With a dying white race, why are we not encouraging more white births?


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Because it's socially unacceptable based on what we have learnt is wrong.
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Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I haven't spoken finnish since I was a kid and I forget most of the spelling

It's the word for finnish with the accompanying ending

I don't speak Finnsh at all ( I is a Celt). I just Googled it for the meaning and it pooped back that spelling to me. I love Finnish choral music, though. It is profoundly beautiful.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Oct. 31, 1926, Charles Vance Millar, a well-known and wealthy Canadian lawyer, died at age 73. Halloween was a fitting day for him to go; Millar loved practical jokes and spent far too much time doing silly things like dropping dollar bills on the sidewalk and then hiding to see who would pick them up. But that was just a warm-up.

In death, Millar unleashed his biggest prank ever — a last will and testament that was basically a giant social experiment. By promising a vast sum of money to the Toronto family that could have the most babies in a 10-year period, Millar set off a race to give birth the moment he died.

Millar described his will as “necessarily uncommon and capricious” because he had “no dependents or near relations.” What Millar lacked in heirs, though, he made up for in cash and property. In addition to his work as a lawyer, Millar amassed a net worth of more than $10 million (in today’s Canadian dollars)1 through a series of investments, including the property that would eventually be used for the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, one of the busiest crossings between the United States and Canada. He wanted to give that wealth away.

Millar probably thought he was being clever; after all, childless people aren’t often responsible for baby booms. He may have even been making a wry statement in support of birth control — he was known to think that using contraception shouldn’t be the taboo it was. But he probably wasn’t thinking about what would happen to the losers and all the new mouths they would have to feed, and he certainly wasn’t thinking about the Great Depression, which would soon envelop Canada and the rest of the world. That historical coincidence drove an ever-larger and ever-more-desperate group of women to try to win Millar’s fortune. Soon the local papers, led by the Toronto Daily Star and The Evening Telegram, anointed it the Stork Derby.

It’s unknown how many families decided to try to win Millar’s fortune. While there were a few mentions in the press early on, news coverage of the Derby didn’t really pick up until 1932, when the Ontario government tried to have the will nullified and the money given to the University of Toronto. After a huge public outcry — the Toronto Daily Star accused the government of resorting to “communism in the raw” — the government’s claim was withdrawn. At that point, several other women seem to have realized that their family size put them in contention and started to compete as well. By the deadline in 1936, more than two dozen Toronto families had welcomed at least eight babies during the previous decade.




Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009

As more and more DNA based medicine comes into play, the white DNA, thanks to having the most variety, partly for the reasons you state, will become and is presently the most important to medical science.
Well, that is your opinion. I do not share it. If the troglodytes do not manage to kill off life on Earth, humans will become homogeneous as differences in DNA mingle and hybridize. Our current differences (outside of having some H. Neanderthalensis DNA in some people) are due to epigenetic reasons. Climates, geological differences in different regions, etc. affected genes but population is growing so quickly and we are interbreeding so quickly, those affectations to DNA are lagging more and more.

Other than that, I agree that color is meaningless.

That does not take away from the fact that we owe a bit of loyalty to the white culture that is responsible for our best social and political systems.

That would depend upon what you would call "white culture", who you refer to as "our", and that your opinion that "our" social and political system is best is debatable. From my viewpoint, white culture is from Europe and it added difficulties that were previously non-existent to North America. Brown people from the ME are currently doing the same thing to the white people of Europe as well as to white people here (to a lesser degree).


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
White people are the most colourful. We turn red when W blush we turn a light blue when we're cold. We have all the different eye and hair colours humanity has to offer. So technically we are people of colour. Remember that bud
Naw your varicose veins show up to much on your pasty hide. Get a tan and hide that nastiness ,,sir.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Oct. 31, 1926, Charles Vance Millar, a well-known and wealthy Canadian lawyer, died at age 73. Halloween was a fitting day for him to go; Millar loved practical jokes and spent far too much time doing silly things like dropping dollar bills on the sidewalk and then hiding to see who would pick them up. But that was just a warm-up.

In death, Millar unleashed his biggest prank ever — a last will and testament that was basically a giant social experiment. By promising a vast sum of money to the Toronto family that could have the most babies in a 10-year period, Millar set off a race to give birth the moment he died.

Millar described his will as “necessarily uncommon and capricious” because he had “no dependents or near relations.” What Millar lacked in heirs, though, he made up for in cash and property. In addition to his work as a lawyer, Millar amassed a net worth of more than $10 million (in today’s Canadian dollars)1 through a series of investments, including the property that would eventually be used for the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, one of the busiest crossings between the United States and Canada. He wanted to give that wealth away.

Millar probably thought he was being clever; after all, childless people aren’t often responsible for baby booms. He may have even been making a wry statement in support of birth control — he was known to think that using contraception shouldn’t be the taboo it was. But he probably wasn’t thinking about what would happen to the losers and all the new mouths they would have to feed, and he certainly wasn’t thinking about the Great Depression, which would soon envelop Canada and the rest of the world. That historical coincidence drove an ever-larger and ever-more-desperate group of women to try to win Millar’s fortune. Soon the local papers, led by the Toronto Daily Star and The Evening Telegram, anointed it the Stork Derby.

It’s unknown how many families decided to try to win Millar’s fortune. While there were a few mentions in the press early on, news coverage of the Derby didn’t really pick up until 1932, when the Ontario government tried to have the will nullified and the money given to the University of Toronto. After a huge public outcry — the Toronto Daily Star accused the government of resorting to “communism in the raw” — the government’s claim was withdrawn. At that point, several other women seem to have realized that their family size put them in contention and started to compete as well. By the deadline in 1936, more than two dozen Toronto families had welcomed at least eight babies during the previous decade.


hhmmm That brings to my mind something about when Canadian gov't decided it was cool to start paying women to have kids. I think it became a fad for women to have many kids in the 1960s simply to collect money from gov't. Do not take that as being written in stone, though. I may be remembering wrongly. I read stuff, but that was a few decades ago.

Anything burnt is black. Your point being?

My skin is actually olive
Perhaps if you tried a little pimento to go with?