that You are One, and that Jesus is Your messenger.]"
54. Then, the [Jews] devised plotting [against Jesus, so as to kill him],
and God devised [against them, so that He made another man similar to Jesus in shape whom they crucified, and Jesus was saved from them];
the Best of devisers b is God.
55. And when God said, "O Jesus, I will [make you die and] take you [to Me] and raise you c up to Me, and purify you from those who unbelieve [who are filth and unclean d]; I will [also] make those [Christians], who follow you, superior e to those [Jews] who unbelieve till the Day of Judgment. Then shall you [all] return to Me f, and I will judge between you concerning the matter [of Jesus] wherein you dispute. g
56. And concerning the unbelievers, I shall chastise them with a severe chastisement in the [life of the] World h and the Next Life i, and they will have no helpers [to save them from God's punishment.]
57. As for those who believe j, and work the righteous work, He will fully pay them their wages [in the Next Life].
God does not love wrong-doers k.}
a They were twelve men, whose names were according to the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 10:
The first, Simon, who is called Peter; Andrew, his brother;
James the son of Zebedee; John, his brother;
Philip; Bartholomew; Thomas;
Matthew the tax collector;
James the son of Alphaeus;
And Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus;
Simon the Zealot or the Cananaean;
And Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.
b i.e. the most just and fair among devisers; because the devising is two kinds: good and evil; like His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 35: 43, which means:
(The evil plotting overwhelms only those who do it.)
The evil plotting is the perfidy and hypocrisy; while the good plotting is like that you invite a man to goodness and righteousness, but he refuses that, so you plot for him and he will have benefit and advantage because of your plotting for him, and such plotting is good and plausible.
c i.e. raise your spirit or soul to heaven, because the true man is the soul, while the body will tear up and become dust.
d i.e. so that they will not outstretch their hands to hurt you. This is indicated by His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 9: 28, which means:
(O believers, the associaters are indeed unclean; so let them not approach the Inviolable Mosque [for pilgrimage] after this year of theirs [in which this soora was revealed.])
e in authority, victory and dignity.
f i.e. all of you, following your death, will come to the world of souls, and I will deal with you.
g For Jesus died and his ethereal soul went up to heaven; the period from the time of the Christ to the prophet-hood of Mohammed was 570 years, and from the time of the exodus of Moses and his people out of Egypt to the time of Jesus was 1515 years.
h By killing, imprisoning, taking them captives, driving them out of their homeland and taking tribute from them.
i in the Fire.
j In Jesus the apostle of God.
k Who wrong people and violate their rights.
The interpretation is by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly.