Whole milk


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
I never liked cows milk except on cereal. I had a goat and enjoyed fresh from the udder goats milk with all the fat and enjoyed that. But only warm.

I sure miss it.

The goat milk is not like the sheep milk or the cow milk; the goat milk we call it zephir i.e. it has some detestable taste and smell.
The sheep milk is nearer to human milk than the other kinds of milk, while the milk of cow contains much phosphorus and needs to be diluted with equal amount of water when giving it to infants, but to older children and to adults it is OK without dilution.
The buffalo milk is full of much cream and fat.
The camel milk is salty: its taste is salt, but of course it is very good and the diseases of camel are fewer than other cattle, because of its grazing on thorns and herbs in the desert and wilderness.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
The goat milk is not like the sheep milk or the cow milk; the goat milk we call it zephir i.e. it has some detestable taste and smell.
The sheep milk is nearer to human milk than the other kinds of milk, while the milk of cow contains much phosphorus and needs to be diluted with equal amount of water when giving it to infants, but to older children and to adults it is OK without dilution.
The buffalo milk is full of much cream and fat.
The camel milk is salty: its taste is salt, but of course it is very good and the diseases of camel are fewer than other cattle, because of its grazing on thorns and herbs in the desert and wilderness.
I've tried human milk by accident a few times. I'll settle for a strawberry shake from Jack in the Box.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
The goat milk is not like the sheep milk or the cow milk; the goat milk we call it zephir i.e. it has some detestable taste and smell.
The sheep milk is nearer to human milk than the other kinds of milk, while the milk of cow contains much phosphorus and needs to be diluted with equal amount of water when giving it to infants, but to older children and to adults it is OK without dilution.
The buffalo milk is full of much cream and fat.
.... in your opinion. Many people are raised from birth on human milk and then weaned from it till about a year after birth when they can eat solids and drink undiluted cow milk. Some people are simply fed on undiluted cow milk exclusively.
The camel milk is salty: its taste is salt, but of course it is very good and the diseases of camel are fewer than other cattle, because of its grazing on thorns and herbs in the desert and wilderness.
You mean the thorns chase the diseases away? hahahahahahhaa


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
.... in your opinion. Many people are raised from birth on human milk and then weaned from it till about a year after birth when they can eat solids and drink undiluted cow milk. Some people are simply fed on undiluted cow milk exclusively.
You mean the thorns chase the diseases away? hahahahahahhaa

Your people I did not speak about them: I said infants. Then when the child becomes older then it is OK
The wilderness and desert out of cities where usually no diseases.

I've tried human milk by accident a few times. I'll settle for a strawberry shake from Jack in the Box.
Human milk of the mother for the infant.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
The goat milk is not like the sheep milk or the cow milk; the goat milk we call it zephir i.e. it has some detestable taste and smell.
The sheep milk is nearer to human milk than the other kinds of milk, while the milk of cow contains much phosphorus and needs to be diluted with equal amount of water when giving it to infants, but to older children and to adults it is OK without dilution.
The buffalo milk is full of much cream and fat.
The camel milk is salty: its taste is salt, but of course it is very good and the diseases of camel are fewer than other cattle, because of its grazing on thorns and herbs in the desert and wilderness.

well, thanks for sharing your opinion. I like the taste of goats milk cause it tastes good. maybe where you live, goats milk tastes bad cause all they have to eats is thorns and herbs? Here it tastes awesome.

Diseases prevelant in the desert:

dengue fever


Not to mention the disease MERS...which is contracted by humans from camels milk....
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Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Your people I did not speak about them: I said infants. Then when the child becomes older then it is OK
So you don't consider babies to be infants. Interesting.
The wilderness and desert out of cities where usually no diseases.
Oh. You could have just said that to begin with.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
The goat milk is not like the sheep milk or the cow milk; the goat milk we call it zephir i.e. it has some detestable taste and smell.
The sheep milk is nearer to human milk than the other kinds of milk, while the milk of cow contains much phosphorus and needs to be diluted with equal amount of water when giving it to infants, but to older children and to adults it is OK without dilution.
The buffalo milk is full of much cream and fat.
The camel milk is salty: its taste is salt, but of course it is very good and the diseases of camel are fewer than other cattle, because of its grazing on thorns and herbs in the desert and wilderness.

I sure wouldn't say that these are few.


Then again, you aren't known for being that scientifically literate.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
well, thanks for sharing your opinion. I like the taste of goats milk cause it tastes good. maybe where you live, goats milk tastes bad cause all they have to eats is thorns and herbs? Here it tastes awesome.

Diseases prevelant in the desert:

dengue fever

Flashcard Section: Army Study Guide Flashcards - Desert Operations | ArmyStudyGuide.com

Not to mention the disease MERS...which is contracted by humans from camels milk....

This is only mixing and confusion.
The desert and wilderness, where usually camels live, in fact have no such diseases; such diseases are in urban regions.
Moreover, these are human diseases not diseases of camel specially in the wilderness.
The goat milk and meat are not like the sheep meat and milk.
Sheep milk has better taste, this is practical not theoretical.

This does not mean the camel has no diseases; but certainly less than other cattle living nearer to cities and urban regions where usually there is not such healthy conditions as in the wilderness.
Moreover, such military websites intend to warn the military from the diseases which they may acquire in countries which they consider as desert .. like the desert storm of Busch. So the Arab countries they consider as desert ... the religion of the Islam .. desert ..etc.

Their rancor and hatred reached even to the camel.. what's the fault of the camel?
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
I thought of the Programs in the thirties that were part of the new deal. The people involved who had jobs to put food on the table and a roof over their heads didn't mind that it was a government program.
Attilla the Hun employed people, too.


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2012
Homo milk is the best and better for you, way better on cereal.

For a real treat though, nothing beats Bailey's Irish Creme on Frosted Flakes.

Not real practical in the morning, unless it's Sunday.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Roads are built by private companies that are hired by the gubmint. The gubmint imposes all the regs and statutes that encourage cost overruns and work not being done on time for most gubmint projects.
oh crap
we're on the same page


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Never had raw milk. Just whatever Mom bought at the store and was in the frig. The 2% I don't care for. I like the half & half in the coffee maybe that"s closer to the raw milk I don't know. In the city you take what is available.

That is probably pretty close (or the 18% BF that Timmy uses) Even on farms a cream separator was used, what is different is a silver dollar isn't put into the milk to stop it from going bad as quickly.

Roads are built by private companies that are hired by the gubmint. The gubmint imposes all the regs and statutes that encourage cost overruns and work not being done on time for most gubmint projects.
The 'cost over-runs' are in the pork-barrel aspect of bribing gubmint officials so your company gets the fattest contracts. Companies know how much they can trim before stockholders start objecting.
You should look into a job involving propaganda, you would be a natural.

Homo milk is the best and better for you, way better on cereal.

For a real treat though, nothing beats Bailey's Irish Creme on Frosted Flakes.

Not real practical in the morning, unless it's Sunday.
Half and half with amaretto and forget the cereal, 3 beer glasses full in 15 minutes and you can add a 2hr sleep into the morning events.

Really Walter??

Pork-Barrel Politics


DEFINITION of 'Pork-Barrel Politics'

A slang term used when politicians or governments "unofficially" undertake projects that benefit a group of citizens in return for that group's support or campaign donations. This spending mostly benefits the needs of a small select group despite the fact that the entire community's funds are being used.
Also referred to as "patronage".

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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Always loved milk. Didn't get enough as a kid is maybe why. Now though, it doesn't agree with me especially ice cream. Guess I'll try the substitutes . sucks to get old.

Try goats milk. Even If you are lactose intolerant you can usually drink it.