You are confusing change of direction with speed, which should already answer both your questions. The effect is called gravitational lensing. Since light always moves at a constant speed, lensing changes the direction of the velocity of the light but not it's actual velocity.
I also think you may be confusing two different theories. There used to be the theory that light always travelled in a straight line, but it's been disproven several times over. The effect of gravitational lensing is readily observable.
If you want links, just Google "gravitational lens".
I'm aware of the term, that doesn't make it good science. With today's scopes it should be pretty easy to block the sun so only the stars are visible and they should all disappear before the sun coves them if the sun can bend light. That 'experiment' was done around 1900, how about some examples from this century?
How can light move at the same speed if the sun's gravity can affect it? If that was the case the speed then the speed of light between the Sun and Mercury would be slower than the speed between Mars and Jupiter.
Why can the light from a star that has to pass a galaxy to get here nor disappear as all the light would be gathered by gravity. You are forgetting to supply the proof btw.
Science also proposes that that effect allows you to see what is behind a galaxy, it can't do that just like a mirage isn't bending light it is reflecting the light and that is how it's direction is changed rather than with gravity.
Liar, I know I'm going down to the minors when I set my sights on you.
In your case that would be 'up to the minors' and you are still a big fail, just like as far back as your welding skills and 9/11 shows. Only in your world could sagging floors cause beams 20x their strength to bend to the point of breaking. If you would lie about things your trade should know then that pretty much sums your whole life up as far as I'm concerned. No facts to help you so you do your little troll act, the only one you have left.