Thoughts On The New Government


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Trudeau should put forth one giant omnibus bill that would reverse most of
the regressive legislation of the last ten years

Especially the Fair Elections Act
Bill C-51
Bill 24

Take the broom to the lot as it were

Hopefully we can rid ourselves of ultra conservatism for at least one generation

You mean the bill that did the most to protect Canadians?

Good on Trudeau. Some of us aren't afraid of immigrants

It is not educated immigrants we are afraid of. It is the uneducated and thoroughly indoctrinated religious fanatics that he is inviting that worry us.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Thoughts On The New Government

Dammit, they've raised my taxes, surrendered to ISIS and took away my guns!


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Awesome! Because they're coming whether you are afraid or not. Make some room.




Anyway, his wife's hot

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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
We have lots of room. They're more than welcome.

We do have lots of room, Cannuck...............trouble is most of that 'room' is in rural areas much like where I live. Unfortunately, most immigrants end up in cities because that is where the work/jobs are and our cities are all ready seriously overcrowded. I welcome any refugee who has cleared all our checks and balances so that we know who they are, where they have come from, why they seek asylum in our country and what, if any, their intentions are once they get here. I will never support an open-door policy that would see thousands of people landing on our shores without due process. I would view that as height of stupidity.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
We do have lots of room, Cannuck...............trouble is most of that 'room' is in rural areas much like where I live. Unfortunately, most immigrants end up in cities because that is where the work/jobs are and our cities are all ready seriously overcrowded. I welcome any refugee who has cleared all our checks and balances so that we know who they are, where they have come from, why they seek asylum in our country and what, if any, their intentions are once they get here. I will never support an open-door policy that would see thousands of people landing on our shores without due process. I would view that as height of stupidity.
Lots of jobs here and I live in a rural area.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
We do have lots of room, Cannuck...............trouble is most of that 'room' is in rural areas much like where I live. Unfortunately, most immigrants end up in cities because that is where the work/jobs are and our cities are all ready seriously overcrowded. I welcome any refugee who has cleared all our checks and balances so that we know who they are, where they have come from, why they seek asylum in our country and what, if any, their intentions are once they get here. I will never support an open-door policy that would see thousands of people landing on our shores without due process. I would view that as height of stupidity.

I agree with what you say. I don't see anything wrong with immigration but it has to be regulated. We do not have the services and resources to take in newcomers at the rate they have been admitted. It's only common sense. Our systems . health care, education, courts et all are not adequate to handle it. And what about jobs?
Germany reported that the large number of refugees they are getting are young men with no skills. If people are not screened for eligibility it puts an impossible burden on the government which we all have to pay for.
It's not as if the new breed of immigrants are willing to adjust their lifestyles like they used to do, now they expect to arrive and take up the same status as those who are already established here, That's just not possible or fair to expect.
Our cities are indeed overcrowded and many of the ethnic groups hate each other and form gangs and fight.
There are so many problems to be dealt with. You can't just let people randomly and expect things to work themselves out.
It's annoying that immigrants who want so badly to get here and claim to want a better life are not satisfied to just be safe and free and willing to learn the language and our laws and work their way into society.
Those of us who are third and fourth generation Canadians will surely know of the hardships our ancestors endured to become respected, accepted citizens. It is only natural to harbor some resentment of those who now have it so much easier to get into the country and yet think they are hard done by.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Yo, refugees, Cannuck says there are lots of jobs where he is.
This is a rural area. Fair bit of jobs around here but they were mostly vacated by kids going back to school, so they don't pay very well. Good luck getting somewhere affordable to live and eat at the same time.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
We have lots of room. They're more than welcome.
Well how's about you go and greet them and explain to them that Canada consists of more than just Toronto and Vancouver for Christ's sake, because that's where about 90% of the refugees and immigrants wind up settling.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Let me go on record in admitting that twice this year I was wrong. First with the NDP majority in Alberta and now with the Liberal Federal majority. What I think? Too early to say. I am going to stand back and see what the kid does. I'm hoping I'm wrong about his inexperience being a major handicap and that three will be a charm.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
We have lots of room. They're more than welcome.

Funny how there wasn't much room for the second ship full of Tamils.

Whether they are welcome or not... they're coming. And get that silly notion of assimilation out of your head.

"Breaking: Israeli General Commanding ISIS Captured in Iraq"
Breaking: Israeli General Commanding ISIS Captured in Iraq | Veterans Today


lol... tard

Yes... they're coming.

Anyway, his wife's hot


Yeah if you like Miss Piggy.

We do have lots of room, Cannuck...............trouble is most of that 'room' is in rural areas much like where I live. Unfortunately, most immigrants end up in cities because that is where the work/jobs are and our cities are all ready seriously overcrowded. I welcome any refugee who has cleared all our checks and balances so that we know who they are, where they have come from, why they seek asylum in our country and what, if any, their intentions are once they get here. I will never support an open-door policy that would see thousands of people landing on our shores without due process. I would view that as height of stupidity.

Checks and balances! That was yesterdays Canada. 25K at least are coming. Most will be young single men so get the idea of helpless orphans out of your heads as well. They will be pushing and shoving to get the benefits. Forget about them becoming Canadians.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Hell ... for a while you couldn't get fireworks because they are a Class 1 explosive - according to some dumb rules

you can in some places you still can. We buy fireworks in Boston Bar for camping. You can also buy them in Surrey and Delta. It's illegal to set them off without a permit, but you can still buy them.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Yo, refugees, Cannuck says there are lots of jobs where he is.
This is a rural area. Fair bit of jobs around here but they were mostly vacated by kids going back to school, so they don't pay very well. Good luck getting somewhere affordable to live and eat at the same time.

How are benefits for people who simply chose not to work?