With a dying white race, why are we not encouraging more white births?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
I was thinking more of white developing the best social and government systems and most of the science we enjoy, but yep, hockey will degrade without white players.

oh hey, I hear ya there ol' buddy...american/euro exploration/colonization/development/inventions/contributions/moon landings and suv's vs africa, asia and the bumfukk corners of the planet. I get it. even in the last hundreds years, they ain't doin' their part. those continents pretty much suck at everything.

but these white school kids lately, they as dumb as a bag of hair. being passed by the darker hues and funnier looking people don't you think. white trash is the norm. we let it go to liberal hell maybe. prog schools gonna prog.

at least there's still hockey. at least there's that.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
White people were always a minority in the world at large, and we always kicked the most ***. :lol: ..... Watch out for the little guy

And to be honest white people both male and females are still procreating. Its just that were beginning to "blend" in more. :lol: . My last two girl friends were Black and First nations, anyways.....

Sure we are reproducing, but not enough to maintain our numbers.

We are a world minority but not in Western countries but soon will be if we do not make more babies.

I have nothing against mixed marriage or reproduction but just hate to see the loss of the white race that has given the world the best social and political ideologies. Call it loyalty.


You say such words, because you cannot answer the true facts that I said, which are undeniable.

I deny this.

"To God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth"

I have evidence that God is a myth from the fact that he is absentee as well as a lot more.

You say yours is a true fact. Prove it. Put your money where your mouth is.


oh hey, I hear ya there ol' buddy...american/euro exploration/colonization/development/inventions/contributions/moon landings and suv's vs africa, asia and the bumfukk corners of the planet. I get it. even in the last hundreds years, they ain't doin' their part. those continents pretty much suck at everything.

but these white school kids lately, they as dumb as a bag of hair. being passed by the darker hues and funnier looking people don't you think. white trash is the norm. we let it go to liberal hell maybe. prog schools gonna prog.

at least there's still hockey. at least there's that.

I agree that we have let our children down of late, especially our boys.

I think it is because of too much freedom but most will blame other factors if they believe that we have let them down at all.

Most on the net did not seem to think so when I ran an O.P. on that issue. Then again, the regulars are often old and retired and are not keeping up.

Philip Zimbardo: The demise of guys? | TED Talk | TED.com

The longer presentation.

Philip Zimbardo - Yahoo Video Search Results


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
What are these social and political ideologies you speak of ?

Manifest destiny one of them?

"Manifest Destiny"

Boy, that one is as dead as "Rule Brittania" or the "Rights of Kings".

The train left a while ago. Manifest Destiny is a delusion of a dying Empire.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
What are these social and political ideologies you speak of ?

Manifest destiny one of them?

There's no question in my mind that you consider the white race to be superior.

I am white and have that natural bias for sure but I am being led by logic and history now. Not my natural bias.

I am not a supremacist though and know that there are many white who are quite inferior to others who are not white.

If you wish to forget who created democracy and the freedoms we now enjoy, go ahead. I will give that credit to those who deserve it. The predominantly white Western nations.



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
I am white and have that natural bias for sure but I am being led by logic and history now. Not my natural bias.

I am not a supremacist though and know that there are many white who are quite inferior to others who are not white.

If you wish to forget who created democracy and the freedoms we now enjoy, go ahead. I will give that credit to those who deserve it. The predominantly white Western nations.

Actually I wouldn't mind going back about 12000 years and see how things were then before everyone started killing each other. I live in America and am not oblivious to how good we have it compared to those who do not have it so good. In my country the appreciation would go to those responsible and as we are a melting pot that is peoples of all colors and cultures. Not just the white folk.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
I'm not really sure why skin colour would be such a concern.
You know JLM I just watched the movie Windtalkers again. The true story of the Navaho code talkers in WW2. This horse manure about "whites" being responsible for the freedoms we enjoy and the advantages in the west that we enjoy is simply not true. It's someone's warped perspective and far from how things were and are. Skin color means about as much as a turd laying on the sidewalk.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
If you wish to forget who created democracy and the freedoms we now enjoy, go ahead. I will give that credit to those who deserve it. The predominantly white Western nations.

The ideas will continue to exist whether white people do or not.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You know JLM I just watched the movie Windtalkers again. The true story of the Navaho code talkers in WW2. This horse manure about "whites" being responsible for the freedoms we enjoy and the advantages in the west that we enjoy is simply not true. It's someone's warped perspective and far from how things were and are. Skin color means about as much as a turd laying on the sidewalk.

About as much, I'd be ashamed to be connected to some of the sh*t the white man has pulled. (not to denigrate some of the others)

If you wish to forget who created democracy and the freedoms we now enjoy, go ahead. I will give that credit to those who deserve it. The predominantly white Western nations.


I think the West Coast Native Indians lived more in peace and harmony with their fellow denizens than many white people ever did.

Perhaps "democracy" is a word more than it is a condition. :)

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Actually I wouldn't mind going back about 12000 years and see how things were then before everyone started killing each other. I live in America and am not oblivious to how good we have it compared to those who do not have it so good. In my country the appreciation would go to those responsible and as we are a melting pot that is peoples of all colors and cultures. Not just the white folk.

It was easy in the past to be a melting pot because most who were immigrating into the West were basically white.

Nowadays, that is not the case and that is why various ghettoes or single race enclaves are popping up.

Check your Detroit news to see if Sharia is now that cities main law.

Small numbers of immigrants can be assimilated or integrated but not larger numbers.

Even today in both of our countries, how can we say we are well integrated and assimilating various cultures when we still have so many native reserves and single nationality ghettoes.


I'm not really sure why skin colour would be such a concern.

I look at it more for the genetic reasons I have given but the thing is that we have an ideology that is superior to all other cultures to date.

If it would have been invented by some other color, I would likely be advocating for their continued prosperity and visibility as well.

We should all respect the best the world has produced. In this case, it is white people.


You know JLM I just watched the movie Windtalkers again. The true story of the Navaho code talkers in WW2. This horse manure about "whites" being responsible for the freedoms we enjoy and the advantages in the west that we enjoy is simply not true. It's someone's warped perspective and far from how things were and are. Skin color means about as much as a turd laying on the sidewalk.

What is immigration doing?

Do you see whites moving to darker nations or do you see darker nations moving to white ones?



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
It was easy in the past to be a melting pot because most who were immigrating into the West were basically white.

Nowadays, that is not the case and that is why various ghettoes or single race enclaves are popping up.

Check your Detroit news to see if Sharia is now that cities main law.

Small numbers of immigrants can be assimilated or integrated but not larger numbers.

Even today in both of our countries, how can we say we are well integrated and assimilating various cultures when we still have so many native reserves and single nationality ghettoes.


I look at it more for the genetic reasons I have given but the thing is that we have an ideology that is superior to all other cultures to date.

If it would have been invented by some other color, I would likely be advocating for their continued prosperity and visibility as well.

We should all respect the best the world has produced. In this case, it is white people.


What is immigration doing?

Do you see whites moving to darker nations or do you see darker nations moving to white ones?

What I see is ignorance dying hard.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Personally, I could not care any less if the world had mostly brown, white, green people or even paisley people running around on it. I am adaptable and people are just people. There are still at least 2 subspecies of humans, though, those with H. neanderthalensis DNA and those without. A possible third subspecies appears be the troglodytes.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Personally, I could not care any less if the world had mostly brown, white, green people or even paisley people running around on it. I am adaptable and people are just people. There are still at least 2 subspecies of humans, though, those with H. neanderthalensis DNA and those without. A possible third subspecies appears be the troglodytes.


As more and more DNA based medicine comes into play, the white DNA, thanks to having the most variety, partly for the reasons you state, will become and is presently the most important to medical science.

Other than that, I agree that color is meaningless.

That does not take away from the fact that we owe a bit of loyalty to the white culture that is responsible for our best social and political systems.
